Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 12: One day trip with the little rich lady


After blowing Guo Zihang away, Jiang Qin also left the beef noodle restaurant and went to the Jeju City Library. Then he took his financial backer, the rich woman, to the small commodity city.

Feng Nanshu wore a fairy-like floral dress today, holding a small black leather bag diagonally across her body, wearing small brown leather shoes, revealing a small section of thin lace stockings with lace, giving her a girlish look.

A comment from a thirty-eight-year-old greasy soul would be that it is so tender that you can almost squeeze out the water.

She strolled along the narrow walking path, her clear and translucent eyes drifting back and forth, full of curiosity about the products displayed on the stalls.

This small commodity store is quite famous in Chengnan High School, because it sells mostly knock-off goods with very low prices and a wide range of varieties.

The student party is really poor.

Especially day students eat at home in the morning and evening and don’t have much pocket money at all.

So on weekends, they would come here in small groups to shop, but what they bought were basically things that were of no use.

Feng Nanshu probably heard someone talking about this place at school, so he asked to come and see it.

"Why do they have so many car keys at home?"

"Ah... that's actually a lighter."

"Do I need to take the beauty certificate test? I want to take one."

"That one is fake and has no meaning. If you want it, just buy it, one piece for one piece."

"Jiang Qin, I'm thirsty and want to drink Sprite."

"You are wrong, that is its sister version, Lei Bi."

"These underwear are torn in the middle, why are they still being put up for sale?"

"Well, you're still young, so don't ask about adults' affairs."

Three minutes later, Feng Nanshu stopped in front of a shop at the corner, unable to move his legs.

In front of her was a Hello Kitty-shaped rocking car, which was shining brightly and kindly called to her friends to come and play.

Feng Nanshu turned her head and looked at Jiang Qin quietly, her cold eyes flashing with determination, leaving Jiang Qin confused.

"You don't want to play with this, do you?"

"Miss, please listen to me first. This thing is for children under eight years old."

"You are already eighteen years old. If you try to play this, you will definitely die on the spot."

Jiang Qin tried to persuade her to give up this idea. Although this toy could light up, move, and even sing, it was not qualified to play with without wearing crotchless pants.

Three minutes later, a beautiful song came from the door of the corner shop.

What's the name of dad's dad? What's the name of dad's dad? Grandpa...

The pretty girl was riding on it, giggling, and her whole body was so happy that she was flying.

Jiang Qin weighed the change he exchanged in the store and couldn't help but smile bitterly. Then he put his shoulder against the door frame of the store and stared at her quietly.

He accidentally saw a plastic-wrapped schedule in Feng Nanshu's bag that day. She practiced piano and violin in the morning, ballet and judo at noon, and read the news and financial newspapers in the evening. Only in the afternoon could this girl go to the library. Take a breath.

The little rich woman probably didn’t have much childhood...

That's why she has no friends and can't socialize. She becomes socially fearful and is misunderstood as aloof.

Jiang Qin smiled and ignored it, but casually took out the contract in his bag.

He now has four demolished houses in his hands, with different sizes, and spent a total of 2.73 million of Cali's money.

The demolition compensation plan for the reconstruction of Jeju City's old city has not yet been issued, and he has never seen it in his previous life. However, based on the compensation received by his third uncle's bridge, the compensation in Busanli should be 1:2.8, and Xingfu Community and Hongyun Community The geographical location is relatively remote, so the compensation is not that high, at most 1:2.1.

He doesn't know the situation in Chengdu, but it should be able to reach 1:2.4.

Jeju is not Kyoto or Shenseong. It is almost impossible to get rich overnight by demolishing people. It is already very rare to achieve this kind of ratio. What more bicycles are needed

You should know that the Qianba Village located in the North Second Ring Road was also included in the scope of demolition in 2018, but the compensation ratio was only 1:1.3.

This shows what

It shows that demolition is like love, the order is really important.

After the demolition money is received, Jiang Qin will repay the money Feng Nanshu lent him. By then, he should still have one or two million left, plus four apartments.

Of course, he can also just want money without the house, but if he directly discounts it, it will definitely not reach the market price, so the best way is to sell it in person after getting it, but that also depends on the specific location of the resettlement house. If it is in the future If there is a huge increase in the price, then he will definitely stay.

While waiting for the demolition money, Jiang Qin did not intend to sit idle.

He will take another 270,000 to do some business.

Buying a demolished house is opportunistic after all, but starting a real business is completely different. If he wants to quickly enter the state of an entrepreneur, he must be familiar with business processes and routines.

So he will use the 270,000 as principal to start some small things in Jeju, just as a test before officially starting a business.

Just as I was thinking about it, the music next to me suddenly stopped.

Swing time is over.

But Feng Nanshu was unwilling to get off the hello kitty, and her eyes were still shining with unfinished meaning.

Jiang Qin smiled helplessly, took out a coin from his pocket and handed it to her palm.

"Come and play with me." Feng Nanshu pointed to another station next to him.

"Me? I'm a big old man, Mr. Mighty, a peerless hunk, don't be kidding..."

Three minutes later, the duet of "Daddy's Dad's Name" came from the door of the small store.

Jiang Qin sat in a car that was not the right size, swaying along with Hello Kitty, with a look of surprise on his face.

This thing...

So damn happy!

After shaking for a long time, the two crazy Hello Kitties finally stopped, and the owner of the store also came out, with his eyebrows furrowed and his eyes filled with murderous intent.

How much does the child weigh

How much do you weigh as a tall young man

Don’t you think you have some ideas in your mind

However, Jiang Qin didn't notice the store owner's expression. Instead, he reached into the pocket of his jeans and took out the Nokia that was left over from his father's use.

When he was riding on the swing car just now, he kept feeling something ringing. When he turned on his phone, he found that it was the QQ message notification sound, or the 2008 version of Fall in Love with Mobile QQ. It was so retro as to death.

"Brother Jiang, guess where the class reunion is this time!"

"Okay, okay, let's not be too pretentious. The meeting place is also in a city within a city. Do you think it's a coincidence or not?"

"Qin Ziang has booked a classmate's banquet at the Longwei Hotel next door. I'm walking there now. I have to make that silly dog cry today!"

"By the way, aren't you also near the city within the city? I will go find you after eating and let's go home together!"

Guo Zihang's avatar is a long-haired man wearing sunglasses, and the picture also has a Bao-colored filter, making him look like an outsider.

It was hard for Jiang Qin to understand why he had to use a skinny, chicken-like man as his avatar despite being short, fat, and dark.

Nestled in...

Damn, this nine-character physical keyboard is so difficult to use!

Jiang Qin directly pressed the hang-up button and returned to the homepage, completely lacking the patience to reply to messages.

"Little rich woman, where do you want to go next?"

“Go eat junk food!”

Feng Nanshu stretched out his hand and pointed to the snack shop in front with his green-white fingers, his eyes twinkling.