Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 112: The Prodigal Lady Boss!


It was a Friday afternoon with bright sunshine and clear blue sky.

Jiang Qin arrived at the entrepreneurship base, but just as he entered the door, he met a girl with bangs in the corridor. The girl was wearing an orange turtleneck sweater and a pair of black-framed glasses. When she saw Jiang Qin, she greeted him generously, "Hello, senior," and then pushed the door and entered the general office.

Jiang Qin was familiar with the people in this building, but he had never seen this girl. After careful thought, he realized that this should be one of the seniors who took over the job of watching TV.

One left and two came, both of them were juniors. Senior Sister Cao can be said to have made it.

I guess she will make time for love.

Jiang Qin walked past the general office and indeed saw three figures inside talking about something, but he did not disturb them and reached out to push open the door of Room 208.

In addition to Pang Hai, fifteen people including Sunai, Dong Wenhao, Lu Xuemei, Shi Miaomiao, Lu Feiyu, and Dong Miaomiao were all there. They had received text messages from Jiang Qin before and knew that there was a meeting to be held today, so they were all waiting for Jiang Qin to come back.

After reaching 208, Jiang Qin didn't say any more nonsense and went straight to the point.

"The traffic here at Linda has been saturated, and the retention rate and advertisers are also increasing continuously. We can let go moderately and there is no need to keep someone watching every day."

"In addition, we will soon go to the University of Science and Technology to promote it. This matter has been discussed before, and I believe everyone should have been prepared."

"I'm still looking for a location for Xitian. Although there's no rush, you guys need to get into shape in advance to avoid being in a rush when the time comes."

"Technology University is not far from Linda University, so for the first battle, I decided to use our own people. After all, you are already familiar with the game routines and can get started quickly."

"If anyone is inconvenient in terms of time or transportation, please let me know in advance and I will register them."

"The entire pre-battle will take about a week, and you may need to make several trips back and forth. The transportation fee and meal allowance will be included in your salary and paid to you."

"Also, Sunai, you pick someone from your technical team to temporarily serve as the team leader. Dong Wenhao will be the overall person in charge and cooperate with the promotion plan of the University of Science and Technology."

"Hey, what about me? Where should I do?" Suna was panicked by the sudden deprivation of his power.

Jiang Qin looked at her with a stern face: "What's wrong, are you scared? I told you to watch movies in the office every day!"

Lu Xuemei immediately raised her hand, wanting to defend Sunai: "Boss, I can testify for Sunai. She has never watched a movie in the office. I have never heard any sound coming from her computer!"

"The movie she watched couldn't have the sound heard by others."


Jiang Qin coughed and brought the topic back: "Sunai, don't be nervous. I asked you to withdraw from the technical team because I have other things to do."

Sunai heaved a sigh of relief but also became curious: "What's the matter, boss?"

"You need to work on another project with me during this time."

“Why are you suddenly going to do another project?”

"The forum's current monetization ability is very poor. The only way to monetize is advertising revenue, but the advertising space is limited after all. Now it has been scheduled until next year. It will be difficult to squeeze out more money. So we have to develop a new way to monetize. We can't just sit there and eat up all the money."

Jiang Qin did not elaborate, mainly because he did not have a definite plan.

After all, he doesn't understand the technology, so the first priority now is to let Sunai understand the difficulty, and then form a feasible or infeasible plan after coming back.

"Boss, what is the direction of the new project?"

“Group buying website.”

Sunai was slightly stunned: "Isn't that the project before 208? Didn't it fail?"

"We definitely can't follow the old path of the previous group buying website. What I mean is to make something similar but different," Jiang Qin responded.

"oh oh."

After listening to this, Su Nai nodded as if she understood, but she didn't ask any further questions because she was used to it and just did whatever Jiang Qin said.

"Next, let's talk about the specific promotion steps of the big science and technology projects on the Zhihu forum."

Jiang Qin tapped the table with a pen. "If you need to take notes, take notes. Also, don't interrupt me. If you have any questions, wait until I finish speaking."

After hearing this, everyone started to sit up straight and picked up their pens and notebooks to take notes.

After the baptism of the school beauty contest, all of them have some understanding of the boss's way of using troops.

The boss's brain is like a machine. It will perfectly construct all directions and possibilities, and then give an optimal path and details. They only need to work step by step, and the final bullet will definitely hit the target.

"Boss, I'm going to the bathroom first!" Lu Feiyu suddenly stood up.

Jiang Qin looked disgusted: "Hurry up, there will be no peeing in a while!"


Lu Feiyu ran out of 208, went to the toilet, and then sat back down with a relaxed look on his face: "Okay, let's start!"

"Am I the boss or are you? You really have no sense of boundaries." Jiang Qin spat and began to assign tasks.

