Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That

Chapter 110


Zhai Xingchen cooked all the dishes well, and everyone knew why his dish was called a vegetarian meat feast.

Garlic eggplant is made into a fish, and pumpkin is made into a chicken. Sweet, salty, sour, spicy, red, white, green, and purple, there are all kinds of colors. When all the dishes are on the table, it will be Even Guo Bing and the others ran over to watch the excitement.

Everyone gathered around the dining table to take pictures, Guo Bing said: "You are so cute, are they willing to eat?"

Hu Ying said, "Director, why don't you have a taste first?"

Guo Bing said: "I really want to try it, I think that little fat pig is pretty good."

Upon hearing this, Zhai Xingchen brought one to Guo Bing.

Guo Bing said: "Don't panic, let them finish taking pictures first."

The camera next to it said: "We just finished filming."

"The filming is over? Xiao Liu, hurry up and post it on Weibo."

Everyone laughed.

Guo Bing took a bite, only to find that the little fat pig looked like a radish on the outside, but it was mixed with tofu. I don't know what sauce Zhai Xingchen used, but the taste was so rich and delicious!

Obviously no meat is used, but the aroma of meat is eaten!

Guo Bing was full of praise and kept giving thumbs up.

Xiao Liu, who is in charge of the official Weibo, immediately posted a Weibo with the caption: "Guess which guest's craftsmanship this is?"

The current red and blue official Weibo, if you post a Weibo, there will be hundreds of comments in less than a second, and thousands of comments in less than a minute.

I don't know how these fans got it so quickly.

[Which guest's craftsmanship could this be! The red and blue guests are not the only one who can cook!]

[My brother Zhai's craftsmanship is too amazing!]

[Where can I find Xiaotian 1, who is invincibly good-looking and has a sunny personality like this, who can go up to the hall and go down to the kitchen!]

[Ahem, cough, although, it may be Xiaotian 0.]

The Red and Blue official Weibo usually sends out materials, and the trailer must be released on the day of the broadcast. Today, there is no trailer, but a picture of food. I didn't expect a picture of food to go out of the circle.

[This is what Zhai Xingchen did? Fuck it, cow.]

[Zhai Xingchen is not a dancer? So good at cooking? !]

[Did the one upstairs watch the variety show seriously? My Brother Zhai is the chef of this season.]

[So Zhai Xingchen not only danced a dance and immediately became famous, but also has such good cooking skills?]

[Not only that, Zhai Xingchen can also play the piano, and he is so good at skiing, my God, did the program crew really discover him by accident? Why do I think this is a treasure that I have worked hard to find?]

[I don’t know if the program team took the trouble to find it, but Zhai Xingchen is a treasure, there is no doubt about it. Before, there were a bunch of black fans asking why these guests fell in love with Zhai Xingchen. Not to mention his skills, just his face, it's normal to fall in love with him, right?]

[Hahahaha, are you talking about the marketing account of Dazuiyule? I also saw him making complaints about it, laughing to death, I guess I am too ugly, I don't understand how popular handsome men and beautiful women are in real life.]

[My stars will dance tonight, just wait for my stars to explode!]

[When I think that a bunch of such outstanding top rich second generations all like him, this girl's girlish heart begins to flood!]

[Let me add a digression, does anyone like Yan Zhi? Why are his hands so unique? They are white and long, with blue veins. It is rare to see such beautiful and manly hands. Even the knuckles are so sexy!]

[Yan Zhi's hand, Zhai Xingchen's waist, aren't they all famous memes of this season! Speaking of this, have you seen a sentence, a super famous sentence from Meteor CP, asking when can these hands hold Zhai Xingchen's waist.]

[Fuck, I already have a picture in my mind!]

[Zhai Xingchen's waist is really amazing, so thin, with abdominal muscles, and so white!]

[Zhai Xingchen is really white and pink.]

[lsp blushes and asks, are you really a fan?]

[Are you watching the show seriously? Didn't Zhai Xingchen take off his clothes on the beach in the first episode? He played water sports with Huo Cheng, and his clothes were soaked through. He was super pink.]

[Zhai Xingchen's creamy skin is the best, but there are still people who question why so many people love him!]

[Red fans hope that he will be 1, blue fans hope that he will be 0, and I will wait for passers-by to watch the fun!]

A final vegetable soup was also served.

"Everyone, take your seats." Zhai Xingchen said, "Where's Wen Nuo?"

