Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That

Chapter 30


Huo Cheng founded a company called Jinshi Technology two years ago with his old classmates in University A. Their company launched a short video app this year, which has quickly become popular among young people in the past few months.

Like their company's main audience, most of Goldstone's employees are young people. Huo Cheng, who is less than 30 years old, is considered relatively old in their company.

The employees of Goldstone Technology generally comment on Huocheng as follows:

Competent, aggressive, rough and straight.

He never wears makeup, nor does he use skin care products. He has a cropped haircut. Although he wears formal clothes all day long, the purpose is not to look good, but to save trouble.

But because of his outstanding height and appearance, he was chosen by a romance show.

The program team repeatedly sent people to approach. In order to promote his company, Huo Cheng finally chose to participate in the filming of this romance drama.

Because of participating in the love drama "Red and Blue Signal", their boss Huo has changed a lot.

His clothes are no longer black, gray and blue suits worn to the end, but he has started to learn to wear casual clothes, with a bit of fashion style.

He even started using perfume.

But they can understand all these. I heard that ordinary people even have to put on makeup when they go on camera. Huo Cheng is obsessed with the image on behalf of their company, and the overall image naturally depends on the aesthetics of young people.

You must be handsome if you are in love.

But what they never expected was that Huo Cheng was going to learn how to cook, just because of this romance show he participated in!

You must know that Mr. Huo is famous for his straight thinking, he doesn't understand romance, he is not considerate enough, carelessness has always been one of the most important labels on him!

"Boss Huo has worked too hard for our company." A manager stood at the door of the back kitchen of a certain restaurant, looking at Huo Cheng who was carrying a spoon, and sighed.

It's really hard for Mr. Huo.

Looking at his tall head of more than 1.9 meters, wearing a white shirt, suit pants, and holding a pot in his hand, it reminded him of a sentence that was inappropriate but very appropriate for the occasion: The Empress of the Eastern Palace bakes big pancakes.

No matter how you look at it, it's clumsy, and no matter how you look at it, it doesn't fit well.

Huo Cheng's partner Zhou Ming said: "You really think he is for our company."

Everyone turned to look at him.

Zhou Ming said, "The old tree is blooming."

"Boss Huo is in love?"

"Mr. Huo has really taken a fancy to the guest in that show, who? Who is so charming, and captured our Mr. Huo so quickly!"

"I thought Mr. Huo only had work in his eyes, he is a workaholic who loves to work overtime!"

"Last month, our company held a regular meeting. Who told the singles in our company with a straight face, saying that they should work hard while they are young, and don't engage in those love affairs!"

Huo Cheng studied very seriously.

He is the kind of person who has an idea and will immediately put it into action, and he has always had a strong ability to act.

Among the eight of them, only Zhai Xingchen can cook, which means that whoever can cook will have more opportunities to contact Zhai Xingchen.

He doesn't need to learn everything, he just needs to learn one thing a day.

The chef wiped the sweat from his head: "You...you don't have to stir fry so vigorously."

This man has too much strength.

Huo Cheng is very energetic.

Thinking that this is cooking for Zhai Xingchen, he is more motivated.

At six o'clock in the afternoon, Hu Ying arrived at the South Gate of Zhongwu on time.

Before Zhai Xingchen walked out of the gate, he saw Hu Ying.

Because Hu Ying attracted a bunch of classmates to shoot him.

It appears to have caused a commotion.

Although "Red and Blue Signal" has been broadcast live several times, it has not been officially broadcast on the stars, so most people have not seen this program. Usually, no one recognizes Zhai Xingchen in school. Now Seeing this scene suddenly, I was momentarily deterred.

But Hu Ying also saw him from a distance, and waved to him excitedly.

Zhai Xingchen had no choice but to walk over.

The reason Hu Ying was able to attract so many people to take pictures was not only because of his white, rich and beautiful temperament, but also because he had two follow-up portraits by his side.

As soon as Zhai Xingchen arrived, all the onlookers pointed their phones at him.

The two of them walked out together, and Hu Ying said: "You have to get used to it slowly. After our program airs, you will know that these are small scenes today! You are destined to be a big star when you grow up like this. Great dancer!"

Zhai Xingchen laughed, and his nervousness faded away.

Today's date process was arranged by Zhai Xingchen himself. Considering the need to provide the program group with available materials, he took Hu Ying to the underground shopping mall near their school for more than two hours after dinner.

Just like what Hu Ying thought before, going out to play with Zhai Xingchen is completely different from going out with Gao Fushuai. Zhai Xingchen took him to play games that students in their early twenties would play. They played basketball. , play vr, go shopping in bookstores, sit on a chair in the snack street and listen to singers sing folk songs, eat candied haws, and drink milk tea.

Hu Ying was very excited, and bought two glowing rabbit ears to wear on her head.

"Have you never been to a place like this before?"

Hu Ying said excitedly: "No!"

"Didn't you say that you often come to visit our school?"

"Aren't I showing off my approachability? To be honest, I'm usually very busy. Even if I have time to shop, I go to places like Huajiang."

Huajiang Building is the most famous high-end shopping mall in Nancheng, the CBD of Nancheng.

"Do you know who Huajiang belongs to?" Hu Ying asked.

"Whose family?"

