Why Fall in Love if You Can Attend Tsinghua University

Chapter 122: Extra 4


Lin's president and scientist Gu Shen have been close to each other all their lives and have always been envied by others.

President Lin has spoiled Gu Shen for more than fifty years, especially after the age of sixty-five, Lin Zhihua handed over the company to his only son, Lin Sinian.

After that, I stepped directly into the door of science, and followed my wife in and out all day.

At first, some people disliked it, a businessman is doing science, but later...

Well, they all knelt down and called Dad.

You are still your bully.

Lin Zhihua has never been obsessed with scientific research, he is only obsessed with showing affection and pampering Gu Shen.

After more than ten years of such a happy life, Lin Zhihua was critically ill at the age of 82.

The 82-year-old is already very old. He wants to spend more time with Xuejiao, and he is more concerned about his body.

It's a pity that I didn't meet Xuejiao when I was young, and I didn't cherish my body very much. When I was old, I couldn't resist this difficulty.

He is nine years older than Xuejiao, and Xuejiao has always been taken care of by him, and his body is still healthy.

This is what Lin Sinian is most worried about. He is afraid that his mother will not be able to think about it after his father leaves.

When Lin Zhihua was young, he was good at calculating. In the last year of his life, he became senile dementia. This is something that Lin Sinian never imagined.

Lin Zhihua, who has dementia, doesn't remember anything, but he still remembers Xuejiao.

This is his lover.

When he wakes up every morning, the first thing he has to do is to hold the hand of the woman lying next to him and softly call out, "Daughter-in-law."

Then he smiled, smiling like a child.

Only Xuejiao can feed him, and he only listens to Xuejiao's words.

So Xuejiao withdrew from the scientific world at the age of 73 and stayed with Lin Zhihua all day. The two went out for a walk. She took reading glasses and read to Lin Zhihua.

Then I watched Lin Zhihua laugh like a child, her toothless mouth opened and closed, and called her...

"young married woman."

Xuejiao also laughed, the wrinkles on her face, even if she was old, she was still the most beautiful and loving old lady.

As soon as Lin Zhihua's 82nd birthday passed, he was admitted to the intensive care unit. After that, he woke up and went home noisy.

Although Lin Sinian was his own son, he still had tears in his eyes when he treated this father who finally knew him, but the old man said...

"You better go out, don't disturb me and your mother in the two-person world."

Lin Sinian: "..."

Tears were still hanging down his face, but he was choked to the point of being speechless.

Lin Sinian and the other juniors all went out. Xue Jiao smiled and looked at Lin Zhihua, not at all sad that Lin Zhihua was about to leave.

Lin Zhihua also smiled, very happy.

"My dear, I'm getting old."

"Uncle, I'm getting old too." Xue Jiao replied with a smile.

When they used to mess around, Lin Zhihua liked to hear her call "Uncle" the most.

Lin Zhihua grabbed her hand, his hand had turned into a wrinkled bark-like shape with bulging veins, and even trembled.

Xue Jiao held his back, and then helped the person to the wheelchair.

"It's still early, let's go out and watch the sunrise." Lin Zhihua said.

Xuejiao nodded: "Okay."

The two went to the balcony outside. The weather was fine today, there was a light in the sky, and the sun was about to rise. It is conceivable that today is blue sky and white clouds again.

Since Lin Zhihua and Xuejiao made the largest and most advanced cleaner ten years ago, the sky in Beijing has no smog, and when the weather is good, there are blue sky and white clouds.

This is Lin Zhihua's only scientific research achievement, and this is his birthday present to Xue Jiao.

My love, I send you blue sky and white clouds.

Xuejiao was also old and couldn't squat, so she brought a stool and sat next to the wheelchair, leaning against Lin Zhihua.

Lin Zhihua looked at the blue sky and asked softly, "Did I deserve to die long ago? Before you came."

Xuejiao nodded obediently, this was the first time they mentioned this in their lives.

