Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 70: Apply for entrepreneurship support


The popularity of the website has soared very quickly, and the competition between the school beauties in various departments has also become more and more intense. Although the school beauties selection contest has not been announced yet, many people are already urging the administrator in the background to hold a competition as soon as possible.

Because there is absolutely no point in just posting and bickering.

You say your tie looks good, and I say our tie looks good, but in the end no one will be convinced by the other.

The only way is to let the data speak.

How fair is it to have all the goddesses from all departments stand on the same starting line and be evaluated by all students. Whoever has higher statistics will be the school beauty

In fact, the school beauty selection competition was originally Jiang Qin's plan, but he did not expect that the topic "Who is the school beauty" would become popular so quickly, causing forum users to be more anxious than him.

Jiang Qin took out his cell phone and called Sunai.

"Sunai, how is your progress there?"

"The boss has rushed to work, but there is a very fatal problem at the moment. Our current office is a public classroom in the Department of Computer Science, but students in those classrooms take turns to attend classes. We often have to change places with our equipment. In the group Some members can’t find anyone after class, and they change classrooms when asked, which is very inefficient.”

Jiang Qin nodded, not surprised. This was the second time he heard this, because Dong Wenhao was in the same situation.

Ever since Yao Yanling rebelled, Dong Wenhao has found someone to start his own business. However, after leaving the literary club, the literary club's mobile classroom can no longer be used. He is now leading his team members to fight guerrilla warfare, and he is always forced to move around. Yes, once my thoughts stop, the post becomes very sloppy.

It seems that finding an office location is imminent.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Qin left the dormitory and walked to the college student entrepreneurship base on College 4th Road.

According to policies, college student entrepreneurship projects will receive support from the school. If they can pass the review and approval, there should be no problem in applying for a mobile classroom as a base camp.

Jiang Qin calculated while walking along the empty corridor, and finally found the office of the main office.

According to the arrangement in the novel, there is usually a highly respected old professor in this office who is proficient in finance and business. After learning about his purpose, he immediately invites him to have a detailed discussion and gives full consideration to his business ideas. Sure, even amazed, it opens the door to convenience.

But it turned out that it was just a fucking novel. The real situation was that there was not a single teacher in the office of the entrepreneurial base, and there were only two students on duty.

One is stacking stars, and the other is watching TV series.

This familiar feeling reminded Jiang Qin of his previous life. Sure enough, there was no shortage of fishermen everywhere.

"Application for starting a business? Fill out a form first. Someone will contact you after passing the preliminary review." Senior Sister Die Xingxing explained the process concisely.

Jiang Qin took the form and filled out the header: "How long does the review process take?"

"One month, huh? Are you a new student?" Senior Sister Xingxing glanced at the information on the table with a look of surprise.

“If the review time for freshmen could be shorter, then I am.”

Senior Sister Xingxing folded another star in a blink of an eye: "Junior, it is too unrealistic for freshmen to start a business."

Jiang Qin did not answer her words and asked instead: "Are there many people starting businesses in Lindali?"

"There are many, but they are usually graduate students who work on projects with old professors, or doctoral students who work on their own teams. There are not many undergraduates who start their own businesses, and you are the only one who is a freshman."

"Sounds cool enough, I just like to be the first to eat crabs."

As soon as he finished speaking, the boy watching TV suddenly laughed out loud: "Junior, you'd better not fill it out."

Jiang Qin paused with the pen in his hand: "Why?"

"Students who apply for entrepreneurship projects in their freshman year basically do it for mixed credits. They just hand in a project letter and don't continue. We have seen too many, not to mention Teacher Yan, even I can't give it to you. Pass."

Jiang Qin walked over and took a look at his computer: "Magic phone? The heroine is a silly girl, she's pretty."

The boy watching the TV series raised his head: "Have you watched it too? Let me tell you, I love silly girls the most!"

"Did you watch the finale?"

"No, there is no computer in the dormitory, so I can only watch two episodes here every day."

"Silly girl forced an illegal operation for the last time, and then she ran out of energy and died. Lu Xiaoqian cried so hard that he couldn't even look like a human being. I still dare not watch it a second time. It's like a shadow."


Jiang Qin returned to Senior Sister Xingxing and pointed to the blank line in the middle: "What should you write in this note?"

Senior Sister Xingxing continued to fold the stars: "Junior, freshmen's application for entrepreneurship support will definitely not pass the review. If you don't believe it, just write whatever you want."



Jiang Qin glanced at the glass jar on the table, with a card tied to it. Cao Xinyue loves Chen Anhua.

Alas, she was a good female college student, but she turned out to be a love brain.

"Okay, I'm done writing."

Senior Sister Xingxing took the watch and took a look at it. The basic information was very ordinary, she was just a new student, and everything else was unremarkable, but the sentence in the note almost made her vomit blood.

Not talking about love dogs

Senior Sister Xingxing looked at the star jar that was almost full, and thought to herself, is this a mockery of the fact that I only talk about love

But college time is so wonderful, it would be a pity not to fall in love. As for starting a business? This kind of unrealistic dream can only be dreamed by these silly freshmen. Wouldn't it be nice to find a job in the future and work 9 to 5

After Jiang Qin left, the door of the Entrepreneurship Office was pushed open again, and an old man in a Chinese tunic suit walked in, immediately frightening the two students on duty.

The senior hurriedly unplugged his headphones and turned off the TV series. The senior sister held her star jar on her lap and pretended not to do anything.

The old professor glanced at Senior Sister Xingxing, frowned slightly, then reached out and picked up the application form on the table: "Has someone handed in the application form again?"

"Well, he's a freshman. I told him it would be useless if he handed it in, but he didn't believe it."

"Don't do this in the office next time, your good youth will be wasted!"

"I understand, Teacher Yan."

Old Man Yan picked up the application form and took a look at it. He thought to himself, what kind of bullshit is written on this, a forum for college students? We already have one of these things, so what’s the use of making another one? But the last sentence is well written. Don’t talk about love dogs. Few young people nowadays understand this truth, which is why so many people waste their youth in school.

For this sentence, the old professor put on his reading glasses, returned to his desk and entered the website address.


There seems to be something.

Not sure, check again.

At the same time, Jiang Qin left the entrepreneurial base, found a rest chair and sat down, frowning slightly.

How long does it take for an entrepreneurial project to be approved

By then, let alone the school beauty, the day lilies will be cold. It seems that I still can’t rely too much on the school’s entrepreneurial support. I have to think of a more reliable way on my own. Of course, the fastest way is to rent a venue. However, on-campus venues are not available for rent, and if they are too far away from campus, it will waste more time.

Didi didi—

Jiang Qin took out his cell phone, glanced at QQ, and found a silly civet cat dancing.

"Good night, Jiang Qin."

"It's only five o'clock in the afternoon."


"I originally made an appointment with someone tonight, so how about it, you wait for me downstairs and I can have a meal together."

Jiang Qin finished replying to Feng Nanshu's QQ message, then stood up and walked towards the girls' dormitory.

At this time, the little rich woman had been waiting downstairs for a long time. Today she wore a black dress with a red belt, revealing her slender legs. Her long, silky hair fell down over her shoulders, making her look a little less childish. But it's a little more cool.