Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That

Chapter 62


Both Yan Zhi and Pei Xu were very serious.

Huo Cheng swayed for a long time, and finally Hu Ying couldn't help it: "You can't stop."

As soon as the words fell, Huo Cheng buckled the dice.

Open the box, three six.

Pei Xu thought, sure enough.

Yan Zhi pursed his lips.

Hu Ying was dumbfounded.

Both Wen Nuo and Lin Qingning were shocked: "Brother Huo, you are too powerful."

Zhai Xingchen said, "A master."

"Good luck, good luck." Huo Cheng said with a smile.

"Then I'm the king now, right?" he asked.

"Yes, you share." Lin Qingning said.

"Then I'll make the decision directly. I'll divide it up casually. Don't blame me," Huo Cheng said, "Pei Xu and Qing Ning, you go to the Elk Park."

The people next to him all smiled. Very kind.

Lin Qingning was a little shy, but also very happy, and did not speak.

Pei Xu didn't speak either.

He has already guessed the result, if it were him, Hu Ying or Yan Zhi, he would do the same.

It's also good to go with Lin Qingning, just have a chance to make it clear.

"Hu Ying and Yan Zhi, you go to the world of ice and snow."

Lin Qingning laughed this time.

He thinks that Huo Cheng is very good at dividing, quite fair, and it might be the same for other people.

Both Hu Ying and Yan Zhi's faces were not very good-looking, but Hu Ying felt a little better when he saw Yan Zhi's face was so bad-looking.

Now we are waiting to see how Huo Cheng has the face to put himself and Zhai Xingchen together.

In the end, he heard Huo Cheng say: "Let's go together with Wen Nuo, how about you go fishing in the ice lake?"

When he said this, even Pei Xu was stunned, let alone the others.

Hu Ying was completely stunned.

He was wrong, he actually misunderstood Huo Cheng? !

Duan Yihua was very surprised: "You want to be with me?"

"Everyone matches red and blue." Huo Cheng said with a smile.

Such a score is indeed a combination of red and blue.

"If you don't have any opinions, then let's divide it like this." Huo Cheng said: "I like mountain climbing, so I will not be modest."

Even Zhai Xingchen felt that this was the most perfect distribution method, and no one could fault it. And Huo Cheng also kept the most unpleasant ones for himself.

The mountains here don't feel like much to climb.

Everyone started to eat, and after eating, everyone went back to prepare. On the way back, Hu Ying was still sighing with Pei Xu: "Brother Huo is so grand this time, such an unexpected group."

Anyway, if it was on him, he would definitely not be so grand.

Pei Xu didn't speak.

Huo Cheng is indeed a good person, but he is definitely not a person who will be humble in love, which is not in line with his nature at all.

Among them, the only one who can really uphold the gentleman's demeanor in love is probably only Wen Nuo.

Not long after everyone went back, Huo Cheng found Zhai Xingchen and told him that the people from the program team were here, and they advised Duan Yihua not to climb the mountain.

He just had a slight cough. It will be very cold and tiring to climb the mountain today.

"Win Nuo and I can go climbing. Or you can ask the other two couples if they want to trade with you."

"But I prefer to go mountain climbing." Huo Cheng said, "Why don't you and brother Duan change it, I think it's better not to dismantle the other two pairs, what do you think?"

That's right.

"Actually, we can switch with Wen Nuo. You and Brother Duan go to the lake together, and Wen Nuo and I go hiking. But I don't think Wen Nuo's physical strength is very good. After all consideration, you are the most suitable."

In the end, Duan Yihua and Zhai Xingchen switched.

Huo Cheng and Zhai Xingchen went to Baiyu Mountain, and Wen Nuo and Duan Yihua went to the lake.

Others are belatedly aware.

Hu Ying felt that all the emotion she had just given was fed to the dog!

He knew, how could Huo Cheng miss this opportunity!

"The reason sounds very good." Hu Ying sneered.

Huo Cheng looked at Hu Ying and said, "I really like mountain climbing. If you don't believe me, you can watch it on my social software."

"You are the king, you have the final say, and you are willing to bet and admit defeat." Hu Ying said, "Climbing here may not be such a pleasant experience."

As he spoke, he took another look at Huo Cheng. He was in high spirits on happy occasions, and Huo Cheng looked bright all over.

It seems that Zhai Xingchen is the source of his vitality, his whole body suddenly rises, and he looks taller and taller than usual.

Baiyu Lake is the closest to here, Duan Yihua and Wen Nuo only need to follow the local residents to fish. Just after lunch, many local villagers came to dig ice for fishing. Because it was near Room No. 2, Zhai Xingchen and the others went over to watch the excitement.

Only Yan Zhi and Hu Ying did not go.

The Ice and Snow World is the farthest from here, and the two of them took the car to the Ice and Snow World City early.

