Who Says Omegas Can’t be as Explosive as Alphas

Chapter 85


In the blink of an eye, it was the day when the bounty league officially started.

The competition site was crowded with people, and the huge crowd fully expressed the prosperity of the Interstellar era.

Lu Jingning came to the scene early in the morning, and at this time, he was a little angry when he was squeezed.

Seeing another large group of people running past him suddenly screaming, the sharp high-pitched voice made him frown, and he couldn't help but look towards the place where those people frantically flocked: "What's going on over there? It's like getting blood from a chicken."

Bing Yunlin replied: "Oh, there should be a star player coming."

The corner of Lu Jingning's mouth twitched slightly: "Are there any star players in this crap competition?"

Yan Hebin explained in a calm tone: "No matter where the bounty league is, it will attract a large number of spectators. Many professional bounty hunters will also use such events to increase their popularity and attract more fans."

He obviously doesn't look like someone who pays attention to these things on weekdays, and it can be seen that he has done a lot of homework.

Lu Jingning looked at the man in the blue costume who came down from the aircraft not far away, and sneered at the screaming attitude of the fans around him: "Who the hell is this? Dressed like a blue duck Yes, there are so many fans just because of my good looks? Wouldn’t I want to reap the audience when I go out?”

Yan Hebin glanced at him: "The bounty league mainly depends on combat value."

Lu Jingning raised his eyebrows: "Don't tell me, do you still think that his combat value is higher than mine?"

Yan Hebin: "... Pretend I didn't say anything."

Hearing the conversation between the two, Wen Xingchen had some bad premonitions. He stretched out his hand to embrace Lu Jingning, lowered his eyes slightly, and reminded him as a boyfriend: "Brother Lu, we need to discuss something. After entering the arena, Take it easy, don't be too coquettish, let alone open the screen on the spot."

Lu Jingning was very displeased with his distrustful attitude: "Am I like this kind of person who attracts bees and attracts butterflies?"

Facing doubts, Wen Xingchen smiled lightly: "Of course that's not the meaning, I'm just worried that such a handsome and compelling appearance will make you unable to control the strength of your charm, and accidentally take away too many hearts."

Hearing what he said, Lu Jingning instantly felt comfortable, and thoughtfully said: "This is the truth. Then I, try to restrain myself?"

Wen Xingchen continued to support him calmly: "Thank you very much."

Because everyone's preliminaries are distributed in different groups, after completing the registration, they cheered each other up and went to their own competition venues.

Lu Jingning was assigned to the No. 10 team in Area C. He followed the map guide provided by the organizer to find it. When he got outside the venue, he couldn't help but look up at the building in front of him.

The whole thing is a bare black square, far away from the spectator area outside, and after not hearing too many noisy voices, it finally looks like it has a little serious atmosphere of the game.

He glanced back and looked away, and was about to move forward when his movements suddenly stopped like this.

A figure flashed past the end of the field of vision, and before he could fully see the other person's appearance, he had completely disappeared at the entrance of the next door group.

It wasn't someone he was familiar with, but that white hair was so eye-catching, it subconsciously resurfaced an overly deep picture in his mind.

The blood in Lu Jingning's whole body couldn't help congealing.

He just stood there for a while, finally shook his head secretly, stepped forward again, and entered his playing field.

Although white is not a common hair color for humans, it is not uncommon for Zerg. In this kind of bounty league where various groups are mixed, there are not a few Zerg contestants, and it is really not a symbolic feature.

So, it should be just a coincidence, right

After checking in at the door, Lu Jingning was brought to the corresponding virtual cabin. After the physical data was completely imported, when he opened his eyes again, he was already in the waiting area of the virtual space.

Because the competition has not officially started, all the contestants are waiting here. The moment he appeared, there were a lot of sights gathered from all directions.

Then the next second, he turned his head back silently.

Oh, an Omega, and very pretty.

But no matter how beautiful it is, what is the use here

Most of the people present were here either for fame or profit, and if they were a little more conceited, they came straight to the competition rewards.

Although during the game, many people will choose to form a team in order to pursue ranking points, but some old players usually choose to cooperate with some familiar old players. More cautious.

Lu Jingning didn't care much about his state of being ignored.

Anyway, he didn't plan to find a teammate in the first place, and now no one disturbs him, but he ended up quiet.

However, he found that not far away, there were a few young players who always looked at him from time to time.

With his hearing ability, the conversation at such a distance fell into his ears word for word.

"Hey, have you noticed that this Omega looks familiar?"

"Is it a gilded entertainer sent by a modeling company?"

"Maybe, maybe I saw it on the live broadcast sometime."

"Tsk, people are more popular than people! Why do some people get smooth sailing just by their appearance, but I still have no future after entering the military academy."

"Why do you think so much? Let's compare! Anyway, there must be no chance to enter the military department. Maybe we can find a good way out by showing our face this time!"

"Although... is this Omega really an artist? Why do I think it doesn't look like it?"

"When is it, do you still care about other people? Get ready for the competition! If you are eliminated in the preliminaries, it's really game over!"

It can be heard that these people still know each other, and it is not difficult to deduce from their conversation that they are probably students of a military academy in the empire.

Lu Jingning couldn't help but looked at them curiously, somewhat enviously.

Hey, I'm so lucky, I can still get one! How could it be like their unlucky and tragic Dihai men's group, who were forced to part ways like this.

And he, who is destined to score high points alone, can only reluctantly be a rebellious lone wolf.

When those people saw him, although they didn't think they could still be heard at such a distance, they subconsciously kept silent.

Lu Jingning sighed again: "It's all newcomers, this is a bit thin-skinned..."

