Why Fall in Love if You Can Attend Tsinghua University

Chapter 111: glory


When the word "speeding" first appeared, people almost subconsciously felt that this could not be true!

"Speeding Car", "Star Network", "Game Warehouse"... These are all things that only appear in movies and novels, so how can people believe that such terms appear in scientific papers

"Absurd... Is it a joke for today's young people to regard science as science? Every time they bring these sci-fi things into it!"

"No, remember the speeding theory from before? It's not a joke after all!"

"Don't think that after watching some sci-fi movies and sci-fi novels, you feel that you can fix those illusory things!"

"That's right, science is walking slowly one step at a time, how can one step to the sky!"

"Which school are these students from?"

"Let me see... eh? They?"


"Zhang Han from Peking University, Yang Zhan from the University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and the youngest mathematician who won the Chen Shishen Mathematics Award, and two students with some names."

"Huh? These students?"

"Look at this paper? It seems to be talking about the current state of the theory..."

"I'll take a look too."

Seeing this, no one spoke at once, and all fell into the paper.

This paper is something that several rising stars in the scientific community and several graduate students have spent a year producing, one data after another, one model after another, in a coherent manner.

Flying car

Yes, it is true that a flying car cannot be made, but it is not impossible to make it forever!

Based on geomagnetic levitation and existing scientific theories, it is impossible to make a geomagnetic levitation vehicle that can carry people.

But not necessarily the future.

This paper uses a lot of calculations and derivations, as well as various models to look forward to the future of flying car technology, which is very forward-looking.

This paper has too many cumbersome simulations and calculations, and it is a bit complicated to interpret. After the first wave of criticism has passed, no seniors have spoken, and almost everyone is reading this paper little by little.

To read and thoroughly understand the paper is to understand other people's ideas, which is not a quick process.

Inside Tsinghua University.

School is about to start, but there are already a lot of people on campus.

Especially the seniors and seniors of the senior year are busy with the graduation project. The four years are about to pass, and no one wants to come up with dazzling results.

It also includes Zeng Bin and Ge Donglin who are about to graduate.

Since Professor Tan rejected them, the two have hardly found a teacher to take over them in top universities.

The mathematics departments of Peking University and Fudan University are very powerful, so no one pays any attention to them.

So the two had to settle for the next best thing and chose a university that was a little weaker than their target university.

Hate is also hate, but the two always have to make something, and they don't have time to think about it.

Xue Jiao and Chu Sheng rejected their project but still attracted their attention...

"Hahaha, are they doing this? Speeding? Are you kidding?"

"No, it made me laugh."

"This Gu Xuejiao thinks that he has solved Fermat's Last Theorem and can do anything?"

Soon, the two of them frowned slightly, only to feel that something was wrong.

Zeng Bin hurriedly scrolled down, and the two of them stared at the interface without moving their eyes. Even if they didn't understand it well, they were sensitive to discover... This may be the real thing!

At that moment, the two felt extremely complicated.

Of course, it's still good now, because the next day, they regret it even more.

The second day after the paper was published, the big cows who read the papers one after another came to the conclusion...

The gold content of this paper is very high.

Speeding may become a reality!

In recent years, whether it is in the field of mathematics or physics, the papers issued are much more valuable than this.

But it won't be such a sensation.

If in a sci-fi movie, a flying car that casually drives out of the garage comes into reality, and becomes the same as the car that can be seen everywhere on the road, or eliminates the car on the road...

It will be an epoch-making science and technology.

This is not only a matter in the field of mathematical physics, but also in all major fields, and even with industry.

Coupled with the fact that the existing technology can't really build a flying car, this paper only provides part of the theory.

For researchers, what about the future complete and mature theories from their own hands

Or what if the flying car came out of your own hands

A lifetime of honor, go down in history.

The impact of this paper suddenly peaked, and almost the entire scientific community is discussing this.

Countless people are reading and researching this paper, and countless others are wondering if they can go ahead and do it.

The Xuejiao five people came into the sight of the scientific community.

"The back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves", "Youth can be expected", "Dawn of the future of science"...

All kinds of compliments began to pour into the five people, and the reporters who were interviewing blocked the gates of the three schools again.

"Hello, Mr. Tan?" Xuejiao answered the phone.

She didn't know what to say on the other end of the phone, Xue Jiao was stunned for a moment, and replied dumbly: "Oh, good..."

After Xuejiao put down the phone, Lin Zhihua asked her, "What's wrong?"

"Mr. Tan said that if I don't want to be interviewed by reporters, I should not go to school for the time being..."

Lin Zhihua was also stunned for a moment, then raised the corner of his mouth, stretched out his hand, and pinched Xuejiao's little face lightly: "My little scientist, look at you, you always make such big noises."

Xuejiao was a little embarrassed, and her cheeks were slightly red: "Why, this time, it is mainly due to Senior Sister Zhang Han and the others. I have not done as much as they have, nor have they contributed as much."

