Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That

Chapter 6


Zhai Xingchen was taken aback for a moment.

Those who didn't know thought he was a heartthrob favored by thousands of people.

It's just that the male protagonists are all kind-hearted.

Unfortunately, he has already been delivered.

"Yan Zhi said he sent me off." Zhai Xingchen said.

Pei Xu froze for a moment, then looked at Yan Zhi behind him.

Yan Zhi smiled.

Pei Xu got into the car directly.

"Thank you." Zhai Xingchen said shyly.

Pei Xu didn't speak, and drove away in his Maybach.

Duan Yihua next to him said, "It's strange that he would take the initiative to pick up people."

Huo Cheng laughed and said to Zhai Xingchen, "Then I won't see you off."

"Where's Wen Nuo?" Zhai Xingchen asked.

He is not the only one without a car here, but also Wen Nuo.

"Qingning took him away." Duan Yihua said.

Tsk, this Lin Qingning.

Why don't you give Wen Nuo a chance.

Zhai Xingchen got into Yan Zhi's car. Yan Zhi was driving a white Land Rover with a very domineering appearance.

A camera had just been installed in the car, and Yan Zhi gestured to him.

Zhai Xingchen said YES to the camera.

"Which courtyard does your sister belong to?"

"She's a modern dance student, and she's a sophomore just like you." Yan Zhi said as he turned the corner, "If there's a chance in the future, I'll introduce you to her, and we can have dinner together."

Zhai Xingchen smiled and said, "Okay."

He turned his head to look at Yan Zhi, and Yan Zhi looked at him, showing his signature smile again, it seemed very shy, but his eyes did not hide his smile... This kind of contrast and contradiction combined with a handsome face, really It's easy to get caught up in.

Only after sinking in did he realize that this person is not a gentleman, but a demon who came out of the raging fire.

Fortunately, this man has nothing to do with him, he just appreciates male sex silently.

Tool people can also face beauty without any waves.

Yan Zhi sent him to the gate of the Central Dance Academy: "What time do you finish class? I will pick you up if I have time."

Zhai Xingchen froze for a moment, then said, "Six o'clock."

Yan Zhi nodded and said, "Let's go."

Zhai Xingchen stood by the side of the road, watching Yan Zhi's car go away.

He felt that Yan Zhi looked quiet and introverted, but he actually had a desire to control. For example, he didn't ask him what time he finished class, and the interrogative sentence was followed by a declarative sentence, instead of saying "I'll come pick you up", but adding "I have time" words", seemed very casual, didn't even give the other party a chance to refuse, and left immediately after confirming, without staying for a second.

Clean and neat.

Treating him is such a clever trick, if he uses this trick to deal with Wen Nuo and the others...

Shaking S is YYDS.

Zhai Xingchen actually didn’t have any class today. He mainly cooperated with the program team to shoot some materials about him in school. After the filming, he went to the library. Yan Zhi would wait too long, he arrived at the gate at 5:50.

As a result, before leaving the school gate, he saw the familiar Land Rover.

Yan Zhi was lying on the car window, looking at the gate of their school, the golden sunlight was shining on his head, and his hair was all chestnut. He has a fair complexion, a British and beautiful complexion, and with gold-rimmed glasses, he looks like a male god who came into the world.

Zhai Xingchen waved at him while running.

Yan Zhi sat up straight.

"You came so early." Zhai Xingchen opened the car door and got in: "How long have you been waiting?"

"Just a few minutes."

"I wanted to say before, what if you come to pick me up and can't find me, we didn't leave any contact information."

"Anyway, I have nothing to do, so I came here early." Yan Zhi said.

"Actually, I've always been curious about what you e-sports players do when you're not competing."

"We are usually training, which is very boring." Yan Zhi said, "Recently, because I want to participate in this variety show, I have more free time."

Yan Zhi was pushed by the company. It was not him who was originally scheduled to participate in this variety show, but another god-level figure in their team, but the other party exploded his girlfriend during the live broadcast a month ago, so the show could not come It happened that the program team also felt that Yan Zhi was more suitable for romance shows in all aspects, so they asked their company for him.

Their school is a little far away from the red and blue huts, and there was an evening rush hour, so the time to return to the red and blue huts was a bit later than he expected. The car parked in the open-air garage next to the hut, and when he got out of the car, Zhai Xingchen took a look. A few luxury cars next to it: "It seems that everyone is back."

