Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That

Chapter 129


Zhai Xingchen couldn't fall asleep for a long time because of that ear pinched.

I always feel itchy in the ears, and there is a feeling of tension and excitement.

Because they had to catch the sunrise the next day, they were woken up early in the morning by the program crew. The music downstairs was loud, and "The Brightest Star in the Night Sky" was played.

Zhai Xingchen sat up in a daze.

"Are you awake?" Pei Xu greeted.

Zhai Xingchen glanced at Pei Xu, and saw that Pei Xu was leaning against the wall looking at him, his hair was a little messed up, and his fair face was still sleepy, and he didn't know how long he had been sitting there looking at him.

As soon as Zhai Xingchen got up, his heart beat faster.

Hu Ying howled and covered her head with the quilt. Yan Zhi had already come out of the bathroom after taking a shower.

"You got up so early?" Huo Cheng asked in surprise.

Yan Zhi let out a "hmm", took the hair dryer and went to the bathroom to dry his hair.

Zhai Xingchen put on his clothes and climbed down from the upper bunk. Lin Qingning just sat up, with messy hair and eyes narrowed. Zhai Xingchen glanced at him with a smile, and said, "It's so sleepy."

Lin Qingning yawned, touched the glasses and put them on, and said with a smile: "Brother Huo snored last night, did you hear that?"

Huo Cheng immediately asked, "Did I snore?"

"A little bit." Zhai Xingchen said with a smile, "but not for long."

Huo Cheng said: "I've been too tired recently. I only snore when I'm very tired."

he explained.

Hu Ying sat up from the bed: "I didn't hear anything."

He listened to the song played downstairs and asked, "Is this song going to be our theme song?"

"It sounds nice." Huo Cheng said.

This song is also appropriate.

To them, Zhai Xingchen is the brightest star in the night sky.

Pei Xu suddenly looked at Zhai Xingchen and said, "Does everyone have to take a bath? I want to take a bath soon."

Upon hearing this, Zhai Xingchen immediately dug out the toiletries and left.

Because it is a recording program, they must take a shower in the morning if conditions permit, and wash their hair even if they don't take a shower.

He took all the toothbrush and toothpaste, planning to brush his teeth while taking a shower. He and Pei Xu just went in, and Hu Ying followed. Wen Nuo and Duan Yihua hadn't gotten up yet, but Lin Qingning did get up, but when she saw Pei Xu go in, she pretended to be looking for something and opened the suitcase.

Huo Cheng took his clothes and went in.

After he went in, he saw that Zhai Xingchen and the others had already undressed in the cubicle. The baffle of the compartment was not well covered, and he could vaguely see Zhai Xingchen's naked back. He was sleepy at first, but suddenly became refreshed.

He glanced at him, and when he saw Pei Xu looking at him, he smiled. Pei Xu put the clothes he had taken off on the fender, exposing his wide Pacific shoulders.

They were both too tall, one just under 1.9 meters and the other a little over 1.9 meters, and the fender was a bit low for both of them.

Zhai Xingchen went to the outermost room, the next door was Pei Xu, and the next door was Hu Ying, so he went into the innermost room, vaguely saw the tattoo on Hu Ying's body, and asked, "Isn't your tattoo pasted? "

Hu Ying looked back at him: "Don't be blind, I'm very conservative."

Huo Cheng laughed: "I can't take responsibility."

While taking off her clothes, Hu Ying said, "It's quite interesting for everyone to wash together."

There was a sound of rushing water, and white water vapor permeated the air. Zhai Xingchen was standing under the shower. The water pressure of the shower was not stable. Everyone washed together, and the water pressure was even more unstable. It would get hot after washing. He had to adjust it from time to time. Pei Xu heard Zhai Xingchen from the next door. From time to time, he would make a gasp that sounded like shock and pain, and it sounded like he was going to get angry early in the morning.

