Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That

Chapter 4


"Should we not have to guess the occupation at night?" Huo Cheng said, "I watch other romance dramas where we have to guess the occupation on the first night."

Zhai Xingchen said, "Should not be used."

Information about this group of rich second generations is everywhere on the Internet, and they even know each other.

"Which university are you from and what do you study?" Huo Cheng asked.

"From the Dance Academy." Zhai Xingchen said.

"Student?" Pei Xu turned to look at him.

Zhai Xingchen nodded.

"He looks like a student at first glance." Huo Cheng said, "The competition in the love market is too cruel now. Are all of you college students born in the 2000s coming to compete with us?"

Zhai Xingchen hurriedly said: "I'll make up the numbers, it's still the brothers' home game."

Huo Cheng looked at him: "Just let the brothers know."

At the end, Huo Cheng suddenly added another sentence: "Dancing, no wonder they look different..."

Pei Xu glanced at Huo Cheng through the rearview mirror. Huo Cheng's expression was very subtle. After the smile on his lips disappeared, the eyes that looked at Zhai Xingchen were red, naked and straightforward. Probably relying on myself to sit in the back, no one can see.

But this scene was all seen by netizens.

[This look...]

[I knew at a glance that this Huo Cheng was very perverted.]

[Even the same kind are not spared... Is there going to be a blue love this season?]

[When two attacks meet, there must be one.]

[I understand why three 1s can do a lot of things.]

[Huo Cheng is fierce at first glance, and Zhai Xingchen can stand it when he dances.]

[Small face is yellow, no wonder everyone says that the barrage scale of BL love drama is large, did you make such a blast at the beginning of the article?]

[The car door is locked, I have already thought of their CP names, Mars CP!]

The big supermarket is very close to where they live, and it took five or six minutes to drive, but it took longer to find a parking space than the time on the road.

This area is the old town of Nancheng, with a row of old western-style buildings. There are no high-rise buildings around. The road turns seven times and eight times. Zhai Xingchen specially observed the nearby terrain.

The three of them are all handsome guys, and there are a bunch of cameras following them, attracting everyone's attention as soon as they entered the supermarket.

Pei Xu glanced at the sign at the entrance: "I'm going to the second floor."

"What do you want to buy?" Huo Cheng asked.


"Are there no slippers in your room?" Huo Cheng asked.

The program team prepared a lot of slippers for them, and one person couldn't wear out ten pairs.

"I don't like the color," Pei Xu said.

Huo Cheng watched Pei Xu go up the escalator, and then walked towards the fresh food area with Zhai Xingchen.

Zhai Xingchen explained: "He only likes black and white."

Huo Cheng smiled and said, "Really?"

Zhai Xingchen nodded.

Pei Xu's clothes, shoes, and even bedding are all black and white, not even gray.

As monotonous as he is.

Huo Cheng has been very busy in the past few years. Going to the supermarket to buy vegetables has become a new thing for him. He reads the list while Zhai Xingchen is in charge of taking it. The two cooperate tacitly.

Because the camera teacher has been following them all the time, many people in the supermarket will look at them, and even the staff in the supermarket are extremely dedicated and enthusiastic. Huo Cheng behaved extremely gentlemanly and gentle. The snacks that Wen Nuo wanted to buy were on his side. Zhai Xingchen went to get them through the shopping cart, and Huo Cheng pressed his shoulder, and reached out to take off the bag of shrimp crackers: "I thought you had earrings."

Zhai Xingchen turned his head: "Huh?"

"You have a mole on your earlobe."

As Huo Cheng spoke, he took a close look at him again. It was a very faint mole, which couldn't even be seen if he didn't look closely.

Zhai Xingchen smiled.

Huo Cheng's mood also inexplicably improved, and he asked, "Who do you think the four guests on the red party will send the text messages to tonight?"

Zhai Xingchen said, "I don't know."

He doesn't care, it won't be sent to him anyway.

"Who will you send it to?" Huo Cheng asked again.

"Isn't this to be kept secret?" Zhai Xingchen glanced at the follow-up photo after speaking.

"I feel that neither of us may receive a text message today, why don't we send each other." Huo Cheng said with a smile, "Anyway, we didn't say that eight people can send casually in this season."

