Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That

Chapter 149


At this moment, they suddenly heard Hu Ying shouting from inside: "We will fight again when I come back!"

Immediately, Hu Ying pushed open the door and came out.

As soon as Hu Ying went out, she saw Pei Xu and Zhai Xingchen standing at the door, Zhai Xingchen still had his hands in his trouser pockets, but his face was very red.

"Why are you two standing here?" Hu Ying said to Zhai Xingchen while walking towards the toilet, "Don't drink too much, your face is red!"

After saying that, Hu Ying ran to the bathroom.

Zhai Xingchen turned his head and walked in. Pei Xu wanted to grab his arm, but he slapped him away.

The two entered one after the other, and as soon as they entered, Guo Bing turned to look at them, and Yan Zhi also looked at them.

Zhai Xingchen returned to his seat and sat down, picked up the wine glass and took a sip, only to realize it was wine when he drank it, put it down quickly, and went to get the teacup next to him, Wen Nuo gave him a tissue, Zhai Xingchen wiped it The corner of the mouth: "Thank you."

Yan Zhi took his teacup over, poured him another cup of tea, then held his teacup and sent it back.

Brother Liang said, "No wonder people say that Yan Zhi's hands are pretty."

There was a little star next to him who was Yan Zhi's fanboy and also a game fan, and he said, "Brother Yan's hands are worth millions!"

Everyone's hands look good just by looking at them, but it's not enough to compare them with Yan Zhi's hands.

Peerless beauty!

Brother Liang poured wine for Zhai Xingchen again, and Zhai Xingchen took the glass away and shook his head with a smile: "This wine has too much aftertaste, if you drink it again, you will be drunk."

Guo Bing said, "Don't let him drink."

"How many drinks have you blocked for him?" Brother Liang said.

Guo Bing said with a smile: "There is no way, our red and blue team loves you. You are still a student."

While drinking, Brother Liang looked at Zhai Xingchen. After watching for a while, he moved his eyes away again. A little star came up to please him, so Brother Liang went to spoil that little star.

This season's red and blue guests are too outstanding. Not only are they good looking, but they are also in better condition. The famous newcomer suddenly dimmed.

"Do you guys plan to enter the entertainment industry?" Brother Liang asked Zhai Xingchen.

Zhai Xingchen raised his head and looked at Wen Nuo and the others.

Winno said, "I haven't thought about it yet."

He spoke very conservatively.

Yan Zhi said, "I haven't."

"I'm not interested in the entertainment industry either," Pei Xu said.

"You two have such good conditions, it's really a pity not to enter the entertainment industry. Your type is rare in the entertainment industry." Brother Liang said.

In fact, most of their eight guests are very successful in their careers, and they are not short of money. Unless they are going to be famous, no one wants to enter the entertainment industry. Hu Ying, Zhai Xingchen and Wen Nuo are the most Maybe entering the entertainment circle, Hu Ying is keen on fame and fortune, and likes to "be seen by more people". Zhai Xingchen and Wen Nuo are both vegans. Now that they participate in variety shows and become popular, taking the opportunity to enter the entertainment circle is the most common way .

In the end, Zhai Xingchen, like Wen Nuo, replied, "I don't have one yet."

"It's not bad to dance well right now," Guo Bing said. "After you graduate, it's not too late to decide what you want to do."

Zhai Xingchen nodded.

"Then you have to manage yourself well." Brother Liang also gave him two words of advice: "If you manage well, the few years you have been in school may not be worse than being in the entertainment industry, maybe it will be better."

Sometimes, instead of entering the entertainment circle, Bai Yueguang is aloof. After entering the entertainment circle and becoming an actor, the sense of mystery and Su sense disappears instead. But if you don't enter the entertainment circle, relying on the popularity of "Red and Blue Signal" alone, it won't last for two years. During this period, how to operate becomes very important.

In fact, Pei Huanong's team is very good, with excellent public relations and marketing capabilities, which are recognized in the industry as strong.

Guo Bing thought, maybe they don't have to think too much about Zhai Xingchen. Zhai Xingchen has not signed to any entertainment company so far. Even when he signed with Red and Blue, he rejected the olive branch offered by Xinghai. It can be seen that although he is young But he is a boy who can withstand temptation and has his own opinions.

