Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That

Chapter 151


The south city is like spring all the year round, the north city is a kingdom of ice and snow, the west city has rich natural scenery, all of which are famous tourist cities, and the east city is a modern, modern international city.

There are many high-rise buildings here, rich businessmen gather here, the blend of Chinese and Western cultures, the urban atmosphere is free and unrestrained, it is a paradise for young people.

This is also the city with the most red and blue fans. On Friday, the broadcast day of "Red and Blue Signal", many media reported a new "red and blue phenomenon": because of the popularity of "Red and Blue Signal", the box office of movies every Friday is far lower than that of the same period in history. The broader market is not even as hot as Thursday.

Everyone is staying at home watching "Red and Blue Signal".

"In the past, every weekend, couples would go out to watch movies and have dinner, but now on weekends, couples stay at home and watch red and blue!"

"If you don't look at red and blue now, you will be outdated when you go out and chat with friends, right?"

"Today, after get off work, I opened Moments and looked. Good guy, I feel that they can fight if they get together! As for who is the best match for Zhai Xingchen, I feel that they can fight from online to offline."

"This issue is so exciting. Just the two previews made me scream. Brother Huo made a wish, Pei Xu made a snowman, and Yan Zhi performed magic tricks. The three famous scenes will appear. In the end, the house will be re-divided. I don’t know who will be with them Zhai Xingchen lives together!!"

When Zhai Xingchen arrived in Dongcheng, it was already dark.

The program team arranged for him a residential house by the sea. The two-story small building was completely booked by the program team. The staff lived downstairs, and he lived upstairs alone.

Suddenly living alone, he is still a little uncomfortable.

"The first part of our Dongcheng Station is [Fated Encounter]. Although the eight guests are all in the same district, they live in eight different places, and these eight places are also randomly selected by the eight of you. Draw." Guo Bing said, "You can go shopping around after breakfast tomorrow, you can go out on your own, and you can date whoever you meet, and count as many as you meet."

Whoever meets Zhai Xingchen first will spend the most time with Zhai Xingchen. There may be some guests who bump into Zhai Xingchen on the first day, or there may be some guests who will not meet Zhai Xingchen until the end of this session.

It depends on God's will.

This arrangement will look more romantic.

Zhai Xingchen opened the curtains, glanced out the window, and could vaguely see the sea under the moonlight, which was calm and vast.

"It's getting late, you should go eat first." Guo Bing said, "Be careful, and try not to be recognized by others."

"Aren't we going to cook by ourselves this week?" Zhai Xingchen asked.

"It's the last week, don't waste time on cooking." Guo Bing said.

"Then do we still have a chance for the eight of us to have dinner together?" Zhai Xingchen asked.

"After all the recording is over," Guo Bing added, "if everyone is still willing to sit down and have a meal together, then we will stop filming, and you will all be free."

Zhai Xingchen changed his clothes and went out.

This place is a bit like Changping Village, except that the weather is much colder than Nancheng, and the sea breeze blows from the end of the street, making him shiver with cold. Because of the cold, there were almost no people on the street, passing by some restaurants and shops occasionally, Zhai Xingchen found that most of them were watching "Red and Blue Signal".

This feeling is very magical. Every time he passes by a store, he can almost see "Red and Blue Signal" being broadcast on the TV in the store. He can hear where it is broadcasting just by walking past the door of those stores.

He found a restaurant with few customers and ordered a bowl of noodles. The boss went downstairs, and the lady boss was sitting on a chair, watching "Red and Blue Signal" with gusto.

Now the TV shows that he and Huo Cheng are going down the mountain together.

This was the first time he followed the live broadcast, and it was still in front of strangers. Zhai Xingchen could dig three acres of land with his toes in embarrassment just by listening to the conversation between him and Huo Cheng.

Huo Cheng was asking the camera: "Have you seen the photos of Xing Chen when he was young, how is it, isn't it cute?"

"He has been fond of seeing big since he was a child."

Huo Cheng said, "It's definitely sweet."

God, what a shameful conversation, why didn't he feel it at the time!

The boss brought his noodles, and Zhai Xingchen quickly said "thank you", and after the boss left, he took off his mask and ate noodles with his back to the boss and his wife.

Then he heard the proprietress say: "I want to support Huo Cheng. His wish is too poignant!"

He turned his head and took a look, only to realize that the proprietress was talking to the phone.

Immediately, he heard another woman's voice coming from the phone: "Our Mars CP fans are really crying! I don't care, if Zhai Xingchen doesn't choose Brother Huo in the end, I will definitely cry!"

"He wishes to poke people, and I'll stand by him for a second!" said the proprietress.

The boss said with a smile: "This kind of program must be fake, there is a script, how do you watch it so real."

"What kind of script, don't you look at the acting skills of the current actors, they are a group of amateurs, their acting skills are so realistic, they can win the actor!"