The reason why this season of "Red and Blue Signal" is done this way is because last year there was a romance show on a friendly station. There was a male guest who changed his heart for a new one, so he was scolded by netizens for being a scumbag. In the interview, he said that he actually didn't like any of them, but the program team also stipulated that he must send text messages to a girl who is attracted to him every day, so he sent them one by one in turn.

This incident has caused a lot of repercussions on the Internet, yes, even if it is a romantic drama, you have to allow people not to like any of them, right? It is indeed unreasonable to require guests to choose a favorite object in each issue.

So "Red and Blue Signal" has changed the rules this season. If you don't have any love for several guests, you can send friendly text messages.

Since it is a friendly text message, it can be sent to anyone.

They had just finished shopping for snacks when they saw Pei Xu coming down from the second floor.

Huo Cheng was the first to see him and beckoned.

Zhai Xingchen turned his head to look, and had to say with emotion, Pei Xu really deserves to be a Jinjiang-style male lead, with his figure and appearance, he is really one of a kind, standing on the descending escalator with a pair of slippers, like he is filming an idol drama.

The most striking thing is his lazy and indifferent style, as if he has been used to the admiration and gaze of people around him since he was a child.

The barrage is instantly refreshed.

[I really don't blame the other guests, who wouldn't love this good looks?]

[Pei Xu is really amazing, looking at him like that, why does he want to slap him and kiss him hard!]

[This man who makes people love and hate is really amazing.]

"I think this kid is our biggest opponent." Huo Cheng said to Zhai Xingchen, "Why don't we join forces first."

Zhai Xingchen laughed when he heard the words, Huo Cheng smiled and glanced at him, only thought that Zhai Xingchen was so pretty when he smiled, there seemed to be stars in his eyes, he couldn't help but want to get closer and smell his body Milky smell.

Such milk should be delicious no matter where it is, right

Huo Cheng glanced at the slippers in Pei Xu's hand, and said, "Just now Xingchen said you only like black and white, and you really bought a pair of pure black."

Pei Xu put the slippers into the shopping cart and glanced at Zhai Xingchen.

"How do you know I only like black and white?"

Zhai Xingchen couldn't say that he was seen in the novel, so he said: "I see that your clothes are all these two colors, there is no variegation at all."

"Then what color do you think I like?" Huo Cheng asked.

Zhai Xingchen turned to look at him.

"You like floral shirts, don't you?"

Pei Xu, who had been lifeless all this time, suddenly smiled.

Huo Cheng was surprised: "How do you know, I haven't even worn it yet!"

The smile on Pei Xu's face became even more obvious, so much so that his follow-up portraits came together to take a close-up of his face. Pei Xu probably noticed it, and glanced coldly at the camera, the smile on his face was gone.

The camera sighed.

There are more and more people onlookers, and many people took out their mobile phones to secretly take pictures of them. But the three male guests were very calm. When they went shopping, Pei Xu and Huo Cheng stood quietly beside them, watching Zhai Xingchen pick and choose.

"I believe you really know how to cook." Huo Cheng took the dishes Zhai Xingchen picked, and said, "It looks like you are an expert."

"When I'm at home, I often cook by myself. I know how to cook Chinese food, Western food, and Japanese food, so I'll take care of the kitchen in the red and blue cottage. Don't steal it from me." Zhai Xingchen said.

Today's live broadcast of "Red and Blue Signal" is very short, only a few hours. After all, the live broadcast is only for attracting people, and some secret content will be reserved for the broadcast. When the three of Zhai Xingchen and the others came out of the supermarket, the screen suddenly froze. , the theme song sounded.

In the picture, Huo Cheng, who is the tallest and strongest, looks straight at the camera, with a bright and hearty smile, while Pei Xu frowns slightly, fair and handsome, as cold as an iceberg, and Zhai Xingchen, who stands between them, rushes towards him Juvenile, bright and gorgeous, bright and dazzling.

Three young men with shopping bags rushed straight to the trending searches.

Many netizens who did not follow the live broadcast were stunned.

[There really is Pei Xu!]

[Isn't Pei Xu notoriously bad-tempered in the wealthy circle? He actually came to a love variety show? I always thought it was nonsense before!]

