Who Says Omegas Can’t be as Explosive as Alphas

Chapter 53


All members of Mu Wuzhan University were eliminated, resulting in only the second school remaining in the three-school alliance.

In an instant, there was a large area of emptiness around, which made everyone stop their attacking pace, and stopped in place hesitantly.

Just a few seconds ago, these people vowed to smash the big energy crystal of the Imperial Navy to eliminate them all, but now they suddenly discovered that compared to the besieged Emperor Hai, they might be standing on the edge of the cliff. the one.

The defenders at Mu Wuzhan's stronghold are very strong. If the two freshmen in Dihai can successfully overthrow the stronghold guarded by him, there is no doubt that they can also crush the other two military academies.

Thinking that they might be the next one to be forcibly eliminated by the system, everyone couldn't help but subconsciously shivered, only to discover a particularly cruel reality—in this team competition, they hadn't even won a prize. to any points.

The players from Yinying Star University and Chongyun University of Defense stood there silently. Although no one spoke, they could clearly feel that the atmosphere around them had frozen silently.

The Imperial Navy, which has already scored 10 points, plus the total points of the previous two days, has almost established the first victory in advance, and then, the next is the competition for the second place.

"Attention, this is not a still picture, repeat, this is not a still picture!" The commentator had grasped the thoughts of the contestants in an instant, and couldn't help laughing, "It seems that the three-school alliance, oh no, Now it should be the second-school alliance, and the players of the second-school alliance finally realized the wrongness of their decision-making! But there is no room for regret, and now there are only two choices in front of them—either, quickly return to defense, or , the fragile alliance is broken!"

"Actually, between the two, I'm more inclined to draw my sword against each other. After all, it can be seen that the military spirit of the alliance has been completely dismantled. Instead of insisting on biting the bullet and whitewashing the peace, it is better to recognize your own position. The team There are only different military school camps in the competition, and in the face of any formalistic cooperation, getting valuable points is more realistic than anything else! I hope this competition can give these young military students a valuable moment, The arena is like a battlefield, it is so cruel!"

Although this commentary has already been captured by Di Hai in the minds of the audience, it has to be admitted that there is still a grain of truth in what he said at this time.

The camera stayed on the contestants of the two military academies for a long time, and also maintained that trace of silence for a long time.

This silence was finally broken under Tang Jiaze's order.

Just a very short word: "Kill!"

Although the target was not specified, everyone understood it inexplicably.

If the elimination of all members of Mu Wu Zhan University was just a trigger, then as of now, the so-called three-school alliance has finally officially disintegrated.

No one insisted on attacking the crystal stronghold of the Imperial Navy anymore, because such an operation was obviously meaningless in front of the current points.

In order to compete for the second place in the exchange competition, the two military academies changed their previous harmony and started a wonderful internal fight.

Even with mental preparation, the audience still inevitably gasped under such a reversal: How exciting!

While explaining the battle situation in the field quickly, the commentator did not forget to take the time to tease a few words: "Today's team match can be said to be extraordinarily unique, and perhaps it will become a classic in the history of the military department in the near future. Case. After all, it is not always possible to see the scene of such a large-scale alliance breakup. This incident also teaches us that although the enemy of the enemy may become friends, we should not easily trust those who stand by us. Enemy and allies, because in the face of interests, mutiny may exist at any time, and all alliances may become bullshit at any time!"

Speaking of this, he took a look at the positions of Lu Jingning and Wen Xingchen, and added with a smile: "Anyway, let us congratulate Di Haijun for winning the team competition in advance! You know, last year Di Hai was Because of the loss of the team competition, they lost the championship, and this time, they finally proved their position as the number one military academy in the empire with their absolute strength! I also believe that every student who once shined in the exchange competition will have a bright future. Can become a great officer galloping on the battlefield! Congratulations to Wen Ye, congratulations to Lu Jingning, congratulations to every contestant in the Imperial Navy! You are the champions!"

When the commentator was impassionedly concluding his speech, the camera flashed to Lu Jingning.

This time, he finally clearly presented the moment when he smashed the big crystal of Yinyingxing in front of the audience.

The audience: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Awesome! I'm so in love!

Tang Jiaze couldn't help but slammed loudly the moment the system withdrew all the permission to move: "Fuck!"

Cen Junfeng, who was in the rest area, couldn't sit still completely, and almost jumped up from the chair: "Brother Lu is amazing! I will be your most loyal leg pendant from now on!!!"

Now that the competition has progressed, with Mu Wu Zhan Da and Yin Ying Xing Da being eliminated one after another, the remaining players of Chong Yun Fang Da are almost covered with scars, and the team competition has come to an end since then.

After Wen Ye and Kang Hanyun cleared out the last personnel, Lu Jingning and Wen Xingchen followed suit like the other two groups, smashing the energy crystal in the Chongyun stronghold.

The screen on the big screen suddenly glowed with thousands of lights.

Behind the school emblem of the Central Imperial Navy University, a striking word "Victory" appeared. Amidst the screams one after another, people felt extraordinarily excited.

