Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 116: It smells good even without washing


Jiang Qin couldn't find the answer to whether good friends would last a lifetime.

But if the rich woman asked Jiang Qin, "Will you be good to me, Feng Nanshu, for the rest of my life?", he would have no doubt that he could definitely do it.

Are you kidding? This is my little rich woman. She steals her father's money to spend on me and sticks to me all day long. Not only is she beautiful, but she is also incredibly well-behaved.

No one can bear it, not even Tang Seng.

But when he thought of this, Jiang Qin couldn't help but subconsciously think of a question: Will Feng Nanshu stick to me like this for the rest of his life

have no idea.

Lao Fang, who used to work in the marketing department, said that he and his wife met in college. At that time, his wife was still a cute junior high school girl who was very good at moaning. She said that she liked the smell of cigarettes on Lao Fang the most, which made him smell very manly.

After getting married, the phrase he heard most often was: Go away, go to the balcony to smoke. Don’t you know that I hate the smell of cigarettes the most

Damn it, who can I go to for justice

Later, Lao Fang took the ashtray directly to the balcony. His pet dog was eating from the dog bowl on the balcony, so he smoked in the ashtray on the balcony.

So, I don’t know.

People will change, at least that's how Jiang Qin sees the world.

Jiang Qin kneaded and pinched it gently, kneading and pinching it again. He had long forgotten where the wound was, but his expression was still gentlemanly: "Feng Nanshu, will you change your mind?"

Hearing this, Feng Nanshu was a little confused.

"You don't even know if you will change your mind, so why do you come to ruin my heart every day?"

"… "

"Boss, Boss's wife, dinner is ready!" Dong Wenhao's voice came from outside the door.


Jiang Qin came to his senses, put a Band-Aid on Feng Nanshu's ankle, held her beautiful and soft little feet, and put on shoes and socks for her.

"I didn't wash." Feng Nanshu's eyes were somewhat resentful.

"It's okay, it smells good."

Under the night sky, there are stars everywhere.

The lights in the farmhouse were turned on, and a warm orange light instantly spread across the yard.

At this time, Lu Feiyu and Yang Shuai carried a long table out of the house, set it up in the yard, put all the dishes made by Dong Wenhao on it, and brought two boxes of beer, unpacked them and placed them on the table.

Jiang Qin took the lead and sat down. He glanced across the table and couldn't help but let out a sigh.

Stir-fried mixed dishes, spicy chicken, goose egg vermicelli, steamed sea bass, spicy and sour potato shreds, and scrambled eggs with river shrimps. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he really wouldn't have imagined that Dong Wenhao had such skills.

Sure enough, a chef who doesn’t want to be a literary giant is not a good supervisor.

Jiang Qin casually crushed a peanut and stuffed it into his mouth, while Feng Nanshu, who was sitting behind him, was shocked and his feet involuntarily retracted.

Afterwards, other people also took their seats around the table and started eating and chatting.

What is team cohesion

To put it bluntly, cohesion is actually a sense of belonging.

Among all the employees of 208, only Lu Feiyu is a real local. The others come to Linchuan from all over the country to attend university. They already have a sense of not belonging in a strange city. Team-building activities like overnight stays outside can easily bring everyone together.

Especially since the food is cooked by everyone, the feeling of home comes up instantly.

Mr. Dong has good cooking skills and his dishes are delicious.

Someone like him who can write and cook can be considered a man who is capable of both housework and housework. I guess after he gets married, he will have to cook again when he gets home from work.

"When I was a freshman, I never participated in such group activities except going out with my roommates. In my sophomore year, I stayed in the dormitory and rarely went out."

"Me too. Although I am often called to celebrate birthdays for classmates, I just keep my head down and eat my food."

"I am very grateful to my boss. I am lucky to join the 208 group. I am very happy to meet you all."

"I also want to thank my boss. My literary dream was almost cut short."

"This is actually the life I want. I have goals and drive, and I can be with everyone. This kind of life is the happiest."

"I want to thank the boss lady. She is the first person in college who bought me fruit."

“I hope 208 will last forever and everyone will make a lot of money.”

“My college life seemed to have really come alive since the moment I joined 208.”

Jiang Qin was holding a wine glass at the side, squinting his eyes, listening quietly to the sighs of the person in front of him one after another, without saying a word.

Things like atmosphere don't actually need to be guided. Once a little wine is drunk and some snacks are eaten, and someone takes the lead, it will basically fall into place. Moreover, this kind of naturally expressed thing is more genuine than something deliberately guided, and is more likely to infect the people around you.

Of course, Jiang Qin himself also felt a little emotional.

You are not only changing your own life, but also invisibly affecting the lives of others.

You cannot determine whether this influence will be good or bad for them in the future, but for the moment, this influence is definitely good.

This is his makeshift team.