"You are modest." Lin Zhihua was helpless, and asked her again, "Do you want to be interviewed?"

Almost subconsciously, Xuejiao hurriedly shook her head: "No, no, I'll go again in two days..."

She doesn't know why, but she always resists being interviewed.

"Also, the reporters won't block you. They should contact the school. Let's see the school's arrangements."

Xuejiao nodded with a blank expression.

Lin Zhihua laughed, his eyes were full of joy, he held Xue Jiao's hand: "Go, take our little scientist to repair your body, from a few years ago to now, you have only gained a pound in total, did you secretly stay here at night? Working hard?"

Xue Jiao narrowed her neck slightly, feeling a little guilty.

Lin Zhihua glared at her, and while wrapping her down jacket, she muttered.

Then he took her hand, Xue Jiao's hand was hidden in the cuff, Lin Zhihua wrapped the cuff in the palm of his hand, and walked out.

One tall and one short figure went out.

Xuejiao wore a down jacket hat, covering most of her face, and went straight into Teacher Tan's office.

"Haha..." Professor Tan laughed when he saw her appearance, "There are no reporters anymore, why are you still afraid of this?"

Xuejiao shook her head and said helplessly, "It's not because of the reporter."

Professor Tan's eyes were puzzled, but Xuejiao didn't explain it any further.

Not only journalists, but also classmates.

After Xuejiao entered the university, she only published two papers, one of which brought her great honor, and the other, which was obviously a great honor.

So that since the value of the paper has been continuously interpreted by various people, Xuejiao has received countless messages, all of which are self-recommendation letters, hoping to follow her to do the next project.

But... She doesn't know what the next project will be.

Xuejiao had a headache. The group photo of her and Zhang Han and the others went up on the official website again, and there was a single photo of herself when she clicked on it.

She felt... in order to avoid trouble, it would be better for her to hide her face.

"You guys are really doing big things, I'm afraid you won't be able to wait until you graduate from college and you'll be better than us old guys!" Professor Tan said, but his eyes were full of relief and smiles.

Xuejiao looked helpless: "Teacher, you are joking."

How could they be compared with a character like Professor Tan, but Xuejiao also has a small wish in her heart, hoping that one day, she can have achievements no less than Professor Tan...

However, academics need to be accumulated, and she is not deep in the end.

"The teacher really hopes that you can be better than me. You are still young, and there are infinite possibilities in the future. Dare to think, dare to fight, and guard against arrogance and impatience." Professor Tan said and stood up.

Xuejiao hurriedly said, "Teacher, I will pour the water myself!"

He stood up, took the paper cup, poured himself a glass of water, and added to Professor Tan's water glass.

Professor Tan smiled more and more happily: "You are clever..."

Xue Jiao winked mischievously, sat down opposite him again, with a serious face, and continued to listen to Professor Tan's teaching.

"Gu Xuejiao, you have achieved a lot this time. In the future research on flying cars, your paper will become the foundation, the root and starting point of research. Such achievements and reputations are beyond the reach of many teachers."

Xuejiao opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but Teacher Tan stretched out her hand to stop her.

He continued: "Look now, the entire field of mathematical physics is interpreting your papers, even many of your teachers are also studying and interpreting them in detail. I am also studying, and it took two days before I saw it. The third page of your specific content."

Xuejiao followed his hand and looked over, and all their papers were printed out. From the detailed notes above, it can be seen that Mr. Tan is very serious.

"You won an award that many math researchers can't get in their lifetimes, and you published this paper. In the future, even if you don't do anything, only these achievements will be enough for you to live in the math world..."

Professor Tan's voice became worried: "But you are still young, your future may be brilliant beyond the teacher's imagination, and your footsteps cannot stop here. This project has passed, if you don't want to continue this project, should you Look away from your present honor?"

Probably only people who are really kind to themselves will tell you to keep going when honor comes.

Say goodbye to the current applause and glory, and continue to move forward to climb higher mountains and pursue higher achievements.

"Gu Xuejiao, you can only see the brilliant people in front of you, and you can only stop. The teacher hopes that you will continue to work hard and continue to pursue your dreams. The wider and more unknown world ahead still needs you."

Xue Jiao looked at him seriously, nodded slowly, and her eyes were firm.

Professor Tan smiled: "Then what's your plan next?"

Xuejiao hardly hesitated and said her next plan: "I want to learn mathematics again, but my foundation is still weak."

Hearing her words, the praise and relief in Professor Tan's eyes could not be hidden.

"In a few days, the teacher will take you to see my teacher."

Xuejiao's eyes lit up. He didn't know which teacher Professor Tan was talking about, but who could be Professor Tan's teacher is naturally a person worthy of respect.

Professor Tan picked up the cup and took a sip of water, his eyes became relaxed, "Gu Xuejiao, it's been a year, and you are about to return to the field of mathematics."

Xuejiao stood up, raised her head and raised her chest, her back straightened, and said with a smile...

"Gu Xuejiao, report."