Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That

Chapter 81


Everyone came out of the small theater together. The temperature outside was even colder than yesterday. Although the wind was not strong, it was bone-chilling.

Hu Ying said: "I thought it was cold inside the small theater, but only after I came out did I realize that it was even colder outside. I wronged the small theater."

The staff member smiled and said, "Everyone put on hats and gloves. Be sure to keep warm and pay attention to your feet."

As soon as the staff finished speaking, Duan Yihua's foot slipped.

Zhai Xingchen was beside him and quickly grabbed him with one hand.

Duan Yihua only felt a pair of hands grabbing her and lifting him up forcefully.

"Thank you." He turned his head and saw that it was Zhai Xingchen.

Zhai Xingchen let go of him and said, "Be careful."

Duan Yihua's heart suddenly warmed up, and she let out a "hmm".

He felt that Zhai Xingchen seemed extraordinarily quiet tonight.

Zhai Xingchen is usually similar to Hu Ying, very sunny and lively, like a young boy, but tonight Zhai Xingchen seems to be much more stable.

It looks extraordinarily calm and upright.

"Our group has already been divided, is it necessary to divide the house next?" Hu Ying asked.

Guo Bing said: "I'll go back and divide up later."

"In such a cold day, can people live in Room 3? Anyway, I definitely don't want to live in it anymore!" Hu Ying said.

Pei Xu and Yan Zhi were walking at the back, Pei Xu turned to look at Yan Zhi, and asked, "Is it cold enough?"

Yan Zhi's nose was red from the cold, and he said bravely, "It's okay."

The camera behind him suddenly slipped, but luckily the staff around him supported him. Pei Xu looked back, saw that the camera gloves were not on, and his hands were red from the cold, so he took off his own gloves and handed them over.

The camera brother said: "You wear it."

Pei Xu remained the same, shaking the glove in his hand.

The staff knew his character, so the staff next to the camera took it over and said, "Thank you Brother Pei."

Pei Xu stuffed his hands into the pockets of his down jacket, and continued walking forward, putting on the gloves in cooperation with the staff for the photo shoot.

"I almost lost the feeling in my hands." He said to the photographer.

The snow on some roads has not been cleaned, and it creaks when you step on it. Wen Nuo suddenly shouted: "Look, it's so beautiful."

Everyone looked around and saw that all the buildings in Little North Pole were lit up, but the roofs were covered with thick white snow nearly half a meter high. The scene was like a fairy tale world.

It's cold here, but it's really romantic here.

Huo Cheng turned his head and glanced at Zhai Xingchen next to him, but happened to meet Hu Ying who was on the other side of Zhai Xingchen.

Seeing Hu Ying's unfriendly expression, Huo Cheng raised his eyebrows.

Hu Ying immediately took Zhai Xingchen's arm: "It's so cold, Xingchen."

Zhai Xingchen's heart skipped a beat when he was held by Hu Ying.

He and Hu Ying can no longer be good sisters.

But after holding him for a few seconds, Hu Ying let go of his hand.

Hu Ying suddenly felt embarrassed.

He lifted up the scarf to cover the lower half of his face, and followed Zhai Xingchen, step by step towards Room 1.

The head-on wind was a bit strong, so everyone stopped to take a breath. Zhai Xingchen was about to put on his hat a little deeper when he saw Pei Xu go ahead of him.

The wind blowing on his face was instantly reduced, and Pei Xu's generous down jacket was like a narrow wall.

I don't know whether he just walked to this position by accident, or deliberately walked to the upper wind, just to block the wind for him.

After returning to Room 1, everyone drank some hot water and sat down at the dining table.

It was very warm in room one, and they all took off their thick down jackets.

"Director, tell me how to divide."

The important thing about house allocation is the grouping of the guests. As for which house they live in, Guo Bing thinks it's not that important.

"Let's draw lots." Guo Bing said.

Everyone laughed and said, "Draw lots again."

"It's a good thing we don't need to PK." Wen Nuo said.

"Let's discuss it and send someone from each group," Guo Bing said.

Hu Ying looked at the crowd: "Now Xingchen and Pei Xu are in the same group, Huo Ge is in the same group as Duan Ge, Wen Nuo is in the same group as Yan Zhi, and Qing Ning and I are in the same group, right?"

