Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That

Chapter 153


The sea view area in Dongcheng looks huge, but in fact there are not many places they can go.

It is impossible for someone to wander the streets aimlessly, and it is impossible for someone to go to the shopping mall. The places they will go to must be more representative places, such as riverside parks, beaches, trestles, famous bookstores, Science and Technology Museum, Underwater World, Church.

There are not many places, and the difficulty lies in the timing.

It only takes two people to be somewhere at exactly the same time.

No, Hu Ying met Duan Yihua in Jinshatan.

Duan Yihua also saw him and walked towards him.

The two greeted each other politely.

"It's just me." Duan Yihua said.

Hu Ying gave a "hmm", looked around again, and asked, "How long have you been here?"

"It's been more than an hour." Duan Yihua said, "Pei Xu has also been here."

Hu Ying was stunned for a moment: "Has he left?"


In fact, the chances of meeting Zhai Xingchen are the same if you stay here and hurry to the next scenic spot where Zhai Xingchen may appear.

Maybe Zhai Xingchen will appear on the golden sand beach in a few minutes.

But Hu Ying couldn't wait, he immediately moved on to the next location.

His next destination is Silver Beach.

He may not be smart enough himself, but other people are smart. Both Duan Yihua and Pei Xu came to the beach, which means that Zhai Xingchen is very likely to go to the beach!

Hu Ying couldn't help but feel complacent about her sensitive response.

Facts have proved that the sea in Dongcheng is far worse than that in Nancheng.

There are few tourists on Silver Beach, but there are also few shells. They searched for more than ten minutes, and Zhai Xingchen saw that Pei Xu had been looking back, occasionally checking his watch.

"what time is it?"

"It's half past twelve." Pei Xu said and looked at him, "Are you hungry? Do you want to eat first?"


"Then let's go eat first." Pei Xu said, "I'm hungry too."

When the two returned to the road, Pei Xu went to get his bag and put it in the car.

"Leaving so soon?" Guo Bing asked.

Pei Xu said, "I'm hungry, go eat."

Guo Bing looked at the location of the others, and found that Huo Cheng had returned to his residence, and Hu Ying was only three kilometers away.

Looking at the last place Hu Ying went to, his next goal is obviously the Silver Sand Beach.

The car drove away slowly from Silver Beach. In fact, there was a wide road around the fishing village, but Pei Xu still took the small road in the village.

"The navigation here is not easy to use." Zhai Xingchen said.

"I remember the road," Pei Xu said.

Guo Bing and the others followed behind. Just as they were about to enter the fishing village, the staff leaned on the car window and said cautiously, "Hu Ying's car."

They saw Hu Ying's car driving past them.

When the car passed by a canteen, Pei Xu stopped the car suddenly and said, "I'm going to buy something."

Zhai Xingchen sat in the car and watched Pei Xu get out of the car. There were many hats and gloves hanging on the shelf outside the canteen. Pei Xu took two black baseball caps and went into the store.

In the car behind, a staff member poked his head out of the car window and glanced at a small building obliquely ahead: "Brother Huo seems to live in the white building."

That building is on the street behind the canteen, and it is the tallest building in the vicinity. On the fourth floor where Huo Cheng is located, you can overlook the Silver Beach in the distance.

After a while they saw Pei Xu coming out of the canteen with two hats.

At this moment, the staff suddenly exclaimed: "Brother Huo!"

Guo Bing lowered his head slightly and saw Huo Cheng through the windshield. He came out of the room and was walking down the spiral staircase on the leftmost side of the small building.

Pei Xu's car moved and drove forward slowly. Everyone's hearts were in their throats. Zhai Xingchen sat in the co-pilot, browsing the nearby restaurants. The car passed the intersection not far from the small white building. When driving past, he looked up and said to Pei Xu, "There is a Xuji Fire Wonton restaurant near here, and the rating is very high."

When Pei Xu turned his head, he handed over the phone and gave Pei Xu a look.

"How?" Pei Xu asked.

"Just keep going. It's at the entrance of the village, next to Wanghai Road."

The location of this Huo Shao wonton shop is not good, but the business is very good. It is noon now, and they drove to Wanghai Road, and when they were a few hundred meters away, Zhai Xingchen saw the shop.

Because the store was full of people.

"There are too many people, okay?" Zhai Xingchen asked.

Pei Xu unbuckled his seat belt and said with a smile, "Let's go, try."

Zhai Xingchen laughed when he heard the words, excited as if he was taking an adventure, he was very nervous, but felt very exciting for no reason.