When I came out from Tan Kee, the rain outside had stopped. Hu Ying was already drunk, and Lin Qingning and Zhai Xingchen supported him together, and he kept holding Zhai Xingchen's hand in chatter. Brother Liang looked back at him, smiled and said, "Hu Ying didn't lie, he really is the one who can tell the most."

Guo Bing looked back with a smile.

They parted ways on the side of the street, except for a boy who got into the car with Brother Liang, everyone else took a taxi. He saw the person who asked Pei Xu for his contact information in the corridor, who had been staring blankly at Pei Xu in the distance, who was standing on the steps on the phone.

Brother, is the phone out of battery

Lin Qingning noticed that Zhai Xingchen had been looking at Pei Xu, so he pulled Hu Ying towards him, wanting Hu Ying to lie on his shoulders, but Hu Ying kept grabbing Zhai Xingchen's arm, and kept saying: "Let's... Shall we have another party... Take my car, I'll take you... home."

After finishing speaking, Hu Ying went to put his arms around Zhai Xingchen's neck, but before he could hold him, someone grabbed his arm and took the opportunity to pull him away from Zhai Xingchen. Hu Ying looked back drunkenly, it was Yan Zhi.

Yan Zhi asked, "Are you really drunk or are you pretending to be drunk?"

"Fake drunk." Hu Ying said drunkenly.

Pei Xu came over and said, "The driver will be here soon, everyone get in the car first."

They helped Hu Ying into the car, and when Hu Ying sat in the car, she was still shouting: "Zhai Xingchen, take... take my car, I... will see you off."

"Zhai Xingchen won't ride in anyone's car, I'll see him off personally later," Guo Bing said.

After a while, all the surrogate drivers arrived. Hu Ying, Lin Qingning and others left one after another. Before getting into the car, Yan Zhi asked Pei Xu, "Are you driving back by yourself?"

Pei Xu nodded and said, "I didn't drink."

Yan Zhi looked at him, then at Guo Bing and the others, Guo Bing smiled and said, "Don't worry, I have a car, and I won't let Pei Xu give it to me."

Yan Zhi smiled faintly, and got in the car.

The road that had rained was wet, and the surface was glistening with water. After Yan Zhi's car went far away, Guo Bing looked at Pei Xu who was on the side of the road: "You want to go too?"

Pei Xu smiled in the night, looked at Guo Bing, Wen Nuo and Zhai Xingchen, and got into his car.

Zhai Xingchen stood behind Guo Bing and waved at him.

After Pei Xu left, he and Wen Nuo got into Guo Bing's car together.

"Have you two met in private?" Guo Bing asked them.

"I saw it once when I just moved, but I haven't seen it this week." Zhai Xingchen said.

Wen Nuo asked, "Can we meet in private?"

"Just be honest." Guo Bing said.

Wen Nuo said, "I'm also quite busy. I've been busy with opening the shop since I came back."

"Has your new store opened yet?" Zhai Xingchen asked.

"Not yet, I just took a look at the house and it's ready to be renovated." Wen Nuo said.

"When you open a new store, I'll check in."

Wen Nuo smiled and said, "Okay."

Guo Bing asked Wen Nuo: "If Zhai Xingchen fell in love with someone else in the end, would you still meet him?"

"Of course." Wen Nuo said with a blushing face, "I have an appointment with Xing Chen."

Guo Bing smiled and said, "I hope you can still be friends after the show is over, but it should be impossible to get all eight of you together."

Wen Nuo leaned over slightly, leaned on the seat and asked, "Director, what do you expect our last stop to be like? Big tear, happy family, or Shura field?"

Zhai Xingchen laughed when he heard the words, and looked at Guo Bing.

Guo Bing said with a smile: "It's fine to tear it apart. From the director's point of view, I hope you can dedicate a higher level of Shura field to the audience, fight hard and cry hard for me. But from the perspective of my personal feelings To put it bluntly, I hope that the last stop will have feelings, warmth, tears and blessings, so that it can draw a successful end to this season of "Red and Blue Signal", and also draw a successful end to my red and blue journey. .”

