Why Fall in Love if You Can Attend Tsinghua University

Chapter 13: the truth


Although Yinfang is strict, she has always been a reasonable person. Since this happened in her class, and the client said this, she naturally wanted to figure out what happened.

So he nodded: "Wait for me."

Quickly walked out.

There were only a few teachers left in the office who were still grading their homework. They didn't lift their heads, but their ears moved.

Liu Yazhen stepped on her high heels and approached: "Gu Xuejiao, what are you doing?"

"Cheng Mingjiao knows what I do." Xue Jiao's voice was calm, as if there was no emotion.

Li Sitong and Liu Yazhen looked at Cheng Mingjiao subconsciously, and the other side looked away guiltily.

Li Sitong was stunned for a moment, Xuejiao started... Is there really a secret

"Mom... I'm fine... Forget it..." Cheng Mingjiao opened her mouth slightly and said this softly.

Liu Yazhen was stunned for a moment, she instantly understood what was going on!

It must be Cheng Mingjiao's provocation, and Gu Xuejiao only moved his hand!

Before Liu Yazhen could make any decision, Yin Fang had already brought in a few people.

In front of them were three girls who were very close to them at the time, and behind them were two handsome boys, Xi Junyang with a smile on his face, and Yi Tianyu with a rebellious face.

Others Liu Yazhen didn't know, but when she saw Yi Tianyu, she couldn't help but exclaimed, "Young Master Yi?"

Li Sitong doesn't participate much in the business affairs of the Cheng family, but Liu Yazhen likes to have a sense of presence. She always goes to some events and dances in place of the Cheng family from time to time. Naturally, she knows the precious son of the famous rich man in this city.

Yi Tianyu often sees people out of anger, and naturally ignores Liu Yazhen who is standing next to Cheng Mingjiao.

His eyes moved directly to Gu Xuejiao, and he was stunned: "Have you been beaten?"

Xuejiao didn't speak, Yin Fang said first: "Okay, I called everyone here this time, just to find out the ins and outs of the fight between Gu Xuejiao and Cheng Mingjiao, can you talk about it?"

Several people paused, looked at each other, opened their mouths, but no one made a sound.

"Classmate, this child Mingjiao has always been obedient and sensible. Mingjiao didn't beat Gu Xuejiao today, right?" Liu Yazhen said with a smile, she had seen some markets over the years, and she asked herself that it was okay to fool a few children.

Indeed, she was very technical in this question.

Everyone looked at each other, but they were all silent.

"No fight." Yi Tianyu raised his eyebrows and said.

Liu Yazhen laughed all of a sudden, she thought a lot at this moment, will the young son of the Yi family protect Jiaojiao

She just said that her baby girl is smart and beautiful, how could she not attract these young people

The corners of Liu Yazhen's mouth couldn't help but lift slightly, and she asked the next question: "Gu Xuejiao beat Mingjiao, right?"

"No," Yi Tianyu raised his eyebrows, "Gu Xuejiao didn't call Cheng Mingjiao."

"Nonsense!" Liu Yazhen raised her voice. At this moment, she no longer cared about Young Master Yi, "The teacher said it herself!"

Yi Tianyu continued to laugh: "But I don't think Gu Xuejiao hit Cheng Mingjiao at all. After all, with all the nasty things Cheng Mingjiao said, I just used the bench to get started."

He smiled but not smiled: "Gu Xuejiao, who has small arms and calves, just grabbed Cheng Mingjiao's clothes and told her not to talk about it. How could it become a beating?"

Everyone in the office was stunned.

Yi Tianyu raised his mouth and looked at the person next to him: "Classmates, do you think so?"

"Yes!" Xi Junyang nodded earnestly, "Gu Xuejiao didn't hit Cheng Mingjiao, I am the monitor, I can testify that Gu Xuejiao has been studying hard this month and has never caused trouble."

The other students nodded in agreement.

"Gu Xuejiao's grades can rise from such a low score to all passing grades. It shows that she really focuses on her studies and has no time to cause trouble."

Li Sitong has been completely stunned, all passed

It's not the Jiaojiao's fault for the fight

Yi Tianyu glanced at Xuejiao, and the corner of the light stopped on the other side's face. Xuejiao was very white and her skin was very tender.

He used to watch it secretly when he was bored in class, only to think that the other person's face looked more tender than his favorite tender bean curd, so that now the clear slap print on his face looked particularly eye-catching.

Yi Tianyu's eyes became cold, and he continued: "Cheng Mingjiao didn't beat Gu Xuejiao, and Gu Xuejiao didn't beat Cheng Mingjiao, but she deserves to be beaten for those dirty words she said, and it's also because Gu Xuejiao is too weak, so she didn't beat her. People. Classmates, would you be angry if someone said that to you?"

"Yes!" Xi Junyang's voice was clear, and the others nodded in agreement.

"What did Mingjiao say?" Li Sitong opened his mouth slowly, looking at Gu Xuejiao with guilt in his eyes.

Yi Tianyu looked at Gu Xuejiao, and the other party met his eyes.

Xue Jiao knew that he was asking for his own opinion. Xue Jiao was not a bad person, but he was not a person who repaid grievances with virtue, so he nodded.

At this moment, she felt that the boy in front of her who was not very popular on weekdays was a little cute.

If it wasn't for him, of course she could explain it clearly, but it was always a little troublesome.

With Xuejiao's nod, Yi Tianyu took a few students and retell the scene clearly.

Li Sitong took a step back and looked at Cheng Mingjiao stupidly: "You...is that so...look at me?"

Cheng Ming shivered and hid behind Liu Yazhen, "No... No...".

