Why Fall in Love if You Can Attend Tsinghua University

Chapter 51: Teacher


Tan Qi was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said respectfully, "Okay, boss."

After saying that, he walked out quickly.

In the evening, Tan Qi sent a ticket into the office. The location is very good. He can see the stage clearly, but it is not conspicuous and can avoid the sight of others.

And the hotel booked by No. 7 Middle School is now having a meeting.

The teacher leading the team stood and encouraged with a high voice: "Come on, classmates tomorrow! It's a new way of competition for you, as well as for other participating students! So don't worry! As long as it's fair and just, everyone has to believe in their own. strength!"

The teacher paused for a while, then added: "Everyone, don't be nervous!"

Xue Jiao looked at a senior in the third year of high school next to her, and sure enough, the other party was even more nervous.

The teacher said a few more words, and then the students hurried back to the room to rest.

"Zijiao..." Cheng Mingze's room was next to Xuejiao.

"Huh?" Xue Jiao raised her head.

Cheng Mingze suddenly grinned: "Come on."

"Okay!" Xuejiao smiled back, "You too."

On March 28, the finals of the mathematics competition.

Lin Zhihua waited until almost everyone had entered, then walked in through the small door, and quickly sat down in a corner with a good view.

He was wearing a long black trench coat today, which was not noticeable at all. As long as no one directly saw his good-looking face, he would not notice what kind of person was sitting in this position.

Xuejiao was sitting in the school uniform of No. 7 Middle School, and more than fifty people were all sitting, eight in a row, for a total of seven rows.

She was in the third row and fifth. Xue Jiao looked up and saw the invited professor sitting at the front of the stage, followed by 300 spectators. 300 people is not much to say, but looking at the past, it is also A piece of black.

Most of the students with no stage experience couldn't help but get nervous. In their past experience, the exams were in a relatively quiet independent classroom, and they were surrounded by so many people, and suddenly their hands and feet trembled.

Xuejiao couldn't help but get nervous. After all, she had never had the experience of doing questions under the gaze of so many people in her life.

The only one who is really not nervous at all is probably Yang Zhan who is sitting in the front row.

Like the senior in the third year of the seventh middle school, the questions have not yet come out, and he is already dripping with cold sweat.

Xuejiao closed her eyes slightly and took a deep breath: Xuejiao, don't be afraid, there are cabbage below!

When he opened his eyes again, his eyes became clearer and firmer.

The organizer teacher came to the stage and stood on the side announcing the rules of the competition. It was divided into three rounds. The first round was an exam.

When she got the test paper, Xuejiao felt that it was no different from the test, but there were more people watching

Two questions, the first question is a computational problem with a large amount of calculation, and the second question is a geometric body.

When Xuejiao and Lin Zhihua talked with each other before, they also mentioned similar problems. Although they are completely different, some of the problem-solving ideas are still the same.

The time was very tight, Xuejiao saw that the paper was no problem, the time in the upper right corner of the table began to count down, and immediately began to count desperately.

They don't know that while they are "writing hard", the background behind them starts playing their answers.

The grid is very small, and Lin Zhihua discovered Xuejiao's papers in dozens of copies almost immediately.

He couldn't see exactly how she solved the problem, and he couldn't see the problem, but Lin Zhihua knew that the two problems were stable by looking at her rhythm and expression.

The corners of his mouth rose slightly, and Lin Zhihua smiled proudly.

Xuejiao didn't feel that any of her steps was a waste of time, but she just finished writing it in thirty-one minutes, while Yang Zhan, the genius, finished it in about twenty minutes. There is also a high school genius, Zheng Mingxuan, who is one minute later than Yang Zhan.

After handing the paper to the staff who came over, she let out a light breath.

Sure enough, a genius is a genius. What kind of speed and brain speed do you need to successfully complete it so quickly

After the staff left, all the students sat quietly on it, and the audience did not speak.

Ten minutes later, the staff came up again.

"The students who advance to the next round have..."

Xue Jiao's breathing stagnated, and most of the people were holding their hearts tightly.

Will we be eliminated so soon

"Yang Zhan, Zheng Mingxuan, Li Lei... Cheng Mingze... Gu Xuejiao..."

Xue Jiao let out a deep breath, stood up and walked to the side, the corners of her mouth moved up slightly, making her overly nervous face relaxed.

There are at least half of them remaining on the court. This problem is actually not difficult. It is logically impossible for these people to have problems today. It was probably because I was too nervous and the questions were not finished, or because I was too nervous and my brain couldn't keep up.

After the people who stayed bowed, they were led by the staff to step down from the side and sat down in the auditorium.

There were still thirty-two people left, and they sat back again.

In the second round, the paper was issued.

Xue Jiao was stunned for a moment, only glanced at it, and immediately wrote quickly.

Three questions! Thirty points in total.

Still forty minutes! There are three questions!

Inevitably, Xue Jiao was nervous for a moment, and her fingers trembled slightly.