Going on an adventure with Pei Xu is even more exciting.

He put on the hat Pei Xu bought, and handed the other hat to Pei Xu, who put it on his head and got out of the car.

Zhai Xingchen put on the mask and said, "I'll do it."

Pei Xu followed behind with a handheld camera.

As soon as the two of them appeared, they attracted the attention of a lot of customers. Zhai Xingchen went straight to the door of the store, looked at the sign at the door, and said, "Boss, here are two bowls of wontons and two pastries."

The boss glanced at him and said enthusiastically, "Okay, let's find a seat first!"

Pei Xu filmed him with a camera, with a smile in his eyes.

He saw that the guests at one table were getting up, and after the other party left, he sat down on the small bench. The auntie waiter came to clear the table and asked, "Are you also live broadcasting?"

Zhai Xingchen looked up at the aunt, who smiled and said, "Our restaurant is very famous and has been on many food shows."

Zhai Xingchen smiled and asked, "Do live broadcasters often come to check in?"

The aunt said: "There are every now and then! We are an old store for more than 30 years! Which platform are you on? Our boss said that anyone with more than 20,000 fans can come to try it for free."

As she spoke, she turned her head to look at Pei Xu: "The young man is really tall."

"He's just stupid." Zhai Xingchen said.

Pei Xu glanced at him with a smile, and sat down opposite him. It was a low table and a small bench. He had long legs, and when he sat down, there was no room for his legs, so he stretched them all to Zhai Xingchen. Zhai Xingchen looked to the side and took off the mask.

Pei Xu also took off his mask, and said, "Suddenly I remembered that we were recording programs normally, and if we were recognized, we would recognize it, and it was fair and square."

Zhai Xingchen smiled and said, "That's right, what are we guilty of?"

"Are you guilty?" Pei Xu asked him with a smile.

Zhai Xingchen didn't speak. He glanced at Pei Xu, lowered his head with a smile, and saw that Pei Xu's legs were stretched out to his side, so he pushed his knees out.

There seemed to be two young people who recognized them and secretly took pictures with their mobile phones, but they didn't dare to approach them.

This is a normal passerby's reaction when they see them. I'm not sure it's just the two of them, and I'm afraid they're recording a show... Ordinary people are more cautious about being on TV, and usually hide from the camera.

The store served the food very quickly. Within a few minutes, the steaming wontons were served and they were on fire. They were very delicious. While eating, Zhai Xingchen looked at Pei Xu and asked, "Do you seldom come to this place to eat?"

"With Teacher Zhai, we experience new things every day," Pei Xu said.

Zhai Xingchen hit Pei Xu's leg again with his knee.

Pei Xu's ears turned even redder.

After eating a bowl of wontons, Zhai Xingchen was sweating under the sun, so he unbuttoned his coat.

"Are you full?" Pei Xu asked.

Zhai Xingchen nodded: "What about you?"

Pei Xu said, "I can have another one."

Pei Xu ordered another wonton.

Zhai Xingchen glanced to the side, and found that the two young men who secretly photographed them were still there.

About a few minutes later, he heard a rush of footsteps coming. He turned his head and saw three more people running over. They seemed to be students in their teens and twenties. Zhai Xingchen was far away. Hearing them excitedly whispering a few words, they ran to the next table and sat down.

The two young men who had just secretly photographed them also sat down with them.

They were very close, and their faces were flushed with excitement.

Zhai Xingchen was not nervous anymore, and greeted with a smile: "Hello."

As soon as he said hello, those few people cried out excitedly.

"Are you recording a program?" A boy asked.

Zhai Xingchen pointed to the camera on the table.

When they saw the camera, they were all shy.

Photos of Pei Xu and Zhai Xingchen eating wontons on the side of the road were quickly posted on the Internet. The dilapidated residential buildings, the withered old locust trees, the faded red signboards that were blown by the wind and rain, and For the guests sitting outside to eat, in such a chaotic environment, Zhai Xingchen and Pei Xu also looked so conspicuous, their skin color was more than one shade lighter than ordinary people, and they were taller than others sitting there.

[Fuck, this picture!]

[Two amazing people, the rising sun and the stars are real!]

[Isn't this really a warm-up for tonight's classic scene at the ski resort?]

[These two are dating again? Today is the carnival day of the rising sun and stars, right? It's time to unleash my treasured Ski Resort Reuters!]

Immediately, a netizen posted a picture of Pei Xu wearing a ski suit with wet hair and red face, looking terribly miserable. He stretched out his hand and handed the little red flag in his hand to Zhai Xingchen.