Zhai Xingchen couldn't help smiling, thinking, what kind of wish did Huo Cheng make to make them so excited

Didn't the camera teacher say he didn't capture it

Zhai Xingchen listened with his ears while eating noodles. After the part between him and Huo Cheng passed, the camera cut to Hu Ying and Yan Zhi. He felt much better after listening to this part, and he was not embarrassed anymore. Trapped at the foot of the mountain, Hu Ying and the others returned to cabin one after another, and he also finished eating the noodles.

He scanned the QR code to pay, put on a mask and said, "Boss, you've paid."

"Okay." The boss said and looked back at him.

Before leaving, Zhai Xingchen looked at the TV while wearing a mask, only to see Pei Xu making a snowman by himself in the snow.

The filter used in "Red and Blue Signal" is particularly good. With the piano background music, the scene of Pei Xu building a snowman in the heavy snow is so romantic that it explodes. Zhai Xingchen was stunned for a moment, wanted to laugh, and felt distressed, which was very complicated. Then a beam of light appeared in the screen, the camera panned, and a car slowly drove towards him.

The headlights illuminate the snow particles, the snowman holding hands, Pei Xu who is alone in black, and him and Huo Cheng in the car.

This clip is really amazing, no wonder the fans are dying.

He saw the proprietress stomping her feet excitedly: "Oh my god, seeing my rival and the person I like come back on a date with my own eyes, I love this kind of plot so much!!!"

Zhai Xingchen blushed and walked out of the shop.

As soon as he went out, he was faced with a biting cold wind. He pulled the zipper up to his neckline, and suddenly planned to look for it himself.

He first strolled casually, who might he meet some guests

He took out his mobile phone, and was about to go online to search what Huo Cheng made a wish, but as soon as he opened Weibo, he saw the number one most searched, with [Huo Cheng making a wish] hanging.

He clicked on it, and in the shaking camera, Huo Cheng wrote his wish on the paper with trembling hands that were red from the cold. In the video, he leaned his head to look at it. show you."

"You caught the camera just now," he said.

Huo Chengxu's wish vaguely appeared in the picture, it was not very clear, but his wish was still captured by the camera.

Zhai Xingchen was stunned when he saw it.

In fact, making a wish, he made it with the fun of recording the show, and he didn't take it very seriously when he made the wish in front of the camera, but when he saw Huo Cheng's wish, he was still poked.

Because he felt that Huo Cheng believed in this very much.

"I hope Zhai Xingchen's wishes will come true."

When they were all walking down, the camera teacher's camera turned back again, and according to Huo Cheng's wishing lock, there was a conversation between the two of them outside the screen, and they said as they walked down:

"After a while, or a few years later, if we have the opportunity to revisit the old place, we can come and see how our locks are doing, and see if our wishes have been fulfilled."


"Then it's an appointment."

Zhai Xingchen pursed his lips, put down his phone, and the wind blew from the end of the street. He was walking towards the beach, and the episode of "Red and Blue Signal" came from the surrounding shops. It is the most commonly used piece of pure music in "Red and Blue Signal". It is called "Good bye brave world". Guo Bing most often uses it to cut trailers. Various interlaced and running shots can make people instantly excited every time.

Tonight's "Red and Blue Signal" once again broke through its own highest ratings by relying on tight editing and successive famous scenes. Seven of the top ten hot searched spots were occupied, among which [Huo Cheng Wishing], [Strictly Obsessed with Stars], [ Pei Xu, Zhai Xingchen, four-finger flick] In the first three alternate cycles, the competition among the three major CPs has become fierce. Fans of the three CPs are all having a carnival. This issue ends at the Ice and Snow Shura Field, where all the guests stood at the top and jumped to the top. The moment the show ended, the enthusiasm of the audience was lifted to the peak. After the show ended, the trending searches of [Red and Blue Saturday Plus] exploded again.

[Oh my god, I was twisted into a mess on the bed tonight!]

[Tonight's "Red and Blue" can be a god!]

[How can love dramas be better than idol dramas! ! ! How can there be such a wonderful Shura field, there may be no one who has ever come before, and there may be no one who will come! !]

[Tomorrow's ski resort big PK! There is also the truth of the top Shura field! !]

[Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah! Damn, I'm so looking forward to it!]

[Toe picks the ground and can't stop, is this the magic power of Lianzong Shura Field!]

[I was sweating while watching it. I was really embarrassed and happy. After watching it, I ran around the living room screaming twice. My sisters, who understands my feelings!]

[Hahahaha, me too, my mother said I was crazy.]

[Laughing and crowing in bed!]

Although "Red and Blue Signal" has already exploded, Mama Zhai and the others still feel the power of the fifth issue.

Today, everywhere I go, people are discussing "Red and Blue Signal". The private messages of the family group are almost exploding, and they are all asking who Zhai Xingchen likes. Mother Zhai put the roses at home into a vase, sprayed some water on the roses, and said to Father Zhai: "It's all like a dream."

