Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That

Chapter 127


They arrived at a place called Ricuo in the south of Xicheng that day. The surrounding mountains are low and flat, with a golden airflow belt. Relying on the unique natural conditions, it has become a paradise for paragliding enthusiasts.

After getting out of the car, Hu Ying recognized the place.

He has been here three times!

This time it's all right, he's about to show off!

Gliding is the sport he is most proficient in, and he doesn't even need a coach! He can take others!

Like Zhai Xingchen!

This time there is no need to choose a house. The program group directly occupied a two-story building, the program group lived downstairs, and their guests lived upstairs.

Hu Ying saw that their luggage was piled up downstairs.

"What does that mean?" he asked the show crew.

"You carry the luggage yourself." Guo Bing said with a smile.

"So many!" Hu Ying wailed.

"Come on, let's go together." Duan Yihua was very active.

This time, each of them brought at least two suitcases, as well as the luggage that Huo Cheng and Yan Zhi brought over in advance, adding up to nearly twenty. Pei Xu went over and picked up those big boxes one by one, and finally picked two boxes and picked them up. Hu Ying saw the heaviest one among them, and hurriedly shouted: "My box is very heavy!"

"Take it easy." Zhai Xingchen said.

"I know." Pei Xu said and went upstairs with the suitcase.

Hu Ying looked up and said, "He's really strong."

See once and be surprised once.

Pei Xu is really the best of the best, with amazing arm strength.

This time, the guests on the red party didn't want to admit defeat, they all wanted to show their "masculinity". Put it down with a "bang".

Zhai Xingchen said with a smile: "Everyone do what you can, it's okay to carry one by one, anyway, you have to run back and forth a few times, don't strain yourself."

As he spoke, he took it from Wen Nuo and went up with two suitcases.

Wen Nuo couldn't help feeling emotional: "The stars are so powerful."

Okay 1, blah blah.

The two suitcases that Zhai Xingchen carried were a bit smaller than those carried by Pei Xu, but they were also very heavy. He went up a few stairs to take a rest, and when he reached the corner, he saw Pei Xu coming down. He raised his head and smiled. Looking at Pei Xu, Pei Xu directly carried the two boxes from his hand, but Zhai Xingchen didn't show politeness to him, and ran downstairs again.

Pei Xu was stronger and faster than the five of them by himself, but he was also exhausted. In the end, his face and neck were red, and his whole body was dripping with sweat. He simply took off his coat, revealing his black T-shirt. The back of the T-shirt was soaked and stuck to the ditch.

Zhai Xingchen thought, how tempting this is, but unfortunately the guests from the red party are not interested in Pei Xu anymore.

Zhai Xingchen took out a tissue from his backpack and handed it to Pei Xu. Pei Xu wiped his face, picked up the luggage in his hand and went upstairs again. Zhai Xingchen hurriedly followed, and helped him mention it: "Be careful."

Pei Xu said, "I know."

When they went up to the second floor, they realized that they lived in bunk beds this time.

One bedroom, four bunk beds, exactly eight people.

Hu Ying said: "I can finally experience the feeling of bunk beds."

"Didn't you sleep on bunk beds when you were in school?" Lin Qingning asked.

"I've always lived outside the school and never lived on campus," Hu Ying said.

"How do you choose?" Wen Nuo asked, "Should we wait for Brother Huo and Yan Zhi to come?"

"No need?" Hu Ying said, "First come first choose."

Guo Bing said: "It's all the same room, so it doesn't matter where you sleep, right? You choose."

He said and looked at Pei Xu: "Hurry up and put on your coat, as soon as the sun sets over here, the temperature will drop."

Lin Qingning suddenly asked Zhai Xingchen at this time: "Xingchen, where do you sleep, we sleep on bunk beds."

Hu Ying and Duan Yihua were stunned for a moment.

Zhai Xingchen smiled and said, "Okay."

