Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That

Chapter 138


The door of the room was suddenly pushed open, Zhai Xingchen looked at the door, and saw Huo Cheng coming back from the outside.

"It's raining heavily outside," Huo Cheng said, "it's useless to open an umbrella."

Huo Cheng's body was wet a lot.

"Where did you go?" Hu Ying asked.

"Just walk around, no, I have to take a shower, I'm freezing." Huo Cheng said, took his clothes and went to the bathroom.

There was an instant silence in the room.

After a while, there was the sound of rushing water in the bathroom. Zhai Xingchen checked the time and lay down on the bed again.

Wen Nuo suddenly said: "Brother Pei's fund is doing well today. I see that other mixed funds are green by more than one point, and Brother Pei's fund is only green by 0.3. The drawdown is really well controlled."

Zhai Xingchen took a look at his fund when he heard the words, and said: "His fund is stable, and its drawdown is well controlled. When it should rise, it is no worse than other funds, but when it falls, it always falls less than other funds. !"

This is really awesome.

"Then I'll add more." Wen Nuo said.

"Use your spare money to buy funds, and pay attention to risks." Pei Xu said, "Past returns do not represent future returns. Don't be superstitious about any fund manager."

Zhai Xingchen said: "It is true that you can't be superstitious about fund managers, but Pei Xu's fund is really good, and it will definitely make a lot of money for a long time in the future!"

When Pei Xu heard the words, he glanced at him and raised the corner of his mouth.

Hu Ying probed and said, "You trust him so much?"

Zhai Xingchen blushed, he couldn't say that he had God's perspective.

So he found a reason to explain: "In the past three years, he has been a line-drawing school. It's impossible for us to start falling as soon as we buy it. That's too bad luck." Then he said to Wen Nuo: "But What Pei Xu said is right, you need to buy funds with spare money, preferably money that won’t be used within a year or two, so that even if you lose money, you can still keep it, and you can get back with time.”

Wen Nuo nodded: "I'll try to buy tens of thousands of yuan first. My dream is that one day I don't have to go to work, and my daily expenses can be met by financial management alone."

Hu Ying said: "You two are very active in buying funds now, maybe after a month you two will not care about the little money from financial management. In the future, you will know that when you are able to make money, the income from financial management is really worth it. It’s all just icing on the cake.”

Zhai Xingchen said with a smile: "Then I hope we both have that day."

"There must be." Duan Yihua said, "I'm afraid that when you go back this time, a bunch of advertisers will come to your door."

Their "Red and Blue Signal" this season is more popular, and the guests are more handsome. The popularity of the eight of them is now very high. Judging from the current popularity, after the show is over, the three of them, Pei Xu, Yan Zhi and Zhai Xingchen The commercial value of CP is estimated to be the highest. It is not yet known whether they will be able to produce a couple in the end of this season. If they can, then the ability of this pair of CPs to attract money may be even more amazing.

It's hard to say for Wen Nuo, but Zhai Xingchen will definitely ascend. His image is too good, and his charming persona satisfies the fantasies of countless people. His job is dance, which is easy to shine in. It is estimated that if he opens a dance special now, the tickets will be sold out.

Duan Yihua looked up and saw Zhai Xingchen sitting on the upper bunk, as if he hadn't realized what kind of future he was facing.

He felt that Zhai Xingchen was too young, he was still a student, and he might not have realized that the moment had come to decide his fate.

If you can't catch it, he may be a shooting star that flashes by, but if you catch it, he will shine brightly in the sky for many years.

He really wanted to be Zhai Xingchen's guide.

It turns out that being older than Zhai Xingchen is also beneficial, he has experience.

Huo Cheng came out of the shower, wiped his hair and lay down. They chatted, and Huo Cheng didn't participate. Zhai Xingchen glanced down and saw that Huo Cheng had his eyes closed, as if he was asleep.

At this moment, Hu Ying looked at Zhai Xingchen: "Xingchen, do you still want to sleep?"

Zhai Xingchen said, "I won't sleep anymore."

"Then let's go out for a walk?" Hu Ying said.