"Lanlan, go collect some information about the businesses near the University of Science and Technology and summarize it for me."

"Boss, you should mainly go to the literature club of the University of Science and Technology, just like they found you, and select a group of content creators who are familiar with the University of Science and Technology."

"Also, the topics selected by the content team last time were too limited to Linchuan University. Let's stop doing that and find some topics that all college students would like to read."

"The technical department needs to find a way to optimize the registration system. The current registration method is still too complicated."

Sunai couldn't help but say, "Boss, mobile phone numbers and email addresses are a must. If you simplify it any further, one person can open countless small accounts, and then management will be impossible."

"Your registration system doesn't need to rush users to fill in their phone numbers. Why not add a rule later that users cannot leave messages or post without binding their phone numbers? Increase the registration rate first. Whether you can retain users later is something the content team needs to consider!"

"Oh." Suna responded sullenly.

Dong Wenhao's head exploded, he thought to himself how come I was suddenly responsible for so many things and no one told me in advance!

"Don't interrupt me anymore, I have one last thing to say..."

When Jiang Qin had just said half of his words, the door of Room 208 suddenly creaked.

A fair and delicate hand gently pushed the wooden door open, causing Jiang Qin's face to instantly turn gloomy and his brows to frown tightly.

He doesn't let others interrupt him because he has to think while he is speaking. Once his thinking is interrupted, it will be very troublesome to continue. He has been interrupted once and is now very annoyed, and no one can calm him down!

"Jiang Qin." Feng Nanshu poked a delicate little face in from the doorway.

Jiang Qin was slightly stunned: "Why are you here?"

"I bought some fruit." Feng Nanshu walked in with two fruit bags in his hands.

After hearing this, the employees who were still in the meeting could no longer sit still. They came up to her, calling her "madam boss" and took the bag from her.

With the boss lady around, who needs to be afraid of the boss

Several people hurriedly opened the bag and found green grapes, mangosteen, strawberry and pomegranate inside. Judging from the color and quality, they should be of top quality and must be worth a lot of money.

The rich woman's hands were a little red from being strangled, and there were a few obvious marks, but she clenched her fists so that no one could see.

"Feng Nanshu, you are such a loser..."

Jiang Qin suddenly stopped the words that were about to come out of his mouth, and the word "home" was instantly taken back into his mouth. He looked like he was worried and kept patting his chest.

Feng Nanshu blinked her clear eyes and looked at him with some doubt, with confusion and questioning written on her pretty face.

"Didn't I tell you before not to learn random things from Gao Wenhui?" Jiang Qin changed the subject.

Feng Nanshu looked at him coldly: "I have already learned how to deliver fruit, so I didn't continue to learn from her."

"Madam Boss, these green grapes are so sweet!" Shi Miaomiao cheered beside her.

Sunai felt extremely happy while eating strawberries: "Boss lady, you should be the boss from now on. The boss never buys fruits for us."

"Bah, I'm the one who pays you, so don't talk while you eat fruit, do you have enough for your mouth?"

"Eat if you want to, and don't talk if you don't want to!" Sunai fiercely broke open a pomegranate.

Jiang Qin looked up at Feng Nanshu and found that she was sweating: "Did you carry it here by yourself?"

"Yeah." Feng Nanshu nodded obediently.

"Where's your living expenses? Give it to me. I'll keep it for you so you don't waste it!"

Feng Nanshu opened her small leather bag, took out a beautiful pink wallet and handed it over: "Here you go."

"… "

Jiang Qin laughed and quickly said he was joking: "Buy it if you want. It's not my money anyway. I don't feel bad at all."

Afterwards, Jiang Qin called Fang Xiaoxuan and his two generals to hold a meeting to discuss the weekend team-building plan.

The school beauty contest has been over for a week, and the promises made initially should be partially fulfilled. Otherwise, how can people have the energy to make a big fuss about technology? As the saying goes, if you want the horse to run, you must first let it eat grass.

Finally, after everyone’s unanimous decision, the location for this team-building event was set at a farm house in the southern suburbs.

It's not that Jiang Qin is reluctant to spend money, it's just that everyone feels that the weekend is only two days long, and if they walk too far, it would be inappropriate to waste all the good team building time on the road.

"Feng Nanshu, we're going out to play this weekend. You can just wander around the school by yourself. If you get hungry, ask Gao Wenhui to have dinner with you."

Feng Nanshu's face fell: "Can't I go?"

"We are having a team-building activity here, and you are not an employee of 208, so you can't go." Jiang Qin looked serious.

"I'm the boss's wife." Feng Nanshu said seriously.

"Really? Do you have any ID? Please show me your ID."

"… "