[He has a stinky temper, his face is so handsome, he has completely inherited the beauty of his mother, Pei Huanong.]

[Huo Cheng is also very handsome, a big-ass student, I heard that he has also won the championship of sailing competitions, and he is versatile in style!]

[According to this, is the list circulated two days ago true? Duan Yihua also went? And the famous rich second generations like Lin Qingning and Hu Ying? And my male god Yan Zhi? !]

[Yan Zhi didn't show up, but he must be going, his fan base has already spread the word.]

[Yan Zhi is that quiet, handsome guy who likes to wear shirts, buttoned all the way to the top?]

[The sixth brother is quiet, probably because he hasn't watched his game?]

[Hahahahaha, will sixth brother really participate in the romance show? To be honest, he is the one I look forward to the most in the online list.]

[This season's "Red and Blue Signal" configuration is too awesome, it looks like it's going to explode!]

The online response was overwhelming, and the program team also received a shot in the arm. After returning from the supermarket, the program team returned their mobile phones to them and asked them to make an official announcement on their respective Weibo.

Zhai Xingchen went to interact with several other guests first, and he also took a look at the number of fans of the other guests.

The one with the most fans is Yan Zhi, who deserves to be the No. 1 player in e-sports. He is the most popular among the eight guests.

The second one is Hu Ying, whose Weibo is Bai Fumei's daily life.

The rest of Huo Cheng and others have fans ranging from a few thousand to hundreds of thousands.

He is the least popular one, he is a new account, more than a dozen fans are sent by Sina, and the rest are the other six male guests.

Yes, six, Pei Xu didn't open Weibo.

It's really not cooperative at all.

Because he is a vegan, the program team took extra care of him and picked a photo for him. He posted the photo with the text: "Hi everyone, I'm Zhai Xingchen."

After posting for a long time, I received a like, which was ordered by Huo Cheng.

When he was about to hand in his mobile phone, he asked the staff: "When will I get my salary?"

He is a vegan, but because he was contacted by the program group, the reward was fairly reasonable, 100,000.

This is already a big deal in romance. You must know that the love drama usually only pays 20,000 yuan for lost work, and most of the guests do not go to the romance drama to make money. What everyone values is traffic and exposure.

The staff member said: "I will call when the broadcast starts next week."

One hundred thousand was not much to him before, but it was a huge sum of money to him now.

He plans to give half of the 100,000 to his current parents and half for investment.

He wanted to buy Pei Xu's fund.

Pei Xu's fund has won the first place for two consecutive years, and now it is in a high position. Many people dare not enter, but he has read the full text, and he knows how awesome Pei Xu is. In the next volatile market, he will again Create a miracle of making money.

Zhai Xingchen came to the kitchen with a happy mood.

Huo Cheng, Duan Yihua, and Wen Nuo are already picking vegetables there. Two tall and one low, handsome or beautiful, they look very eye-catching when they get together. Huo Cheng has a cheerful personality and is a bit ruffian, which makes Wen Nuo laugh non-stop.

Seeing a group of handsome guys together is pleasing to the eye.

"The chef is here."

"Will you leave the kitchen to me?" Zhai Xingchen said.

Duan Yihua and the others all smiled and looked at him. Huo Cheng said: "We can only help you. Brother Zhai, let's see how our preparations are doing."

"You've started calling Brother Zhai now, right?" Duan Yihua said with a smile.

"Thank you for your hard work." Zhai Xingchen rolled up his sleeves: "Leave the rest to me."

Wen Nuo said, "I'll stay and help you."

"No, I like to come by myself, you all go to the living room to play." Zhai Xingchen dismissed them.

Handsome guys need more contact to spark.

Everyone saw that he was not being polite, so they all agreed to him, and soon he was the only one left in the kitchen.

Occasionally, Duan Yihua and the others laughed from the living room, Zhai Xingchen rubbed his hands contentedly, and started cooking.

He has always been focused on doing things, and when he started cooking seriously, he became serious.

He glanced at the menu. The dishes he was going to cook today included chicken wings with roasted potatoes, tomato ball soup, dried shrimps and winter melon, steamed eggs with minced meat, tofu with eggs, stir-fried carrots with vegetables, and a steamed sea bass.

