Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That

Chapter 132


At the end of the game, all the rankings came out.

Zhai Xingchen and Hu Ying tied for first place, Yan Zhi third, Pei Xu fourth, Huo Cheng fifth, Duan Yihua sixth, Lin Qingning seventh, and Wen Nuo automatically ranked eighth.

Hu Ying asked excitedly: "Director, is our ranking related to dating?"

They haven't started a formal date yet at Xicheng Station.

Guo Bing said with a smile: "It does matter, but don't worry. Didn't you ride a horse just now? You can move around freely in the next time. Come here after a long time. Let's have a good time."

As soon as Guo Bing said that, he turned over and rode on the horse. Hu Ying clapped her hands to create atmosphere: "The director is so handsome!"

They applauded and ran away when they saw Guo Bing riding a horse.

It is also a master!

Several people in the program team were eager to try it, and Wen Nuo was tempted to watch it.

But this time, he didn't let any of the guests take him. He was afraid of dragging them down. He found a coach to take him around the racecourse.

Duan Yihua, Lin Qingning was exhausted, Pei Xu had an injury on his hand, and he was not interested in riding a horse, while Yan Zhi was obsessed with cleanliness, so the four of them stayed where they were, watching Zhai Xingchen and Hu Ying riding. galloping on the prairie.

The tall and strong Huo Cheng, the flamboyant Hu Ying, and Zhai Xingchen who is brighter than the sun, the three of them are in harmony with each other, and they are also the most lively and cheerful. The scene of riding a horse together is very lively and beautiful. Duan Yihua covered the sun with her hand and watched, the smile on her face never stopped.

At this moment, Zhai Xingchen is so youthful.

Lin Qingning turned her head and took a look, and found that all four of them were smiling, and Pei Xu and Yan Zhi's eyes were so focused and joyful.

Today's Zhai Xingchen once again conquered many people.

Lin Qingning thinks that the reason why Zhai Xingchen is more attractive than them may be that he can always bring them surprises. When you thought he was just a hardworking handsome guy running around the kitchen, he suddenly burst into brilliance on the stage. When the guests from the blue party fell in love with him, Zhai Xingchen became more and more restrained and gentle due to the pressure, and his image in everyone's minds became more and more compatible with the guests from the red party. The appearance of youth is so cool, so handsome, and the figure can be described as vigorous.

They stayed at the racecourse for about two hours before returning, and had dinner at a small restaurant on the way, and when they returned to their place of residence, it was already dark. Hu Ying couldn't wait any longer, as soon as she got out of the car, she ran to Guo Bing and asked, "Director, what are the dating rules for tomorrow?"

Guo Bing got out of the car and said with a smile: "The date is tomorrow. If I tell you now, some of you will definitely cheat. Tomorrow morning, let's talk about it tomorrow morning."

Duan Yihua said with a smile: "It seems that there is a new trick this time."

Zhai Xingchen said: "If you don't make trouble, you won't be Director Guo."

The eight of them came upstairs while making complaints. When Zhai Xingchen noticed that Pei Xu had walked up to him, he glanced at his hand.

Pei Xu's hand has been replaced with a new Band-Aid. The arms of the two rubbed together, Zhai Xingchen took a step up, and he was one step ahead of Pei Xu.

After running outside for a day, everyone went to bed after washing up. Before going to bed, the eight of them chatted for a while. Today is the fourth broadcast day. It may be embarrassing to talk about this topic.

At nine o'clock, one after another, people began to fall asleep. At around 9:30, the lights in the room were all off, and Huo Cheng's snoring was faintly heard in the darkness, and then they suddenly heard Hu Ying shouting: "Xingchen, wait for me!"

Everyone was startled, realizing that Hu Ying was talking in sleep, Lin Qingning and the others burst into muffled laughter. Zhai Xingchen's face was hot, and he glanced at the lower bunk. It was so dark that he couldn't see anything clearly, but Because of their laughter, Huo Cheng's snoring also stopped.

Because he was afraid that Pei Xu would reach out his hand again, he hid under the blanket with his head almost covered. The weather in Xicheng is not cold, so it's actually a bit hot to sleep like this. He was lying on the outside, and his heart was very disturbed. He seemed to have some kind of worry and some kind of expectation. After lying down for a long time, he opened his eyes and saw Yan Zhi sitting opposite him. and leaned against the white wall, and sat facing him in the dark.

