Why Fall in Love if You Can Attend Tsinghua University

Chapter 5: baby


Xuejiao actually knew that if she turned around and left, she might be bullied by these girls, but this was the best way she could think of.

It's true that she could have a hundred ways to get out of these people safely, but Xue Jiao didn't have the heart to wait, she wanted to use a once and for all method.

A way to explain one's past and future, and to completely disconnect from these people.

Cheng Mingze's sudden appearance disrupted her plans.

But Xuejiao couldn't blame the person who came out for him, so she moved slightly, moved behind Cheng Mingze, and put the knife in her pocket into her pocket.

"What are you doing?" Cheng Mingze shook off Li Wan's hand and asked coldly.

Cheng Mingze, a famous male god of No. 7 Middle School, is good-looking, well-educated, and has a good family background.

Li Wan Junior High School shares the same school as Cheng Mingze. He is the male god of almost everyone, including Li Wan of course.

"We..." She stammered, not knowing how to explain it.

"Brother..." Xuejiao grabbed the corner of his clothes at this time, and Nie Nie said, "They threatened me..."

Her eyes shrank, and she seemed afraid of the girls in front of her. The hand holding the corner of his shirt was shaking, and she looked at him with tears and trust.

Cheng Mingze admitted that his heart softened at this moment.

"How did they threaten you?" He didn't clap her hand away, and even heard his own voice softer than ever.

Xuejiao bit her lip and said in a low voice, "I don't want to be friends with them, and I don't want to wear the same makeup and truancy as them..."

A violent storm rose in Cheng Mingze's eyes in an instant.

It turned out that this girl used to draw herself strangely and learned from these people. It turned out that she truanted from school to stay with these people.

She doesn't want to do anything wrong with them now, and these people threaten her? Beat her in public

What about before

Was Xuejiao voluntary before

The more he thought about Cheng Mingze, the more angry he became, the blackness in his eyes was like a whirlpool.

"You go back with the driver first, I have something to do." He patted Xuejiao's hand and said an imperative sentence.

Xuejiao nodded and walked slowly towards the driver.

This is the first time she has used this kind of "scheme", but Xuejiao has no regrets. These few people have no grievances with Gu Xuejiao and lead Gu Xuejiao to go astray.

It even made her stronger. She filmed a video to blackmail her many times, and then released the video and fell into Cheng Mingjiao's hands, which made Xuejiao notorious, and finally broke the corpse in the wilderness.

These people are enemies.

How Cheng Mingze will treat them, she doesn't want to care, and she doesn't want to know. But in the future, if they still have bad intentions, she will still find a way to make these people get the punishment they deserve.

Xuejiao slowly got into the car and said to the driver, "Uncle Xing, take me to buy something."

She is only free this afternoon. From tomorrow onwards, she has to study at night every day, so it is impossible to have time to go shopping.

"Okay, what do you want to buy, miss?"

"Books and watches."

They went to the Xinhua Bookstore first, and quickly bought all the materials they wanted, then got in the car and went to the mall to buy a watch.

Gu Xuejiao lost the original piece, which is very inconvenient for Xuejiao who often looks at the time, and there are still thousands of dollars on the card, she doesn't need to buy any more, just enough to buy the piece and the original Similar watch.

The most important thing is that she didn't want Cheng Shuo to spend money to buy it for her. Although this stepfather was not good at interfering with her on weekdays, he never treated him badly.

Uncle Xing took her to the shopping mall in the most prosperous part of the city. Xuejiao was not familiar with this place. After asking the security guard, she walked in the direction he pointed.

It's a relatively remote store, but from the outside you can see that this store is very interesting, not top-notch, but also very personal.

Xuejiao didn't want to go in at first, but in the window, she saw the exact same watch as Gu Xuejiao's original.

The corners of his mouth twitched and he walked in.

There were three people in the store at this time, all in suits and leather shoes, and looking at their backs, they looked like an elite.

One looked young, but tried to keep a straight face, and another looked in his thirties, with a more serious face than the other.

The last one was sitting with his back to her, and even when he was sitting, he could see that he was very tall, with long legs cocked casually, and dressed meticulously.

Hearing someone come in, the sitting person turned around.

Xuejiao was stunned for a moment.

She suddenly thought of eight words... Taozhi Yaoyao, shining brightly.

These eight words should not be used to describe a man, but at this moment she could only think of these words.

This face is the most beautiful that Xuejiao has never seen before. She thought that Cheng Mingze's face was already extremely handsome, but she didn't expect to meet a better-looking one.

But the two are two completely different types, one is a handsome and handsome gentleman, and the other is a calm-faced Asura.

He looks like he is in his twenties, but his aura is astonishingly powerful.

The opponent's pupils shrank invisibly, Xue Jiao quickly recovered, coughed, and asked a little embarrassedly, "Who is the boss?"

The sitting man glanced at the man in his thirties, then raised his hand slightly, pointed at the younger man, and said, "He's the boss."

The thirty-something man went straight into the invisible room without saying a word, and there were only two men left outside.

"Boss" was stunned for a moment, then suddenly let go of his hard face and smiled.

"Yes, I'm the boss, what do you need, Miss?"

Xuejiao tried her best not to put her eyes on the sitting man, turned her eyes to the watch in the window, and asked with a smile, "I want that watch."

There is a price tag on it, 5888.

Gu Xuejiao's card and what he found in Gu Xuejiao's room last night were more than enough to buy.

She is Gu Xuejiao now. Although she thinks it is a waste to spend more than 3,000 yuan on a watch, if she buys a few dozen yuan, it will really make the Cheng family puzzled.

