Who Would Fall in Love After Being Reborn?

Chapter 78: Entrance Education


After buying a milk tea shop, Jiang Qin took Feng Nanshu to the teaching building, and then parted ways in the corridor.

Feng Nan rushed back to the classroom of Class 4, while Jiang Qin came to the classroom of Class 3. When he entered, he found Cao Guangyu and Zhou Chao so excited that they burst out laughing.

Jiang Qin walked over and sat down next to Ren Ziqiang: "Why are you so happy? Tell me?"

Lao Cao and Lao Zhou's expressions changed instantly: "No... nothing's wrong. I just love learning and get a little excited as soon as class starts."


Ren Ziqiang couldn't help but spat at the two of them: "Lao Jiang, don't listen to their pretentiousness. Let me tell you, there are two new people in the class today, a boy and a girl. The girl is so beautiful that she can almost keep up with Hong Yan. ”

Seeing that he could no longer hide it, Cao Guangyu immediately looked at Jiang Qin: "Lao Jiang, just be a human being and stop collecting stamps, okay? I'll leave this to my brothers, please!"

"Go away, since when did I collect stamps?"

"You don't collect stamps, but you can't bear the stamps being stuck to you one by one!"

Jiang Qin simply ignored them and even talked about dating a dog, but why did everyone think I was a scumbag and Dou E didn't blame me.

But why did he enter school after military training

What kind of cool operation is this

Entrance education is a class that all freshmen at Lin'an University must go through. The lecturer is usually the director of the Academic Affairs Office. It's not boring, it's pointless.

Ren Ziqiang felt uncomfortably idle and began to write notes to Pan Xiu, asking Jiang Qin to help deliver them several times.

"Don't you have a mobile phone?" Jiang Qin finally became impatient for the fourth time.

Ren Ziqiang lowered his voice: "She can't see me when I send QQ."

"Fart, isn't she secretly playing with her phone now?"

Jiang Qin pointed. From this angle, he could clearly see Pan Xiu playing with her mobile phone in the hole in the table, her fingers typing on the keyboard.

Ren Ziqiang pursed his lips: "She's not necessarily chatting on QQ when she's playing on her phone. Otherwise, why didn't she reply to me? It's easier to just throw the note. She could see it without even looking at me."

"Damn, you are such a licker. Her keyboard is smoking when pressed. Why don't you chat on QQ? Lao Zhou, let me change seats with you. I'm allergic to fucking dog hair."

Jiang Qin took advantage of the dean of the Academic Affairs Office to write on the blackboard and cleverly changed places with Zhou Chao.

Lao Zhou was not used to Ren Ziqiang. When the note passed through his hand, he had to look at it first, and then he would happily throw it to Pan Xiu.

After repeating it two or three times, Ren Ziqiang always felt a little awkward. In addition, Pan Xiu didn't reply to the note at all, so he gave up and lay down on the table to fall asleep.

As a result, after a while, Cao Guangyu also started throwing notes, and he still asked Jiang Qin to deliver them.

Jiang Qin was convinced: "Who are you giving this to?"

"Jian Chun."


Cao Guangyu pointed reluctantly: "That's the new girl. Let me ask her what her QQ number is."

Jiang Qin looked in the direction of his finger and saw a girl with an oval face and long hair parted in the middle. She was very good-looking, and her clothes were fashionable. Her hair was dyed flaxen.

"Can't you add her from the group?"

"Didn't she just come here? She hasn't joined the group yet. I have to strike first to prevent Zhou Chao from being the first."

Jiang Qin was speechless and had no choice but to throw the paper ball over. Don't tell me, the throw was accurate. But the person just glanced at it and swept it directly under the table without even looking back.

Cao Guangyu felt hurt, turned around and began to fall asleep.

Jiang Qin glanced at it and thought to himself, I must have fallen asleep too. This class is useless. It is not even a compulsory class. It is not even an elective class. At most, it is the preface to the first page of a novel. It is impossible to read it. Nothing to worry about.

"Jiang Qin is sleeping. He's so handsome." Song Qingqing said with longing.

Jiang Tian felt a little uncomfortable. She was obviously the first person to discover Jiang Qin's advantages: "Don't you hate Jiang Qin? Why are you staring at him every day now?"

"Only ghosts hate him, I like him so much!"

"Throwing notes to female classmates in class, you are a frivolous man, haha." The newcomer Jian Chun couldn't help but muttered.

Song Qingqing was stunned for a moment, then glanced at her: "Why do I feel like I'm looking in a mirror?"

In a blink of an eye, the time came to four o'clock in the afternoon.

The difference between college and high school is that teachers rarely procrastinate in class. As long as the bell rings, the class will be dismissed regardless of whether the lecture is finished or not. But Jiang Qin is not lucky this time. The director named Wang is really verbose. Probably because he usually focuses on school ethos and discipline and doesn't often take over as a substitute teacher, so he gets a little carried away when he talks.

But the class next door is not a drag.

As soon as the bell rang, people from Class 4 poured out of the classroom one after another.

Feng Nanshu wanted to wait for Jiang Qin, but was taken away directly by Fan Shuling, along with Gao Wenhui and another boy named Zhang Xinyu.

He is considered the best-looking among the boys in Class 4. Judging from his clothes, he must have a relatively well-off family. When school started, like Jiang Qin, he was the focus of the night talks in the girls' dormitory.

Zhang Xinyu is similar to the boys in Class 4. He was attracted to Feng Nanshu when he first entered school.

In his opinion, those who are close to water often get the moon first, and he must be the one who catches Feng Nanshu in the end. However, the bottle cap incident during military training broke all his illusions.

However, for a girl like Feng Nanshu, it would be really uncomfortable not to pursue her.

Therefore, Zhang Xinyu always contacted Feng Nanshu's roommates intentionally or unintentionally, and took the opportunity to talk to Feng Nanshu.

But it's a pity that Feng Nanshu became cold and cold immediately after leaving Jiang Qin, looking like she couldn't even open her mouth.

"Shall I treat you to milk tea?"

Zhang Xinyu knew that they would definitely go back to the dormitory after leaving the teaching building. It would be difficult to ask them out again, so he used milk tea as an excuse to keep them.

"Okay, then don't go too far, just go to the one in the front square."

Fan Shuling actually knew what Zhang Xinyu meant, and she was willing to fulfill it, because she hated scumbag men like Jiang Qin very much, and always wanted to help Feng Nanshu escape from misery.

So a group of four people went to the front square and found a shady seat to sit down. Zhang Xinyu behaved like an extremely gentleman and asked the three people in detail about their preferences, then turned around and went to order.

"I think Zhang Xinyu is pretty good. He is about the same height as Jiang Qin. I heard that his family is still in business." Fan Shuling was doing sales promotion overtly and covertly.

Gao Wenhui glanced at Fan Shuling: "If Jiang Qin finds out, he will strangle you to death."

"Am I afraid of him?" Fan Shuling rolled her eyes, "The kind of scumbag you despise the most is that kind of man."

"Why do you think he is a scumbag?"

"I saw it with my own eyes. It's all nonsense to say they are all friends. I have seen many men like this. They eat the food in the bowl and look at the food in the pot."

Gao Wenhui disagreed with her opinion, because if Jiang Qin was really a scumbag, then Feng Nanshu would have been eaten dry long ago, and he would never be satisfied just touching his feet.

He was obviously holding back for some reason.

Gao Wenhui assumed the role of Jiang Qin and felt that if she were Jiang Qin, Feng Nanshu's rosy little mouth could be sucked eight hundred times a day, which made her feel that her guess was reasonable.