Others have changed luxury cars.

He guessed it was Hu Ying, who changed to a blue supercar this time.

This buddy's luxury car is the same as his clothes, they are different every day.

The two of them just changed their shoes at the entrance after the two of them entered, when Wen Nuo ran over, and was taken aback when he saw the two of them: "Hey, why did you two come back together?"

"Brother Yan picked me up." Zhai Xingchen said with a smile.

Duan Yihua and the others were playing checkers in the living room, and they all looked towards the entrance when they heard the movement.

"Yan Zhi went to pick up the stars?" Duan Yihua asked.

Everyone got up one after another, except Pei Xu who was next to him staring at the chessboard in front of him without even raising his head.

As soon as Zhai Xingchen came in, he said, "Sorry, I'm late, everyone is hungry, I'll cook right away."

As he said that, he ran into his room with his schoolbag on his back.

Duan Yihua asked Yan Zhi: "Did you pick up the stars?"

Yan Zhi gave a "hmm" and said, "Just passing by."

Hu Ying raised her eyebrows, and suddenly heard a "click", a marble on the chessboard rolled down to the ground, bounced and rolled to Pei Xu's legs.

After Zhai Xingchen returned to the room, he immediately put down his schoolbag, went to the bathroom, and when he came out, he saw Pei Xu coming in.

"Good evening." Zhai Xingchen greeted him with a smile.

Pei Xu just said "um" and didn't look at him.

Zhai Xingchen was so focused on cooking quickly that he ran out in a panic.

Pei Xu turned to look at him, then glanced at the camera in the small living room.

Staff: "Is he angry?"

"When I was playing checkers just now, I saw that he had a pretty good temper."

"Producer Zhou said that he is like this, uncertain."

"He just played the game and didn't win all the time. A bunch of people slapped him with rainbow farts. Why should he be angry?"

"This guy has a really weird personality, it's a pity he has such a handsome face."

Of course Pei Xu couldn't hear the staff's complaints. He lay alone on the sofa in the small living room for a while, and heard the bustle and bustle outside. The voice he heard most clearly was Zhai Xingchen's voice. Lively.

Looks like I'm in a really good mood today.

Huo Cheng was the last one to come back. When he came back, he saw a group of people gathered in the kitchen, watching Zhai Xingchen cook.

"Why are you standing in the kitchen?" He asked with a smile.

"We are worshiping brother Zhai's sword skills." Hu Ying said.

Huo Cheng smiled, looked around, and asked, "I'm not the last one to come back? Pei Xu is actually later than me."

"He came back early and went back to his room." Wen Nuo said.

"I don't know what a person is doing in the room." Hu Ying said.

Huo Cheng went back and changed his clothes, and when he came out, he went to the next room, opened the door and saw Pei Xu lying on the sofa.

"What are you doing?" Huo Cheng asked.

Pei Xu sat up and said, "Nothing."

"Don't hold back in the room alone, come out and chat with everyone." Huo Cheng said.

Pei Xu said, "It's noisy."

Huo Cheng smiled: "It's only lively when there are many people. Go and see Xingchen's knife skills. I'm tired of talking about the word awesome."

The time is relatively short today, and Hu Ying and Duan Yihua are going on a diet to lose weight, so he only made a few salads, a pasta, and two cold dishes. In less than half an hour, dinner was ready.

"Dinner is ready." Zhai Xingchen shouted.

Everyone walked towards the dining table one after another, and Zhai Xingchen deliberately walked at the back.

You must know that the ranking of every meal is also a classic scene of love drama!

When everyone observes each other, the program team will usually give close-ups of everyone's faces, watching cautiously, who wants to sit with whom, who wants to sit across from whom, the editing will make people stamp their feet excitedly.

Ahhh, get ambiguous!

Duan Yihua was the first to sit down.

Wen Nuo was still the same, always waiting for others to pick a position first.

Hu Ying asked Yan Zhi directly: "Where are you sitting?"

Yan Zhi glanced at Zhai Xingchen and the others, and chose the seat he was sitting at noon, the farthest to the left.

Hu Ying sat directly opposite him.

Yan Zhi picked up the water glass and took a sip of water, then turned to look at Zhai Xingchen.

