Why Do All the Male Protagonists Look at Me Like That

Chapter 96


Pei Xu was so silent, everyone felt that he was even more terrifying.

A dog that bites does not bark, and a man who does important things is always silent.

He is so silent that no one can guess his heart. I don't know what he will do tonight.

They looked at Zhai Xingchen, Zhai Xingchen was so young and innocent, he was still a blank slate, he was no match for the scheming Pei.

At the door of Room 1, Lin Qingning patted Hu Ying on the shoulder: "Don't look."

Hu Ying and Lin Qingning came back together, unhappily took off their clothes, sat on the chair and sighed.

"Do you wash up?" Lin Qingning asked.

Hu Ying said: "No, I may have to go out later."

Lin Qingning went to wash up.

Hu Ying lay on the back of the chair and meditated for a while, then took off the hat on his head, his hair was flattened by the hat, he scratched his hair with his hands, turned on his phone, and watched the video he took at the ski resort today .

The more I watched, the more frightened I became.

Because he found that in the short one-minute video, Pei Xu watched Zhai Xingchen no less than three times.

Zhai Xingchen and his group of six walked to the intersection of Room No. 2. Huo Cheng and Duan Yihua stopped and said, "I'll see you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."

Huo Cheng glanced at Zhai Xingchen, then at Pei Xu, and suddenly asked Yan Zhi, "By the way, do you cover the camera while sleeping?"

He felt that he was quite smart. Instead of asking Pei Xu and Zhai Xingchen, he chose to ask Yan Zhi and them, which seemed less purposeful.

Yan Zhi said, "No cover."

He slept with Wen Nuo, how could he cover the camera.

Wen Nuo, who has always kept a low profile, suddenly said at this moment: "I never cover the camera, Director Guo also said before that try not to cover it."

Huo Cheng said: "We don't cover it either. It feels weird to cover it up when the two live together."

After he finished speaking, he glanced at Zhai Xingchen and Pei Xu.

Zhai Xingchen said, "Don't you all cover it up?"

"There's no need to cover it up," Huo Cheng said, "We live together, and it's so cold here, who would be shirtless in the camera?"

"Then we won't cover it anymore." Zhai Xingchen said.

Pei Xu followed his low-key style and remained silent.

Huo Cheng was satisfied.

Having a camera is like having a third eye.

Huo Cheng and Duan Yihua walked towards Room 2 together. When they were about to reach the lake, Huo Cheng was still looking back at the backs of the four of them. Instead of going in directly, he stood by the lake and smoked a cigarette.

The wind by the lake is very cold. He doesn't like to wear hats, and his hair is short. The cold wind makes his forehead hurt.

When they reached Room 3, Yan Zhi and Wen Nuo saw the two snowmen at the intersection again.

Just yesterday, when they saw the snowmen, they were just two snowmen.

so cute.

But looking at it today, they are not just two snowmen.

The two snowmen are still holding hands.


Yan Zhi is calm on the surface, but his heart is more extreme than anyone else. His emotions are much stronger than Huo Cheng and Hu Ying, but he is not as reluctant as Hu Ying and Huo Cheng, and he does not stay in the third room. , and left directly. On the contrary, Wen Nuo would look back when he was far away.

Pei Xu's tense mood finally relaxed.

He actually doesn't care about the hostility of his rivals in love. As the son of Pei Huanong, he has received all the attention since he was a child, and he has developed a skill of indifference. He doesn't care at all how others treat him, whether Huo Cheng and the others run on him or attack him, He can understand it, and it doesn't matter, the reason why he is so tense is mainly because of Zhai Xingchen.

He doesn't care, which doesn't mean Zhai Xingchen doesn't care either.

Zhai Xingchen went to the bathroom first. He opened the door and went in. The room was very cold. He put down his bag and started to light a fire immediately.

When Zhai Xingchen came back from the toilet, he saw that Pei Xu was already lighting the fire.

"I'll do it." Zhai Xingchen said.

Pei Xu looked back at him with a smile.

Zhai Xingchen felt that Pei Xu who was outside was like two people who was in this room. The Pei Xu outside was so calm and silent, but at this moment, Pei Xu's smile was so bright, and there was a kind of resolute gentleness.

This feeling of differential treatment is really easy to impress people, and it creates a sense of privacy. It seems to be constantly lobbying you to say, look, we are different.