"Then let's sleep here." Lin Qingning picked the one on the right closest to the door.

They are all in the same room, and there is actually not much difference between sleeping on upper and lower bunks. Lin Qingning said so, so it is not easy for others to compete with him, so Pei Xu directly put the bag on the upper bunk next door.

He hasn't spoken all the time, but he moves faster than anyone else, heh!

Hu Ying put the things on his lower berth.

In the end, Wen Nuo and Duan Yihua chose the bed on the left, and left the bunk bed for Yan Zhi and Huo Cheng.

Lin Qingning went to the bathroom, and said with a smile after coming out of the next door: "Go and see the bathroom next door, it's really a dream to go back to campus life in a second."

Hearing what he said, Hu Ying and the others immediately went to the next door to take a look.

The toilet next door and the bathroom are two separate rooms, one on the left and one on the right. The toilet is a cubicle, and the bathroom next to it is also a cubicle. There are four cubicles in a row. Below the chest, above the calves.

"At first glance, the baffle was added later by the program group. It is estimated that there was no baffle before." Duan Yihua said.

Zhai Xingchen said: "It's okay to take a bath during the day, but at night, I don't know if it will be cold."

As soon as he finished speaking, Pei Xu came in with the toiletries.

"Do you want to take a bath?" he asked Pei Xu.

Pei Xu said "hmm" and said, "I'm sweating all over."

Hu Ying said, "I want to wash too."

"There are not four compartments." Lin Qingning said with a smile.

"I'm going to wait for him to finish washing, and then I'll wash after the bathroom is warmed up." Hu Ying said.

The beds are all made and the quilts are all new. Everyone returns to the bedroom and starts to pack their luggage.

After a while, Pei Xu came back from the shower. Zhai Xingchen was arranging the pillowcase on the upper bunk. Seeing him coming back, he glanced down. When he saw Pei Xu, he was stunned for a moment. Still wet, he almost thought that Pei Xu hadn't showered or undressed.

Pei Xu was wearing a T-shirt, but black trousers.

He used to come out with boxer shorts on his lower body after taking a shower, and at most he would wear big pants outside, but now there are probably too many people, so he feels embarrassed.

"Is it cold?" Zhai Xingchen asked.

"It's okay, but the water pressure is unstable, hot and cold, so it has to be adjusted all the time."

Pei Xu put the things on the table and climbed up to the upper bunk. His pillow was originally placed on the side next to the wall, but when he came up, he took the pillow and put it on the side next to Zhai Xingchen.

Sleep with him on your head.

Hu Ying secretly glanced up from the lower berth.

Zhai Xingchen was going to sleep on the lower bunk, but Lin Qingning changed it with him.

But Lin Qingning could understand that he slept on the lower bunk. He probably didn't want to sleep on the upper bunk with Pei Xu for fear of embarrassment.

Mistakes made Pei Xu get closer to Zhai Xingchen again, annoyed.

Fortunately, they were bunk beds, so the two of them couldn't whisper anything. We all live in the same room, and it really doesn't make much difference which bed we sleep on. Hu Ying took the toiletries and went into the bathroom.

"Anyone want to wash with me?" He asked back.

Lin Qingning followed with the toiletries.

"Is it inconvenient to do laundry here?" Zhai Xingchen asked Pei Xu.

He saw Pei Xu put all the clothes he had taken off into bags and took them out. There is only one sink here, which is still public, and the conditions are very simple, and there is no place to hang the clothes after washing.

Pei Xu gave a "hmm".

"I brought disposable underwear." Zhai Xingchen said, "Do you want it?"

Pei Xu nodded.

Wen Nuo and Duan Yihua heard it from below, and Duan Yihua asked, "Didn't Pei Xu bring disposable underwear?"

Pei Xu said, "No."

Duan Yihua was surprised.

How many of them can wash clothes by themselves, so when they come out to record a show, they all wear disposable underwear, which is convenient, trouble-free, and clean.