She endured the distress and decided to buy it! Why is this little watch so expensive


The boss was about to go to pick it up when the man sitting said, "I think you are suitable for this piece."

"Ah?" Xue Jiao was taken aback, and followed his fingers to look.

It was placed on the counter in front of his seat, in the middle of the entire store. There were only two watches in the cabinet, the obvious men's and women's models, without price tags.

This person is pointing to the female model.

Xuejiao stepped forward unconsciously. She had never seen such a beautiful watch. The men's watch was black, surrounded by looming gold threads, and the women's watch was silver-white with a looming light pink edge, very light. But very nice.

She likes it, she likes it very much.

But obviously, although there is no price tag, it is the level of sophistication and the precious decoration that holds the watch, which means that this piece is definitely much more expensive than the one you bought!

Your own piece is so ordinary that it costs more than 5,000. The price of this piece is at least... tens of thousands

She shook her head hurriedly, "No, no, I'll just buy that one!"

The sitting man smiled faintly, stretched out his hand, opened the cabinet, and took out the lady's piece.

"I highly recommend you to buy this one. This store is dealing with the cost price, but if you buy it, it will be more cost-effective." It is hard to imagine such an imposing man, like an ordinary person, saying the word "cost-effective" in an understatement.

His voice was very magnetic, and Xue Jiao was fascinated by it unconsciously, and even stretched out his hand when the other party motioned for her to reach out.

His face is magical, and his voice is even more magical.

When the cold touch touched her wrist, Xuejiao only wanted to scream at the groundhog.

Ears are getting pregnant!

The other's slender fingers touched her wrist inadvertently, and the two froze at the same time.

His reaction was bigger than hers, his fingers even trembled slightly, and then he quickly stopped, something flashed on his face, and there was a thick ink of drowning people in his eyes.

Xue Jiao looked at him for a moment, as if she was about to be sucked in by thick ink!

When she shivered, her eyes quickly moved to her wrist, and the other party's voice was low and hoarse: "Does it look good?"

"looks great… "

It's really good-looking. This watch is already very good-looking before she gets started. Now that she gets started, it attracts all her attention.

On the white and slender wrist, a small and delicate silver-white watch shone against the diamonds in the light, looming with a hint of light pink girlishness, not very beautiful.

Xuejiao couldn't hold back and turned her eyes to the boss.

"how much is this?"

"Ah?" The boss was also stunned for a moment, and moved his eyes to her, but out of the corner of his eye he looked at the man sitting.

Xuejiao really liked it. If she could resist the temptation just now, she would be really moved by wearing it on her hand now.

So she begged slightly: "Boss, since it's cost price, sell it to me cheaply!"

The corner of the boss's mouth moved, and he said tentatively, "Ten thousand?"

Xuejiao's eyebrows and eyes drooped down, and the man sitting narrowed his eyes: "Boss, your price is a little higher."

His voice was soft, pleasant, and powerful.

"Then... a thousand?"

one thousand

Are the drills on the watch rhinestones? Is the silvery white painted paint

Wouldn't this watch fade over time

She was stunned for a moment, but of course she would rather buy one thousand yuan than five thousand!

Xuejiao hurriedly took out her wallet, and said blankly while paying: "Wristwatches... is such a hugely profitable industry?"

"Of course, any industry that works well is profiteering." The man stood up, his momentum was astonishing.

Xue Jiao only reached his chest, she needed to look up to see his face, which made her a little frustrated.

She was not tall in her last life, but after changing her body in this life, she is still not tall...

Fortunately, she is only sixteen years old now, and she can still grow.

At this moment, Xuejiao made up her mind to drink a glass of milk every morning from now on!

Her expression was very rich, and she could see her thoughts at a glance on her face, and the man laughed sullenly.

Then he bent down, was at the same level as her, his eyes could look straight, and he stretched out his hand: "Hello, Lin Zhihua."

Xuejiao straightened her back subconsciously, then looked at him in surprise.

Lin Zhihua, Zhihua, is it really the Yaoyao of the peach, scorching Qihua

The other party's hand was still raised, Xuejiao's cheeks were slightly red, and she slowly stretched out her hand, "Xuejiao, Gu Xuejiao."

Two hands, one big and one small, clasped in the air, Xuejiao's cheeks turned even redder, and a smile flashed in Lin Zhihua's bottomless eyes.

She quickly retracted her hand, then tiptoed, and whispered, "Thank you sir for helping me bargain! I'll go first!"

After speaking, he immediately turned around and ran out, with the childish schoolbag swaying behind his back, Lin Zhihua rubbed his fingers, and the smile in his eyes deepened.

"Boss", that is, the newly appointed assistant Tan Qi shrank himself to the side with a bloody expression on his face.

At this time, a fat man rushed out and shouted: "Ah! Why did you have someone cover my mouth and detain me inside? Why did you sell my treasure for a thousand dollars? ?"

The fat man jumped up, his face flushed, and he was very angry: "I want to sue you! I want to call the police! The treasure of the town store! This is the treasure of the town store! One thousand yuan! It's not enough to touch it! But the famous master…”

"How much? I bought it." Lin Zhihua looked calm.

"The lady's 650,000..." Fatty's voice became lower, then raised again, "But this is a couple's watch! Even if you bought the lady's piece, this men's..."

Tan Qi rolled his eyes, only such a small shop would regard hundreds of thousands of watches as the treasure of the town shop.

"I bought it all." Lin Zhihua's voice was still calm.

"Will it affect... what? Bought it all?" Fatty seemed to be strangled by something, his eyes turned out, his face flushed, "Is that what I understand... all... all bought. Did you buy both the couple's watch?"