Liu Yazhen was also stunned. Although she felt the same way, it was absolutely impossible to say it directly. Therefore, she changed her arrogance from earlier.

"That... Sitong, this must be a misunderstanding. Mingjiao is still young, so she may just talk nonsense when she's out of anger. She didn't mean it like this. She has always respected you!"

"Sixteen... Still a baby?" Yi Tianyu murmured, his voice was not loud, but everyone could hear it.

Li Sitong was still stunned: "Ming Jiao... you just said that about me and Jiaozi?"

Liu Yazhen's face was ugly for a while, "... I'm not an adult yet, we are all a family, let's go home and solve these things."

"You didn't say that just now." Xue Jiao said coldly, "You had to expel me from the school just now."

"Expulsion?" Yi Tianyu raised his voice and, like the other students, looked at everyone in surprise.

Yi Tianyu's face was ugly, but because he didn't pay attention to the affairs of the class, he was not familiar with Cheng Mingjiao, but Xi Junyang, the class leader, knew very well.

He took a step forward and said, "Student Cheng Mingjiao, I remember you often said in school that Gu Xuejiao was very favored in your family, why do I feel... Your mother is a little aunt, she is very unfriendly... "

Yi Tianyu sarcastically: "It's not unfriendly, it's malicious thinking."

Liu Yazhen's eyes widened and she was about to speak when Yin Fang interrupted: "Okay! Since you are a family, you can go back and solve any problems by yourself. Go back to discuss who is right and who is wrong between Gu Xuejiao and Cheng Mingjiao, but this Both of them should write a review of the impact of the incident!"

"Teacher, should she apologize to me? She said that I am a vixen. This is slander, rumors, and trouble. Just now, her mother said she was fired..." Xue Jiao said calmly, and the previous situation changed direction in an instant.

"Why should I fire my daughter?" Liu Yazhen exploded.

Yin Fang frowned slightly, she didn't like Liu Yazhen, but her eyes moved to the girl who was crying with her head down, thinking of the fifth place in the class, eighteenth grade.

And she is still on the rise, a good seedling for the college entrance examination...

So she just said, "I won't say more about you being relatives. Today you two go back with your parents to reflect, and bring the review book when you come to class tomorrow morning."

"Okay, thank you teacher!" Liu Yazhen said hurriedly, Cheng Mingjiao pinched her sleeve and wept silently.

Xue Jiao looked on coldly, then raised her feet and left the office.

This afternoon's class is just talking about papers, it doesn't matter whether she listens or not, she is in a bad mood now, and she just wants to get out of here immediately.

"Zijiao..." Yi Tianyu's subconscious attempt to catch up was interrupted by Li Sitong's shout.

He looked at Li Sitong, who was chasing after him, and said loudly, "Gu Xuejiao has suffered so much grievance. As a mother, you didn't even say a word to seek justice for her."

Li Sitong paused in his footsteps and continued to catch up.

Xuejiao was overtaken by Li Sitong when she was at the school gate. She held her hand tightly with a look of guilt: "I'm sorry... I'm sorry, Jiaojiao..."

Li Sitong's face was full of sadness and sadness, her fingers turning white while holding Xuejiao tightly, it turned out that this time it wasn't a fight, it turned out... it was to protect her...

Xuejiao said in an almost emotionless voice, "Mom, are you really your own mother?"

Li Sitong's face was suddenly white and scary, his fingers trembled slightly, and he could only say: "I'm sorry... I'm sorry..."

"Cheng Mingjiao doesn't care if she is right or wrong, her mother always stands by her side. When she is beaten, she will give her an explanation. If she finds out that it is her fault, she will immediately defend her. What about you?" Xue Jiao didn't finish her sentence, but they all knew her the rest.

... But you slapped your daughter when you didn't know the cause and effect. After you knew that your daughter was trying to protect yourself, you just froze and didn't ask for an explanation for her.

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." She seemed to have lost her language function and could only say this.

"I know I was ignorant before, but I thought that my behavior during this time should also reassure you. You are my mother, and you don't trust me in the first place. Who else can trust me?"

She closed her eyes slightly, stretched out her hand, put it on Li Sitong's wrist, and pulled her hand off with gentle force.

"I'm tired, I'll go for a walk by myself." After she said that, she strode away.


Li Sitong's voice was desperate, watching the lonely little figure walk away, panic in his heart.

Xuejiao walks on the street in a daze, surrounded by pedestrians, including father and daughter, mother and son, couples, friends... Their lives are ordinary and happy.

There are people coming and going in the shops on both sides, they seem to be very lively.

At this moment, Xuejiao felt lonely.

The kind of walking on the bustling street, surrounded by lively people, but such liveliness has nothing to do with him.

She seems to be walking outside the world, out of tune with this lively world.

Xuejiao stopped in a doll shop and stood calmly outside the window, staring at the panda doll all the time.

This feeling is very much like when she was a child, she wanted nothing, and she couldn't afford anything.

She tried her best to be Gu Xuejiao, and it was true that the other party had left her with a lot of mess, but she was still a little overjoyed.

She has the identity of Gu Xuejiao, a family that can accommodate her even though it does not belong to her, and a mother who still cares about her even though the methods are not right...

Now, everything seems to be empty.

She seems to be superfluous in her own world, and she came to a strange world again. This world... seems to have nothing to do with her.

Xuejiao turned and left the window, walked to the park, and sat down beside the fountain pool.

About half an hour later, she suddenly covered her face, unable to control her tears.

Whether it is Xuejiao's self or Gu Xuejiao's self, he is all alone.

When she had enough crying, she handed over a clean white handkerchief in front of her, and Xuejiao's red eyes followed the handkerchief.