Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That

Chapter 144


Sitting in the car, Guo Bing only hated himself for not being able to see the reactions of the guests at the first moment.

Especially Pei Xu who received the text message.

He must be very excited, right

Not to mention the parties involved, but their staff, when they saw Zhai Xingchen's text message, the whole studio downstairs was in a commotion.

Their staff members are also fans of CP, the staff supporting Pei Xu stomped their feet excitedly, while the staff supporting other guests stamped their feet and wailed.

The guests of this season fought so hard, and all of them were too excellent. It was almost the last stop, and the CP line was finally exposed!

The next most exciting part is naturally to see the reactions of the guests.

But he is the director, so it's not suitable to get in anyone's car.

Although he couldn't follow the car, he still saw Pei Xu's reaction immediately.

The staff with Pei Xu immediately took pictures of Pei Xu's reaction and sent the video to him.

Pei Xu, who was always like an iceberg, was smiling while holding the envelope. Just watching the video, Guo Bing even smiled along with his aunt.

ah ah ah.

Pei Xu's reaction was too sweet!

What about the other guests

Will it be lost

How lost will it be

Don't blame him for being too cruel, but the sweeter or more frustrated the guests are, the better their show will be.

The reason why the program group used the form of envelopes to deliver heart-warming text messages this time is not only more important, but also a more important reason, which is to increase the suspense and visibility of the plot.

From the perspective of romance, this is actually a milestone event, which greatly affects the direction of CP in the last week. At such an important moment, a mobile phone text message is obviously not enough.

The mode of using envelopes is different, more solemn and more tricks.

They prepared at least one envelope for each guest.

When it was time to broadcast, cut the shots of the seven guests together, and everyone opened the envelope together to reveal the final answer, which was as exciting as the awards show!

Huo Cheng actually guessed who Zhai Xingchen would send the text message to.

So when the program team handed him the envelope, he was surprised.

"This time we will deliver the heart-warming text message in the form of an envelope." The staff said.

Huo Cheng took the envelope over: "Did I receive the text message?"

The staff member smiled and said, "I don't know. Just open it and you'll know. It may be empty, or there may be text messages from other guests."

Huo Cheng just smiled, and the corners of his lips were slightly bitter: "I'll just say it."

But even though he had expected it, his heart still skipped a beat the moment he got the envelope.

Probably everyone is like this, no matter how desperate you are, if you give a little hope, you can't help but look forward to what happens.

Just in case.

What if

He stroked the letter, then opened the envelope, put his fingers in and touched it, then raised his head and smiled at the camera.

"Your program team is too bad." He said with a faint smile.

He collected the envelope and returned it to the front staff.

Huo Cheng at Nancheng Station is full of vigor, Huo Cheng at Beicheng Station is like a big brother in charge of the overall situation, and Huo Cheng at Xicheng Station has become so gentle.

"Brother Huo doesn't seem very surprised?" the staff member said.

Huo Cheng asked instead: "Do you know who Zhai Xingchen sent it to?"

The staff member said: "We cannot disclose this according to regulations."

"Pei Xu?" Huo Cheng asked.

"How do you know?!" A staff member blurted out.

All of this was further verified by the hand that Pei Xu stretched out in the dark, and the text message sent by Zhai Xingchen.

The so-called "what if" is not worth the other nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine. When I am most lost, I also think that there is still that one ten-thousandth. This is probably human nature.

Compared with Huo Cheng's expectation, Yan Zhi was very nervous.

In fact, he also felt that Pei Xu was more likely to receive a text message than him when he sent a text message at the end of Xicheng Station.

Because at Xicheng Station, he didn't have much contact with Zhai Xingchen. Most importantly, compared with Beicheng Station, there was no real progress between him and Zhai Xingchen.

But Pei Xu took Zhai Xingchen to skydive.

He felt that the tandem skydiving was no less lethal than setting off fireworks, and it was a highlight in the history of romance.

As an e-sports star, Yan Zhi, who is used to seeing big scenes, was very calm. He took the envelope from the staff with a smile, and opened it again with a smile. Looking at the empty envelope, his heart fell into a trance at that moment. Inside the ice hole, but there was still no expression on his face.

The camera teacher looked at his eyebrows, eyes and mouth corners through the camera, trying to interpret his mood at the moment from his micro-expressions, but Yan Zhi just lowered his eyes and remained silent for a while, then folded the envelope, and nodded to the camera .

"Is the result in your expectation?" The staff continued the interview.

Yan Zhi said, "It's not a 100% chance."

