Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 48: An experience I've never had before


The restaurants near the school cannot be too high-end. After all, all businesses must first consider the spending power of college students when opening a store. So after much selection, a group of seven people chose Nanshan Restaurant, which has the best business.

Jiang Qin took the six girls into the box and let them order whatever they wanted while he went out to use the toilet.

After coming out, Jiang Qin suddenly received a friend request. The first sentence he said was: Hello, boss. My name is Shi Miaomiao.

Jiang Qin thought for a long time before he remembered that she should be the little girl who was suppressed by Yao Yanling and quit the literary club.

Shi Miaomiao said that she had heard from Dong Wenhao that she was willing to serialize "You Are the Color of Fireworks in the World" on the website and asked when she could start.

Jiang Qin thought for a while, then directly threw Sunai's QQ to her, and asked Shi Miaomiao to ask Sunai for an internal account so that she could start updating tonight.

Back in the box, Feng Nanshu's roommate had already ordered the food.

A group of girls aged 17 or 18 ordered a table full of meat dishes. Jiang Qin was speechless and thought it was better than 2008. Girls didn't have body anxiety.

"Nanshu, look at Jiang Qin's eyes. Are you worried about money?" Gao Wenhui touched Feng Nanshu's arm half-jokingly.

Feng Nanshu patted her chest: "It doesn't matter, I have money."

Jiang Qin used his golden sword to sit next to Feng Nanshu: "I don't need you even if you have money, Gao Wenhui, you can eat freely today, I won't even blink if you turn into a pig."

"Really?" Gao Wenhui was stunned after saying that, "No, you seem to be calling me a pig?"

"Remove these two words. You are now a college student. Be more confident!"

"Feng Nanshu, look at your boyfriend!" Gao Wenhui blushed instantly.

Feng Nanshu was silent for a while: "Jiang Qin, why don't you add the image?"

As soon as the voice fell, the entire box burst into laughter.

Cai Fang said that this is just a husband singing and a wife accompanying her. Gao Wenhui, you really have no vision and you still want to file a complaint with Feng Nanshu. It’s so funny.

Hearing the laughter in the box, Jiang Qin couldn't help turning his head and glanced at Feng Nanshu. Under the orange light, the little rich woman was flawless, with delicate and soft facial features, pink lips, and a straight bridge of her nose. She was so beautiful that she seemed to have her own microdermabrasion. Same.

He was actually quite curious, how did his boyfriend's misunderstanding come about

Is it because you made faces with Feng Nanshu at the back door of Finance Class 4 last time

The little rich woman probably didn't know how to explain, or she confused the meaning of boyfriend with male friend.

Jiang Qin thought to himself and decided not to explain himself. Feng Nanshu is so pretty and she will definitely encounter a lot of harassment during the four years of college. He should just think of it as a way to shield her. He doesn't plan to fall in love anyway.

But being a shield is not an easy task, so the benefits of a small point shouldn't be too much, right

"Jiang Qin, I want to eat a lotus root."

Feng Nanshu was wearing plastic gloves and was picking crayfish. He couldn't free his hands, so he shouted something.

Jiang Qin reached out and picked up the chopsticks, picked up a lotus root slice from the plate soaked in vinegar sauce and fed it to her mouth.

The little rich woman ate a piece of cold lotus root in two or three bites.

Seeing this scene, there was a tut-tsk sound in the entire box, and everyone looked at them with ambiguous and teasing eyes.

"Jiang Qin, I also want to eat lotus root~"

Gao Wenhui wanted to take revenge for what had just happened, so she imitated Feng Nanshu's words to tease them.

As a result, Jiang Qin got a new pair of chopsticks and fed them to her like this: "My little rich woman is quite social. I will need Sister Gao's care in the next four years. Please consider it my thanks in advance."

Gao Wenhui was originally joking, but now she felt a little embarrassed, especially the words about Sister Gao, which made her a little overwhelmed, so she opened her mouth after hesitating for a moment.

In an instant, the spicy taste spread from the mouth to the nose.

Gao Wenhui cried.

"Bah, it's ginger. Jiang Qin, you bitch, give me some ginger!"

"I'm so stupid. I'm sorry. Why are there such strange lotus roots? Forget about the yellow ones. They have no fucking eyes."

Gao Wenhui grabbed the water in front of her and took a sip. After the ginger taste was diluted, she immediately stood up with her hands on her hips and threatened to fight Jiang Qin. She didn't give up until Jiang Qin called Sister Gao three times in a row.

After the farce ended, Jiang Qin put his chopsticks on the plate in front of him, only to find that there was half a plate of peeled lobster tails in front of him.

He was slightly startled and looked at Feng Nanshu.

At this time, the little rich woman was still peeling shrimp shells, her little mouth was red from the spicy food, and she was particularly cute.


Jiang Qin was silent for a long time, then picked up a shrimp tail and put it into his mouth, chewing it carefully.

The taste was okay, but there was a tingling sensation in my heart and upper spine.

He has never tried this feeling before or after his rebirth.

After a while, the party was almost coming to an end. All six girls had eaten and drank enough, so they stopped using their chopsticks and started chatting.

Jiang Qin took the opportunity to show off his website so that they could try it out and give them feedback to see where they could improve it.

His website now has a large framework and content. The only thing missing is real user experience. As a boss, his vision and touch will be limited by interests. Evaluations cannot be completely accurate. Only real users can Determine whether a website is good or bad.

“Is this website a forum for college students?”

"Yes, it's the same meaning, but the original forum was more focused on learning, while this one is more focused on entertainment."

After Jiang Qin finished speaking, his eyebrows suddenly wrinkled and he found Fan Shuling opposite him looking at him coldly: "Classmate Fan? What's wrong with you? Are you not full?"

"No, the food is quite good."

Fan Shuling calmed down her expression, picked up the tea cup and took a sip of water.

Jiang Qin was a little confused. This was the first time he met Feng Nanshu's roommate. He didn't know each other before. Why was he annoyed when I invited him to dinner

But what he didn't know was that Fan Shuling, the eldest sister in dormitory 503, went to South Street for dinner at noon today.

She witnessed with her own eyes the famous scene where four girls surrounded Jiang Qin.

But she didn't know Jiang Qin at that time, so she didn't pay much attention to him.

It wasn't until she was eating that her mind suddenly felt like an electric shock, and she instantly overlaid the figure on Nanjie with the figure in front of her.

Isn't this the scumbag who brought trouble to the entire dormitory

How could a person like this fall in love with the innocent Feng Nanshu? Could it be that he thought Feng Nanshu was easy to deceive

With such a mentality, Fan Shuling's impression of Jiang Qin was extremely bad.

But she didn't think about whether she should say it out, or how she wanted to say it out.