He squatted beside Pei Xu, and put the dry firewood on the burning oil paper. Pei Xu took another piece of dry firewood to pick up the oiled paper, and Zhai Xingchen saw the scar on the back of his hand.

He took the dry firewood from Pei Xu's hand and said, "You should wash up first, and apply some medicine after washing."

Pei Xu looked at the back of his hand, the flames reflected his red hand, and said, "After bleeding, I feel much more comfortable."

As he spoke, he put his hands on his back and warmed them with fire.

The two of them suddenly fell into an ambiguous and awkward silence. Zhai Xingchen pursed his lips and concentrated on putting the coal on it.

"Don't be afraid." Pei Xu said suddenly.

Zhai Xingchen didn't even look at him, he just held the coal between his hands and said, "What am I afraid of?"


"I'm not afraid of you."

Pei Xu didn't speak.

Pei Xu's slender fingers were already hot, itchy and painful. He clenched his fists and turned to look at Zhai Xingchen.

"Yo Yo Yo Yo."

"The atmosphere has really changed, it's different if you pick it out!"

In the program group, everyone was staring at the monitor in room three.

"Before I could pretend, but now that I've made it clear, the atmosphere must have changed. Now it's a man-to-man relationship that may become a couple!"

"Pei Xu is really two-faced. On the way back in the car, when he was discussing the date with us, he was so pushy."

Guo Bing thought of Pei Xu in the car when he heard the words.

He was wrapped in a down jacket, with a handsome face and a cold attitude: "I want a car."

"Give me a hand-held selfie and I'll take it myself without a crew following me."

After agreeing to him, Pei Xu began to confirm with them one by one, how is the road condition from where to where, how long will it take, what problems are likely to occur when driving here, what are the solutions, etc. , It’s all about the details, his subwoofer sound is very subdued, but he has no emotion, it feels like he is working with them.

"Director, you really don't know where Pei Xu is going and what he is going to do tomorrow."

Guo Bing said: "I asked, and he said he hasn't thought it through yet, and he has to think about it tonight. I can only come back and watch the video."

"After today's PK match, the fans of Rising Sun and Stars CP have skyrocketed, and it's still on the trending list. I hope the date between the two of them will be amazing this time, and it will be great if there is another famous scene like the magic of stars in the sky!"

"I don't think Pei Xu will go on a hot date this time." Screenwriter Liu said, "He seems to be very private, especially when it comes to relationships."

As soon as she said this, Pei Xu glanced at the camera.

"It's over, it's over, it's over, he's going to cover it up again!"

The staff just yelled, when Pei Xu took a coat and walked towards the camera.

Zhai Xingchen watched Pei Xu go to cover the camera, and said, "Didn't you say everyone didn't cover it?"

Pei Xu said, "I'm not used to being patted to sleep."

As he spoke, he looked at Zhai Xingchen and smiled, "He said he wasn't afraid."

Zhai Xingchen's face was completely red from the fire, and Pei Xu said, "When I was sleeping in Nancheng, I covered it up too. You've seen it before."

Zhai Xingchen asked, "When you lived with Hu Ying, did you cover it up?"

After Zhai Xingchen asked, he regretted it, and felt that he had asked a very dangerous question.

Pei Xu replied, "No."

Zhai Xingchen did not continue to ask.

Pei Xu added, "It's not the same."

"Ahhh." The staff screamed.

"Not the same, tsk tsk tsk."

"Anyway, it's clear now, so we can say it directly, right?"

"Zhai Xingchen fell silent, he must have been teased!"

"I feel that Pei Xu is self-defeating." A staff member said, "There is no picture, but there is sound. When the time comes, we will put the dark picture on it, and the subtitles will make it feel more ambiguous..."

"Just do it!" Guo Bing said.

"Why is Hu Ying going?" asked the staff next to her.

Everyone turned their heads and saw on the monitor in Room 1 that Hu Ying came out of Room 1 with a bottle of wine and a plastic bag.

It was very cold outside, so Hu Ying put on her hat and walked directly to the second room.

He felt that now their rivals in love should be twisted together to fight against Pei Xu.

Before he reached the second room, he saw Huo Cheng, who was standing by the lake smoking a cigarette by himself, pacing back and forth.

"Brother Huo!" he shouted.

Huo Cheng immediately turned around and looked over after hearing the words: "Why did you run out?"

Hu Ying said: "What time is it? How can I go to bed so early? I brought a bottle of wine and some snacks. Let's go to Room 3 to have a look?"

