Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That

Chapter 83


Zhai Xingchen found a topic and asked, "Did you not sleep well the past two days?"

Pei Xu gave a "hmm" and said, "I'm not used to sleeping on this kind of kang."

Zhai Xingchen said, "I don't know if I'm suitable or not."

He felt like he was talking nonsense.

But talking nonsense is better than both of them being silent. This shabby house is a bit leaky, and if the wind outside is a little stronger, there will be a whistling sound in the gaps.

After Zhai Xingchen washed his feet, he just lifted them up when Pei Xu handed over the towel.

He took it over: "Thank you."

Pei Xu didn't speak, just bent down to pick up his footwashing water.

"I'll do it myself..."

Pei Xu didn't say anything, just poured the water into the bucket next to him.

He poured water to wash his feet!

He wondered if Pei Xu would wash his feet if they were a couple!

But fortunately, Pei Xu always looks a little cold when he is not smiling. Although he does very diligent things, his movements and demeanor are very natural and calm.

Even if he is courteous, he can be courteous so Su, without any embarrassment, as if he is so considerate himself, not because he likes him.

Zhai Xingchen sat on the bed after wiping his feet. Seeing Pei Xu start to wash up, he sat on the bed and took off his pants.

"Where do you sleep?" he asked Pei Xu.

Pei Xu turned his head with his toothbrush in his mouth and said, "Go to sleep."

Zhai Xingchen lifted the quilt inside and lay down.

Because Pei Xu was still washing up, he didn't sleep, and he didn't take off his sweater. He just sat on the bed and took out his mobile phone to watch.

As a result, as soon as he opened Weibo, he received thousands of messages, and his Weibo crashed immediately.

Zhai Xingchen didn't dare to look at it anymore.

Going to bed soon, he had enough "thrilling" today, he should let himself take a breath.

At this moment, he finally ushered in a brief peace. He leaned against the wall and was stunned for a while. When he came back to his senses, Pei Xu had already washed his face.

Pei Xu sat by the bed and washed his feet, and he sat behind Pei Xu. The room was so quiet that Guo Bing and the others became anxious.

"It's too quiet!"

“Quiet is exhilarating!”

"What the hell are they doing?!"

The kang is completely heated, and it is very warm to sit on. Pei Xu looked down at his feet and thought to himself, the same feet, why is there such a big gap between him and Zhai Xingchen.

His feet are very big, a circle bigger than Zhai Xingchen's.

Just as he was thinking, he suddenly noticed that Zhai Xingchen had crawled up. He turned his head and saw Zhai Xingchen crawling over.

He froze for a moment, maybe it was because of the atmosphere, maybe because of the posture, or maybe he was already in a tense state, when he saw the scene where Zhai Xingchen crawled towards him, his blood surged up all of a sudden .

Zhai Xingchen glanced under the bed and asked, "Are there any slippers?"

"Yes." Pei Xu quickly bent down and took out a pair of pure black slippers from the end of the bed.

The slippers belonged to him, they were pure black, and when Zhai Xingchen stepped on them, it made his feet whiter.

"Do you want to go to the bathroom?" he asked.

"No." Zhai Xingchen picked up his down jacket, took out a box of plaster from it, and said, "Brother Huo asked me to give it to you, I almost forgot."

Pei Xu took the ointment, and Zhai Xingchen took the opportunity to glance at his hand and said, "Why is it so swollen?"

It looked much more serious than when he was playing the piano, and there was a small pimple on the little finger.

"When I washed my face just now, I scalded it with hot water." Pei Xu said, "It was a little red."

"Brother Huo said that his ointment is very effective. He used to have more serious frostbite, and he cured it with this secret recipe given to him by his teacher."

"Did his teacher give him?" Pei Xu asked.

Zhai Xingchen let out a "hmm".

Pei Xu thought, Zhai Xingchen knew quite well.

"Wipe it on tomorrow, I'm afraid it will rub against the quilt." Pei Xu said.

"It's best to wipe it at night. When you rub the quilt, you just rub the quilt on it." Zhai Xingchen climbed onto the kang.

Pei Xu gave an "um" and said, "Okay."

Very obedient.

Pei Xu wiped his feet and washed his hands again, then sat down on the kang and asked, "Do you drink water?"

Zhai Xingchen shook his head and said, "I won't drink anymore. If I drink too much, I have to go to the toilet at night. Do I need to go out to the toilet here?"

Pei Xu said "Yes" and said, "There is a dry toilet in the corner on the left side of the door."

As he spoke, he turned to look at Zhai Xingchen: "Actually, it's okay not to go out, it's too cold outside, if you want to urinate, you can use that bucket... I heard that it's cold today, that's what they do."

"Forget it." Zhai Xingchen smiled.

Seeing him laugh, Pei Xu laughed too. The eyes of the two suddenly met and then staggered again.

Zhai Xingchen was nervous, he couldn't make eye contact with Pei Xu now.

