Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That

Chapter 152


Zhai Xingchen glanced back, the handlebars shook, and he sat down quickly.

Did he ride too fast just now

The red light was on at the last second, can this lens be used, and will it serve as a bad example of grabbing the green light? If the program team needs it, he can go back and cooperate with them to shoot again.

He looked back while pedaling his bicycle, but he didn't see the program crew calling him to stop, but saw a row of cars driving past the intersection.

Guo Bing and the others sat in the car and watched Pei Xu's car drive past the intersection.

"did not see it?"

"There were two cars ahead of him just now, it's normal if he didn't see it..."

"Just a little bit, a few seconds slower or faster, and you might see it!"

"Zhai Xingchen is still wearing a mask, so it's possible he didn't recognize him when he saw it."

Having said that, everyone couldn't help showing a bit of disappointment.

At this moment, a staff member suddenly said: "Huo Cheng seems to have turned back, and he is still two kilometers away from us."

As soon as he said this, everyone cheered up again, and looked at the location on the screen, only to see Huo Cheng's red dot getting closer and closer to them.

Pei Xu didn't meet Zhai Xingchen, but it's okay for Huo Cheng to meet him!

I'm afraid that no one will meet Zhai Xingchen today.

Huo Cheng lived next to Silver Beach. When he first arrived last night, Huo Cheng had been to Silver Beach and stayed on the beach for more than half an hour before going back.

Everyone's heart that had just been lost was instantly tense and expectant again.

"Director, don't we really want to intervene or hint a little bit?" A staff member said, "Even if Huo Cheng comes back, he might not come to Silver Beach, right? What if he and Zhai Xingchen miss it too?"

Even if they operate in the dark and intervene, the audience will not be able to see it.

No matter how clever the technique is, the guests may not be able to see it. There is also the plot they want, and the romance is also there.

Guo Bing looked at Pei Xu who was getting farther away and Huo Cheng who was getting closer on the screen, stroked his chin, and then glanced in the direction Zhai Xingchen was walking.

At this moment, he suddenly heard a staff member shouting: "Pei Xu turned around!"

Guo Bing quickly glanced at the screen when he heard the words, and saw Pei Xu's car turning back at the next intersection!

"I know, I know, he couldn't change lanes just now, he can only wait for the next intersection!"

"Ah, so he saw it? He must have seen it!"

The car suddenly became a ball of excitement, Guo Bing hurriedly urged the driver: "Hurry up and drive quickly."

Before their car reached the intersection, they saw Pei Xu's car, turned right, and turned to the road that Zhai Xingchen was walking on.

"Ahhhhhh! I see it, I see it!"

The staff were all excited, even more excited than they were in love. One by one, after the fact, he said: "Let me just say, they must be watching the road while driving now. Is Zhai Xingchen someone who will be ignored? They can recognize it just by looking at their backs!"

"It's been a long time, and the distance between everyone is not too far, so it's time to meet a couple!"

"Will Huo Cheng go to Silver Beach later? Shura field Shura field!"

"Follow me quickly!" Guo Bing said.

They followed Pei Xu's car into the fishing village next to Yinshatan Beach. After entering, they realized how complicated the roads inside were. Most of them were stone-paved roads. The roads were relatively narrow, difficult for cars to drive, and there were many branch roads.

They took a look at Zhai Xingchen's location: "Zhai Xingchen has turned into the alley on the right. This fishing village is very big and has many roads. Pei Xu might not be able to find him, right?"

"I've already seen Zhai Xingchen. He will turn over the whole village today and look for it, right?"

"I won't be able to find it for a while, it's exciting when I get anxious!"

"Where's Xiaowei? Let him follow quickly!" Guo Bing shouted, "Let's follow Zhai Xingchen directly."

The staff immediately called Xiaowei.

Zhai Xingchen also came to Silver Beach for the first time, and he found that in the village, the navigation was not easy to use at all.

He turned several turns, and finally asked the old man on the side of the road before he came to the silver sand beach.

As expected, there were very few tourists there, there were more than a dozen scattered people. He parked his bicycle on the side of the road and was about to remove the camera when a staff member called him.

When he looked back, he saw the other party running over with a camera in hand.

"You don't need to take the camera." The other party said.

Zhai Xingchen froze for a moment, then looked around. The cameraman Xiao Li said: "There is no one around, so it's okay for us to take pictures."

Zhai Xingchen saw two more cars parked in the distance, Guo Bing got out of the car, but did not come over, only waved to him.

Zhai Xingchen felt that something was unusual.

Shouldn't there be a guest here

Zhai Xingchen's relaxed heart suddenly tightened up. He immediately looked around again and asked Xiao Li, "Are any guests here?"

Xiao Li smiled and said, "Maybe there will be, but I'm not sure yet."

Zhai Xingchen stood with his lips pursed for a while, and Xiao Li said, "Just do what you should, don't be too deliberate."

Zhai Xingchen walked towards the beach and took off his mask when he got to a place where there were few people. Xiao Li held up the camera and followed him. He was cautious at the beginning of the filming, but when he found that no one was watching them, Xiao Li became bolder. Zhai Xingchen looked around while walking.

