Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That

Chapter 182


"Have you found anyone yet?"

"No, I saw him enter the building, but I don't know where he went. The Wende Building in their school is too big, and many rooms are not open. I don't know which one he is in."

"Are there any other guests coming to their school?"

"We are just wondering if there is such a possibility! Maybe he came here to meet his lover. It's been half a month, and he shouldn't be able to hold back!"

"Is it because you are too tight, give them some space, don't chase so closely, maybe they relax their vigilance, and you will gain more."

"Then we'll all hide in the car from now on?... I saw Zhai Xingchen!"

Zhai Xingchen held an umbrella and walked silently to the classroom where he had classes in the afternoon.

The wind and rain are much less than before, and there are more pedestrians on the road than before.

Zhai Xingchen's tongue was numb, and he was dizzy, as if he had drunk too much alcohol.

Will it be like this for too long

He had been hugged by Pei Xu before, and he was sweating, but now he was shivering a little when he was blown by the cold wind, but his heart was warm.

It's hot.

He looked around while walking, class was about to start, and there were many more pedestrians on the road than before, and occasionally some classmates would recognize him.

He lowered his head, lowered the umbrella, and finally disappeared among the students in class.

They didn't have classes for the first two periods in the afternoon, so Zhai Xingchen found a classroom where no classes were held, sat down in a corner, spread Pei Xu's sweater on the table, and took a nap there.

There are very few people in the classroom, and the lake is outside the window. On rainy days, the lake is constantly rippling, and the faint scent of mint on the sweater is in the breath.

Maybe it was the aroma that lingered on him, and he lay prone on the table, having a hot spring dream.

After Zhai Xingchen woke up, his face was covered with sweat, and he lay down on the table with a flushed face, and looked at his phone. There is a message from Pei Xu on the phone, saying that he has arrived at the company.

"I just woke up." He replied.

"Where did you sleep?"

Zhai Xingchen replied: "Sleeping in the classroom."

"Be careful not to freeze."

"I'm still sweating." Zhai Xingchen replied.

"I was a little uncomfortable just going to the bathroom."

Zhai Xingchen froze for a moment, then asked, "What's wrong?"

"It hurts a bit."

Zhai Xingchen didn't understand why it was a little painful for a while, but when he suddenly understood, he blushed, picked up the sweater and came out of the classroom. It was the time for class, and there was no one in the corridor. Pei Xu's sweater was loose, so he put it on. It's even looser, and it fits just right on his coat. He put his hat on and walked to the end of the corridor.

"Are you okay?" Pei Xu asked.

Zhai Xingchen blushed and replied, "I haven't."

I didn't know until I was in a relationship, and it would be uncomfortable if I kept reacting for an hour or two.

He felt fine, and he felt that the reason why Pei Xu felt pain was because Pei Xu was more excited than him.

"After school in the afternoon, I'll ask the driver to pick you up?"

Zhai Xingchen pursed his lips and replied "Yes".

After this meeting, Zhai Xingchen became more courageous.

He thinks he can try it.

See if you can shake off those paparazzi.

Especially today, a godsend opportunity.

In the afternoon, Pei Xu sent a driver to pick him up in a very low-key car. Because of the rain, the sky was much darker than usual. In the evening when school was over, there were the most students coming in and out of the Chinese Dance School. There was a huge crowd, and all of them were holding umbrellas. It was very chaotic. Zhai Xingchen, under the cover of his classmates, Successfully got rid of the paparazzi's stalking.

However, the driver still took him around the city for more than half an hour, and finally confirmed that no one was following him, so he took him to the place where Pei Xu was. The car drove to the outskirts of the city, and there were fewer cars on the road. Zhai Xingchen glanced behind him, and now he was sure that no one was following him.

Because you can't see a car behind you.

Pei Xuding's place is very remote.

Occasionally, a car passed by on the road, and the surroundings were quiet. In the distance, you can see low and rolling mountains. The road is lined with green trees and parks, which look desolate and lonely in the wind and rain. The sky was also getting dark gradually, but the street lights were not on yet, making the scene even more desolate and desolate.

But the more bleak and remote it is, the easier it is to make people excited.

Zhai Xingchen held the phone and kept looking out the window.

The car went directly into a villa area, and after driving in, it happened to see the street lights in the villa turn on.

There was a street lamp, and the sky seemed even darker.

The greenery in the community is very good, there are flowers and trees everywhere, I don't know if it is cherry blossoms or plum blossoms. Before the car stopped, Zhai Xingchen saw Pei Xu standing by the side of the road holding an umbrella.

Pei Xu wore a black overcoat with a white shirt underneath and a black bow tie.

It looks luxurious and handsome.

As soon as the car stopped, Pei Xu opened the door for him.