Feng Nanshu sat next to Jiang Qin, listening to everyone's sighs, looking at Jiang Qin with clear eyes, as if he also wanted to sigh along with the crowd, but before he could open his mouth, he was fed a piece of lotus root.

She chewed twice, watched Jiang Qin turn around and go back, picked up her glass and clinked glasses with others, feeling happy and at ease.

After dinner, everyone moved to the guest room, some played cards, some chatted.

Jiang Qin did not participate in activities such as playing cards. Instead, he stood in the corridor with his ears perked up, listening to Wei Lanlan making a phone call to Mr. Gao, the boss of the milk tea shop.

Boss Gao was still sticking to his guns on the price and refused to budge, and the topic easily reached a dead end.

Then, he changed the subject and immediately started complaining about the various PUAs his ex-wife had done to him.

Wei Lanlan wanted to hang up, but Jiang Qin stopped her and asked her to turn on the speakerphone. So, the two of them listened to him chattering for a long time, and their heads started to buzz.

"Boss, this guy talks too much nonsense. I don't think he has any intention of changing the deal. He just wants to chat with someone."

"The fact that you can discover this means you are growing up." Jiang Qin affirmed her.

"Ah?" Wei Lanlan was a little confused.

Jiang Qin leaned against the wall: "Why do you think he wants to chat?"

"It's because I just got divorced and I have so much bitterness that I have no where to vent it. I want to tell everyone how miserable I am."

"This is the breakthrough point. Let's just listen."

At eleven o'clock in the evening, those who were playing cards were tired and those who were chatting were beginning to lose their temper, so everyone sat on the carpet in the guest room and started watching TV.

The best thing about group activities is that you don't have to worry about being bored. Even shopping ads can be watched with great enthusiasm. There's something like "Don't charge 998, don't charge 598, just call now for 98." Everyone watches with great interest. After watching, they feel that the host is better at deceiving people than the boss.

After the commercial ends, the main film starts, and the switch between the two is very quick and unexpected.

Jiang Qin was just outside talking on the phone with Wei Lanlan and had no idea what was on TV, but he finally saw it at this moment.

A man in a suit knelt on one knee, holding a bouquet of bright roses in his hand.

Judging from the background, it should be in a company lobby or a hotel lobby.

A girl in professional attire, carrying a briefcase, was so moved that she couldn't help but cover her mouth with her hands, tears threatening to overflow from her eyes.

"I don't want to be friends with you anymore, let's get married."

Jiang Qin picked up the remote control and calmly changed the channel. He was immediately besieged by Shi Miaomiao, Sunai and several other girls: "Boss, what do you want to do? The plot is so exciting!?"

"Don't watch it. The ending is tragic. The couple divorced, the betrothal gift was not returned, and the house was awarded back to the woman. The woman then married someone else with the child. The man still had to pay 1,500 yuan a month in alimony, and the woman's new husband ate his food, lived in his house, and even slept on his mattress."

"Nonsense, this is a new TV series, where did you watch it?"

"All love in the world ends up in the same place. Stop watching. Let's watch Water Margin. It's sweeter than that."

Jiang Qin switched to a channel where The Capture of the Birthday Gift was playing.

Girls don’t like to watch Water Margin, so they gave up watching TV and started chatting about all kinds of topics.

As they chatted, Sunai suddenly remembered something: "Hey, did you know there is a marriage tree in the town?"

"I've seen it, too. It's said to be very effective. If you're in a relationship, you can pray for a long-lasting relationship. If you're single, you can pray for a quick divorce. You can all try it."

Feng Nanshu: “?”

Jiang Qin coughed and calmly turned up the volume of the TV: "Look, Yang Zhi found Chao Gai and his gang. Wow, who is this actor? His chest muscles are so big!"

The girls' eyes instantly became strange: "Boss, why do you like to look at men's chest muscles?"

"That's what a strong man wants to watch, right Wenhao?"

"Ah? Yes... maybe." Dong Wenhao felt a little sleepy, his eyes were blurry.

Seeing this, Jiang Qin stopped forcing everyone and turned off the TV: "It's too late, Wenhao is already sleepy, everyone go back to bed."

"It's only what time now, let's chat for a while!" Suna disagreed.

"Tomorrow I have to get up early to climb the mountain, and then I have to take the bus back to school, so it's best to rest early. By the way, there seems to be a temple on the mountain that is quite effective. You all have to pray for me to get rich tomorrow, and you are not allowed to make other wishes secretly."

"… "

Jiang Qin drove everyone away and went out of the yard. He walked for a long time, looking at the stars and the moon in the sky, enjoying the fresh mountain air.

Half an hour later, Dong Wenhao got up to go to the restroom. As soon as he walked out the door, he saw his boss limping in, cursing as if he had taken gunpowder.

"Boss, did you steal chickens from the village? Why are you so embarrassed?"

"It's okay, I just fell accidentally. Please help me talk to the owner of the farmhouse so I can use his iodine."