Why Fall in Love if You Can Attend Tsinghua University

Chapter 33: redemption


"You are talking nonsense! Zhihua is still young, and he didn't get married and had any children!" Although Lin's mother and Lin's father urged Lin Zhihua in private, they still refused to admit it in front of others.

"In this case of Zhihua, what's the difference between getting married and not getting married?" The second grandfather said suddenly, his eyes full of doubts.

Obviously, they not only doubted that Lin Zhihua did not raise, but also suspected that Lin Zhihua could not have children.

A flash of panic flashed in Mother Lin's eyes, but she quickly calmed down her shock by gasping for breath, and retorted: "Zhihua is young, so what's the rush, besides the current medical conditions, what's there to be afraid of?"

Mother Lin tried her best to ignore the fear that had arisen in her heart. The more she got to their family, the more she paid attention to inheritance and bloodline. If Lin Zhihua really couldn't have offspring in this life...

Master Lin closed his eyes slightly, as if he had already made up his mind about Lin Zhihua: "I won't say this, get your second uncle out, if you are not satisfied, let him never join the company, but Zhitang must join the company, Mrs Lin, after all It's an ancestral signboard, and it can't be broken!"

Mother Lin didn't speak this time, and Old Man Lin's prestige was still there.

"Lin Changping, say it." Master Lin smashed his cane on the ground and looked at Father Lin.

"This..." Father Lin opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

"Haha." Lin Zhihua, who kept her hands behind her back and looked at them lazily on the sofa, smiled.

Two words broke the suffocation rising in the air, with a casual mockery.

"What are you laughing at!" Master Lin widened his eyes, his eyes full of anger.

Lin Zhihua stood up. At this time, several bodyguards in black and Chen Yan were brought in by Mrs. Chen.

"Lin Zhihua, what do you mean?" Mr. Lin Er took two steps back in fright.

Lin Zhihua looked at them coldly: "Push out."

"You, you, you..." Old Man Lin stretched out his hand, trembling with anger.

"Send the old man to the place where he should be, and then urge my second uncle to be sentenced. Be sure to enforce the law with justice." When the last four words landed, Zhang Jiayu almost fell to the ground with the child in her arms.

"Dad! Changji can't be sentenced!" Zhang Jiayu burst into tears while hugging the child, looking at the old man with red eyes.

"I want it! I want it..." While patting his heart, Old Man Lin blushed and widened his eyes, pointing at Lin Zhihua to say something.

Lin Zhihua was expressionless: "Watch the old man closely, don't let him run away again."

"Yes..." Chen Yan bowed his head respectfully.

Lin Zhihua glanced at the other relatives in the room. Obviously, they were also invited by the old man.

The person who was swept by Lin Zhihua retreated subconsciously and lowered his head in a guilty conscience.

"All these people are thrown out, and thoroughly clean up the economic contacts left by the former chairman." Sweeping over them again, he said coldly, "Break all of them."

"Zhihua!" The group of people suddenly panicked.

This means not only to completely exclude them from the Lin family, but also to never take advantage of them again!

This is to block the financial path of this group of "relatives" who have been fattened by Old Man Lin and Father Lin!

"Zhihua, I'm not here to plead for Lin Changji, he deserves it! He doesn't deserve forgiveness!"

"Yes, Lin Changji deserves what he deserves!"

"Life imprisonment is cheap for him, and should be sentenced to death!"

"Zhihua, your grandfather is so confused, we didn't speak just now because we didn't want to stimulate him!"


This group of people just observed the situation without speaking. They are only relatives, but they are not as careless as Mr. Lin, and Lin Zhihua's methods...

Sure enough, Old Man Lin and Lin Zhihua are not a means at all.

Lin Zhihua is only in his twenties, probably because of the various unpleasant experiences in the past.

As soon as he came back, he let the old man and the others attack, and then seized the opportunity to deal with all the Lin family relatives who had been trying to kick out the Lin family.

Outsiders can't talk about it yet, after all, it's the Lin family who come to push people first!

"See off!" Facing the group of people in front of him, Lin Zhihua only spit out two words.


Soon, apart from the servants, only the Lin family and Lin Zhihua remained in the family.

Lin's father and Lin's mother looked at each other with a bit of timidity in their eyes.

"That... Zhihua... will it be too much? It's all an old man who has been with the company for many years..." Lin Fu said tentatively.

Lin Zhihua lifted his eyelids and glanced at him, then slowly opened his mouth: "There are two kinds of old people, one minister and one... Moths, my Lin family, don't raise moths."

After speaking, I stood up and wanted to go upstairs to rest.

"Zhihua!" Mother Lin suddenly stopped him.

"Huh?" Lin Zhihua turned back.

"That...is it possible in my life...to hold a grandson or granddaughter?"

Mother Lin asked cautiously. Obviously, the words of the group of people just now made her suspicious.

If Lin Zhihua just doesn't show it, why has he never thought to prove it after so many years of pressure and persecution from the old man

Just one child...

Everything is settled, Lin Changji can't have two hearts, and Mr. Lin can't give up his eldest grandson, who has been trained by him as his successor for many years.

Lin Zhihua turned back to look at her, her sharp eyes made Mother Lin a little... scared.

He closed his eyes slightly: "My child, only my lover can accompany me throughout my life."