Zhai Xingchen's heart sank completely, and he covered his head.

They fell asleep in a daze that night, and they were woken up by the program crew early the next morning.

"Everyone get up quickly, we are going to hide things." Guo Bing shouted.

Hu Ying got up wrapped in the quilt: "What are you hiding?"

"Something related to dating!" Guo Bing said.

As soon as Hu Ying heard this, she immediately regained her spirits, lifted the quilt and got out of bed.

There were so many of them, it took nearly an hour to go to the toilet, wash and get dressed. Unlike yesterday's casual clothes, everyone is wearing more refined clothes today. Only Pei Xu was still wearing a hoodie and baseball cap, and he was wearing a very sporty style, and he didn't know where he wanted to go on a date today.

At eight o'clock in the morning, they assembled downstairs.

Several staff members went up to the second floor with white cardboard boxes.

I don't know what the program group is going to do, everyone is very curious.

"Are we just looking for these boxes later?" Lin Qingning asked.

"What's inside?" Hu Ying asked.

Guo Bing said with a smile: "I don't know if you remember, when you were going to record this program, we asked you a question."

"You guys asked too many questions back then." Hu Ying said.

"I have a bad feeling." Yan Zhi said.

"We asked everyone, if you just fell in love and wanted to give the other party a gift that was limited to less than 1,000 yuan, what would you give?" Guo Bing said with a smile: "Now, the second floor where you are is hiding this gift." Eight gifts, everyone will enter in order according to the ranking of our horse race, everyone has five minutes to find these gifts, everyone can choose one of the gifts they find, whoever you choose, you can go on a date with whoever!"


Yan Zhi and Pei Xu both laughed wryly.

Seeing such a smile on Pei Xu's face, Zhai Xingchen asked with a smile, "What's wrong?"

"I seemed to say something casually at the time, and I don't remember what I said." Pei Xu said angrily.

"Have I answered this question? I don't even remember it myself." Yan Zhi said.

Hu Ying was even more excited when she heard that, she turned her head and said to the two of them, "Look at what will happen to King Yan."

Guo Bing also said: "Who told you that you didn't pay so much attention to our program at the beginning!"

Think about their careless faces when they first started recording the show!

Let go!

"Anyway, I remember the gift I mentioned at the time." Hu Ying said.

"I remember that too," Wino said.

"I seem to have said something very common." Huo Cheng said.

"What I'm talking about is also very ordinary." Duan Yihua said, "It's not that the limit is less than 1,000 yuan, and the gifts I give may only be three digits."

"Shut up, don't cheat me here." Guo Bing said with a smile.

"You really can't guess this, right?" Lin Qingning said.

Guo Bing said with a smile: "It mainly depends on luck. Anyway, it may be different from what you think. We asked more than 20 staff members to guess, and everyone's correct rate is only 20%. Some gifts are very similar to me. , some gifts are very different from the person themselves. And they are all very common gifts.”

If anyone can still guess this time, he will accept it.

After a while, the staff came down from upstairs.

Hu Ying asked: "You won't hide the gifts in the toilet, will you?"

"It's possible anywhere." The staff member said with a smile.

Guo Bing looked at Hu Ying: "Who will be the first, you or Xingchen?"

Hu Ying immediately raised her hand and ran out.

"The gift you choose must be kept secret, and you are not allowed to give it to others when you take it off. Are you ready? Get ready, start!"

Guo Bing pressed the timer, and Hu Ying immediately ran to the second floor.

Everyone was waiting downstairs, all looking a little nervous, Guo Bing would shout upstairs every minute, and every time he shouted, Hu Ying would scream once, and the seven of them were always amused.

It will be there in five minutes.

"It's time!" Guo Bing shouted.

Hu Ying came down with a box in her arms, sweat all over her face: "Damn, it's too hard to find, someone really hid it in the toilet tank! I just flipped over your bed, I'm sorry."

Hu Ying held the box and stopped behind Guo Bing.

Zhai Xingchen asked: "How many boxes did you find?"

"Three." Hu Ying said, "I can only say that what the director said is true. The three things are very similar. I really can't tell who belongs to whom."

He originally thought that everyone's gifts would have their own distinctive characteristics, but they didn't. I don't know if it was because the program group originally stipulated that the selected gifts could only be less than 1,000 yuan.