The relationship between the two was delicate, and Zhai Xingchen was taken away by Huo Cheng, so neither of them spoke during the journey.

The cameras who followed them couldn't believe that the relationship between the two was so bad.

Forget about Hu Ying, he is a passionate person with clear love and hate, but Yan Zhi has always been a gentleman, they can only say that Yan Zhi is probably in a good mood today.

Love really makes people crazy.

"It seems that we took this film to promote local tourism. It is a good thing for the country and the people. Let's cooperate later, shall we?" Hu Ying said suddenly.

Yan Zhi gave a "hmm" and said, "Okay."

It sounds like a contract couple, business-like.

But when she got off the car, Hu Ying was stunned by the beautiful scenery in front of her.

Because what was presented to him was an ice castle, and because there was no sun today, in order to make the picture more beautiful, the lights of the scenic spot were turned on early, and the whole vast ice and snow world was magnificent and gorgeous.

"Wow." Hu Ying exclaimed.

Even Yan Zhi, who was always calm, was shocked by the beautiful scenery in front of him.

The same idea popped up in their minds almost at the same time.

That is:

In the future, if you have a chance, you must bring Zhai Xingchen to see it!

The two of them didn't need to cooperate specially, as they walked, they were fascinated by the world of ice and snow.

Glass palaces, snow mazes, patches of snowmen, ice sculptures of jade trees several meters high, ice slides, elk carts, and small trains, this is a fairy tale kingdom of ice and snow.

The tour guide told him: "This is the largest ice and snow city in China. It is more beautiful at night, colorful and dreamy, and there are many tourists."

Hu Ying nodded hurriedly: "I can imagine it."

As he said, he turned his head to look at Yan Zhi: "Let's wait until the lights are on at night before leaving, and take some videos and pictures for them to see."

This is too beautiful.

He regretted that Zhai Xingchen couldn't come.

It’s like this when you like someone. When you see a particularly beautiful scenery and eat a particularly delicious food, you will think of him first.

Thinking that he didn't see all this, no matter how beautiful she was, she felt a little regretful.

The two of you took pictures of you and I took mine, and they got separated several times.

Tell the photographer: "It's better for us to go together. This time I'm the only one here. You guys are too far away. I don't know who to shoot."

Elk Park and Baiyu Mountain are next to each other. Pei Xu, Lin Qingning, Zhai Xingchen, and Huo Cheng set off in a car.

"The weather is not very good today," Lin Qingning said looking out the window, "you must pay attention to safety when climbing the mountain."

"The program group originally arranged for tomorrow, mainly because I heard that there will be heavy snow tomorrow, so it was brought forward to this afternoon." Zhai Xingchen said.

"Today's weather is not bad, it shouldn't snow." Huo Cheng looked at the sun that was fading and fading and said.

"Why do we have to go to these scenic spots again? Is it required by the relevant local departments?" Lin Qingning asked.

He heard that their program cooperates with local authorities.

"I also want to shoot more special scenic spots to make the show more interesting." Zhai Xingchen said.

The Elk Park is in the woods at the foot of Baiyu Mountain. The four of them got out of the car together. Lin Qingning asked, "Would you like to see the elk first before climbing the mountain?"

"Let's climb the mountain first." Huo Cheng said, "Wait and see if there is still time, don't wait until the wind blows."

The four of them separated at the foot of the mountain. Zhai Xingchen and Huo Cheng walked up the wooden plank road. When they were about to walk out of the woods, Zhai Xingchen looked back and saw Pei Xu and Lin Qingning entering the Elk Park together.

Huo Cheng followed his gaze and said, "I hope Pei Xu's face won't be too stinky today."

Pei Xu was always a little silent when he was in the car, but he was very handsome when he was aloof.

The Baiyu Mountain they are going to climb is very famous in the local area. It is not very high, but it is very long. When you reach the viewing platform, you can see the neighboring countries directly, but there are not many tourists climbing the mountain. The plank road is very gentle and the air is clear, but the higher you go, the stronger the wind. Occasionally a traveler greets them.

Because they were wearing thick clothes, they crawled very slowly, Huo Cheng stretched out his hand and said, "Do you want me to pull you?"

Zhai Xingchen shook his head with a smile, pulled down the mask, and said, "Your eyebrows are frozen."

Huo Cheng stroked his forehead and said, "I didn't expect the wind to be so strong up there."

He actually wanted to climb a little more. There are three viewing platforms here, and it is said that the scenery is different. He originally wanted to climb to the highest place. He heard that there was a wishing lock there, and many people would go there to pray.

The longer he climbed, the longer he and Zhai Xingchen spent alone.

But when he saw how strong the wind was, he couldn't bear it all of a sudden. I don't want to see Zhai Xingchen working so hard.

"Then let's climb to the first viewing platform and turn back." Huo Cheng said.

"Let's see what the weather will be like later." Zhai Xingchen said, "The program team definitely wants us to climb higher. I heard that the main attractions here are above the top viewing platform."

