Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That

Chapter 70


Duan Yihua felt that she could no longer watch Zhai Xingchen dance.

His heart skipped a beat once he saw it.

That youthful, powerful beauty hit his heart straight. He curled his fingers slightly, grabbed the floor, and then put it on his knees. When he noticed that Zhai Xingchen was looking at him, Duan Yihua immediately lowered his eyes. Come on, my heart beats faster.

"After seeing Brother Huo dancing, and then watching the stars dancing, that's really..." Hu Ying said.

Huo Cheng turned around from Zhai Xingchen's dancing posture and said, "You compare me with Xingchen, why don't you compare me with gods?"

Hu Ying said, "Brother Huo is so good at blowing rainbow farts."

This time there is no one who is jealous.

Hu Ying did not, Yan Zhi did not, and neither did Pei Xu.

Because they all felt that Huo Cheng was telling the truth.

Fairies dance.

Generally, those who dance are not as beautiful as Zhai Xingchen, who are more beautiful than him, who are not as good at dancing as he is, and who are not as good at dancing as Su. In short, Zhai Xingchen was born to eat this bowl of rice.

Watching him dance is a pleasure!

"When our show is over, there will definitely be many dance troupes rushing to get you." Duan Yihua said sincerely.

"You can make an appointment to queue up." Lin Qingning said.

"After all, it's my major. I should dance better. Come on, Huo Ge." Zhai Xingchen said.

Zhai Xingchen stretched out his hand to pull Huo Cheng, Huo Cheng stretched out his hand, stood up from the ground, glanced at Zhai Xingchen, suddenly blushed, turned his back on Zhai Xingchen, and slightly pursed his lips.

Looking at Hu Ying and the others, Huo Cheng was embarrassed.

Damn, she suddenly became very shy, and all her rivals saw her being so cowardly.

Pei Xu and the others didn't have any jealous or dissatisfied thoughts just now, but seeing Huo Cheng's shy face with a reddish face, the feeling became complicated.

Love rivals' minds, love rivals know best!

Zhai Xingchen bent down to pick up the phone, played the music of "Northern Spring" again, rolled up his sleeves and said, "Let me simplify it for you. In fact, this dance is very simple, and many dance moves are repetitive. If you forget the movements It doesn't matter, you just follow your feelings, and the style is unified, so others can't see it."

When Zhai Xingchen taught dance, he was very serious and capable, and his temperament was more correct, and he immediately showed a sense of aggression. He didn't look like a twenty-year-old college student at all.

Hu Ying watched with one hand drawing circles on the floor.

But in dance teaching, physical contact is inevitable, and Huo Cheng is stupid, whether it is arms, legs, or hands and feet, Zhai Xingchen has to adjust it with his hands. Huo Cheng was not a sensitive person, but when Zhai Xingchen touched his waist, thighs, legs, etc., he just felt a little unbearable, a little crispy and numb, so he often laughed out loud, Constantly use bright words to resolve my shyness.

Huo Cheng smelled the faint fragrance of Zhai Xingchen's body, felt the warm breath on his body, and his face became more and more red.

Duan Yihua and Yan Zhi, Pei Xu and the others stood up one after another.

Forget it, don't watch it. I felt sour after watching it.

Heh, I don't know if Huo Cheng is really stupid or just pretending.

"Let's stop watching them dance here, let's practice our own." Duan Yihua said.

Lin Qingning asked, "Brother Duan, can you teach me the accordion?"

Lin Qingning can play the piano, and he also learned a little violin when he was a child, but the accordion is so special that most people rarely learn it, and he doesn't know anything about it.

The program team also told him before that if he can't play the accordion, he can change it with Pei Xu.

But he didn't want to change with Pei Xu, he just wanted to stay away from him now.

Duan Yihua said: "I want to learn his piece from Yan Zhi... Let's find another room for the three of us to talk together. It's too noisy here."

Huo Cheng's laughter came from behind, Lin Qingning glanced back, and said to Duan Yihua: "It's too noisy, isn't it?"

Duan Yihua blushed slightly, and patted Lin Qingning on the shoulder.

Lin Qingning smiled tacitly.

Yan Zhi said, "It's noisy."

Why don't you just learn to dance and see how Huo Cheng's face turns red.

I don't know what's going on in my mind.

In the end, only Wen Nuo and Hu Ying were still sitting on the floor.

Wen Nuo asked Hu Ying: "Do you want to practice?"

Hu Ying shook her head and said, "I want to keep the mystery and surprise everyone in the end!"

Wen Nuo laughed.

"Perform your martial arts, let me see. Do you want to practice?" Hu Ying asked.

Wen Nuo nodded and got up from the ground.

"Don't have too high expectations for me," Wen Nuo said, "I just learned from my uncle. It's all in middle school. They're all unfamiliar, and I only punch a few times for fun."

Because Zhai Xingchen and the others were playing "Northern Spring", Wen Nuo put on his earphones for fear of disturbing them.