Lin Zhihua knew that a lot of people in their circle didn't care about this, and there were a lot of people who had children from marriage and illegitimate children.

Even Lin's father had an illegitimate son in his early years, but he just died.

As a result, at his age, Lin's father did not dare to mess with his leisure and money. His thoughts were all in Lin Zhihua and the inheritance of Lin's family.

Lin Zhihua will never be like this, even if he never has a child, he will not be impatient to have a child.

Prove what

Nothing to prove except that there are instincts in animals.

There are too many people who laugh at him behind his back and look down on him. His achievements at his age are enough for those people to grasp a little of his "problem" and ridicule them in their hearts to balance their jealousy.

But when confronted with him, no matter what they thought in their hearts, they would definitely nod their heads and bow down, and they would not dare to express their dissatisfaction.

Status is not created by the face in the eyes of others, but by one's own achievements!

After Lin Zhihua watched Mother Lin say this, she turned her feet in the direction: "I'm staying in an apartment tonight."

"Hey..." Mother Lin said, Lin Zhihua had already gone out.

Lin's father and Lin's mother looked at each other.

in the car.

Lin Zhihua sat quietly, quietly looking out the window, expressionless, but the surrounding low air pressure was frighteningly tight.

Chen Yan lowered his head and dared not speak.

When the boss is in a bad mood, don't comfort anyone, just treat yourself as air, otherwise...

Although he was the first secretary beside Lin Zhihua, he didn't dare to hit the gun at this time.

"Om..." The phone vibrated.

Lin Zhihua's brows folded for a moment, Chen Yan and the driver held their breath, wishing that they would really become air, and by the way, they mourned for the person who sent the message by the way.

"Jiaojiao: Are you finished?"

"Jiaojiao: I don't dare to send you a message during the day! Ahhh! Brother Lin! Zhihua! Thank you! Today's competition question is because of your reminder. I deliberately reviewed the question repeatedly, and I really avoided a lot of traps!"

"Jiaojiao: Mom, what kind of immortal are you!"

Lin Zhihua: "Puchi..."

The driver's hand shook, and the car also shook, Lin Zhihua didn't respond, just looked at the phone.

Chen Yan's coffin face also showed shock, and his eyes were full of horror.

Lin Zhihua didn't care about them, and tapped with his fingers...


Reply soon...

"Jiaojiao: Yes! Immortals are immortals!"

"Jiaojiao: Huh? Are you in a bad mood?"

Lin Zhihua raised her eyebrows...


After a while on the phone, Lin Zhihua was a little irritable, and the message came back from the other side...

"Jiaojiao: Well... I can feel a little... "

"Jiaojiao; that... I don't know why you're in a bad mood, but you can tell me, I like to talk to you when I'm feeling down! Although I can't come up with ideas like you, I can always do garbage can!"

"Zijiao: Trash can..."

It was a rotating trash can, a pitch-black, round trash can, very cute, jumping on the screen, and flashing a few bills to drill into it.

Lin Zhihua's brows loosened, the corners of his eyes raised slightly, and the surrounding low air pressure disappeared without a trace.

He slowly typed a few words...

"You're not a trash can."

You are salvation.

Lin Zhihua put the phone against his chin and looked up at the window.

God treat him very well.


Yin Fang has been sitting in the office all night, without even having breakfast, staring blankly in one direction.

"Mr. Yin! How long have you been here?" The language teacher asked casually while nibbling on buns and drinking soy milk.

Yinfang has always been the first, so the language teacher just asked casually.

"I didn't go back..."

"Pfft..." Teacher Yuan Wenwen almost choked to death on soy milk.

"Cough cough..." She tried her best to relieve her breath, "Mr. Yin, I know you are serious, but you won't stay home all night, right?"

At this time, the head teacher of the second class and the physics teacher also came in, and they were still eating breakfast.

"We are going to count the results for the whole day today. How can you work today if you don't go back?"

"Yeah, I'm dying of exhaustion. Students say they are afraid of exams. We are even more afraid than them! They go home to rest after the exams, but we can't rest. We have to mark and count scores on weekends."

"Hey, who made us teachers? We are bound to owe them!"

As the teachers came in one after another, they all vomited while eating breakfast.

For a while, he said that the teacher was working hard, and for a while he said that the students did not understand the teacher, and he complained about the physics teacher who was already bald.

Yin Fang, who had been silent for a while, suddenly said, "I finished counting all the results of the experimental class last night."

There's a moment of silence in the office, and then...

"What?" The teachers were stunned, all turned their heads to look at Yinfang, as if they didn't believe their ears.

Yin Fang raised her stiff neck after staying up all night and looked at them: "I was a little surprised when I finished the statistics of English scores yesterday, so I counted my math scores, and then my comprehensive and Chinese scores."

The teacher in the office opened his mouth into an "O" and looked at her stupidly.

The head teacher of the second class turned his head and asked...

"When you count English, what motivates you to count math scores?"

Yin Fang swallowed and said, "I saw that Gu Xuejiao's English and Chu Sheng were tied for the first place, so I counted the math again. Gu Xuejiao was one point lower for Chusheng, and one point was high for Chinese, so I calculated the comprehensive statistics again. Now, she... 0.5 higher than Chu Sheng. Chu Sheng's score is tied for first place with Gu Xuejiao."