Huo Cheng opened his eyes and glanced at Hu Ying.

Hu Ying's face was slightly red, and she looked a little shy: "Is it okay?"

Zhai Xingchen climbed down from the upper bunk, and when he came down, he glanced at Pei Xu, who was leaning against the wall, his eyebrows raised slightly.

Hu Ying put on her coat excitedly.

He still learned this move from Huo Cheng and Yan Zhi.

It's good to ask when you get the chance, even if it's just to go out and chat for a while.

The rain outside was indeed heavier than before. Hu Ying zipped up his clothes and said, "It was sunny in the afternoon, but I didn't expect it to get heavier and heavier."

Zhai Xingchen glanced downstairs, and saw that the grass downstairs had started to accumulate water.

"Where are we going?" He asked Hu Ying.

Hu Ying took a look, and there was indeed no other place to go now, so he walked towards the other end of the corridor.

The two of them stopped at the far left of the second floor, Hu Ying leaned against the railing, the rain splashed his face, Zhai Xingchen pulled him back.

Hu Ying's face was wet, she turned her head and said with a smile, "Do you still remember the time we went to the supermarket together? I drove a convertible, and it rained on the way, and we both got soaked, it was so refreshing."

Zhai Xingchen smiled and said, "I remember."

At that time, Hu Ying was so crazy, screaming while driving in the heavy rain.

Hu Ying wiped the rain off her face, leaned against the corner of the wall and smiled quietly. Zhai Xingchen leaned side by side with him, and suddenly saw someone coming out of their room.

It is strict.

Yan Zhi glanced at them and went downstairs. After a while, Hu Ying leaned over the railing and looked down, and saw Yan Zhi standing under the corridor on the first floor, lighting a cigarette.

He actually wanted to smoke a little too.

In order to record this program, he quit smoking for a long time.

The rain fell on his hands gripping the railing, and soon got them wet. He suddenly felt that he didn't know what to talk to Zhai Xingchen, he talked so much, but love made him a mute.

"Your sleeves are going to be wet." Zhai Xingchen reminded him.

Hu Ying smiled and let go of the railing, and said honestly, "I don't even know what to talk to you about."

Zhai Xingchen smiled, found a topic, and asked, "Is your clothes leucorrhea again this time? How many sets have you worn?"

"There are probably five or six sets." Hu Ying said, "Tomorrow I will change into a few more sets of clothes."

Zhai Xingchen laughed.

Hu Ying turned her head to look at Zhai Xingchen, and the two looked at each other with embarrassment.

Hu Ying scratched her head.

Someone else came out of the room.

This time it was Pei Xu who came out.

Zhai Xingchen glanced at Pei Xu, put his hands behind his back, leaned against the wall, and lowered his head slightly.

Pei Xu didn't expect Hu Ying to call Zhai Xingchen out and stand there in the corridor on the second floor.

"Are you cold standing here?" he asked them both.

Zhai Xingchen said, "It's okay."

Pei Xu went downstairs.

Hu Ying and the others stood on it for a while, and the atmosphere became obviously more awkward. Hu Ying said to Zhai Xingchen: "Why are they all going down, they haven't come up yet."

Zhai Xingchen said, "Shall we go down and have a look?"

The two of them came downstairs together.

Hu Ying thought, it seems that it is not suitable for him to go out with Zhai Xingchen for private chats now. He has become shy now, and he doesn't know what to say. He should go out with Zhai Xingchen. If he goes out on a date, he will naturally not Embarrassing as before.

When they went downstairs, they saw Yan Zhi standing on the porch smoking a cigarette, but they didn't see Pei Xu.

Hu Ying ran to Yan Zhi for a cigarette.

Zhai Xingchen took two steps forward and saw Pei Xu standing in the kitchen, lighting a fire.

"What do you want to cook?" he asked Pei Xu.

"Just find something to do," Pei Xu said.

Zhai Xingchen was stunned for a moment, and then he understood what Pei Xu meant.

What he meant was that he came out to see what he and Hu Ying were doing, so he just found something as an excuse.