After hearing this, Zhai Xingchen asked, "The ratings of "Red and Blue Signal" are so high, why don't you continue to do it?"

"Just accept it when you see it. I have done four seasons, and I have pulled out everything I can think of. I have no confidence that I can surpass this season. I also want to try some new things." Guo Bing said, "So my love story The finale, Zhai Xingchen, you have to work hard."

Zhai Xingchen leaned on the seat and said, "I'm so stressed!"

The strategy he is adopting now is to live from day to day, thinking only about the present, not thinking about the future, because when he thinks about the last confession day for a moment, he is frightened.

The last day of the love affair is the confession day. Judging from the current situation, at least six guests will confess to him, which also means that he has to reject at least five people! Before Guo Bing talked with him about the idea of the screenwriter team about the final confession. For the final dramatic effect, the process of the program team's arrangement was very exciting and cruel. He just thought about it and got goosebumps.

Guo Bing just laughed after hearing this: "Our season of "Red and Blue Signal" will be named Nostalgia Zongshi."

Wen Nuo in the back row leaned back on the chair with a smile, quietly looking at Zhai Xingchen who was smiling helplessly. The light from the street lamp illuminated Zhai Xingchen's face, and he suddenly realized that there was no camera in the car. This was one of the few opportunities for him to stare at Zhai Xingchen unscrupulously.

Wen Nuo carefully looked at Zhai Xingchen with his lips pursed.

Not knowing where the car was going, Guo Bing suddenly said, "Have you seen the cylindrical building in front? Huocheng Company is there."

Wen Nuo and Zhai Xingchen looked towards the building when they heard the words. It was so late, but the building was still brightly lit.

"Unfortunately Brother Huo couldn't come today." Wen Nuo said.

"Huo Cheng..." Guo Bing read his name, smiled, and said quietly while driving: "Maybe he will be the only one absent from your gatherings in the future."

Huo Cheng, who seems to be the most informal, looks like a straight man.

He vaguely noticed that Huo Cheng's abnormalities in the past few days did not seem to have much to do with the company's problems.

He suddenly realized this when he confirmed the relationship between Zhai Xingchen and Pei Xu.

He thought that Huo Cheng might have discovered it earlier than them all.

Zhai Xingchen looked at the front with a smile, the light and shadow in his eyebrows changed, he pursed his lips, and the smile on his lips finally disappeared. In the night after the rain, the mist is full of neon lights.

Guo Bing sent them to the gate of the community, and gave all the dance materials to Zhai Xingchen: "Go back and take a good look. If you have any suggestions, just let me know."


Zhai Xingchen got out of the car and watched Guo Bing drive away with Wen Nuo.

"You go in first," he said to Wen Nuo, "I'm going to do some shopping."

Wen Nuo asked, "Are you wearing a mask?"

"No need to wear it." Zhai Xingchen walked forward as he said that, after walking a few steps, he turned around and waved to Wen Nuo: "Go back."

Wen Nuo turned around and entered the community, Zhai Xingchen let out a long breath, feeling like he was having an affair at the moment.

He felt that Pei Xu left so reluctantly just now, that he might drive here secretly again. He planned to say hello to him before going up.

He had just walked a few steps when he saw a car parked at the T-junction outside the flower shop with flashing lights, and then the car drove towards him.

Zhai Xingchen stopped on the side of the road, only to find that the car was not Pei Xu's Maybach, but a strict Porsche.

He froze for a moment, and saw Yan Zhi get out of the car.

Yan Zhi walked towards him directly.

Zhai Xingchen called out, "Brother Yan?"

Yan Zhi smiled and said, "Have you seen my car?"

Zhai Xingchen asked, "Do you know where I live?"

"I came here with Director Guo's car."

"Did you drive your own car?" Zhai Xingchen glanced into his car as he spoke.

"There is a substitute driver." Yan Zhi said.

Zhai Xingchen nodded and looked at Yan Zhi.

With a tinge of wine red on Yan Zhi's face, he said lightly, "Let's go?"

Zhai Xingchen glanced around: "Okay."

The two of them walked along the sidewalk to the main road. Zhai Xingchen looked behind while walking, and now he hoped that Pei Xu would not be here.