"He's not feeling well, he's resting in Room 2." Yan Zhi said, "I guess he's caught a cold."

Upon hearing this, Zhai Xingchen untied the apron around his waist.

Pei Xu took it and hung it on the wall: "Let me go and have a look."

As soon as Pei Xu said this, Lin Qingning and the others were taken aback.

Because I didn't expect Pei Xu to say such a thing.

Pei Xu has changed too much.

After saying that, Pei Xu put on his down jacket and went out.

When Pei Xu arrived in Room 2, he saw Wen Nuo sitting on the bed, sneezing all the time, and used up a lot of toilet paper.

"Have a cold?"

Wen Nuo looked back, saw that it was Pei Xu, and was stunned for a moment.

He never went to Room 1. In fact, he played a little trick.

He waited for Zhai Xingchen to come to see him.

He felt that if anyone came to see him, it must be Zhai Xingchen.

I didn't expect it to be Pei Xu!

He became stiff all of a sudden, and he was a little guilty and embarrassed, and said, "A little bit."

"Have you taken your medicine?" Pei Xu asked.

Wen Nuo said, "Not yet. I rarely take medicine for colds."

"It's no better than Nancheng here. Be careful. It's better to take some medicine." Pei Xu said, "The meal is ready, should you go over and eat it, or bring it here for you?"

Wen Nuo said: "I'll go eat later, I'm sneezing all the time now, so I won't go there."

Pei Xu nodded his head, his face was handsome but expressionless, looking quite serious. Wen Nuo felt guilty and didn't dare to look at him. Pei Xu reached out and touched the firewall of their room, then went out.

Wen Nuo let out a long breath, and then sneezed again.

It wasn't Zhai Xingchen who came to see him, nor Duan Yihua or Lin Qingning, but Pei Xu.

Pei Xu returned to Room 1 and went directly to the kitchen.

"Wen Nuo didn't come?" Duan Yihua asked.

"He's been sneezing all the time, so he's probably a little embarrassed to come here. I'll bring him some food and let him eat alone."

Zhai Xingchen got up immediately when he heard the words, and asked, "Is it important?"

"It's okay, I have a cold." Pei Xu said.

Zhai Xingchen picked three or four dishes from the table and put them on a plate.

"It will be cold if you send it over like this." Huo Cheng said.

Pei Xu squatted down, opened the cupboard and looked. Huo Cheng said: "Use a stew pot, put the plate in it, and wrap it in another layer."

Zhai Xingchen packed up the food, and Pei Xu left with his arms in his arms.

Everyone watched Pei Xu go out with complicated expressions.

Of course, Pei Xu didn't become so approachable all of a sudden, he was equivalent to sharing the role of Zhai Xingchen, and he also established a good image by the way.

They also want to be good people and do good deeds, but it's a pity that they don't have the quick reaction of Pei Xu, so it's hard to grab them now.

About ten minutes later, Pei Xu came back.

Huo Cheng said: "Let's serve dinner, it will be cold after a while."

Pei Xu saw that everyone was already seated, and there was only one empty seat between Huo Cheng and Duan Yihua.

The food made by Zhai Xingchen was as delicious as ever. After eating, not only did everyone's stomachs warm up, but their hearts also warmed up.

Zhai Xingchen is so perfect.

How can there be such a good boy!

While eating apple and hawthorn cheese, Hu Ying secretly looked at Zhai Xingchen eagerly. He is short-tempered, passionate, and his desire immediately boils when he comes, as if he can't hold it back for a moment.

Let's end at Beicheng Station quickly, and start the next station quickly!

He wants to live with Zhai Xingchen, let's see if he doesn't try his best when the time comes.

He can do both attack and receive!

Or hurry up and start the next date, give him a chance!

Hu Ying couldn't help but glanced out of the window, and really saw Guo Bing and the others coming again.

"The program team is here again." Hu Ying said.

Everyone glanced out the window, Guo Bing and the others were standing outside talking, but did not come in.

"There should be a new mission." Duan Yihua said.

But Guo Bing and the others have been standing outside, looking inside from time to time, probably waiting for them to finish their meal.

Hu Ying ran out directly and said, "Director, why don't you come in?"

Guo Bing brought people in with a smile, and said, "Have you all finished eating? Let's talk about it after you finish eating."

"Have you arranged a new date?" Lin Qingning asked with a smile.

