Who Says Omegas Can’t be as Explosive as Alphas

Chapter 47


Wen Xingchen's pheromone concentration was already very high, and with the uncontrollable explosion, a gust of wind suddenly arose in the room, blowing the surrounding furnishings into a mess.

There were faint cracks even with the glass, and it fell to the ground, breaking into pieces immediately.

If there are other Alphas present at this time, I am afraid that he may be directly knocked to the ground by him at any time.

Lu Jingning still had Wen Xingchen's temporary mark on his body, and his adaptability was quite good, but he didn't expect that the loss of control would come so suddenly, so he subconsciously grabbed the back of Wen Xingchen's hand, carefully observing his state: "You How does it feel now? Want my pheromones, is it... like this?"

As he spoke, he tentatively and cautiously released a little of his pheromone.

Omega's pheromone has a faint smell of green plum sauce, like a gentle hand, gently calming the uncontrollable mania in Wen Xingchen's body.

He could feel that his pheromones were becoming more and more uncontrollable, but he also regained a bit of reason, frowned, and suddenly grabbed Lu Jingning with his backhand, pulling him into his arms.

Lu Jingning was caught off guard, only feeling that he bumped into a broad chest suddenly.

Such a strong impact made him stunned as he was completely enveloped by the smell of mint smoke around him.

Then, I heard a low and hoarse voice brushing against my skin: "It's not enough."

Alpha's pheromone has a strong possessive desire, firmly locking Lu Jingning in it, just like an oath of sovereignty.

It was the first time that Lu Jingning saw Wen Xingchen like this. He was completely different from the usual indifference, and even the breath passing by his ears was filled with an unprecedented heat.

His mind went blank for a few seconds for no reason, and then he started to work again, carefully releasing the pheromone bit by bit: "How about this, is it more comfortable?"

Wen Xingchen buried his head between his necks, it seemed that he didn't even have the strength to speak, and just let out a drowsy "hmm".

Lu Jingning's hanging heart finally fell slightly.

It seems that his pheromone can indeed reduce Wen Xingchen's discomfort.

Lu Jingning could feel that his throat was a bit dry, and he glanced sideways through the fragmented hair of the person next to him, and secretly swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

While continuously and steadily releasing his pheromones, he hesitated for a moment, then stretched out his hands to embrace him, and slowly patted Wen Xingchen on the back with his arms around him.

Since he was a child, he has not been caring for others, and this is the first time he has encountered such a situation with Alpha, and he is not sure whether it is right for him to do so.

Wen Xingchen's body stiffened imperceptibly for a moment under his movements, as if he was fighting something invisible, he lowered his head, but he buried him even deeper under his comfort.

Because they were tightly hugged, Lu Jingning could clearly feel the faint trembling coming from the other person.

Patience, restraint, as if such a tense state is slightly relaxed, it may get out of hand at any time.

Lu Jingning couldn't help thinking that Yu Qingcang seemed to have mentioned to him before that Alpha was like a time bomb during the susceptible period, and even he couldn't accurately grasp the time of the explosion.

At that time, Yu Qingcang said: "During the susceptible period, I felt that I could blow up the entire planet at any time."

It can be seen how serious the tendency to go berserk is.

But now, even with the comfort of his pheromones, Wen Xingchen in front of him still exuded a sense of impatience and restlessness all over his body.

Lu Jingning never knew that Alpha's susceptible period would be so difficult, it seemed to be more difficult to control than their estrous period, at least Omega has its own inhibitor to suppress it, but Alpha can only rely on its own will.

The smell of mint smoke and green plum sauce has long been entangled in every corner of the house, just like the posture of the two at this time, it seems ambiguous and affectionate.

At this time, Wen Xingchen hugged him very tightly, as if he wanted to rub him into his body completely. Fortunately, the person being hugged by him was Lu Jingning. If it was any other Omega, the whole The bones are completely crushed.

Lu Jingning gritted his teeth and didn't make a sound, but he heard an inaudible murmur in his ears, and he realized the source of the sound belatedly, and he was about to get up to check: "It's still hard? "

Wen Xingchen still held him tightly, and a deep voice came from below: "Don't move."

Lu Jingning couldn't see his expression, so he couldn't help rubbing his hairline a little irritably, but he could only worry: "I can't go on like this! Is my pheromone enough? If not, why don't you bite me?" I take a bite?"

With Omega's pheromone soothing, Wen Xingchen can still feel the restlessness in his body surging up wave after wave. This feeling puts his whole brain in an overly tense state, as if it only takes a tiny point to heal him. It is enough to let his reason go away at any time, and completely vent his violent emotions.

Right now, rather than saying that he is hugging Lu Jingning tightly, it is better to say that he is grabbing a life-saving straw that allows him to temporarily maintain his last sliver of calm.

But at this moment, the straw told him to let him take a bite.

Wen Xingchen finally raised his head slowly, his voice was deep and terrifying: "What if, one bite is not enough?"

It was only then that Lu Jingning could see his current expression clearly, his eyes were full of deepness, like a wild beast watching its prey, even though he was never afraid of anything, he felt heart palpitations for the first time This way.

He could feel Wen Xingchen's raised hand gently caressing the glands in his neck, his back couldn't help tightening up, and he grumbled in his throat, but subconsciously replied: "If it's not enough, then At once… "

Wen Xingchen didn't wait for the next words to come out, suddenly he tightly held his waist, and hugged him in the blink of an eye.