Why is this man so bold.

More and more straightforward. Learned to hit the straight ball.

Who gave him the courage

Is it yourself

Zhai Xingchen stood at the door for a while, his face getting hotter and hotter, and he went back to Hu Ying and Yan Zhi.

Yan Zhi stopped smoking, took out a few pieces of chewing gum from his pocket, handed one to Hu Ying, and then another to him.

Hu Ying said, "You still carry chewing gum with you."

Zhai Xingchen peeled it off and put it in his mouth.

Green Arrow, it's peppermint flavored.

In the fourth season of "Red and Blue Signal", at Xicheng Station, screenwriter Liu set the theme for the last day: the last madness.

Not surprisingly, this should be the most exciting day of "Red and Blue Signal" this season.

The weather this day was also very upbeat. Early in the morning, Zhai Xingchen was woken up.

He opened his eyes, it was Hu Ying.

Hu Ying lay on his bed and said excitedly: "Get up quickly, there is a rainbow outside!"

Zhai Xingchen immediately climbed down from the upper bunk, and Hu Ying ran to the bathroom to tell Pei Xu and Yan Zhi.

Zhai Xingchen put on his coat, followed Hu Ying and ran out to look, and saw a gorgeous rainbow hanging in the sky.

"Wow." Zhai Xingchen sighed.

Duan Yihua and the others were standing on the grass. Zhai Xingchen hadn't seen such a complete rainbow in many years, it was so clear. He ran upstairs to get his cell phone, and just as he went upstairs, he saw Yan Zhi coming down with his clothes on.

"Go and see, there is a rainbow." He said excitedly.

Yan Zhi smiled and went downstairs. Zhai Xingchen returned to the room, climbed to the upper bunk and took off his mobile phone. Because he was too eager, he stepped on the ground and almost fell, but was hugged from behind. Stop, he turned around and saw that it was Pei Xu, the clear smell of mint immediately filled his nostrils, Pei Xu's hair was still wet, and his whole body smelled of mint.

Pei Xu hugged him with one arm, and his big hand was still pressing on his lower abdomen.

Zhai Xingchen said, "There is a rainbow outside."

Pei Xu let go of him and said, "You're in a hurry."

There were only the two of them in the room. When Zhai Xingchen realized this, he suddenly became nervous. He took out his mobile phone and went out. His T-shirt was wet a lot, and it was wet from Pei Xu's hand.

Pei Xu stretched out his palm, then curled up again.

It is extremely rare to see a rainbow, and the program team will naturally not let it go. The cameramen are all out, some are filming the rainbow, and some are filming several of their guests. Zhai Xingchen wanted to take pictures of everyone, so he retreated to the outermost side, took several pictures with his mobile phone, and ran down when he saw that Pei Xu's hair was still wet.

Pei Xu walked straight up behind him and stood still. Because there were so many guests and all the staff were there, Zhai Xingchen didn't even turn to look at Pei Xu.

After gaining insight into his own mind, he became shy and nervous instead. The morning wind was blowing on his face, and his expression became more and more cool and calm.

He was taking pictures when he suddenly felt that someone bent down slightly and looked at his phone. The mint aroma permeated in the humid morning wind. Pei Xu said softly, "It seems that the color is more intense when taken by the phone."

As soon as he spoke, he could smell mint on his breath too.

Zhai Xingchen didn't speak, his ears were faintly red in the morning light. His face was pale and rosy, but the bright and clear eyebrows seemed to be softened a lot. His bony fingers were pale and pale. He squeezed the phone, tapped to take a picture, and the rainbow was frozen in his phone.

He seemed to be liking mint more and more.

His previous favorites were obviously sweet orange and lemon.

The rainbow began to disappear gradually, and Zhai Xingchen went back upstairs to wash up. He got up too late today, everyone else had finished washing, and he was the only one in the huge bathroom.

This is the most ordinary morning, but his feeling is different from before.

It seemed that from the moment he opened his eyes, his heart was restless, with a kind of anticipation-like joy.

He let out a long sigh, raised his head, and the hot water washed over his white and smooth body.