Yan Zhi and Pei Xu put down their chopsticks and looked at Guo Bing.

Guo Bing saw that everyone couldn't wait, so he said: "I know everyone is looking forward to having a date. We only had one date with all the staff before, and eight people competed for the right to date..."

Before Guo Bing finished speaking, Duan Yihua, who was leaning on the back of the chair, sat up straight, his expression became serious, and his eyes gleamed.

"So this date arrangement is really very fair, whether it is red red, blue blue, or red blue, everyone has equal opportunities." Guo Bing said, "As we all know..."

"It's well known." Hu Ying smiled.

Guo Bing also smiled and said: "As we all know, our North City is a very famous tourist city, which has unique and rich scenery of the North Country, such as the Ice and Snow City that Hu Ying and Yan Zhi have been to, such as Pei Xu and Zhai Xingchen. I have been to the old street, and there are also Elk Park, Baiyu Mountain, Cliff Temple, etc. Now, I have eight cards in my hand, and each card has eight famous tourist attractions. It includes the places you have been to, and there are many places that you have not been to. I will send you the card later, and then each of you choose a place you want to go from these eight attractions, and we will I will send a car to take you to the places you want to go one by one. The rule of our date this time is if there is a destiny."

Zhai Xingchen lowered his head and took a sip of the cheese.

He really admired these little tricks of the program group.

It’s so different every time!

Lin Qingning said: "I understand, that is, if two people choose the same place, they can date together, right?"

"That's right."

"Then if I'm the only one who chooses a certain place, will I be the only one for the whole day?" Hu Ying asked.

Guo Bing nodded.

"Then what if three people choose the same place?"

"Then let's go together."

Everyone together

Just hearing Zhai Xingchen's goosebumps started to rise.

To be honest, he can bear it one-on-one. Like now, he can bear it if everyone is together, but if it's three people together... Dabaa!

That's too scary!

Just thinking about it made him dig his toes.

Just as he was thinking, he saw Guo Bing give him a meaningful look.

Hu Ying is already gearing up: "When will it start, now?"

"But Wen Nuo isn't here." Duan Yihua said.

"Our staff has already gone to Room 2. Everyone chooses separately, it doesn't matter if he is there or not." Guo Bing smiled as he spoke, and asked, "Should we choose after everyone finishes eating?"

Hu Ying stretched out her hand directly, imitating Internet buzzwords: "Bring it to you."

Guo Bing smiled and handed out all the cards.

Zhai Xingchen glanced at the card. There were eight famous local attractions on it, including Ice and Snow City. Each place name was followed by an iconic picture of the place.

He looked up at the others, and saw Hu Ying looking at him with eager eyes.

"For the sake of fairness, everyone is not allowed to discuss or flirt with each other," Guo Bing said.

Hu Ying just laughed, and looked down at the card in his hand.

Guo Bing added fuel to the fire quietly: "Everyone think about it carefully, don't rush to check. Think about where you want to go the most? Where is the person you like, where is it possible to go?"

Zhai Xingchen seemed to cover Guo Bing's mouth, which is no big deal when watching the excitement.

Zhai Xingchen carefully looked at the eight places.

Among these eight locations, only Ice Snow City was visited by Yan Zhi and Hu Ying before, and the remaining seven were seven local scenic spots, most of which were in the urban area.

He took a look, and he was most interested in Ice and Snow City.

If you come to Beicheng, if you don't go to see the Ice Sculpture World, then it's really a waste of time.

But Yan Zhi and Hu Ying had been to this scenic spot before, and they all praised it highly when they came back. Usually they chat, Duan Yihua and the others have said that they must go there once they have the chance.

The possibility of Yan Zhi and Hu Ying choosing this scenic spot again is estimated to be 30 to 40%, and there are 60 to 70% left. There is a high probability that they will not repeat it again, right

But it's hard to say, maybe they think they will choose this attraction

He thinks this attraction should be the most popular.

He looked at other places. The Beicheng Museum was built on the ruins of the ancient city of Mokesa, full of cultural and historical details, surrounded by majestic scenery and densely packed attractions.

Beicheng Art Museum is one of the best art museums in China, and it often holds exhibitions.

In addition, there are snow mountain cold hot springs, Beicheng Happy Valley, sightseeing train, Beicheng Sculpture Park, and a time cafe.

He wants to pick a place where others are least likely to go.