Zhai Xingchen came out after a hasty wash. Back in the bedroom, he said to Duan Yihua and Lin Qingning, "The water pressure is not stable, it's hot and cold."

Duan Yihua went in and said, "It was like this when I washed it yesterday."

The program team was already urging them, and Lin Qingning couldn't wait any longer, so she went in with her toiletries in hand. As soon as she entered, she saw Pei Xu wearing a vest, pushing the baffle and coming out of the compartment. There were people in the other three cubicles, so he could only go into the cubicle that Pei Xu had just washed. There was a lot of moisture and the smell of mint everywhere, very strong. Lin Qingning blushed and took off her clothes, turned on the shower, Squeeze out a lot of my shower gel, and the lemon scent quickly covered up the mint flavor.

It can't go on like this. He cannot make the same mistake twice.

At around 5:50, Guo Bing came up to urge him in person. All the guests in the room were getting dressed, and the room was in a mess. Guo Bing asked, "Are you all right? The sun will come out later."

"Let's go, let's go." Zhai Xingchen was the first to come out of the room, and he walked down the stairs when he noticed that Pei Xu was following. He walked even faster.

It was already bright outside, and the eastern sky was faintly red. They got into the car of the program team and headed to the gliding base.

Hu Ying dressed up very brightly today, and said: "I have played paragliding before, but I haven't gotten up so early to play. The scenery here is very beautiful, and the sunrise must be very beautiful."

"It seems that you have been here?" Huo Cheng asked.

"I'm a regular customer." Hu Ying said.

The sun was already rising when they reached the gliding base. Several coaches were already waiting for them on the hill.

"There are paragliding certificates among our guests. It seems that there are Hu Ying, Pei Xu, Duan Yihua and Yan Zhi." Guo Bing said: "There are exactly four people, two red and two blue."

Zhai Xingchen is ready.

If the program group does not engage in trouble, it is not a program group.

"Then how do we divide?" He asked Guo Bing.

"Are the four of them safe?" Huo Cheng asked, "Is it safer to be with the coach?"

"I also think it's better to be with the coach..." Winno said.

Hu Ying glanced at the two of them upon hearing this.

Don't think that he can't see the small thoughts of these people, he can't take Zhai Xingchen with him, and he won't let him take it with him!

"It's not me. I participated in professional paragliding competitions and won awards." Hu Ying said, "These coaches may not be as skilled as me."

"I take my friends to fly every year." Duan Yihua said, "I have an E-level certificate and have at least three flight records of more than 50 kilometers. The safety rate is 100 percent."

As soon as Duan Yihua said this, even the coach next to her was stunned. Both Pei Xu and Yan Zhi glanced at Duan Yihua with a little surprise on their faces.

Duan Yihua pursed her lips and glanced at Zhai Xingchen who was opposite.

This is a proactive Duan Yihua.

Hu Ying asked Pei Xu and Yan Zhi.

"I'm Class E."

"Me too."

Hu Ying: "..."

God, why!

He is good at a paraglider, why can't he be the first person!

Huo Cheng coughed lightly, and asked Guo Bing: "Then how do we divide?"

"Choose yourself."

Zhai Xingchen was stunned for a moment: "Choose by yourself?"

Guo Bing smiled maliciously: "Yes, the four of you decide the order of fist guessing, and the one who wins will choose first."

Zhai Xingchen pursed his lower lip.

He knew that the program group must try their best to make things happen in terms of link setting.

"Then come on." Huo Cheng said, "The sun will come out after a while."

Zhai Xingchen, Huo Cheng, Lin Qingning, and Wen Nuo stood together. Huo Cheng glanced at Zhai Xingchen and suddenly raised his eyebrows.

Zhai Xingchen glanced at Huo Cheng's hand.

Lin Qingning smiled and said nothing.

But Wen Nuo didn't see it.

Zhai Xingchen was very grateful for Huo Cheng's thoughtfulness.