They were all handsome guys with long legs, and the restaurant was a little cramped for a while, Lin Qingning asked with a smile, "Should we still sit in separate seats for red and blue?"

"No need, sit wherever you want." Duan Yihua said.

Lin Qingning sat where Zhai Xingchen was sitting at noon, to the right of Yan Zhi.

A person who is usually very gentle and intellectual, inexplicably became more aggressive.

Like Yan Zhi, he also wore gold-rimmed glasses today.

Yan Zhi put down the water glass, his throat moved.

"Pei Xu!" Zhai Xingchen shouted, "Come out for dinner."

Wen Nuo sat next to Duan Yihua.

Huo Cheng sat next to Lin Qingning, facing Wen Nuo.

There are only the last two places left, the two closest to the window, one left and one right facing each other.

Zhai Xingchen then sat down next to Huo Cheng.

He wanted to give Pei Xu the opportunity to sit next to Wen Nuo.

Pei Xu was the latest to come and had no choice, so he sat down beside Wen Nuo.

"Did you go back to look at stocks again?" Duan Yihua asked Pei Xu.

"He has a mobile phone?" Huo Cheng asked.

"Don't you know, he is the only one here who has privileges, and the program crew didn't accept his mobile phone." Hu Ying said.

"He needs it for work." Zhai Xingchen explained to everyone while meeting each other.

Pei Xu needs to always pay attention to current events. Domestic funds are a policy market and are easily affected by bad and good news.

"Actually, I have always been curious about the work of fund managers. Funds usually open at 9:30 in the morning and close at 3:00 in the afternoon, so what do you do at other times?" Duan Yihua said.

"No wonder he came back so early today." Wen Nuo said.

"Is he coming back early?"

Wen Nuo nodded: "It seems to be back before five o'clock. He was already there when I came back."

"Everyone can have a good chat after dinner. I am very interested in the work of many people." Hu Ying said.

"Shall we guess each other's occupation?" Huo Cheng asked.

"Do we still have to guess?" Lin Qingning asked, "Or just pretend not to know."

"The content of our work seems to be different, so we can have a good chat." Hu Ying said.

"This meat sauce is delicious." Pei Xu said suddenly.

"I also think it's delicious." Duan Yihua picked up the tissue and carefully pressed the corner of her mouth, "Xingchen's cooking skills are really good."

"My wish is to open a restaurant in the future." Zhai Xingchen said.

"Didn't you learn dance?" Duan Yihua asked.

Zhai Xingchen said: "But I am more interested in food."

"I'm so angry, I cook well, I eat a lot, and I'm still so skinny." Hu Ying said.

Because Pei Xu was sitting opposite him, Zhai Xingchen faced him as soon as he raised his head. He found that Pei Xu seemed to have a good appetite tonight.

Because he ate so much, he quickly finished the pasta on his plate.

Zhai Xingchen immediately stood up and stretched out his hand.

Pei Xu handed him the plate in his hand.

"Is it delicious?" he asked.

Pei Xu said, "It's delicious."

He filled another portion for Pei Xu, but Pei Xu wiped it all out again.

He only made a normal serving for eight people, but because Hu Ying and the others only ate most of it at night, there was still a lot left, and Pei Xu basically ate the rest by himself.

Huo Cheng drank water and said, "What did you do today, you're so hungry."

Everyone looked at him with a smile, and Pei Xu said, "Because it's delicious."

These words gave Zhai Xingchen a sense of accomplishment.

After eating, it was time for the eight of them to chat for the first time. Huo Cheng and the others took the initiative to do the washing up, and Zhai Xingchen went back to his room and took a shower.

After taking a shower and coming out of it, Lin Qingning said: "The program team said that the sunset outside is very beautiful now, let's go for a walk by the beach."

Zhai Xingchen glanced out of the window, and sure enough, he saw the golden red sky, and the thick clouds all over the sky were golden red, so thick and gorgeous that oil paints couldn't paint it.

It's hot today, everyone is wearing very cool clothes, only Yan Zhi is still wearing long trousers and shirts, and the whole person is abstinent, like a person in a pictorial.

Zhai Xingchen only wore patterned shorts and a white T-shirt. Seeing that everyone was going to the beach, it was suggested by the program team. He obviously wanted them to look better, so he went back and changed into a patterned shirt.