Zhai Xingchen got out of the car and hid under Pei Xu's umbrella. Pei Xu put his arms around his waist: "Thank you for your hard work."

Zhai Xingchen was a little embarrassed, as if it was delivered to his door.

"Thank you for your hard work, you should go back first." Pei Xu said to the driver.

When the two entered the villa, Zhai Xingchen asked, "Why are you dressed so formally?"

"I went out to do some errands in the afternoon," Pei Xu said.

Zhai Xingchen changed his shoes, took off his coat, and turned to look at Pei Xu.

Pei Xu silently changed his shoes and took off his coat.

Zhai Xingchen thought, forget it, he's not reserved anymore, he's here all the time.

He was blushing, but courageous, and immediately hugged her.

Pei Xu was knocked against the wall by him.

Pei Xu was only more anxious than Zhai Xingchen in his heart, but he felt very anxious to kiss him as soon as he came up, as if seeing Zhai Xingchen was for this purpose, he still restrained a little, thinking that as long as he could see Zhai Xingchen, everything else Let nature take its course, who knew that Zhai Xingchen would pounce on him first. He was startled, and immediately picked up Zhai Xingchen and hugged him in his arms.

He was tall, strong, with long arms and broad shoulders. It was easy to hug Zhai Xingchen. He picked him up with one hand, gave him a firm hand, and carried him to the living room.

Zhai Xingchen asked: "Aren't you in pain?"

Pei Xu blushed: "It's better to hurt me to death."

What is pain and happiness

Pei Xu understood.

Zhai Xingchen disappeared again.

"It's mainly raining today, so it's hard to find. We've been guarding the school gate. Others don't seem to be squatting on others. I don't know where he went, and he hasn't returned to the community."

"Maybe already back home, the weather is too bad today."

In bad weather, it is normal to lose track.

"There are still six days until the finale will be broadcast. By then, this exclusive opportunity to reveal the news may be missed. You must pay close attention to me. Don't give up until the last moment. Our small company is just waiting for this The opportunity is on fire!"

If the news about Zhai Xingchen's love affair can be revealed now, it will be even more explosive than the news about the love affair of the first-line niche!

It is not too much to say that it is the attention of the whole people, whoever breaks the news first will be popular!

Where is this Zhai Xingchen now

In the evening, the rain became heavier, and the wind was also strong, and the branches of the trees were shaking non-stop. Zhai Xingchen was stripped half naked, his legs were holding Pei Xu's neck and he was shaking all the time. Pei Xu's graceful back muscles bulged like a leopard eating.

Because Zhai Xingchen will perform in a few days, it is still an extremely important performance, Pei Xu's love overcomes everything. He only ate an appetizer and didn't eat the big meal.

To the depths of love, love is deep, love is sweet, and it takes a long time to eat a meal. This big house with only the two of them built a secret base for them during the storm. They are young and unscrupulous, and Once started, it cannot be stopped.

Since then, Zhai Xingchen and Pei Xu began to think of ways to avoid the paparazzi's meeting with photographers, but they were not too arrogant. Sometimes they would have a meal together, and sometimes they would just meet in the car for a few minutes. The temperature rose sharply, almost to the time when the feelings were the strongest. On the contrary, Guo Bing began to send messages to the two of them every day: "It's coming soon, if you two persist, it will be made public soon."

Five days, four days, three days, two days, the night of the finale is coming soon, "Red and Blue Signal" is so popular that more and more people are following it. The program team put a lot of effort into editing, especially at Dongcheng Station, the double arrows of him and Pei Xu were so thick, but the program team focused on editing his interactions with other guests, and kept controlling him and Pei Xu getting along The sugar content, trying to create the situation of the three kingdoms.

But even so, Rising Sun and Stars CP fans still become the mainstream CP, but the greater the hope, the more nervous the Rising Sun and Stars CP fans are.

[Stay low-key and save character!]

[I have been looking forward to the finale as soon as possible, but now the finale is getting closer every day, but I am so nervous that I can't sleep!]

[Same as tension plus one!]

As the last episode is approaching, the dance costume tailored by the program team for Zhai Xingchen has also arrived. Zhai Xingchen went to try on the clothes. Guo Bing posted a photo of him wearing the dance costume on Weibo, with the text: "Battle robe .”

As soon as the photo came out, it instantly became popular all over the Internet.

It was a moon-white tunic robe with hundreds of flowers embroidered with gold thread. It looked plain from a distance, but it was exquisite when viewed up close. Waist, set off his waist with a grasp, light and elegant, beautiful.

[Fuck, Zhai Xingchen really wants to dance!]

[Ahhh, the blood tank is empty!]

[Just seeing the photos, I can imagine how beautiful it would be!]