Looking up at the countdown in the arena, there were less than three minutes left.

At this time, several people came in one after another. To his surprise, one of them was the blue-feathered duck he saw outside by coincidence.

After entering the arena, the system defaults to uniform and simple battle uniforms for everyone, but because this buddy not only has blue hair, but even painted blue eye shadow, this aggressive look is really unnoticed stand up.

Just like this, Lu Jingning watched as a group of people surrounded him immediately after this person appeared, which was in stark contrast to the bleak situation when he came in.

Lu Jingning: "..."

All right, who made him a star player!

Soon, all the members of the sub-arena arrived.

Simply counting down, it can be found that there are actually quite a few people in a group in the preliminaries, with more than 50 people.

When the countdown was 1 minute, the system began to explain the specific rules of the qualifiers to everyone.

After listening for a while, Lu Jingning understood the general idea.

To put it simply, it is a point-grabbing competition. Killing other contestants will get 2 points. The top three who successfully occupy the stronghold in the field can get 10 points, 6 points, and 3 points respectively. The top three who finally reach the finish line Name can get 20 points, 15 points and 10 points. There are a total of 4 independent strongholds in all the maps. If you win all of them with the first score, you will only get 40 points. Therefore, the biggest source of points is actually the other contestants.

After the game is over, the system will automatically record the top 25 players in the game to enter the next session. In this opening effort, the elimination rate reaches 50%.

I have to say, it is indeed a bit exciting.

Lu Jingning just made some calculations, and he already had an idea in his mind.

Kill monsters first, then occupy land!

While the players in the arena were nervously waiting for the official start of the preliminaries, countless live broadcast channels had been opened on the major live broadcast platforms of Xingwang.

But because there are too many arenas in the qualifiers, the diversion situation is also very serious.

Fortunately, the competition area where Lu Jingning was located had such a star player as Blue-feathered Duck. Compared with the number of people watching, it was actually quite impressive.

However, most of these people were fans of Lanmao, they mainly came to see their idols, and other contestants by the way, so the barrage on the live broadcast page was harmonious.

At this time, the screen stayed in the waiting area, and the topic of discussion was mainly focused on the appearance of these contestants.

The bullet screen is rolling slowly—

"Ah, wow, besides my husband, there are a lot of fresh meat in this competition area! Oh, I have a girlish heart!"

"When I think about these tender young people who will be beaten to pieces in a short while, I feel a little excited when I think about it!"

"Hey? That was an Omega just now? Go back to the camera and let me see it again! Ahh, it's so beautiful! It almost blinded me!"

"Having a husband isn't enough? Look at what Omega? Damn, it's really pretty!"

"Which star-making company has taken the initiative to train newcomers? But what about his teammates, is he planning to pass the level alone?"

"What's the matter with other people, this is not a group?! Even if you give me such a beautiful leg pendant, I will be happy!"

"Don't seduce me! Husband is only a fan, never climb the wall!"

There are corresponding staff members in each live broadcast room to make arrangements. At this time, they noticed that the topic of the barrage seemed to revolve around the same person, and immediately shifted the scene that fell on Lan Mao's body.

Just at this time, the final countdown ended and the game officially started.

Seeing beams of light flashing across everyone, the background switched to another wild picture in an instant.

Unsurprisingly, a large number of people chose to actively grab points from the very beginning.

So the game had just started, and it was caught off guard by a bloody storm.

The audience subconsciously covered their eyes one second before the bloody scene appeared, for fear of seeing that beautiful Omega blood splattered on the spot.

However, at the same time as the other players started fighting each other, the figure in front of the camera flashed, and in the blink of an eye, it had already shifted from the center of the battle zone.

Immediately afterwards, the Omega in the picture directly smashed the head of the brother next to him with a punch, and lifted the unlucky ghost who had fallen into a coma upside down, as if he was trying out a handy weapon, and quickly threw it up. .

In the next second, when he rushed into the battlefield again, it was like a bowling ball slammed into it forcefully, and was knocked down in a split second.

The barrage paused subconsciously for a few seconds.

Audiences:? ?

What's the matter with this Omega? ?

So why did they have a kind of pity and pity just now? !

At the same time, in a certain dormitory building of Imperial Navy University.

Jiang Luan, who was concerned about the situation of the competition, happened to see such a scene, and couldn't help but fell into deep thought with a blank expression.

This familiar scene reminded him of some bad memories.

The brother who was treated as a humanoid weapon, after the match, he felt that they might be able to exchange ideas together

The author has something to say: The audience this time is a bit naive~

Regarding yesterday's content, some readers have a little understanding deviation, so I feel that a patch is needed:

First, Lao Wen’s main hesitation was whether he should take a shot against Lu Ge, rather than confidently thinking that he could win, whether to “give way” to Lu Ge, this is a completely different matter;

Second, the current attitude of the Lu family is not to force them not to be together, but because an Omega can only be completely marked by an Alpha, but an Alpha can mark multiple Omega. I heard that my father has a criminal record, and we need to observe the future son-in-law Character is inevitable. The background of the world is different, so don’t substitute the concept of free love in the real society, because for Omega, marriage is a lifetime event. Even if you can choose to divorce, there is basically no possibility of remarriage (see Lao Wen’s mother, Ms. Yu). Therefore, it is indeed necessary to understand this "sudden appearance" future son-in-law in advance.

Third, although it is said that the relationship is a matter between two people, the cub who was raised in the palm of his hand suddenly told you that he had done everything except complete marking with an Alpha. I really feel that I didn’t take the knife directly. Cutting people down is already very restrained~ Brother Wen is still alive, it’s all because of Lao Lu’s deep love for Ning Zai~ :)