But among them, Hu Ying was the most eye-catching.

He wore a fiery red shirt, brighter than the sunset in the sky. Even among a bunch of handsome guys, he is the most eye-catching one.

Zhai Xingchen couldn't help but kept looking at Hu Ying, and kept feeling: "Hu Ying looks so good."

When Hu Ying heard this, she turned her head and glanced, her eyebrows and eyes became even more flamboyant.

They were very close to the beach, and they walked five or six hundred meters to the beach. Because of the filming, the program crew pulled up the cordon, and a bunch of onlookers took pictures of them with their mobile phones.

Zhai Xingchen was the most excited, he ran to the front long ago, Huo Cheng had been walking with Hu Ying and the others, the sea breeze blew over with a faint fishy smell, the blue sea, the red sky, the gorgeousness was not like the world.

"Look at Xingchen's legs..." Hu Ying said, staring at Zhai Xingchen's legs in front of him.

Huo Cheng was talking to Wen Nuo, but when he heard that, he glanced at Zhai Xingchen's lap. The sea breeze blew over, and Zhai Xingchen's loose and thin floral pants were stuck to his body, but the most amazing thing was that leg, which was long, white and straight.

I hadn't really noticed that his body proportions were so good before, he was nearly 1.9 meters tall, and Zhai Xingchen was only in his early 1.8 meters, but he felt that Zhai Xingchen's legs might be longer than his.

These legs are hairless and white, so that for the first time Huo Cheng felt a strange emotion in his heart. As he walked, he glanced at Zhai Xingchen's legs from time to time. The setting sun was getting redder and redder. The legs are painted with a layer of honey-colored light.

The sea breeze rushed up, wrapped in waves, Zhai Xingchen took off his shoes, and walked into the sea with his shoes: "It's not cool."

Yan Zhi, Lin Qingning and Duan Yihua didn't come over, but Hu Ying and Wen Nuo ran over to tread water with him. Huo Cheng rolled up his trouser legs, and suddenly said to Zhai Xingchen: "Look at my hairy legs..."

Zhai Xingchen glanced at his legs when he heard the words. Huo Cheng's calves were strong and healthy, with more hair on his legs than the average boy, and they were so fluffy that they were beaten by the waves and stuck to his legs.

Huo Cheng himself laughed.

Zhai Xingchen said, "I have no leg hair."

His tone was regretful.

Unexpectedly, Huo Cheng said: "It's so beautiful to be naked, I like hairless legs."

"Where's Pei Xu?" Hu Ying asked, "Didn't he come out?"

Only then did Zhai Xingchen realize that Pei Xu was not there.

"Where did he go?" He asked against the sea breeze.

"He said he was fed up and went out for a walk." Wen Nuo laughed.

Zhai Xingchen was stunned for a moment, and then he laughed. The orange-red sunset shone on his face, and Huo Cheng was immediately fascinated. After rolling up his trouser legs, there was only a smirk left. The sea water threw it on Zhai Xingchen, Zhai Xingchen jumped a few steps, and suddenly staggered and fell into the sea.

Huo Cheng strode over and picked him up directly. Zhai Xingchen was drenched and still smiling, so youthful, wanton, and free and easy. He stroked his wet hair against the setting sun, revealing his smooth forehead , eyes reflecting the sea light and sky.

Huo Cheng helped him stand upright. Because they didn't stand up straight, the two were almost the same size, but their skeletons were different in width and thinness. Huo Cheng looked down from the back of his neck, and his soaked shirt and underpants stuck to his back.

He is even more gorgeous than the sunset glow in the sky, as if all the light in the world fell on him.

Huo Cheng grinned and smirked, and licked the dry corner of his mouth.

The author has something to say:

Easter egg: Huo Cheng looked at Zhai Xingchen intently, and the camera finally froze on their legs, one black and one white, and the theme song played. Netizen Comments: The offense is clearly defined.

Note: This article is extremely heartthrob Tom Sue, all the arrows, regardless of attack and victim, it's just sooner or later! The types cover all types such as love at first sight, love from sex, step by step, reversal and slap in the face, etc. No one can escape one by one, and there will be a big fight in the end!

Only pursue Su Shuang, not truth, heartthrob Xiaobaiwen warns.