A group of blue and blue, a group of red and red, two groups of red and blue.

Zhai Xingchen looked at Pei Xu who was behind him, and Pei Xu said, "Come on."

Zhai Xingchen raised his hand.

In the end, he, Hu Ying, Huo Cheng, and Wen Nuo stood up.

Guo Bing took four toothpicks, broke off three of them, made four toothpicks of different lengths, and put them under the four ceramic cups, followed by a dazzling operation.

It can be seen that Guo Bing is very happy tonight.

He smiled and said, "Choose. Room 1234 is in order from longest to shortest."

"Then I'll come first." Hu Ying said.

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand, chose one, and opened it to see that it was the longest.

"YES!" Hu Ying said excitedly, "I don't need to live in a crappy house anymore!"

These let Wen Nuo choose first, and Wen Nuo took the one that was furthest to the side, and opened it to see that it was the shortest.

"Wen Nuo doesn't need to move anymore." Hu Ying said, "It's still a hotel."

Huo Cheng asked Zhai Xingchen to choose first.

Zhai Xingchen chose one, and the last one went to Huo Cheng.

The two of them opened the cups at the same time, and Hu Ying clapped her hands and laughed, "Pei Xu doesn't need to change rooms anymore!"

Zhai Xingchen chose Room No. 3.

Huo Cheng chose Room No. 2.

Huo Cheng actually wanted to change with Zhai Xingchen. Firstly, the conditions in Room No. 3 were the worst. He didn’t want Zhai Xingchen to live in such a poor house. Secondly, Pei Xu had already lived in Room No. 3 for two days. It was obvious to the naked eye that he didn’t have a good rest. He should be asked to change to a room with better conditions. house, take a break.

But now it doesn't matter what he says alone, after all Duan Yihua still lives with him, he can't be a good person by himself.

In fact, Duan Yihua also wanted to change.

But Room 2 and Room 3 have only one bed.

But Room No. 2 was a big bed room. When he and Lin Qingning lived in each other, they shared a quilt, and they didn't touch each other even after sleeping for two days. The bed was big enough.

He has seen the heated Kang in Room 3, and it is much smaller. Huo Cheng was tall and his feet would probably be exposed when he slept. It's okay for Pei Xu and Zhai Xingchen to sleep together, both of them are guests of the blue party, he and Huo Cheng sleep in a bed that is too small, he always feels that it is not good.

After all, they are sensitive red and blue match.

But in the end he couldn't help but asked, "Are you going to change with us?"

When Huo Cheng heard it, he immediately said, "Do you want to change it?"

Zhai Xingchen felt that there was not much difference between No. 2 and No. 3 rooms, not to mention that he was the worst house, and it was not easy to let others live in a bad house, so he went to a better place and said, "No, it's better if you live in it just now." Yes, the worst experience is not bad.”

He's been a little bit broken.

Ever since he knew he and Pei Xu were going to live together.

Shura fields are everywhere, where can he escape.

He doesn't have many options.

"You can come and live in our No. 1 room." Hu Ying said, "You can come and sleep with us, the four of us can squeeze in, two beds can still fit. Anyway, I don't have a cleanliness."

By the way, step on Yan Zhi.

"Then let's follow the program rules." Huo Cheng said immediately.

Hu Ying wants to share a bed with Zhai Xingchen, right

The two single beds in Room 1 are so small!

"Yes, everyone should respect our check-in rules." Guo Bing said, "It's getting late, and everyone is tired today, so move early and rest early."

Everyone went back to their huts to clean up. Pei Xu didn't need to move, so he stayed in Room 1 to help Zhai Xingchen, and Wen Nuo didn't need to move, so he also stayed, planning to go with Yan Zhi.

Because Yan Zhi was still there, Pei Xu and Wen Nuo still did not enter their bedroom, they waited outside in the living room.

Wen Nuo glanced at Pei Xu, and saw that Pei Xu was holding the water glass, and his slender fingers had been tapping the table lightly.

"When, when, when."

"Why are your hands so cold?" Wen Nuo asked.