The three boxes he found contained pens, scarves and water glasses in sequence.

He felt that each of them might belong to Zhai Xingchen! This can only bet on luck.

He finally chose a pen, which looked like a gift from the student union.

"The second one is Zhai Xingchen." Guo Bing said.

As soon as the timer started, Zhai Xingchen rushed up to the second floor.

There are a total of three rooms on the second floor. Because it only lasts five minutes, he has a very specific goal. He mainly searched the bedroom where they lived. When he went in, he found that all the beds they had folded were turned into a mess by Hu Ying. He started from his own upper bunk. After looking for it, just after turning over his bed, I heard Guo Bing shouting downstairs: "One minute!"


He hurriedly turned over his lower bunk again, and found a cardboard box from under the bed. When he opened it, it was a wallet.

He immediately closed it and put it back, hurriedly searched other people's beds, finally found a box on Yan Zhi's bed, opened it, and found it was a scarf.

"Two minutes!"

Zhai Xingchen laughed nervously. He found a box of roses from the closet one after another, and found a box from their luggage. When he opened it, he found it was a ring. At the last minute, he found a box of roses from the bathroom cubicle. In the small cabinet, he found the bracelet he had chosen.

"There are still 30 seconds left, don't look for it, pick one quickly." Guo Bing shouted from below.

Zhai Xingchen's heart was about to jump out, Hu Ying was right, just looking at these gifts, it's really hard to tell who gave them all.

Wallets, scarves, roses, rings.

He ran down holding the box of roses.

The people below looked at him nervously. Zhai Xingchen's forehead was sweating, and his face became extremely red because of the complicated emotions. The packaging of the gifts was all exactly the same, and there was no difference in weight. He held the box and stood beside Hu Ying, and Hu Ying asked nervously, "How many did you find?"

"Five." Zhai Xingchen said.

"Wow." Hu Ying said, "I'm curious which one you chose."

Zhai Xingchen smiled and stroked his hair.

His brow was covered with sweat.

Immediately after, Yan Zhi went up, and when he came down, Yan Zhi still walked with ease, Hu Ying said: "I wonder if he was so calm and elegant when he was upstairs."

Both Pei Xu and Huo Cheng looked at Yan Zhi nervously, but Yan Zhi had no expression at this time. Only his slightly messy forehead hair and breathing revealed how anxious he was when he was upstairs.

Zhai Xingchen glanced at Yan Zhi's hands. In fact, due to rummaging, several boxes were dented or scratched to varying degrees. Unfortunately, time was too tight and he didn't remember.

Pei Xu went up immediately, and when Zhai Xingchen saw Pei Xu flying out like an arrow, he couldn't help but raise the corner of his mouth.

He felt that Pei Xu had changed a lot. Pei Xu was the same as Yan Zhi when he first came here, he was a bit put on airs, and he didn't rush to do anything in a hurry. Yan Zhi is still elegant now, but Pei Xu has become more and more aggressive.

When Pei Xu came down with the box in his arms, he glanced at him, but didn't speak.

This kind of staring at each other in public often makes Zhai Xingchen's heart beat faster. Zhai Xingchen glanced at the camera on the opposite side, then grinned and lowered his eyes.

Half an hour later, all the gifts were selected. The eight of them were completely separated by the program group, and each got in the car to go.

The setting of the program group is very romantic. Eight people are in different cars, and the two people who are dating will meet on the road.

Guo Bing went back to watch the replay, and after watching the gifts selected by the guests, Guo Bing asked with a smile, "Is it so wrong?"

The program team arranged their respective dates in order, and planned to divide them into two sessions in the morning and afternoon, which would be alternated.

Zhai Xingchen took out the roses from the box and hugged them in his arms as requested by the program group, and stood by the roadside waiting for the owner of the roses.

"The gift you choose is not the person who chose your gift." The staff said to Zhai Xingchen, "So you have two dates today, one in the morning and one in the afternoon."

This result is actually not surprising. To be honest, the bracelet he chose does not reflect his personal characteristics, and it is normal that others cannot guess it. When the program team interviewed him about what he would give, it was around Christmas, and the school couples were giving gifts. He saw that his classmate gave his boyfriend a transfer bead bracelet, one or two hundred, and he thought the price was reasonable. The meaning is also very good, just say the bracelet.

It is not known who chose the bracelet.