"Pei Xu's family's is named after his stepfather Zhou Jiangbai and his mother Pei Huanong. Pei Huanong is now the chairman of Huajiang Group." Hu Ying stopped at a crane machine as she spoke.

"You want to play?"

"I've never played this before." Hu Ying said as she took out her phone, "I'll just have a good time today."

The claw machine was located at the entrance of the mall, next to the two escalators going up, Hu Ying looked at the row of claw machines, and finally chose the one with the most pink dolls.

"You like pink so much." Zhai Xingchen said.

"Yeah, I'm a fan. You're a fan too."

Zhai Xingchen froze for a moment, then realized what Hu Ying was talking about, and immediately stretched out his leg and kicked him.

Hu Ying hid and scanned the QR code with her mobile phone while smiling.

He played it for the first time, and it was inevitable that he would not succeed. But he has poor patience, he will get angry if he fails three times, and he wants to kick the claw machine with his feet after failing six times.

Zhai Xingchen said, "Why don't I try it?"

"Have you ever played?"

Zhai Xingchen said: "No. It's my first time playing too."

Hu Ying took the milk tea from him and asked Zhai Xingchen to try it.

Zhai Xingchen looked around and saw a plush rabbit that he liked very much.

Who knew that Zhai Xingchen clamped the doll up the first time.

Now not only Hu Ying was excited, even Zhai Xingchen was also excited.

He's really playing for the first time.

When the doll was clipped to the top, both of them had their hearts in their throats.

Finally, when Zhai Xingchen took out the pink rabbit, Hu Ying couldn't help raising her arms: "YES!"

The milk tea in my hand spilled out.

"Give it to me, so I can show off when I go back." Hu Ying said.

Zhai Xingchen gave him the rabbit.

Hu Ying couldn't put it down: "It's so cute."

Zhai Xingchen tried a few more times, but he lost his luck, and couldn't get any of them out. Hu Ying tried a few more times, but also ended in failure.

In the end, the two brought a rabbit out of the underground mall.

It was completely dark outside, Zhai Xingchen looked at the time and asked, "Is it time to go back?"

"Let's go shopping one more time." The follower said, "Give us more material for editing."

Hu Ying smiled and said, "Then let's go to the beach for a walk."

They walked down the road behind Zhongwu, crossed a dilapidated dark path, and they arrived at the beach outside Zhongwu's playground.

This is the favorite place for Chinese dance couples. Now that the night is dark, there are many couples sitting in twos and threes under the moonlight.

They brought a follower to take pictures, and it was not easy to go to places with many couples, so they kept walking west.

"Along this coastline, can we go all the way to the red and blue hut?" Hu Ying asked.

"Yes, yes, but I guess you can't bear it, it's a bit far away." Zhai Xingchen said.

"Don't underestimate me. When I graduated from high school, I had dinner with a certain classmate for the last time. After dinner, we were going to take a taxi back to school, but we were reluctant to leave, so we all walked from the south to the north. To the east of Nancheng, we crossed half a city and walked for two hours."

Zhai Xingchen asked, "Do you still have contact with that classmate now?"

Hu Ying turned her head to look at him, with a bit of shyness and sadness in her smile.

"Your first love?"

Hu Ying shook his head.

Zhai Xingchen turned around and said to the shooter, "This episode is not allowed to be broadcast."

"It's okay to broadcast." Hu Ying said, "It's not my first love, it's the first person I like, and also one of my best friends. It's a secret love."

Hu Ying smiled as he spoke, he grabbed the pink rabbit with one hand, and scratched his hair with the other, and said: "He is now abroad with his girlfriend, he just graduated and is about to get married, the family is right, that girl is also Bai Fumei , The two are very affectionate. He also said that he would ask me to be his best man."

Zhai Xingchen nodded.

Hu Ying asked, "What's your expression?"

"I'm sorry for you."

Hu Ying shook her head and said: "That relationship has long passed, and now I see him again, it is completely like a friend, but at that time I was a teenager, I really loved him, I have always been chased by others in my life, the only time Sad for someone you don't love."

Hu Ying stretched out a finger with a serious expression he had never had before: "The only time."

"Have you ever had a crush on someone else? Someone you like but can't get?" Hu Ying asked.

Zhai Xingchen shook his head.

Hu Ying laughed by herself, stared at him with deep eyes, and said, "Forget, you are a little chick."

Zhai Xingchen laughed muffled.

Zhai Xingchen smiled gently and calmly, as if he was obviously touched by what he said just now and tried to comfort him. In the dark, they couldn't see each other's faces clearly, Hu Ying suddenly felt genuine affection, and said sincerely: "It's so kind of you, Xingchen, I hope you will never shed tears because you love someone, don't know it is What's the taste?"

"I hope you won't in the future." Zhai Xingchen said.

Then the two looked at each other for a while, and finally laughed at the same time.

"Oh my god, let's forget about being hypocritical." Hu Ying shouted.

Zhai Xingchen burst out laughing.

Very hearty laughter, clean between boys and men, cheerful, tall and thin, exuding a nice and clean fragrance.

For a moment, Hu Ying felt the long-lost, youthful throbbing, as if being brought back to the youthful age by Zhai Xingchen's green breath.

Zhai Xingchen must be the kind of boy on campus that everyone has a crush on.

Gentle and clean, the person is like a white moonlight, and the heart is like a complete gem.