He actually practiced Shaolin boxing.

The most important thing in Chinese martial arts is not the moves, but the spirit. No matter what kind of martial arts, the spirit is very attractive.

Clasping fists together, lunging and punching, jumping and cutting palms, sweeping legs and lying on the ground, that is called a sassy and capable person.

Wen Nuo is soft and cute, but once a martial arts practitioner makes a move, his facial expression will automatically become serious. The contrast is too great, so Hu Ying wanted to laugh at first, but he was quickly attracted by Wen Nuo's martial arts .

Because he played really cleanly and neatly, and there was a movement where he turned around, kicked his palm and then fell down, which was as amazing as Zhai Xingchen's Yunli Qianqiao.

Hu Ying couldn't help but stretch out her hands to applaud.

Huo Cheng said with emotion: "Niuuuuuuuuuu."

Zhai Xingchen was also amazing.

But after punching, Wen Nuo immediately became shy again, and he was completely different from the slightly fierce expression just now.

"I haven't practiced for a long time, I just pulled my thigh." He said with a smile.

Huo Cheng said, "Why don't I just stop dancing and learn martial arts instead."

"Can Xingchen do that move just now?" Hu Ying asked.

"Which move?"

"Just the flying kick and lying down move." Hu Ying said.

Wen Nuo showed Zhai Xingchen a slow motion demonstration.

He just demonstrated it once, and Zhai Xingchen pulled up his pants and said, "I'll try."

Said a whirling, kicked to the palm of the hand, his body was like a swallow, and he fell down on the ground, flowing like clouds and flowing water, simply and neatly.

Even the staff on the opposite side let out an exclamation.

Huo Cheng, Hu Ying and Wen Nuo were all stunned.

Hu Ying's heart was pounding.

Oh my god, he is so handsome, so easy to attack! So sassy!

Huo Cheng's expression couldn't hold back any longer. Zhai Xingchen was taller than Wen Nuo. He didn't look as strong as Wen Nuo, but he was smoother and more beautiful. He glanced at Zhai Xingchen, blushed even more, licked his lips, bent down to pick up the water on the ground, and took two sips.

"Let Zhai Xingchen perform martial arts!" A staff member suggested to Guo Bing: "He is too good at performing martial arts!"

"How is he playing the piano? If it's not very good, then it's better to let him perform martial arts. People who dance well can learn martial arts very easily, and it's very beautiful!"

"I also think he is better at performing martial arts than playing the piano. Sister Zhou said that Pei Xu's piano is very good. Compared with Zhai Xingchen, his performance must not be good!"

"Where did Pei Xu go? Did he go to practice the piano?" Huo Cheng asked.

"He went to print out the score." The camera said back to him.

After about twenty minutes, they saw Pei Xu come back with the score.

"I'm going to practice first." He said to Zhai Xingchen.

Zhai Xingchen nodded at Huo Cheng while adjusting Huo Cheng's legs.

Zhai Xingchen stayed in the dance classroom for another half an hour, and it was almost dinner time. He asked Huo Cheng to practice by himself, and went to the piano room by himself.

Although he can play the piano, he really hasn't played it for several years, and some of them are memories from his childhood. Moreover, when Lin Qingning first chose the song, he probably wanted to show off his skills on purpose. The name of "Love Song" he chose is very soft, but the difficulty is particularly high. The beginning is as weak as it is, and the end is as strong as it is.

The small theater is very big, and the distance between the musical instrument room and the dance rehearsal room is very far. One is at the end of the corridor, and the other is at the other end of the corridor. There is no heating here, and it is very cold. He heard the sound of the accordion, and the sound of the guitar, and "Northern Spring" was played in the dance classroom. Amid the noisy music, he walked to the door of the piano room.

It was a very small room with a vermilion wooden door. Several staff members stood at the door, poked their heads to look in, and when they saw Zhai Xingchen coming, they hurriedly stepped aside.

Zhai Xingchen heard the soft piano sound, which was a bit dull. Pei Xu probably stepped on the soft pedal to lower the volume of the piano sound on purpose.

When he entered, he saw Pei Xu wearing a black down jacket, sitting next to the piano, the sound of the piano was gurgling, flowing from his fingertips, he played very casually, with one hand, reading the score while playing.

"Have you changed the tune?" Zhai Xingchen said with a smile, "I don't sound like "Lake Baikal"."

"Playing." Pei Xu got up and moved to the side as he spoke.

Zhai Xingchen sat down beside him.

The staff of the program group are very excited.

In fact, they all wanted to see more interaction between Zhai Xingchen and Pei Xu.

They always felt that Pei Xu had been holding back a fire for the past two days, but he never had many chances to get in touch with Zhai Xingchen alone.

Zhai Xingchen put down the score in his hand and glanced at the score that Pei Xu was playing.

He froze for a moment, it turned out to be "Mohe Ballroom".