When Lu Jingning came out of the virtual pod after finishing the game, he still felt a little unfulfilled, so he dragged Wen Xingchen along and muttered softly.

At this moment, an extremely excited figure suddenly rushed towards him, and without warning, he gave a bear hug: "Ah, brother Lu, you are so handsome! No, I can't call you brother Lu anymore! I should call you Dad! Dad Lu!!!”

When Wen Xingchen saw this scene suddenly, his eyes narrowed coldly.

However, Cen Junfeng was completely immersed in the impact of victory at this time, and did not receive this danger signal at all: "God knows how you did it! The speed of demolition is simply amazing!!!"

It was only at this time that Lu Jingning realized that this guy was really an Alpha. He was so fierce and reckless that he couldn't control his strength, which made his bones ache, and immediately pushed him away angrily: "Call me dad, just call me dad!" , don't touch your hands, your father Lu refuses to accept this kind of unnutritive flattery!"

Cen Junfeng wanted to continue to move forward, but someone grabbed him by the collar.

This kind of power drop seems to be only a small point, but because of the absolute disparity of power, he couldn't move half a step forward at all.

Cen Junfeng couldn't help turning his head back, and happened to meet a pair of eyes that were about to smile, deep, dark, and staring at him with no emotion: "Since you're so happy, why don't you give me a hug too?"

Cen Junfeng finally felt a wave of coldness rushing up from the soles of his feet. Although Wen Xingchen didn't release the pheromone, he still clearly felt the direct oppression between the Alphas.

I don't know if he was overwhelmed, but his first reaction was to stand in a very standard military posture: "No! No need!"

Of course Cen Junfeng knew how strong an Alpha's possessiveness could be, and only then did he realize how desperate he was just now.

With the relationship between Wen Xingchen and Lu Jingning, he made such a move in public, Wen Xingchen didn't use the murderous aura left by his side during the team battle to dismember him on the spot, it was already very merciful up.

At this time, the other three starters in the team battle also returned to the rest area.

Wen Ye clapped his hands lightly, and briefly concluded: "Exchange competition, everyone has worked hard."

Kang Hanyun smiled coquettishly: "You have lived up to Sister Yun's expectations of you, everyone is doing well!"

Ji Han interrupted everyone's frolicking and pulled their minds back temporarily. After gathering in place, he took all the team members to the podium together.

At this time, the center of the entire venue has automatically switched to the awarding scene, and the people of the Imperial Navy stood in a row under the attention of everyone. After accepting the championship medal awarded by the organizer, they all gathered around the dazzling trophy. He lifted it vigorously above his head.

All of a sudden, several pieces of fireworks quickly bloomed in the entire venue, and the audience began to boil again, shouting the names of the players over and over again with great passion.

When Lu Jingning heard his name, he couldn't help but pull Wen Xingchen over and joked with a smile, "Count it up? Let's see who is more popular between the two of us?"

Wen Xingchen didn't know if he was not interested in this childish game, so he responded without thinking, "Don't count, you must have won."

Lu Jingning chuckled: "It's true, I think so too."

After the award ceremony, there was a long interview time.

Lu Jingning had never been able to sit still in such a situation, and at this time he was forced to stay in his seat, and the direct result was that he fell asleep again and again.

In the end, hearing that Wen Ye was still seriously answering the questions of the Star News reporters, he just lay down on the table and took a nap.

Wen Xingchen noticed that the people next to him buried their heads lower and lower, glanced sideways at the covered eyelashes, and sat down calmly, blocking Lu Jingning silently.

After the press conference ended, Lu Jingning yawned uncontrollably as he walked outside.

When he just got outside, Bing Yunlin suddenly stopped, and asked with a smile: "The game is over, do you want to go out and relax?"

The consecutive days of competition made everyone feel very tired. At this time, they almost subconsciously asked: "How to relax?"

Bing Yunlin: "The logistics team of Chongyun University of Defense contacted me just now, saying that they opened a box outside the school and invited several exchange teams from the school to gather together."

Someone couldn't help showing a look of disdain: "That is to say, those people from Yinying are also there? Then go to hell!"

Bing Yunlin smiled slightly: "It is said that it is mainly a social event, and there will be many Omega heavy on Yunfang."

There was a brief moment of silence around, and the next second, almost at the same time, he said: "I'll go!"

After days of hard work, God is sorry, there is finally an Omega that can comfort their thirsty, bah, tired hearts!

Among them, there is a voice that is particularly abrupt: "Go, go! Of course!"

Wen Xingchen couldn't help pulling Lu Jingning's arm back speechlessly: "Why are you so excited?"

"You must be excited!" Lu Jingning changed from the drowsy sluggishness just now, and his eyes almost gleamed at this moment, "Didn't you hear what the president said? There are a lot of Omega! Those are heavy clouds. Great fragrance, soft little cuties!"

As he spoke, he glanced at Wen Xingchen suspiciously: "Aren't you going?"

Wen Xingchen originally wanted to say, aren't you also a fragrant Omega

But the words turned around, and finally only left a soft sentence: "Ah, of course..."

At that time, there will not only be a lot of Omega, but also groups of S-level and A-level Alphas, how could they not go.