The best result is that if he loses, he doesn't have to make a choice. If he wins, he will be the first to choose, among the four men who are looking forward to flying with him, he really doesn't know who to choose.

Guo Bing said excitedly: "Hurry up, the sun will come out in a while."

Huo Cheng shouted: "Come on, rock scissors... paper."

Huo Cheng is cloth, Lin Qingning is cloth, Wen Nuo is stone, and Zhai Xingchen is also stone.

Guo Bing was a little disappointed, and said, "Huo Cheng and Lin Qingning will decide one or two more places, and Xingchen and Wen Nuo will decide three or four places."

Huo Cheng was in a happy mood.

Although he couldn't fly with Zhai Xingchen, he must have gained a little favor with Zhai Xingchen just now.

Considerate Huo Cheng tough man plus tenderness.

He and Lin Qingning made a guess.

He is first, Lin Qingning is second.

Zhai Xingchen heaved a sigh of relief and looked at Wen Nuo.

Wen Nuo was too honest, so honest that he couldn't think of what to do with this opportunity, so he honestly guessed a punch with Zhai Xingchen.

Zhai Xingchen is still rock, he is scissors.

Guo Bing breathed a sigh of relief: "Na Huo Cheng is the first, Qing Ning is the second, Zhai Xingchen is the third, and Wen Nuo is the fourth."

Huo Cheng looked at the four people opposite.

Pei Xu, Duan Yihua, Yan Zhi, Hu Ying.

Hu Ying motioned slightly to Pei Xu, who was on the far left.

Huo Cheng smiled: "I know what you guys think, but I can only choose randomly, so don't blame me."

Hu Ying smiled and said, "Quickly choose quickly."

"I'll find someone with a lighter weight, Hu Ying."

Hu Ying: "..."

Huo Cheng walked towards Hu Ying.

Hu Ying sighed and looked at Lin Qingning.

He really wanted Lin Qingning to choose Pei Xu.

Let him choose Pei Xu first!

But Lin Qingning looked at Duan Yihua, then at Yan Zhi.

He finally chose Yan Zhi.

He wanted to give the red party guests more chances and not be transparent from start to finish.

Now it was Zhai Xingchen's turn.

Zhai Xingchen looked at Duan Yihua and Pei Xu with a smile. When he saw Pei Xu's eyes, he dodged a little.

Pei Xu smiled lightly.

Huo Cheng, who had been smiling all the time, stopped smiling. He looked at Zhai Xingchen and Pei Xu seriously.

There was a reason why he didn't choose Pei Xu.

He knew that if he didn't choose Pei Xu, it was impossible for Lin Qingning to choose Pei Xu, so he left Pei Xu to Zhai Xingchen.

Pei Xu would definitely choose Zhai Xingchen, and he wanted to see if Zhai Xingchen would choose Pei Xu.

He didn't know how he came up with this idea. Maybe he felt that the auras of Pei Xu and Zhai Xingchen had changed recently, and they were too familiar.

But he was actually very nervous, very afraid that Zhai Xingchen would choose Pei Xu.

Yan Zhi adjusted his glasses and looked at Zhai Xingchen nervously.

The atmosphere was extremely quiet for a while, and Wen Nuo came back to his senses at this moment, thinking that he really should have found a way to win just now.

At this time, Duan Yihua suddenly took the initiative to say: "You choose me, Xingchen."

Duan Yihua stood up for the first time and offered an invitation to Zhai Xingchen.

Zhai Xingchen nodded and walked to Duan Yihua's side.

Seeing Duan Yihua taking the initiative, Guo Bing was very excited and said, "Then Wen Nuo and Pei Xu will follow."

Huo Cheng was very disappointed, he didn't expect Duan Yihua to show up suddenly.

He turned his head to look at Duan Yihua, whom he hadn't paid much attention to, and found that Duan Yihua had actually changed a lot compared to the previous two stops.