Otherwise, what kind of Shura field is this program group looking forward to.

Pei Xu talked a lot more than when we first met, but Yan Zhi was just the opposite of him. Yan Zhi was a bit like Pei Xu from before. When he was with him, he talked a lot less. The two of them walked for a while, Yan Zhi asked, "Are you cold?"

Zhai Xingchen said, "It's not cold. How about you?"

Yan Zhi said, "I'm not cold."

When they reached the entrance of the flower shop, the owner of the flower shop was hanging a rest sign outside. Seeing Zhai Xingchen, he immediately waved his hand excitedly. Just as he was about to speak, he found that the man standing beside Zhai Xingchen was Yan Zhi.

She was stunned immediately, seeing Zhai Xingchen nod to him, she nodded blankly in greeting.

"Know?" Yan Zhi asked.

Zhai Xingchen said: "I went to buy flowers a few times, and last time I took a photo with the boss."

"What flowers did you buy?" Yan Zhi asked.

"I bought a bouquet of carnations for my mother." Zhai Xingchen said.

The surrogate driver had been silently driving the car and followed them far away. Yan Zhi walked for a while, then stopped suddenly, squatted down on the curb by the side of the road, stroked his hair, and sighed "ah".

He seemed very tangled and troubled. He took off his glasses and wiped his eyes.

He seemed to be full of words and emotions in his body.

He wanted to ask if Zhai Xingchen had sent the text message to Pei Xu.

I want to ask him if he likes Pei Xu.

After returning from the west city, he has hardly slept much until now. He put on such obvious makeup today, just to cover up his fatigue. His glasses were replaced with red ones, just to cover up the redness in his eyes.

Did Zhai Xingchen see all these

"I might have had a little too much to drink today," he said. "I'm a little dizzy."

Zhai Xingchen glanced at the side of the road, then ran over to buy a bottle of water and came back: "It may be a little cold."

Yan Zhi took the bottle of mineral water, unscrewed it and drank a couple of sips. He didn't do anything, he just squatted there to drink water. After slowing down, he stood up: "Let's go, I'll take you back."

"Don't send it off, it's only a few steps away." Zhai Xingchen looked at the car behind him, "Get in the car, I'll walk back by myself."

Yan Zhi waved his hand, and the substitute driver drove over.

"Let's go." Yan Zhi smiled.

Zhai Xingchen nodded, and Yan Zhi got into the car.

The car slowly drove into the main road, Zhai Xingchen watched Yan Zhi's car go away, raised his head, and let out a long breath in the thin mist.

He turned back and walked back, took a few steps and then ran.

Yan Zhi in the car was buried in his legs, his notoriously good-looking hands were tightly clenched, and the veins on the back of his hands were protruding.

Zhai Xingchen turned the corner and saw that the headlights in the flower shop had gone out. He walked along the street to the gate of the community. Cars were parked on both sides of the dark street. Suddenly, the lights of a car turned on, and two golden beams of light were shot out in the darkness. The ground shone with water.

He took a few steps forward, and then he saw Pei Xu lying on the car window, looking at him quietly, then stretched out his hand, and handed out a bunch of bright red roses.

"I knew you were coming." Zhai Xingchen said.

"For the sake of your panting, I won't say anything."

"I run to digest food." Zhai Xingchen said.

Pei Xu smiled, and held up the rose in his hand, "I bought it for Auntie."

"To my mother?"

Pei Xu said, "Didn't she like the flowers you sent last time?"

Zhai Xingchen said: "It's okay to give her."

He reached out to pick it up, but Pei Xu suddenly stretched out his long arms and hooked him over. The roses were squeezed between their chests and shook for a while. I don't kiss you now because I'm afraid you don't know how to record the show in the last week. When the show is over, you can see how I kiss you."

He loosened his neck as he spoke, and Zhai Xingchen took a step back with the rose in his arms, his face blushing. He was at a loss, and ran away holding the rose.

"Run!" Pei Xu still shouted with a smile behind him.

It was jealous, fierce, and gentle, and it sounded so loud in the quiet street. The owner of the florist who was hiding in the dark and watching secretly stomped his feet excitedly.

Ah, my God, Pei Xu is so domineering!