Pei Xu stretched out his hand to look at his fingers, and his little finger became more swollen.

He stood up and asked Zhai Xingchen, "Is it packed?"

"It's almost there." Zhai Xingchen said.

Pei Xu said, "Give me the suitcase first. I'll send it to you first."

Zhai Xingchen came out with a suitcase and said, "I still have some toiletries, I'll pack them up."

Pei Xu said "Yes" and said, "I'll send it to you first."

Zhai Xingchen pursed his lips and glanced at Pei Xu. Pei Xu's expression was really calm.

This kind of plainness made him feel that everything during the day was just an illusion.

But no matter what, Pei Xu's plainness soothed his somewhat bewildered heart.

He thought, living with Pei Xu would be better than living with Yan Zhi, Huo Cheng or Hu Ying.

At least Pei Xu was very indifferent.

God, he had learned to soothe himself.

Pei Xu came out of Room 1 carrying Zhai Xingchen's suitcase, and went to Room 3 alone.

He walked very fast, faster and faster, and finally ran, the night was so cold, his panting was very obvious in the dark night. The cold wind poured into his lungs, he coughed twice, but his eyes were so bright.

As soon as Hu Ying finished packing his luggage, Pei Xu came in carrying the suitcase.

"Have you packed it?" Pei Xu asked him.

Hu Ying said, "Okay."

He has a lot of luggage.

Pei Xu directly helped him carry two boxes: "Let's go."

Hu Ying said, "My suitcase is very heavy."

"It's okay." Pei Xu said panting.

Hu Ying hurriedly carried her bag and followed with another suitcase. He walked behind Pei Xu, and the cold wind blew over Pei Xu.

Pei Xu stayed in the poorest house again, why didn't he feel depressed at all.

If he is going to die.

They helped each other move, and it took about an hour before the house was changed.

In the end, everyone stayed in Room 1, drank some hot porridge, and chatted for a while.

"Where's Brother Pei?" Wen Nuo asked.

Pei Xu was no longer in Room 1.

"That's right, where's Pei Xu?" the staff member asked.

Someone pointed to the monitor in Room 3: "I'm working."

On the surveillance screen, Pei Xu was working hard. He put the kettle on the stove, covered the new sheets and quilts, and squatted next to the kang, groping for a fire to heat the kang.

"It's not easy, Brother Pei has finally ushered in spring." The staff member said.

"How many families are happy and how many are sad."

"It's just a different style." Screenwriter Liu said with emotion.

Guo Bing looked at her.

Screenwriter Liu said: "It's true that everyone has a different personality, and they do different things. Some are romantic and passionate, some are thick and delicate, and some are soft and quiet. How do you choose?"

Guo Bing just laughed.

"That's the way to look good. Why do you want to set up a Shura field if you are the only one out there? You just want a hundred flowers to bloom, turnips and cabbages."

Pei Xu worked hard for a long time, and finally lit the fire. He threw the coals in, and the flames made his hands ache and itchy. He squatted beside him, the flames reflected his face red, his face also turned red, and his ears also turned red.

He stood up, put on a cotton hat, zipped it up and went out, and soon appeared in the inn where the program team was located.

"Do you still have quilts? You haven't used them."

Guo Bing asked: "Are you not enough quilts?"

"Give me another bed." Pei Xu said.

The program team had prepared enough supplies, so they gave him another quilt.

"What does he want a quilt for?"

"who knows."

Everyone looked at the monitor, and after a while, Pei Xu came back with the quilt in his arms. He took the quilt apart and spread another layer on the kang.

In fact, he is not very good at making beds and folding quilts. After making the bed for a long time, he might still feel panicked in the end, so he simply folded the quilt and only made half of the inside.

"Oh, it turns out that Zhai Xingchen is the princess of the pea, right? I'm afraid the bed is too hard and it will hit him." Guo Bing joked.

"I don't know if Zhai Xingchen is the Princess and the Pea, but he must be in Brother Smelly Face's heart." The person next to him laughed.

"How attractive he was at the beginning, and how attentive he is now, I want to see how attentive he can be tonight. You guys pay close attention to me, cut them out for me, and put them in the feature film!" Guo Bing said .