His hair was shorter and his eyes were determined.

The sun has come out most of the time, and everyone is getting ready for gliding.

Duan Yihua seemed to be a different person. He became very active and considerate. He carefully fastened Zhai Xingchen's helmet, knee pads, and safety rope. He was serious and professional. He did not have any ambiguity with Zhai Xingchen. The same behavior quickly relieved Zhai Xingchen of his embarrassment.

They were the first ones to fly, surrounded by a bunch of people, Hu Ying looked at him enviously and excitedly with a video camera: "Our first paragliding record is Xingchen! Let me interview Xingchen, are you nervous?" ?”

Zhai Xingchen said, "Are you telling the truth? Don't be nervous."

Hu Ying gave him a thumbs up.

Yan Zhi knelt down and checked Zhai Xingchen's safety equipment again.

Everyone surrounded him, but Pei Xu didn't join him. Zhai Xingchen glanced aside through the crowd, and saw Pei Xu, who had been keeping his hands in his coat pockets, stretched out his hand and waved at him.

Everyone's attention was on Zhai Xingchen, it was a mess, and only Guo Bing saw this scene. Guo Bing smiled, held up the horn and said: "Everyone spread out, our first group can take off."

Everyone stepped aside one after another, leaving only Zhai Xingchen, Duan Yihua and two running staff.

"Run straight ahead," Duan Yihua said, "Don't be afraid when you reach the edge of the cliff, you can't stop."

Zhai Xingchen looked a little more serious: "Okay."

Wen Nuo watched nervously, and asked, "Why haven't they run away yet?"

"Waiting for the wind to come." Hu Ying said.

They stood there for a while, suddenly felt the wind blowing, Duan Yihua said: "Come, one, two, three, let's go."

Zhai Xingchen was completely excited. He strode forward with difficulty, his back was heavy, and there were staff members pulling his arm beside him.

"Run!" Duan Yihua shouted.

The two of them ran hard, running faster and faster, and they were about to reach the edge of the cliff, but Zhai Xingchen was even more excited. When he stepped on the cliff, he just took a step forward when his body was lifted up by the paraglider .

When he ascended into the air, Zhai Xingchen laughed. Duan Yihua was behind him, riding the wind, gradually drifting away from Zhai Xingchen. He turned his head and saw Hu Ying and the others standing in Watch them from the cliff. He turned around, pulled the control ring to control the direction, and asked Zhai Xingchen, "Are you afraid?"

Zhai Xingchen smiled and shook his head: "It's more stable than I thought."

He didn't feel nervous at all, and he was very bright, confident, and calm. Duan Yihua couldn't help asking, "Have you played similar sports before?"

"I used to like skydiving very much," Zhai Xingchen said.

Duan Yihua was stunned for a moment, then said, "No wonder."

Duan Yihua pursed his lips. There was a camera above his head, but he stared at the back of Zhai Xingchen's head without moving.

He thought that the Zhai Xingchen they saw might be just a few sides of him. There are still many sides to Zhai Xingchen, waiting for them to dig out. Such an outstanding young boy, at the age of thirty, he may have been powerless. catch up.

At this moment, it may be his only short date in this love journey.

But he doesn't feel ashamed.

He thought it would be embarrassing to take the initiative to pursue and fail again.

But he doesn't feel it now.

If you love such a brilliant boy, you won't be ashamed if you fail.

Both of them fell silent, only the wind carried them slowly, the mountains and rivers were at their feet, undulating continuously, and a few horses galloped through the valley, and it seemed that someone was looking up at them immediately.

"Look, the sun." Duan Yihua said.

Zhai Xingchen turned his head and looked towards the east, and a round of rising sun jumped out, emitting a radiant light. And they were floating under the huge paraglider, their bodies melted into the sunlight, Duan Yihua leaned forward slightly, lowered his head, his forehead almost touched Zhai Xingchen's back, silently made a promise that might never come true wishes.