"Then, among the other guests, who do you think is likely to receive heart-pounding text messages?"

As the main star guest of this season, the program group obviously pays more attention to strict enforcement, and arranged many questions in this session.

But Yan Zhi didn't cooperate with them, he just said: "I can't guess."

"Didn't receive the heartbeat text message, are you lost?"

Yan Zhi smiled and looked at the opposite staff: "What do you think?"

His face was smiling, but his eyes were not. For some reason, the staff on the opposite side suddenly became timid. Fortunately, she had already finished asking the questions assigned to her by the program crew.

Yan Zhi turned his head to look out the window, the smile on his lips finally completely disappeared. A moment of great loss hit him, more vicious and cruel than he had ever played in any game.

Compared to Huo Cheng and Yan Zhi, Hu Ying was even worse.

When Hu Ying saw the blue envelope, she couldn't sit still with excitement: "Did I receive it? Did I receive it? Hurry up and give it to me!"

The staff handed him the envelope, Hu Ying just received it, and tore open the envelope without waiting for the staff to explain.

He looked inside and out twice, then raised his head: "Where's the letter?"

The staff member said: "... that is... I didn't receive it."

"Didn't receive it? What do you mean?" Hu Ying asked.

The staff couldn't bear to hit him, so they said: "It's just... no one sent you a text message... Each of our guests gave an envelope. If you receive a text message, you will open it and there will be a letter inside. If you don't receive it, it will be an envelope." Empty envelope."

Hu Ying: "..."

Hu Ying's heart felt like he was on a roller coaster, instantly falling from the highest point to the lowest point, the drop was too big and the speed was too fast, and he was thrown out directly.


Hu Ying licked her lower lip and clenched the envelope into a ball.

His obvious loss reaction is actually exactly what the program team needs. Sadness and joy are all in an instant. Like Hu Ying, the drama is full of tension, but his camera brother can't bear to take pictures of his current expression. After he came out, the camera moved down slightly, only focusing on his clenched hands.

Unlike others, Hu Ying always felt that there was a high probability that she would receive a text message from Zhai Xingchen.

Although he didn't have a chance to be alone for a long time, when everyone was together, he always surrounded Zhai Xingchen.

He definitely had a lot of contact with Zhai Xingchen, and he talked so much!

Zhai Xingchen probably doesn't have anyone he particularly likes, right

If it wasn't sent to him, could it be sent to Lin Qingning

It is possible.

After all, Lin Qingning was the only outsider.

Hu Ying quickly adjusted his mood.

He is still very optimistic.

Anyway, he knows where Zhai Xingchen's family lives, this is his unique advantage!

Zhai's father, Zhai's mother, had been waiting for Zhai Xingchen at the gate of the community long ago.

Now both of them have almost become half Internet celebrities, and they have to wear masks when they go out. Both of them wore masks, and it was raining outside. When Zhai Xingchen got out of the car, he almost didn't recognize them.

The staff helped them deliver their luggage home, but Zhai Xingchen froze as soon as he entered the door.

Their house has changed a lot, and the whole living room has been completely new.

"Have you redecorated?"

Zhai's father smiled and said: "Speaking of which, I really want to thank your program team. They have sent a lot of things to the family these days, saying that these are free gifts from the sponsors. Look, the double-door refrigerator, new sofa, and new curtains , By the way, the toilet has been replaced with a smart one, and a new water purifier has been added to the kitchen."

Zhai Xingchen said, "Sponsor?"

He didn't remember that their "Red and Blue Signal" had these home appliance sponsors.

"Not only that, they also sent several boxes of laundry detergent. I can't run out of them. I will distribute them to your aunt and the others." Mother Zhai said.

He knows about laundry detergent, he sponsored their show, and he even took promotional photos for the brand.

Zhai Xingchen contacted the staff of the program team through WeChat, and the staff replied: "These are not all from our program, there are many brands that have a very good relationship with us, as well as some commercial cooperation brands within Xinghai Satellite TV. Fang, they give us some benefits every year. Isn’t it the end of the year, this should be the leadership’s instruction, I hope you and Wen Nuo can live more comfortably.”

These leaders are so caring! !

Zhai Xingchen went back to take a shower and had a good sleep. When he woke up, it was completely dark.

He vaguely heard someone talking in the living room, and when he sat up, he heard Hu Ying's voice.

He knew that Hu Ying would come.

Hu Ying returned home, took a shower, changed into more mature and stable clothes, and drove over. Hearing that Zhai Xingchen was sleeping, he didn't bother him, and sat in the living room chatting with Zhai's father and mother.