When proposing marriage, Xuejiao found out that he knew it, but he never mentioned it again after that, and he even said it today.

"Yes, the car accident."

Lin Zhihua smiled and smiled happily: "No wonder I love you so much, so you are my life."

"I love you too." Xuejiao tilted her head and looked at Lin Zhihua.

Lin Zhihua was too old to move, but he still tried his best to tilt his head and put a kiss on Xuejiao's forehead, and then he said, "Zhijiao, I can't carry you anymore..."

"It's okay, you've carried me long enough." Xue Jiao smiled.

Lin Zhihua smiled and narrowed his eyes: "I can meet you in my life, which is the greatest grace God has given me. In the next life, I hope we can still be together."

Xue Jiao half-squinted her eyes and looked at the old man in front of him. He was old, but she thought he was still as handsome.

"I'm leaving... you don't want to follow me for a while..."

Xuejiao's eyes were red and she didn't speak.

Lin Zhihua held her hand tightly and said softly...

"Baby... I love you..."

The strength in his hands was loosened, and with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he left beside the one he loved.

Xuejiao looked at the red sun that was gradually rising in the sky, and showed a big smile, but tears flowed down.

After Lin Zhihua died, Lin Sinian stayed with his mother, and he was very worried.

But the mother calmly handled the funeral and sent Lin Zhihua away completely.

Lin Sinian was even more worried.

At this time, my father's lawyer came and brought a will.

Lin Zhihua handed over all his property to Lin Sinian, and this will was given to his wife Gu Xuejiao.

"Mrs. Lin, Academician Gu." Even a top lawyer still respects her.

Xuejiao looked at him and said softly, "Zhihua... What did you say?"

The lawyer took out a document and said in a gentle voice, "This will is your ten-year plan for the future."

He didn't want the desolation of "ten years of life and death, without thinking, and unforgettable", even if he died, he would still spoil Xuejiao for many, many years.

"Sir said... You have to accommodate me while I am alive, and I can't do many things. Now that I am dead, I hope you will try it."

Xuejiao burst into tears, but a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"Give it to me." She stretched out her hand and took over the ten-year arrangement that Lin Zhihua gave her.

This is a gift from Lin Zhihua to her.

The first year that Lin Zhihua left.

Xuejiao took her great-grandchildren and great-granddaughters at home for a year.

This year, the great scientist Academician Gu thanked his guests behind closed doors, and no one was seen.

The second year after Lin Zhihua left.

The 74-year-old Academician Gu went to support teaching. Thanks to Lin Zhihua's decades of nursing care, her body was able to climb the plateau and enter the mountain area.

It's just that Lin Sinian and the country were not at ease, and brought a few people and doctors to take care of her.

In the following six years, Academician Gu has traveled to many places. Every time she goes to a place, she will bring hope and attention to that place.

The seventh year that Lin Zhihua left.

The 80-year-old Xuejiao started a global lecture, something Xuejiao had never done before the age of 73, but the 80-year-old Xuejiao went.

Africa, the Americas, and major colleges and universities have gone to everything they can.

She never hides her secrets, she says everything she thinks, the results of scientific research, her progress, everything.

Academician Gu is a world-renowned scientific community, and every time I listen to her talk, I feel that I have learned a lot.

So that wherever she went, countless scientific researchers from all over the world rushed over.

The ninth year after Lin Zhihua left.

The 82-year-old Academician Gu retreated and helped the country's core physics research team to develop radiation-related things.

This year, the results were remarkable.

This year, Xuejiao received the highest courtesy in the country.

This year, she rejected the most senior medical team assigned by the state.

Ten years after Lin Zhihua left.

Academician Gu, a famous scientist, died in the same hospital as Mr. Lin Zhihua at the age of 83.

The whole country mourned together, and major colleges and universities held mourning activities one after another.

Since then, Gu Xuejiao's life has completely passed.

There are also new children being born, one story after another, continuing to happen on this blue planet.

(End of the book)

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