"Liu Shuang's song." He said pleasantly.

Pei Xu said: "After hearing it by accident last time, I think this song is especially suitable for playing here."

Yes, it fits the occasion very well.

"Have you finished practicing the piece you performed?" Zhai Xingchen asked.

Pei Xu said, "Practice is over. Come on."

Pei Xu put away the score of "Mohe Ballroom", and then helped Zhai Xingchen spread out the score of "Love Song".

"This piece is difficult." Pei Xu said, "It may not be possible to master it in one day."

"I talked about this piece when I was learning the piano." Zhai Xingchen said, "I'll find out the feeling first."

Zhai Xingchen pursed his lower lip. Pei Xu looked down and saw his fair hands resting on the keys. Zhai Xingchen's nails were neatly trimmed, lightly pink, and shiny.

Zhai Xingchen fumbled and bounced.

He didn't play smoothly at first, and occasionally he would miss a note or two. Guo Bing and the others watched the monitor and said, "It's really ordinary."

"Let him perform martial arts, it's easier to shine."

"Everyone decided by lottery, it's better not to change it, it's too deliberate."

"Yeah, it's good to be able to play."

Pei Xu helped Zhai Xingchen turn over a page of music, then turned to look at Zhai Xingchen: "You play well."

Zhai Xingchen thought to himself, is this not bad

Didn't he play a few wrong notes on purpose just now

He played another note wrong.

Zhai Xingchen felt that Pei Xu, as a fund manager, was reserved and reticent, and there were too few opportunities to express himself. He still doesn't know what Pei Xu's piano skills are, and he doesn't want to steal Pei Xu's limelight.

"No, your hands are too raw, try it." He asked Pei Xu to pick it up.

He wanted to see Pei Xu's skills.

"You let go of the bomb," Pei Xu said.

Zhai Xingchen was stunned for a moment, then his fingers became faster, and the sound of the piano suddenly became smoother. He played to the interlude, turned his head to look at Pei Xu, and Pei Xu said seriously: "Faster."

Zhai Xingchen played even faster. His white fingers slid on the keys, and the sound of the piano was so fast that the staff around him didn't dare to breathe. Seeing that the climax was about to be played, Pei Xu suddenly stretched out his hand to the Above his fingers, the two of them seemed to have formed a tacit understanding. Zhai Xingchen retracted his hands, their fingers rubbed against each other, and Pei Xu's hand took over from his and landed on the keys.

The reason why the song "Love Song" is so difficult is not only because it has a fast rhythm and requires high piano skills, but also because it is full of emotions. surge up. Pei Xu pressed the keys with his left hand, and suddenly hooked his right hand, and took his hand away from the keys. Zhai Xingchen was stunned for a moment, and quickly added it. He wanted to catch up with Pei Xu's emotional state just now, but he was a little impatient, and he made two wrong sounds. Pei Xu beside him laughed softly, and he was also happy. Then, she turned to look at Pei Xu, met Pei Xu's gentle and bright smile, slid her fingers from left to right, and finally tapped on the piano keys.

Pei Xu stretched out his thumbs and made a comparison: "Brother Zhai is amazing."

Zhai Xingchen heaved a sigh of relief and said, "Brother Pei is the best."

Guo Bing and the others were dumbfounded.

The camera shot past Pei Xu's face, his smile was so sweet, he glanced at Zhai Xingchen, and moved away again. The fingers curled up, clenched, and then let go, and the ears were red.

After knowing Pei Xu's skills, Zhai Xingchen let go.

Because Pei Xu's skills are too high, not only his piano skills are high, but also his emotions are abundant, it is impossible for him to overwhelm the limelight.

And Pei Xu is so handsome, he is not in the same style as him. This is the male protagonist of Jinjiang novels that men and women want to pounce on.

Born with a halo!

Then he played "Love Song" twice by himself, and Pei Xu sat next to him and turned the score for him. Zhai Xingchen played more and more attentively, and he did not miss a single note for the third time. Pei Xu was sitting on his left. When he hit the left key, his body leaned slightly to the left. Suddenly, Pei Xu reached out to turn the piano for him. He just rubbed against Pei Xu's ear.

It was very cold in the piano room, so the heat from the earlobe startled him, but before he turned his head to look, it was Pei Xu who suddenly moved away.

Zhai Xingchen was startled.

He knew that Pei Xu, as the hero of Jinjiang, had three major characteristics:

First, the physique is prone to redness during exercise.

Second, it is easy to sweat during exercise.

Third, the body and mind are very sensitive.

He would say, "Don't do this, I can't stand it."

But... so sensitive, so sensitive!

He turned his head and saw Pei Xu touching his ear, his thin lips pursed tightly.

His hands were not as white as before from the cold, and the backs of his hands were dark red, but they still made his ears red and red.

Ears are hot.

This... is something wrong!

Zhai Xingchen smelled the slightly hot mint aroma.