As soon as he opened fire, the director room was stunned.

"Is he a student?"

"Yeah, a sophomore in the Dance Academy."

"Maybe I used to cook at home a lot, but it's really rare to be so good at cooking at this age these days."

"When I contacted him before, he said that he would do a little bit."

"Where is this point? Look at his proficiency."

In the camera, Zhai Xingchen is chopping shredded radish. His knife skills are so fast. He cut dozens of knives in a row. With one move of both hands, he is clean and neat. A plate of shredded radish is ready. The shredded radish is thin and even. The presentation is even more amazing.

For this kind of indoor variety show, the light and color are all adjusted to ensure that the guests have perfect lighting in any area of the room. The kitchen is used as the main place for shooting, and the light and color are arranged better. Zhai Xingchen is wearing a thin shirt with phoenix eyes. Slightly drooping, that face shines brightly in the camera.

"Give him a close-up." Director Guo said.

The camera zoomed in, and sometimes photographed his slender white fingers, and sometimes photographed his eyebrows, eyes, and chin. Zhai Xingchen has a very photogenic face, and many staff members were fascinated.

"Such a good-looking 1 who can cook, I don't believe that no one likes it." Screenwriter Liu said.

"Very powerful ah."

Zhai Xingchen was startled. When he looked up, he saw Pei Xu standing in front of the refrigerator with one hand in his trouser pocket and the other holding a water glass.

"Dinner will be served soon." Zhai Xingchen said.

Pei Xu was watching him cook, Hu Ying and the others' laughter came here from time to time, and Zhai Xingchen asked, "Why don't you go play with them?"

Pei Xu said, "I'm hungry."

"Then you can bring the food to the table, it will be ready soon." Zhai Xingchen said.

Cooking is strenuous work, and his forehead was sweating, and he supported it with two oily hands, and wiped the sweat that was about to flow to the corners of his eyes with his arms. Pei Xu picked out a piece of paper and wiped his forehead.


"Yeah." Pei Xu stretched out his hand to serve the food, and Huo Cheng and the others all surrounded him when they saw this.

"Wow, you did all of this?" Wen Nuo said in surprise.

"I thought you were a millet with a rifle, but who knew you would go straight to the atomic bomb."

Hu Ying and the others were also very surprised. They pulled out their chairs and sat down, looking at the delicious food on the table.

It is delicious in color, fragrance and taste.

Huo Cheng opened a bottle of red wine: "Let's have a drink, first, to celebrate our first day in the Red and Blue Cabin, and second, to thank Xingchen for cooking this meal for us."

Everyone had a drink together, Huo Cheng felt that drinking red wine was not enough, so he opened another bottle of white wine.

"When will the other guest arrive?"

"We just asked the program team, and they said they should be able to arrive this afternoon."

"Is it Yan Zhi?"

Wen Nuo nodded hastily: "It's him, I saw his fan group broke the news."

"Are you in his fan group?" Huo Cheng raised his wine glass, sipping it while looking at him with drooping eyes.

Wen Nuo blushed and let out a "hmm".

"Is he very popular?" Duan Yihua asked.

"He's super popular, isn't he the most famous among us?" Hu Ying said.

"He has a lot of fans." Lin Qingning said, "He is really handsome."

The doorbell outside suddenly rang a few times, and Duan Yihua straightened up first.

"Looks like someone rang the doorbell," Wino said.

"Isn't it that Cao Cao Cao Cao has arrived?"

Wen Nuo got up and ran to open the door, an unfamiliar male voice came from the entrance: "Hello."

"Hello." Wen Nuo said.

They all stood up, and after a while, they saw Wen Nuo running back with his face flushed.

Hu Ying was about to ask him, when he saw a man with broad shoulders, narrow waist, white shirt, and thin gold-rimmed glasses walking in with luggage.

The atmosphere in the hall.

This was the first word that popped into Zhai Xingchen's mind.

The author has something to say:

Easter egg: Strictly Administered Award, the scene of him racing with headphones on, riding a heavy motorcycle, and driving Zhai Xingchen on the street at midnight.