Zhai Xingchen and Wen Nuo didn't think about it, but Pei Xu didn't think about it either.

Zhai Xingchen went down and took out a bag of disposable underwear from the suitcase.

He was quite prescient, and when he heard that he was going to live in a dormitory this time, he bought two bags of disposable underwear, which really came in handy.

"I don't know if your clothes are too small or not." Zhai Xingchen said.

After speaking, his face flushed, feeling that the words were ambiguous.

But he looked at the others, he obviously thought too much, Duan Yihua and Wen Nuo didn't think in the wrong direction.

Well, they probably don't know about Pei Xu's situation.

Huo Cheng is well-known as Huo Dabao, not to mention being strict, but Pei Xu, who hides deeply.

Of course, the size he mentioned does not refer to that, just the size.

Pei Xu held onto his clothes better than him.

Hey, this sounds even weirder.

He put on his shoes and came down the stairs. The sun was already setting outside, and there were a lot of people downstairs, and the program team was still transporting supplies and equipment here. I don't know who is playing music on the loudspeaker, but it's "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky" by Escape Plan.

Zhai Xingchen ran over to help, Guo Bing stopped him: "You have time to hang out with other guests, our scenery is so beautiful, don't waste it."

Guo Bing turned around and asked, "Where's Xiao Li?"

Xiao Li ran over with the camera in his arms.

"Is it just you?" Guo Bing asked.

He looked at Zhai Xingchen, and felt that although Zhai Xingchen was wearing very plain clothes, jeans and a white shirt, the pattern on the shirt was very light, and it was almost impossible to see it unless he looked carefully, but his temperament was sunny, and he looked very bright and dazzling.

"What are the other guests doing?" he asked.

As soon as he finished speaking, the man looked at the stairs and smiled: "Here we come."

Zhai Xingchen looked back, it was Pei Xu.

Pei Xu wore a black sweater, and he was back to the way they were when they first met, dressed very casually.

Pei Xu walked up to him and asked Guo Bing, "Want to help?"

"You two are doing us a favor by going out for a walk."

Pei Xu smiled and looked at Zhai Xingchen: "Then let's go."

Pei Xu and Zhai Xingchen walked away, and Guo Bing said to the staff around him, "Brother Smelly is so smiling now."

"People are happy when they have happy events."

"Classic black and white."

The weather here is very dry, the fiery red sunset shines on the mountains, and there are no people around, except for the mountains, grass and trees, there is only a gliding base in the distance. Zhai Xingchen said: "It doesn't seem too far away, let's go to the gliding base to see."

Pei Xu glanced at him with a smile.

Zhai Xingchen asked, "What are you laughing at?"

Pei Xu said, "Happy."

Zhai Xingchen smiled and repeated, "Happy."

The two walked in silence for a while.

"Have you tried paragliding before?" Pei Xu asked.

Zhai Xingchen said: "No, this is my first time in West City. Is paragliding scary?"

"Easier than bungee jumping and skydiving, it's okay, not that scary." Pei Xu said, "Just find someone to take you for a while."

Zhai Xingchen said: "When the time comes, the program team will definitely arrange for someone to take me to fly."

He knows the routine of the show group too well.

Pei Xu just said "um", and then put his hand in his trouser pocket: "I'll try my best to see if I can bring you with me when the time comes."

Zhai Xingchen chuckled.

Pei Xu looked at Zhai Xingchen with a smile and said, "Really, you are worse than me than others. I am better than them. I come to Xicheng every year. Last year, I stayed here for more than a month to test my pilot's license. Paragliding I can fly with my eyes closed."

Zhai Xingchen imagined how Pei Xu was flying the plane. He put on the flight suit and glasses.

So Su, the program team will definitely not let it go, right

Maybe he will have a chance to see it too.