Huo Cheng stubbed out the cigarette in his hand, took a look at the wine in his hand, and said, "Is it suitable?"

"I want to go alone. Three people are more awkward than two. Let's go together. If there are more people, it won't be awkward. Don't you want to reduce the time they spend alone?"

The offer is tempting.

Hu Ying said again: "You don't even think about it, why he was able to live with Xingchen before, and we didn't push him there. Thinking of this makes me angry."

Huo Cheng held the bottle of wine and said: "Forget it, it's useless to go. I feel uncomfortable when I see it. Come drink with us and call Qingning. I think he is in a bad mood today."

Seeing Hu Ying's unwillingness, he patted him on the shoulder and said, "Let's go."

Hu Ying had no choice but to follow Huo Cheng to Room 2: "Brother Huo, let's join forces. I feel that Pei Xu and Yan Zhi are strong enemies."

Huo Cheng said: "You are going to join forces with me again. You were the one who hated me the most. As a result, the snipe and the clam fought each other and the fisherman benefited."

Hu Ying sighed: "Both of them are too deceitful, especially Pei Xu! Brother Huo, let's go to Room 3, Pei Xu will definitely be very angry when he sees us coming."

Huo Cheng said: "It was okay before, but now I can't do it like this."

"Why?" Hu Ying looked at Huo Cheng.

Huo Cheng said: "When Xingchen didn't know, it was our business to fight openly and secretly. Now it's all on the bright side. In front of Xingchen, it's not easy to do it like this."

Hu Ying froze for a moment: "Why?"

Huo Cheng looked at Hu Ying's beautiful and agile face.

He can be sure that this man just has a clever face.

You can PASS him from the rival.

When Pei Xu came back from the toilet, he saw that Zhai Xingchen had already sat under the covers.

He turned around and plugged the door bolt, put his shoes away, and then sat down on the kang.

To be honest, it was the same situation, but he was more excited than last night.

He was just secretly in love last night, but now he is already in love. This made him even more nervous and excited.

"Going out tomorrow, is there any place you want to go in particular?" He asked Zhai Xingchen.

Zhai Xingchen shook his head.

"Then I'll make arrangements tomorrow, and you just follow me," Pei Xu said.

Zhai Xingchen let out a "hmm".

Zhai Xingchen thought, the feeling is really different.

His heart was beating a little faster than last night, when he was mostly nervous and embarrassed, but not tonight.

A feeling that cannot be described.

Zhai Xingchen lay down directly, Pei Xu took off his pants, and suddenly said, "I forgot to bring a T-shirt and autumn clothes when I went to the ski resort today, so I didn't wear anything under the sweater."

Zhai Xingchen: "Huh?"

"Let me tell you, I'm going to take off my sweater and wear a T-shirt." Pei Xu said.

Zhai Xingchen said "Oh".

Pei Xu reached out and extinguished the lamp. After the lights went out, there was only a faint light from the stove in the room. Zhai Xingchen looked at Pei Xu in the dark, and saw that Pei Xu had taken off his sweater, revealing his muscular shoulders. He was shirtless and put on a sweater. T-shirts.

He suddenly thought that when they lived together in Nancheng, they really didn't avoid suspicion at all, they were like buddies, not to mention changing their shirts, even if they were seen naked, they didn't have any thoughts.

But it's different now.

To change a T-shirt, you have to pull the lights and touch the dark to change.

Instead, it stirred up the atmosphere.

Zhai Xingchen smelled a warm scent, a mixture of hormones and mint.

He suddenly remembered what the team doctor said.

"are you… "

Pei Xu turned to look at him: "Huh?"

"Have you not taken the medicine to relieve the fire..." Zhai Xingchen reminded.

Pei Xu paused for a while, then lay down slowly and said, "If you don't eat it, it's useless."

"It's not normal if I don't have fire." Pei Xu said again.

Zhai Xingchen planned to keep silent.

What are you going to do, Jinjiang hero!

Pei Xu suddenly turned to face him, and said in a low voice, "I really have to go to bed early today, otherwise I won't be energetic tomorrow. I haven't had a good night's sleep since I got here."

Zhai Xingchen pursed his lips, stretched out a hand and put it on his forehead.

After lying down for about half an hour, Pei Xu got up suddenly, turned on the light, and took the anti-inflammatory medicine on the table.