[Ahhh, I was so excited when I saw this picture. I remember that the rising sun and the stars rose up in this live broadcast!]

[They are now in Dongcheng? Where is it on the picture, Guanhai District? Do you have any sisters to meet? !]

Although it is not scary to be recognized by others, it is scary when there are too many people, so Pei Xu and Zhai Xingchen left in the car after dinner.

"Where do you want to go next?" Pei Xu asked.

According to regulations, they cannot go home before dark and must be outside.

"Go to the beach? I haven't picked up enough shells." Zhai Xingchen said.

"It's too early to go now, we can go when the tide is low." Pei Xu looked at the time, "Are you sleepy, do you want to sleep for a while?"

Zhai Xingchen said: "One thing. I slept very late yesterday, and it was the first time I lived alone. I'm still not used to it, and I thought about a lot of things."

"Then let's rest in the car for a while, and I'll find a quiet place."

As Pei Xu spoke, he drove the car to a very secluded street. At the end of that street is an abandoned factory. There is no car on the road, and it is very quiet.

"The director and the others are still following us," Zhai Xingchen said.

Guo Bing's car was parked far away on the side of the road, and some staff members came down to smoke. The afternoon sun was shining brightly. Zhai Xingchen opened the car window a little, and heard the sound of the wind blowing the fallen leaves on the ground.

"How did they come here?" Someone asked Guo Bing, "It's too remote here."

"Where there are few people, we can go where there are few people. This Pei Xu is very dishonest now." Guo Bing said.

"But now that the two of them are alone, the pink bubbles must be flooding. Just don't be able to broadcast it."

"That's hard to say, what is it like for a young man in his early twenties to fall in love, we are all experienced."

What is it like to be in your early twenties

It's the age when you can hold hands and hold hands at a glance.

Everyone looked towards Pei Xu's car. In order to give these two people a private space, they were so far away.

This place is too remote, so remote that a new car is parked here, the first association for people is that it is not suitable for children.

Zhai Xingchen reclined the chair and lay down.

This is the second time they rested in the car. The first time was when they finished watching a movie. Before going to Laojie, they also rested by the river on the outskirts of the city for a while. He remembered that the two of them drove in the car. After a few jokes, Pei Xu suddenly got out of the car with red ears and stood with his back to him.

At that time, Pei Xu was very cautious, and he didn't know what to do at that time, and the atmosphere was awkward and ambiguous.

But it's different now.

Pei Xu handed him his coat: "Cover it."

"Aren't you cold?"

"It's not cold in the car. I don't sleep." Pei Xu said.

Zhai Xingchen said, "Whenever I have a chance, I will take off my coat and put it on for you."

Pei Xu said: "I just realized now that taking care of others is more satisfying than being taken care of. It's very satisfying." He paused, and finally said, "I really like taking care of you."

Pei Xu's ears turned red as he spoke. Zhai Xingchen wanted to ask him why he became famous all of a sudden, but Pei Xu turned off the camera.

After his pass, Zhai Xingchen immediately sat up, and his heart started beating violently.

Pei Xu put his hands on the camera lens, his ears were red, and he turned to look at him. The two of them looked at each other now, and they could understand each other's meaning almost immediately. Zhai Xingchen's heart was on fire, so he heard Pei Xu say, "Zhai Xingchen..."

It was too foul for him to whisper his name in that voice.

Zhai Xingchen glanced at Pei Xu, then quickly averted his gaze, and only said, "From now on, Director Guo... will definitely let the camera follow you wherever you go."

"Off for a minute." Pei Xu looked at him and said.

He didn't want to do anything for this minute, but he felt that the emotions and feelings inside and outside the camera were different. A minute that is specially emphasized is a minute that is more efficient than an hour. During this minute of deliberate silence, their minds tangled and rubbed together. Zhai Xingchen was inspired by the atmosphere to hug him. He pulled up Pei Xu's coat and smelled the familiar smell of mint, which penetrated into his blood. At that moment, he was no longer the guest Zhai Xingchen, but just a A twenty-year-old young man in love, he has all the reactions he should have, psychological and physical. He heard Pei Xu turn on the camera again, and he turned his head slightly to look out the window.

Pei Xu put down the chair and lay down too.

Zhai Xingchen felt that if he and Pei Xu continued to stay like this for another day, something would definitely happen today. But his mood was the same as when they went to eat wontons in the crowd. It was like an adventure that he and Pei Xu would meet together, and he was looking forward to it but worried.