Lu Jingning was caught off guard and fell heavily on the bed, before he could react at all, a heavy and long kiss had already fallen.

With a strong breath of mint smoke, it almost took away all his breath without any gaps.

Lu Jingning: "Huh...?!"

He froze for a moment, only feeling a little suffocated by such lingering actions.

I don't know how long it took, Wen Xingchen finally let go of his mouth, but the soft lips fell down along his neck bit by bit, and finally landed on the soft lips that were faintly and uncontrollably burning. on the gland.

Every time Lu Jingning marked before, he was almost in a state of confusion. It was the first time that he felt so clearly that there seemed to be an electric current gushing out from the glands, and by the way, it spread throughout the whole body. Subconsciously, he couldn't help but groan

Wen Xingchen's breathing was also slightly heavy, and he noticed Lu Jingning's slightly trembling body, his eyes were deep: "Be patient, it might hurt a little."

Lu Jingning didn't expect that the other party would actually mark it when he said it, so he sneered angrily when he heard the words: "Joke, my brother Lu is afraid... Fuck! It hurts, hurts, can you be gentle?!"

Ma Dan, I never felt so cruel before!

Wen Xingchen's thirst for pheromones has long been tolerated to the extreme. At this time, when he bites the gland, he can hardly control the strong urge, and wants to plunder crazily.

But considering Lu Jingning's feelings, the last sliver of rationality finally allowed him to control his instincts, suppressing the manic violence to a minimum.

Even so, Lu Jingning could still feel Alpha's overly possessive pheromone pressing heavily on his face, almost completely surrounding him imperviously.

If it was normal, he would have already exploded with pheromones and pressed back, but his eyes swept over the fine beads of sweat on the side of Wen Xingchen's face, his eyes turned around, and his whole body was still loose after all.

Both hands tightly gripped the bed sheet, silently conniving at this excessive and domineering plunder.

I don't know how long it took, but the smell of mint smoke in the air finally began to gradually dissipate.

Lu Jingning felt that Wen Xingchen's lips had finally left his glands, and the excessive intake also made him feel a little tired in a daze, his eyelashes drooped slightly, only then did he realize that it was tightly pulled into his palm His fingers were already pinched with a faint pain.

Wen Xingchen was obviously also tired, so he held him motionless, breathing heavily and long.

Lu Jingning could clearly feel that he finally calmed down little by little, and he didn't push him away, but asked without moving, "Do you feel better?"

Wen Xingchen replied heavily: "En."

Lu Jingning was silent: "Are you going back?"

Wen Xingchen's voice was tired and hoarse: "Can I sleep here?"

Really a very aggressive request.

Lu Jingning pursed his lips, and was about to refuse, only to hear Xingchen say again: "I want to be closer to you."

Lu Jingning glanced at this person's completely different state than usual, and knew that even if he took in enough pheromones, he would not be able to completely overcome the susceptibility period so quickly, so he couldn't make up his mind: "Then go to bed early, There's a game tomorrow."


Wen Xingchen responded sullenly, and finally moved away.

Lu Jingning was free, he let out a long breath, and was about to get up when someone grabbed his wrist again.

Wen Xingchen asked, "Where are you going?"

There was a tinge of paranoid attachment in the eyes that looked like this, Lu Jingning felt a little cute for no reason when he saw this uncharacteristically indifferent and aloof person.

It's really sticky.

He couldn't help but reached out and rubbed Wen Xingchen's hair, and asked jokingly, "Go take a bath, do you want to go together?"

Wen Xingchen and him looked at each other for a moment, but didn't answer, just turned around and rubbed his whole body under the quilt.

Lu Jingning finally couldn't help laughing out loud, the exhaustion from the tossing just now seemed to be swept away, and he turned around happily and walked into the bathroom.

When he came out of the shower, the person on the bed had already fallen asleep.

It can be seen that the susceptibility period can indeed make any Alpha tormented enough, even Wen Xingchen is no exception.

Even though she was asleep, the beautiful brows were still tightly knit, as if locked in a lock that could never be unlocked.

Lu Jingning rolled over and lay down on the other side of the bed, staring at the ceiling in a daze for a long time, but he still couldn't help turning around.

From such a close distance, the sleeping face of the person beside him fell into his eyes very clearly.

Wen Xingchen is not like him, usually he is extremely quiet when no one provokes him, but now he seems to be a little different when he is asleep, he has lost a lot of vigor, and has added a soft feeling that is easy to get close to.

Thinking of this, Lu Jingning couldn't help blinking.

It is estimated that he was also affected by Wen Xingchen's chaotic pheromone, and he actually felt that this person was very close for a moment? !

He shook his head, turned around holding the quilt.

Wen Xingchen's side is still exuding uncontrollably leaking pheromones, faintly present, with a very faint smell of smoke, as if weaving a dream.

During this period, he could always feel that his breathing would be a little short from time to time, as if he was sleeping extremely restlessly.

Lu Jingning closed his eyes but didn't fall asleep for a long time. In the end, he couldn't help but turned around, moved slightly closer, and hugged the man in his arms.

Surrounded by Omega pheromones at such a close distance, Wen Xingchen's eyebrows finally relaxed.

In the end, only the sound of steady breathing remained.