Pei Xu's heart beats, every time they look at each other makes his heart beat faster.

He unscrewed the cap, put the chilblain ointment on his hands, and said, "It will be hot in the first half of the night, and you will get thirsty easily. If you are thirsty, drink water, otherwise your throat will be dry the next day. It may be a little cold in the second half of the night, definitely Be careful to cover it."

Zhai Xingchen said "Yes", and saw Pei Xu sitting up.

Pei Xu leaned against him.

"I'm really tired today," Zhai Xingchen said immediately, "Go to bed early."

Hope tonight will pass quickly.


After speaking, the two looked at each other again.

There was a strange atmosphere in the air, Zhai Xingchen smiled dryly, Pei Xu also smiled, and then they both started to undress almost at the same time.

My goodness.

Zhai Xingchen pursed his lips while taking off his clothes, thinking, what are the two of them doing!

Why does he feel the atmosphere is so weird!

Guo Bing and the others turned around anxiously: "Damn it, you can't get such a classic picture!"

Zhai Xingchen took off his sweater, leaving only a thin pair of autumn clothes and long trousers. Pei Xu reached out and took another quilt inside.

They have three quilts in total, the first person is wrapped in a quilt, the upper quilt is for two people, and the upper one is like the two of them lying in the same quilt.

Pei Xu tucked the clothes he had taken off between the two layers of quilts, and said, "Go to sleep."

Zhai Xingchen let out a "hmm" and lay down.

After a while, Pei Xu also lay down and turned on the lamp.

The room was suddenly dark, and I couldn't see anything.

Although the heated kang was not big, the two of them were lying on their backs, with a distance of half a person still between them. Zhai Xingchen lay flat, pulled the quilt down and tucked it under his neck.

But he didn't feel sleepy at the moment, so he turned over and lay on his side with his back to Pei Xu.

Pei Xu lay flat for a while, then turned sideways, facing Zhai Xingchen.

Zhai Xingchen thought about the whole day from beginning to end.

Pei Xu likes him, Yan Zhi likes him, Huo Cheng likes him, Hu Ying and Duan Yihua may also like him, and Wen Nuo, it's hard to say, there is only one left, Lin Qingning, who should have no idea about him.

He captured six of the seven guests

He must really think too much, right

I really hope that tomorrow never comes, just let him spend the rest of his life in this bed.

I don't know what Pei Xu is thinking at the moment.

Seriously, a young man with the kind of energy far superior to ordinary people, sleeping with someone he likes, unless he is a eunuch, it is impossible for him to have no thoughts at all, right

He used to hear from his female friends that when their boyfriends slept with them for the first time, they were so "uncomfortable" that they couldn't fall asleep. will be painful.


He's relatively bland, and he can't imagine what it's like to be in pain because of this.

Fortunately, Pei Xu is rather aloof.

It would be terrible if he lived with Hu Ying or Huo Cheng today.

Zhai Xingchen became dry and hot after a while.

My heart is dry and my body is hot.

This kang is too hot.

I didn't panic, the quilt was very soft.

After a while, he couldn't bear it anymore, so he lifted the quilt a little, revealing an arm.

"Is it hot?"

Pei Xu asked him.

Zhai Xingchen gave a "hmm" and said, "A little bit."

As he spoke, he turned over again and lay flat.

Seeing him lying flat, Pei Xu also lay flat himself.

The two lay on the kang, looking at the dark beams.

The combination of night and deliberate silence was like a fire to a man in his twenties.

His cold body quickly warmed up, and he even sweated a little in the end. Pei Xu lifted the quilt up to his waist.

Zhai Xingchen sat up suddenly.

"I want to go to the toilet." Zhai Xingchen said.

Pei Xu quickly turned on the light, Zhai Xingchen lifted the quilt and sat up, and when he turned around, he saw Pei Xu's flushed face.

His neck was all red, like a boiled shrimp in the golden light, and Pei Xu's eyes were full of the pain of passion and desire.

This is Pei Xu, who has never been seen before. It is strange and amazing, and it brings great visual stimulation to Zhai Xingchen. This is the first time that he has clearly and concretely seen the color of a man's lust. It pierced into his heart all at once.

Zhai Xingchen was immediately infected, his face turned red, and he quickly got up from the bed. He was wearing long-wear and trousers, and carefully stretched his legs to step over Pei Xu. Pei Xu opened his eyes and looked at Zhai Xingchen. Xingchen stepped over him, from his perspective, he could only feel the warmth of Zhai Xingchen's long johns, and the faint fragrance that belonged to Zhai Xingchen.

Zhai Xingchen put on his slippers, his heart was beating like a drum, he opened the door and ran out.

Pei Xu lay there, his cold and handsome face had changed, his eyebrows and eyes became so fierce, he turned over suddenly, leaned on Zhai Xingchen's pillow, lay down for a while, then turned back, pinching himself by the pillow Sore and itchy fingers from the cold.