The two of them walked up the mountain along a small path, but it became narrower and narrower, and finally the road broke in a mountain depression. The two of them climbed up from the flower field next to it. The slope was so steep that Zhai Xingchen almost fell down a few times. He turned back and said to the camera: "You guys take pictures below, don't come up, it's dangerous. Let's go up and take a look and then come down." .”

He and Pei Xu climbed to the highest point, and Zhai Xingchen looked at it and said, "We went wrong, we should take the way up to the east."

There was no one there, only the two of them stood far away from the photo. The wind was very strong on the mountain. Standing at the highest point and looking south, I happened to see two paragliders flying into the distance on the wind. The setting sun and sunset cover the mountains, and the infinite scenery is all under you.

This is a completely different scenery from Beicheng.

The setting sun was about to set, and the wind was getting colder. They stood on it for a while and then went down. Pei Xu stepped on the stone and said, "Give me your hand."

Zhai Xingchen refused to reach out, so Pei Xu repeated it again, but in a lower voice: "Give it to me."

Don't look at the low voice, but the tone is quite domineering.

Zhai Xingchen stretched out his hand and put Pei Xu's hand down. Pei Xu also accepted it as soon as it was good, and let go of his hand after he got down. Who knew that just as he let go, Zhai Xingchen slipped under his feet and hit Pei Xu's back directly. He was startled, and quickly hugged Pei Xu's waist, Pei Xu was not knocked down by him, the two stabilized their bodies under the urgent cry of "be careful" like the cameraman, Zhai Xingchen let go of Pei Xu, and said :"so close."

Pei Xu didn't speak, his earlobes were red. Zhai Xingchen put his hands on Pei Xu's back and walked down, thinking, Pei Xu's waist is quite thin.

Hard, but easy to cuddle.

Xicheng is warmer, even warmer than Nancheng. They are all wearing thin clothes, and their fragrance is more obvious. Zhai Xingchen feels that the mint fragrance on Pei Xu's body seems to be getting weaker and weaker, but it smells better and better.

For a moment, he wanted to hear more.

"What perfume do you use?" he asked Pei Xu.

Pei Xu said, "I don't use perfume."


Pei Xu said, "I only wear perfume when I wear a suit for formal occasions." He sniffed his arm as he said, "I can't smell it myself."

"A bit like the aroma of mint." Zhai Xingchen said.

"Bath gel, and shampoo." Pei Xu said, "I like this flavor better, and the toothpaste is also mint."

He turned around and asked Zhai Xingchen, "Do you like the taste or not?"

Zhai Xingchen scratched his cheek and said, "I like it...it smells good."

Pei Xu said "um", the corners of his lips rose, and he turned around to help Zhai Xingchen. Supporting himself, he suddenly laughed, completely unable to restrain the energy.

He hadn't smiled as much these days in years.

"Why do you feel that you are getting more and more stupid," Zhai Xingchen said, "Smile."

Pei Xu said, "Happy."

His joy is very strange, his heart trembles, he is very happy. Joy is originally a pure psychological feeling in emotions, but when his heart trembles, there will be a slight reaction in his lower body, which is not strong, but it is insignificant. Being everywhere is more like an unconscious reaction of the body. He looked up at Zhai Xingchen, the mountain wind blew Zhai Xingchen's hair, revealing a smooth forehead, delicate and heroic.

Zhai Xingchen hardly looked into his eyes anymore.

The two walked down the mountain together, and Pei Xu kept smiling silently.

Xiao Wei suddenly pulled Xiao Li's arm, and said softly, "Let's stay away."

Xiao Li said: "If we stay farther away, these two people will probably talk about it."

Xiao Wei laughed.

"My hands are all healed." Pei Xu stretched out his hand to show Zhai Xingchen.

Zhai Xingchen said "Yes", "It's fine."

The setting sun was completely blocked by the mountains on both sides, and the path darkened suddenly. When they reached the corner, their hands suddenly touched each other. Zhai Xingchen was startled. He put his hands in his pockets and pursed his lips.