[The dance costumes this time are really beautiful, Zhai Xingchen supports his mother!]

[Wouldn't it be better than Lanling Wang Wu? With such a strong appetite, it looks like it will be a big deal!]

[Look at the dance clothes this time with a completely different style. To be honest, I'm not interested in Lian Zong, but he really killed me last time dancing. Let's see what he can dance this time.]

[Looking like this, with such a good figure, it will be pleasing to the eyes if you dance a few times, right? I admit that I am a local dog, I only look at the face.]

[Zhai Xingchen's figure is really superior, look at his proportions!]

[How good is Zhai Xingchen, isn't it already picked up countless times by many fans? Thin hips, thin waist and long legs, even the wrists and ankles have been analyzed!]

[I remember that analysis, after reading it, I went straight to Hua's house.]

[Hahahahahaha, I also remember that analysis, it was indeed very hot, it seemed that it also analyzed the body size of Pei Xu Huo Cheng and Yan Zhi, which led to a bunch of fanfiction in the Hua family.]

[It's the last episode. Compared to the last CP, I'm looking forward to this dance more. It feels like it will be the last chapter of this season!]

[This dance is too important, I've hung my appetite for too long, and it's too hot, it can only be better than the Lanling dance, otherwise wait to be complained about!]

[Yeah, I think Zhai Xingchen's fans are already begging to keep a low profile on Guo Bing's Weibo.]

[All the pressure is really on Zhai Xingchen now. There must be no problem with the love drama. To be honest, he can choose any of the three blue guests. "Red and Blue Signal" will definitely end perfectly. It depends on whether this dance can make him better.]

[Xinghai.com has posted the live broadcast of the finale night on the homepage, and the number of reservations has exceeded 10 million.]

[Can Xinghai.com's servers hold up? I feel like the server will crash at the end of the night.]

[It is certain to get a card, so watching the live broadcast on TV is the most reliable.]

["Red and Blue Signal" is the first romance series with a live celebration banquet at the finale, right? It is really a history, or the synchronization of the Taiwan network.]

[Report, the first version of the trailer for the finale is out, and it's on the LEDs of Huajiang Trade City!]

[Huajiang Trade City? Isn't that from Pei Xu's family? Could it be...]

As a result, within a minute, someone broke the news one after another: [The LED screen of Yinji Trade City and the LED screen of Wanghai Building are also online!]

[It seems that the airport, subway station, and high-speed rail station are all broadcasting.]

[God, what a big deal this is. Fans of this business are so excited!]

[The night of the national finale is coming!]

[News, Dongcheng CBD is also on the list.]

[Xicheng also went up.]

[Northern City is also ah, the four cities are linked!]

[Ah, has it come out on the Internet? I'm humbled to ask for a link!]

[I just recorded it with my mobile phone, ahhhh, I was so excited to watch it!]

Immediately, someone posted a video link address.

Click on it to see the sunset glow all over the sky, and someone's voice came over.

It was the voices of the red and blue guests. The voices gradually became clear from far to near, and then the guests appeared in the camera one after another. The piano sounded, and the eight guests stood on the beach covered by the sunset.

This is the classic scene that appears most often in this season of "Red and Blue Signal". After the first issue appeared, it amazed everyone with its shocking beauty, and later became a classic scene that will appear in every trailer.

As the sound of the piano gradually rose, male voices began to sing, and the classic scenes of the four cities emerged one by one. Looking back at Huo Cheng on Baiyu Mountain, the radiant eight people in the small theater, the ski resort PK competition, skydiving and gliding, the sky filled with fireworks and rustling paintbrushes, the eight people scattered in the crowd at the beach music festival.

These are all the scenes that have been broadcast in the previous eleven episodes. When the singing reached its climax, it stopped abruptly, and the constantly switching scenes also slowed down. The sad piano music gradually sounded again. It was still the beach in the evening. The guests appeared on the screen one by one, Huo Cheng's teary eyes appeared, Pei Xu lowered his head and wiped the tears on the bridge of his nose, Wen Nuo kept crying, Hu Ying shed tears while walking, and Yan Zhi with serious expressions, Lin Qingning, Duan Yi Hua, the final scene was fixed on Zhai Xingchen's face, he was smiling with tears in his eyes, his eyes and nose were red, and the tears were filled with the last color of the sunset, so beautiful.

The voiceover sounded, and the Xinghai Satellite TV channel voice said in an emotional voice: "The four-city tour is finally over. I can't accompany you in spring, summer, autumn and winter. I hope to see your spring blossoms. At 8 o'clock on Friday night, Xinghai Satellite TV teamed up with Xinghai.com. I invite you to watch it together, sweetheart, pick the stars!"