An hour later, they climbed to the first viewing platform.

Standing there and looking down, I saw a vast river and mountains in the distance, and my heart opened up.

Huo Cheng took off his mask and yelled right there.

His voice was sent out by the north wind and dissipated in the vast mountains and plains. Huo Cheng turned his head and said to him with a smile, "You have a voice too, it's very cool."

Zhai Xingchen yelled, and when he saw someone coming down from the plank path above, he asked, "Brother, how's the scenery up there?"

"Very good, but the slope is a bit trembling." The other party asked with a smile, "Are you recording a program? Then you should go to the top to record, the view from the top is better."

"Thank you." Zhai Xingchen said to Huo Cheng, "Then let's climb higher, I think the sun is almost coming out."

They continued to climb up, and when they reached the second viewing platform, a tourist group happened to come down from the top. There were about a dozen people, all of them were middle-aged and elderly. They wore uniform Lei Feng hats. There is also a small red flag.

Huo Cheng asked, "Is it easy to climb up?"

Before the tour guide could answer, the group of elders and aunts rushed to say, "It's okay, but the wind is a bit strong."

"There is an ice sculpture of a white jade fairy and a wishing lock on it. It's quite worth seeing."

When Huo Cheng and Zhai Xingchen heard this, they decided to continue climbing.

But before they climbed to Fairy Baiyu's ice sculpture, they felt the wind getting stronger and stronger.

But they are already very close to the top viewing platform, and going down at this time is a bit halfway. Huo Cheng asked and took the picture: "Are you still going?"

The camera is also very dedicated, saying: "I have climbed here, it is only a few hundred meters away, let's continue."

But when they reached the top, it felt like all the hard work was worth it.

The scenery was so spectacular that they could almost have a panoramic view of the entire North City, with continuous snow-capped mountains, and they saw the five-star red flag on the border.

The world is so vast, Huo Cheng is very excited. He looked at the vast world for a while, and Zhai Xingchen beside him for a while.

He has climbed countless mountains, which may be higher, more beautiful, and more spectacular than this mountain, but the feeling he has given him cannot be compared with this time.

"Let's buy a lock too, let's make a wish." Huo Cheng said.

There are iron chains hanging on the railing, and there are wishing locks on the iron chains. There are two little girls beside them, lying there writing their wishes.

"Is this going to be written on paper?" Zhai Xingchen asked.

"Yes, just write it on a piece of paper, stuff it inside, and then lock it." The boss said, "Handsome guy, let's make a wish, we are the northernmost Wishing Peak."

Adding the northernmost and southernmost to any place makes it special. Huo Cheng said, "We want two."

It was so cold up there that my hands were shivering with cold. Zhai Xingchen rubbed his hands together and let out a sigh.

"What wish do you want to make?" He asked Huo Cheng.

"It won't work if you say it." Huo Cheng said with a smile.

He didn't wear a mask, his tall nose was red from the cold, but his smile was bright, his eyes were even brighter, and he was very handsome. The two little girls next to him were looking at him all the time.

Zhai Xingchen thought about it and made a very practical wish.

He wishes those he loves to live well, not to be sad, healthy, happy, and safe.

No matter which world it is.

He stuffed the note in and turned to look at Huo Cheng next to him.

Huo Cheng was still writing with his head bowed, and he still had to cover his hands with one hand.

He leaned over to look at it on purpose, but Huo Cheng covered it: "I can't show it to you now."

"You were captured by the camera just now." Zhai Xingchen said.

Huo Cheng looked back and took the picture, and the cameraman said, "No, I really didn't get it."

Zhai Xingchen went to hang his own lock.

Huo Cheng's handwriting was ugly, mainly because he was too cold, and his hands were a little uncontrollable.

After finishing writing, he rolled it into a thin strip, stuffed it in, locked it, and hung it next to Zhai Xingchen. The wind was so strong that the brass locks were shaking, making a crisp sound.

"Zhai Xingchen." He called.

Zhai Xingchen turned his head to look at Huo Cheng, he felt that Huo Cheng's eyes were so bright.

"Let's go down." Zhai Xingchen said, "It's too cold."

"Thank you for climbing the mountain with me, it's been hard work." Huo Cheng said.

Follow the camera and point the camera at the locks of the two of them.

The camera brother was very moved, he was even a little sad.

He thought that Huo Cheng would make a wish, saying, I hope the person I love loves me too, wishing that he will get Zhai Xingchen in the end, wishing that the work will go smoothly, the show will go smoothly, and so on.

He thought that Zhai Xingchen would never have imagined it, and neither could the netizens. Huo Cheng, the sexiest, most direct, and thickest Huo Cheng, made a wish:

"I hope Zhai Xingchen's wishes will come true."

He believed that at that moment, he really loved him, because he gave him all the tenderness of a rough guy.