What about the roses he chose

"Who do you think may have sent the roses?" the staff asked him.

Zhai Xingchen looked at the camera awkwardly, and then smiled awkwardly. He felt that answering this question seemed not very good, and it would be embarrassing if other guests knew about it.

"Our broadcast must be very late." The staff said with a smile.

Zhai Xingchen smiled again and said, "Brother Huo...Brother Yan...or Pei Xu."


Zhai Xingchen hugged the rose and smiled: "It feels like that."

Yan Zhi is someone who knows how to send flowers. Although he is always sending flowers to the stars now, but before the recording of the show, he should give flowers to roses, after all, roses are the most common.

Huo Cheng also seems to be someone who can give roses, straight male aesthetics.

Needless to say, Pei Xu, now the first thing he thinks of when he thinks of Rose is Pei Xu.

"Then who among the three of them do you hope will come later?" the staff member asked again.

Zhai Xingchen said with a smile: "Please forgive me, I will be happy whoever comes."

The staff laughed: "This is what the director asked me to ask."

As soon as she finished speaking, she saw a car approaching.

Zhai Xingchen pursed his lower lip, looked into the car curiously and nervously, and smiled when he saw the people in the car clearly.

It's Huo Cheng.

Huo Cheng got out of the car and looked at him with a smile. The sun shines on his bright smiling face.

Both of them were laughing, and Huo Cheng said, "Thank you, thank you."

Zhai Xingchen smiled and said, "Did you think it was me?"

"I didn't dare to think about it." Huo Cheng's eyes were shining, and he asked, "Did you think it was me?"

"I thought it might be you." Zhai Xingchen said.

Huo Cheng smiled and looked at him for a while.

The staff said: "Then Brother Huo, we have given you the stars."

The crew got into another vehicle and handed them only the handheld camera. Huo Cheng said, "Let's go, get in the car."

Zhai Xingchen sat in the car, he licked the corner of his mouth, and put on his seat belt.

"Where are we going?" He asked Huo Cheng.

"Just follow me." Huo Cheng said.

Zhai Xingchen nodded: "OK."

Huo Cheng started the car, still laughing, obviously the result surprised him.

He smiled and said, "Is it vulgar for me to choose roses?"

"No, aren't roses the most common gift in a relationship?"

Huo Cheng said, "What's your gift?"

"Bracelet. Have you seen it?"

Huo Cheng said: "I really haven't seen it."

He didn't see him, maybe he had been selected before, or he couldn't find him.

He would rather be the latter, because Yan Zhi and Pei Xu are ahead of him.

"What did you choose?" Zhai Xingchen asked with a smile.

"Wallet!" Huo Cheng said, "I thought you would send a wallet. When I was in school, our class was very popular. But I was relatively late, and I could choose only a few, so I found a wallet, a perfume."

Zhai Xingchen laughed: "The perfume should be Brother Yan, right?"

"Really? I feel like it's him too, but luckily I didn't choose!" Huo Cheng said.

Huo Cheng took Zhai Xingchen to a hot air balloon ride.

Hot air balloons are also a well-known tourism project in Xicheng. Huo Cheng felt that riding in a hot air balloon was both romantic and exciting. Whether it was on the road or in a hot air balloon, he would have time to chat and chat. It was the best dating project.

Huo Cheng is an excellent candidate for traveling together. He likes to take care of himself, and he basically doesn’t have to worry about anything when playing with him. He likes to take care of others, and he has a cheerful personality. Being with him will not be awkward. Time passes by every minute , When getting off the hot air balloon, Huo Cheng received a call from the staff, asking him to drive to a certain intersection and hand over Zhai Xingchen to the next guest.

"Give it to someone else in person?" Huo Cheng almost thought he heard it wrong.

The staff smiled sinisterly: "Since we are looking for excitement, let's pursue it to the end."

This time, not only Zhai Xingchen was nervous, but even Huo Cheng became nervous: "I don't know who chose the bracelet."

Zhai Xingchen smiled and said, "Who knows."

Because of his anxiety, Huo Cheng didn't speak for a long time, only concentrating on driving.

One step at a time outside the window, the scenery is beautiful, and the low green hills are endless. Zhai Xingchen turned his head, and at that moment, the person he wished to meet suddenly appeared in his mind. The roses placed in front are so gorgeous that they sway slightly as the car drives. His heart surged complicatedly at that moment.