In this way, there is a 30-40% chance that he will date someone, and there is a 60-70% chance that he will be alone.

Ice and Snow City is one of the most famous tourist attractions in Beicheng, and there is no doubt that it is the most popular.

The hot springs are too ambiguous, so it’s okay for two people to go. If there are more than two people, and everyone soaks in the hot springs shirtless, then the situation should not be too embarrassing.

The most mediocre thing here is actually the coffee shop.

It stands to reason that this is estimated to be no one.

But he thought of the previous inside shot.

The surprising result of that internal vote showed that everyone had complicated thoughts. He felt that it was very likely that many guests would do the opposite as they did last time. Instead, most of the guests chose the most boring coffee shop in the end.

Shall we sit and drink coffee together


Zhai Xingchen thought for a while, and finally set his sights on the art museum and sculpture park.

These two are the most satisfactory.

Next is the museum.

He thought for a while, and suddenly felt the eyes of his surroundings.

Several guests seemed to be sizing him up.

He pursed his lips and chose the sculpture park.

How long can you visit a park

It's still so cold.

Might be back in an hour or two.

After he checked the sculpture park, he handed in the card.

He also paid special attention to Guo Bing's expression, but Guo Bing glanced at it and showed no expression.

Perhaps because he was afraid that other guests would see something, his expression was very restrained.

After a while, other people also handed in their cards.

After handing it in, everyone turned to Guo Bing.

Guo Bing looked at all the cards in his hand, with a sweet smile on the corner of his mouth.

Zhai Xingchen looked at Guo Bing, and his heart beat faster.

This smile looks very sinister!

"What did Wino choose?"

Guo Bing asked the staff next to him.

The staff came up to him and said something in his ear.

Hu Ying was so nervous that she couldn't wait any longer: "Director, hurry up and announce!"

Guo Bing looked at the time: "It's half past twelve, let's continue eating, we'll gather outside at one o'clock."

Duan Yihua asked in surprise: "Are you going today?!"

"I thought it was tomorrow." Lin Qingning said.

"If you want to play, you need to be more exciting." Guo Bing said: "It saves time for you to inquire about each other. The whole afternoon is enough time. If everyone has fun, it doesn't matter if you come back later."

The atmosphere suddenly became tense, and Yan Zhi and Huo Cheng would glance at Pei Xu from time to time.

After eating, everyone cleared the dining table, and the program team's car was already waiting for them outside. Wen Nuo was already standing outside. Fortunately, he stopped sneezing now, but his nose was stuffy, which made him a little uncomfortable.

I have to go even if I feel uncomfortable!

He will not let go of this opportunity!

Zhai Xingchen asked him, "Are you feeling better?"

"I've taken the medicine." Wen Nuo whispered.

He was fully armed and spoke in a nasal voice, and his nose was red from blowing his nose, which made him look even more endearing.

"Everyone doesn't need to come out, one by one. It's cold outside, so let's go back to the house." Guo Bing said.

"I'll go first." Lin Qingning said.

He was the only one who didn't consider Zhai Xingchen when making the choice.

As a high intellectual, he chose the Beicheng Museum.

Everyone came back to the hut and waited silently at the dining table. After about ten minutes, Guo Bing asked at the door, "Who is next?"

"Me." Wen Nuo took the initiative to stand up.

Behind Wen Nuo was Huo Cheng, and Zhai Xingchen was the fourth to leave.

Because he had just eaten and the heater in the car was turned on, Zhai Xingchen began to doze off after getting in the car.

It took an hour and a half to drive from the North Pole to downtown Beicheng, and he fell asleep after half an hour.

When he woke up, he had already reached the south gate of the sculpture park in the city center.

He glanced out of the car window with sleepy eyes, only to see that the gate of the sculpture park was full of colorful balloons, and there was a huge crowd of people at the gate.

He shuddered, fully awake.

"Is this a sculpture park?" He asked his follower who looked like Xiao Wei.

Xiao Wei said, "The North City Music Festival will be held here today."

Zhai Xingchen was surprised.

At this moment, a person suddenly jumped over from the side, and "Dangdang" knocked twice on the window on the other side.

Zhai Xingchen turned his head and saw that Huo Cheng was almost laughing like a flower.

"Zhai Xingchen!!" Huo Cheng shouted loudly.

At that moment, Huo Cheng was like a hydrogen balloon next to him. If he floated a little more, he would be able to float into the sky.

He bet right! ! ! !