He is very good at chatting with the elders, making Di's father and mother Di laugh non-stop, but looking at the time, it is past eight o'clock, and Di Xingchen hasn't woken up yet, and he doesn't know when he will get up, he has been working here He couldn't wait, so he stood up and bid farewell to Zhai's parents and Zhai's mother.

Zhai's father went downstairs to see him off, and Zhai's mother returned home, and went to Zhai Xingchen's room to take another look. When he opened the door, he saw Zhai Xingchen was getting dressed.

"Is Hu Ying here?" Zhai Xingchen asked wearily.

Mother Zhai said, "You're up. He just left."

"Going away?" Zhai Xingchen put on his shoes and asked.

"Your dad went to see him off, so he probably just arrived downstairs."

Zhai Xingchen put on his coat and went out. Only when he got downstairs did he realize that it was still raining outside. He looked out from the hall on the first floor. The trees in the community were lush and the rain was heavier than during the day, making it extremely cold.

He waited in the lobby on the first floor for a while, and then he saw Papa Zhai come back with an umbrella.

He greeted him immediately.

Papa Zhai was stunned when he saw him: "Why are you up?"

"Has Hu Ying left?" Zhai Xingchen asked.

"Let's go, just go."

Papa Zhai put away the umbrella and said, "It's very cold outside, so you wear this?"

Zhai Xingchen and Papa Zhai walked back together. When the elevator arrived, Zhai Xingchen seemed to have suddenly thought of something, so he took the umbrella from Papa Zhai's hand.

"I'm going out to buy something, you go back first." He said to Papa Zhai.

"It's cold outside."

"I'll be back in a minute."

Zhai Xingchen buttoned up his sweater, pushed open the glass door and went out. The elevator opened with a "ding", and Dad Zhai turned his head to take a look before entering the elevator.

Zhai Xingchen left the community with an umbrella in his hand. Seeing two aunts coming in at the gate of the community, he put down the umbrella to cover his face.

When he came out of the community, it was quiet outside, the street was dark and hazy in the drizzle, and it looked extremely lonely. This is the west gate of their community, which is considered a small gate. It is the closest to the building where they live. Outside is a very quiet street, with cars parked on both sides of the road. As he walked, he looked at the cars on both sides, and while he looked at it, he thought, how funny he is doing this.

He thought, Pei Xu wouldn't be secretly hiding in the car again like last time, right

The possibility of this seems rather small.

They just came back, not everyone is as quick-tempered as Hu Ying.

Pei Xu also has work to deal with and family gatherings.

Pei Xu should have received his text message by now. Although a heartwarming text message can't explain anything, but after sending the text message, the relationship between him and Pei Xu has undergone subtle changes, and he will still be embarrassed when they meet now.

He couldn't say for a moment whether he was looking forward to seeing Pei Xu, or whether he hoped not to see him.

She also felt that it was because of receiving his text message that Pei Xu would definitely come to him.

He walked all the way to the end of this street. This road is not long. The main road is 500 meters away. The main road is full of traffic. He was also completely sleepy from the cold, so he went to the flower shop next to him. .

This is the flower shop he brought Pei Xu into last time. He didn't wear a mask, and the flower shop owner recognized him at a glance: "Zhai Xingchen!"

Fortunately, it was night and it was raining again, and there were no other customers in the shop. He took a photo with the florist, who asked excitedly, "What kind of flowers do you like, roses, forget-me-nots, or baby's breath?!"

When it comes to the stars in the sky, her eyes are shining.

It seems that they are loyal viewers of Red and Blue, and the three kinds of flowers they asked about have all appeared in their programs.

Zhai Xingchen thought that he must not leak the plot and cause unnecessary trouble to the program crew, so he said, "I bought it for my mother, and I want a bouquet of carnations."

He came out of the shop with the bouquet of carnations in his arms, the boss ran over to help him open the glass door, his eyes were shining brightly, Zhai Xingchen turned around to thank him, and saw his blurred reflection on the glass door, for a moment , He also felt that he was different from before, as if he had become taller and more mature.

He hugged the flowers and walked back. Because it was too cold, he simply ran. As he ran, he noticed a car coming towards this road. The headlights illuminated the road under his feet. He walked towards the side of the road. While looking back, the bright headlights were on, and it was unclear what kind of car it was. In the long drizzle, the car drove past him.

He stood there staring at the car for a while, and was about to run towards the neighborhood when he heard a familiar voice asking:

"Teacher Zhai, who are you waiting for?"