He didn't know he was so nervous.

Looking at the posture of the program group, it is obvious that he did not come to Silver Beach alone.

Who will it be

The waves beat against the beach, and there are many reefs here, and there are a group of seagulls looking for food on it. The sea breeze made him shiver. He breathed a sigh of relief and planned to go back to get a coat, but after walking a few steps, he saw a car parked not far away.

The sea breeze messed up his hair. Zhai Xingchen stood there with his heart in his throat, and then he saw a familiar figure get off the car.

The heart that was almost in his throat slapped instantly, Zhai Xingchen smiled, and put on the mask again.

When Pei Xu got out of the car, he saw Guo Bing and the others first.

Guo Bing stood leaning against the car door, and greeted him with a smile: "It seems that I have been walking around the village for a while."

Pei Xu smiled and looked directly at the beach, looking from left to right, he saw a white figure.

He ran down the steps, Guo Bing asked Xiao Wei to follow, and he stood by the side of the road and looked down: "...Did the two of them set some secret code?"

Everyone got out of their cars and stood on the side of the road looking at them. They saw Pei Xu crossing the long silver sandy beach, and finally stopped ten meters away from Zhai Xingchen, gasping for breath.

Holding the shells he just picked up, Zhai Xingchen walked towards Pei Xu.

Pei Xu walked towards him while unbuttoning his buttons.

"How do you know I'm here?" Zhai Xingchen asked.

Pei Xu didn't answer him, but asked with a smile, "Am I the first to find you?"

Zhai Xingchen wore a mask, but his eyes were bright.

The sea breeze was so strong that it messed up Pei Xu's hair. Pei Xu took off his coat and put it on him.

"I've got my coat, it's in my bag, and I'm about to get it."

Pei Xu's coat was still warm, and he felt very embarrassed when he put it on. The two of them walked towards the shore together, and Pei Xu said, "I knew you would come to the beach, and I have been to three beaches."

"How did you know?"

"I feel that if the program team allows you to travel freely, you will definitely come to the beach." Pei Xu said.

Zhai Xingchen just laughed when he heard that. He was really surprised, and felt that the surprise came from Pei Xu's observation and understanding of himself.

"I'm here to pick up some shells... I don't know where to go," he said to Pei Xu.

When they returned to his car, he opened his bag and took out a coat from the car. He was about to take off Pei Xu's coat, but Pei Xu took the coat directly.

"You can't fit in my clothes."

But Pei Xu tried it anyway.

Pei Xu wore the loose denim jacket he wore as a jacket. It didn't look too small, but it was too tight at the shoulders.

Zhai Xingchen took off his coat and changed it with him.

"It's just that I can't stretch my shoulders," Pei Xu said.

"My clothes must be too small for you, your shoulders are so wide."

He is almost 1.9 meters tall, with big and broad shoulders, and his shoulders are much thicker than him. He looks thin, but the actual size of his clothes is quite large.

Zhai Xingchen's nose turned red from the cold, he buttoned it up, and then turned his head to look at Pei Xu, feeling that all this was like a dream.

"You were able to find me." He couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Good luck." Pei Xu said, "If you go to another beach, the two of us may miss it. Actually, I saw you when I was at a crossroads, but I only saw a back. Do you know how I can be sure? Is that yours?"

"How are you sure?"

"I feel that although it's not too cold here during the day, most people wear thick coats, and you're the only one wearing a white shirt," Pei Xu said.

Zhai Xingchen laughed when he heard the words: "I'm afraid I'll sweat when I ride a bike. It's really not cold at all when I ride a bike."

"Let's go." Pei Xu said, "Aren't you going to pick up shells? Let's go to a place where there are few people."

Zhai Xingchen followed Pei Xu down to the beach again, and the two of them walked towards a remote place together. The sea breeze rolled up the waves and beat the rocks. Zhai Xingchen put his hands in his trouser pockets, because there were two cameras following the two of them one by one. Instead, he became cautious, and occasionally turned his head to look at Pei Xu, and when he saw Pei Xu smile, his face would turn red.

He knows to be shy.

It turns out that no matter what personality people are, they will be shy when love first comes.

"I kept some of the shells I picked up at the beach in Nancheng," Zhai Xingchen said, "so I plan to pick up some more and give them to everyone as gifts. The shells are not enough right now. The shells here are so small that they can ugly."

Pei Xu's two hands were also in his trouser pockets, half an inch away from Zhai Xingchen, and he said, "Then you give others the good-looking ones, and give me the ugliest and smallest ones."

Zhai Xingchen smiled, pursed his lower lips, and turned to look at Pei Xu: "Do you want another copy?"

Pei Xu said, "If you don't get enough points, then you don't need to give them. It's mainly the six of them."

Oh oh oh oh, are the young couple already discussing the issue of giving gifts

Xiao Li and Xiao Wei glanced at each other.

The two young couple looked at each other and smiled, do you want to sprinkle so much dog food!

In the past, they always thought that being greasy and crooked was dog food, but now they felt that the more restrained they were, the more they looked like dog food!

The high cold iceberg has warmed up, but the lively little sun suddenly became shy!