I never imagined that Zhai Xingchen's participation in this program would become such a hit.

They originally only hoped that Zhai Xingchen would gain some popularity through this program, and that he would be able to find a job after graduation in the future.

The audience was excited, and the program team was even more excited. When Zhai Xingchen woke up the next morning, the staff of the program team came to hug him when they saw him. At first, he thought something happened, but later he found out about yesterday's ratings. And click-through rates hit new highs.

Zhai Xingchen carried a bag and rode a bicycle across the street. Guo Bing and the others sat in the car and followed him from a distance.

"It's really a pity to wear a mask when going out. It's a pity that Zhai Xingchen has such a good-looking face. Don't you think Zhai Xingchen looks better than when he first participated in this show?"

"It seems more confident."

"There is also the nourishment of love."

"I can't help it. Now our show is too popular. Unless we go abroad or go outside, we will be recognized everywhere."

Guo Bing sat in the car, looking at Zhai Xingchen in the distance. Zhai Xingchen was carrying a bag and wearing a white shirt, riding a bicycle through the winter sun. The wind ruffled his thick black hair.

"What about the other guests, have they all set off?" He asked.

"All set off."

Eight guests in different places started the "destined encounter" either by bicycle, on foot, or by car.

This time it was really completely fair, random, and the program group did not have any behind-the-scenes manipulation, and the distance between the eight guests was even roughly the same.

Zhai Xingchen had never been to Dongcheng before, and he was completely unfamiliar with this city. He was looking at the map on his phone while riding his bicycle.

He might meet a certain guest in the next minute, or he might not meet any of them after wandering outside for a whole day.

He had no idea where the other seven were going.

He intends to treat today as a free trip, he will go where he wants to go, don't think about other things, and be whoever he meets.

Dongcheng is a northern city near the sea. The streets he walked on both sides of the road had all fallen leaves, the branches were bare, and the street was very quiet. Occasionally, he would see old men and women sunbathing and playing cards. He first visited the nearby old train station, and then went to Silver Beach.

The shells he picked up in Nancheng were too few, and the shells that Pei Xu gave him, he felt that it was not appropriate to give them to others. It would be better for him to pick up some and give them away. The sea in Dongcheng is incomparable with that in Nancheng, and generally there are very few beaches where you can pick up shells. Silver Beach is a relatively remote one. He searched the Internet and said that there are so many beaches in Dongcheng. If you want to pick up shells, the first choice is Silver Beach. Although it is a bit remote, but also because of the remoteness, there are few tourists. When the tide ebbs in the afternoon, if you are lucky, you can still pick up Pai Daxing.

Silver Beach is in the northwest corner of Guanhai District. He stopped and stopped all the way. The advantage of not taking pictures with him is that no one recognized him along the way. He also saw his billboard at a bus stop and took a close photo.

Guo Bing's car followed Zhai Xingchen far away.

"He seems to be going to the Silver Sand Beach."

"Brother Huo doesn't live in Silver Beach?"

"Brother Huo left early in the morning, not at Silver Beach!"

"It was a blunder."

"Yan Zhi went to the neighborhood where Zhai Xingchen lives. It's a pity that Zhai Xingchen came out."

"It's not like we can't meet any of them today, right?"

"Hu Ying and Wen Nuo met, they chatted for a few minutes, and then separated again, laughing to death."

"Pei Xu seems to be heading for Silver Beach. Look at his course of action."

"Pei Xu seems to be driving there, the two of them won't really meet, right???!"

Guo Bing took a look at everyone's location. The red dots of Pei Xu and Zhai Xingchen were rapidly approaching. One of them was on the East-West Road, and the other was on the North-South Road. They were about to meet at the intersection outside Yinhai Community. on.

"Hurry up, let the camera go to the intersection and prepare to take a third-person view!"

Immediately, a car from the program team drove to the intersection ahead of time, and a camera teacher hurriedly got out of the car and stood under the road sign at the intersection with his bag.

It happened to be a green light ahead, so Zhai Xingchen turned his head and glanced at the cameraman disguised as a passerby on the side of the road.

It doesn't look like it, he has seen his camera.

He thought that the program crew wanted to take a panoramic shot of him, and he was afraid of arousing the vigilance of passers-by, so he disguised it a little, and didn't pay attention. Turning red, he pedaled a few times, and finally stood up directly on the bicycle. The sun shone on his white shirt, and the shirt fluttered, so youthful.

Zhai Xingchen thought, he didn't want temperature for the sake of demeanor today.

so cold!

Guo Bing and the others half stood up nervously in the car, because they saw the north-south street lights turned on, and Pei Xu's car drove past the intersection.

"Did he see Zhai Xingchen just now? Did he see it?!" Guo Bing asked the others nervously.