"Don't worry about answering the questions on the spot. It's an assessment of resilience and overall quality, but in the final analysis, it's math. It's impossible to take an English test in a math competition. As long as you answer what you know, you'll never have any problems."

Lin Zhihua's words appeared in his head again, Xue Jiao took a deep breath and began to write quickly.

Forty minutes passed quickly, Xue Jiao closed the pen almost when the clock was counting down, and wiped the sweat from her forehead.

Soon, the staff came up and collected all the papers.

When Xuejiao was doing the questions, she was so concentrated that she didn't feel anything. When she closed the pen, she realized that not only was her forehead sweating, but her back was also soaked.

Obviously, she was not alone in this situation. As soon as she looked up, she saw many people stretched out their hands and carried the clothes on their backs.

Xuejiao's heartbeat still couldn't stabilize, and she was so nervous just now that her heartbeat was still thundering.

She couldn't help but look at Yang Zhan, who was recognized as the strongest this time, and saw that the other party was also wiping his forehead with the back of his hand.

Xue Jiao let out a sigh of relief and calmed down a lot.

It turned out that even the most powerful Yang Zhan could feel the pressure this time. The three major problems took 40 minutes, and there was almost no time to revise them.

The first round can already be seen, this must get full marks to enter the next round.

A full score means that it must be done and cannot be wrong.

Xuejiao turned back and glanced in Cheng Mingze's direction. The other party seemed to sense her sight and raised his head.

The eyes of the two met, and Cheng Mingze showed an encouraging and reassuring smile.

Xue Jiao subconsciously smiled back at him, then withdrew her gaze, closed her eyes gently and rested her brain for a while.

Below, Lin Zhihua frowned slightly and glanced at Cheng Mingze.

At this time, in addition to taking a break for the students taking the exam, the professor and the audience also began to discuss in a relaxed and low voice.

Those professors didn't know what they were talking about, they nodded and laughed for a while.

In particular, the professors of the Chinese Academy of Sciences are all smiles. The genius Yang Zhan, who is so brilliant that he is familiar with major universities, was admitted to the Chinese Academy of Sciences last year!

So speaking, Yang Zhan is already a student of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

The audience didn't find them casually. These were teachers from the math group. Now they saw the questions that appeared on the screen behind.

"This question is a bit difficult."

"Which year is the competition question not difficult?"

"Mr. Li, can you do it?"

The male teacher pushed his glasses and said, "Yes, yes, I can't finish it in forty minutes."

"These students are amazing now."

"No, I feel that this session is particularly strong."

"This year's assessment is also special."

Of course, there are also younger teachers who gossip...

"The appearance of this session is also very good."

"Haha, that's true, Yang Zhan and the Cheng Mingze behind them can eat with their faces."

"Look at the female classmate in the third row..."

"Yes, yes, I just saw her at a glance, and I didn't take my eyes away."

She wasn't the only one who didn't look away, there was also a man sitting in the corner behind them unobtrusively... Lin Zhihua.

Indeed, his eyes never left Xuejiao, and he looked at her with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

He discussed countless problems with her, and often received pictures of the problem-solving process from her.

But he never thought that she could be so beautiful when she was doing the questions seriously, her brows were slightly wrinkled from time to time, and then lightly loosened from time to time.

These simple and unattractive expressions were all captured by Lin Zhihua.

This time, it took a little longer to correct, but soon, the teacher of the organizer came up with a list.

“Students who passed the second round had…”

Breathing again, he stared at him closely.

"Yang Zhan, Zheng Mingxuan, Bai Jiu, Cheng Mingze, Gu Xuejiao."

Suddenly, everyone was stunned, and Li Lei's face became pale.

The boy who had been preparing for the competition for so many years was frighteningly pale. Obviously, he did not expect that he would be eliminated.

Not only him, but several students have the same expression.

Only five people entered the third round, and the remaining twenty-seven were eliminated!

Some students looked at the organizer's teacher and moved their hands slightly, obviously trying to raise them.

The organizer's teacher didn't wait for them to raise their hands, and said: "Students who have objections can check the papers later, and those who have deducted points will not be able to enter the next round. Now I will announce the ranking of six and later..."

His eyes looked at the people on the field: "Li Lei in sixth place, seventh place..."

Li Lei breathed a sigh of relief and gestured to Cheng Mingze and Xue Jiao who stood up and walked aside.

His sixth place was the first prize of the winter camp. If nothing else, there would be a prestigious university willing to recruit him.

There is nothing wrong with recommending a prestigious university.

He cheered Cheng Mingze and Xuejiao, because after all they were wearing the same color school uniform.

Xuejiao also looked at Cheng Mingze slightly. It was a pity that Cheng Mingze in the original text was locked up.

Cheng Shuo wanted to help Gu Xuejiao solve the trouble, but he was unable to accompany Cheng Mingze, so he was locked up until he finished the exam.

After that time, he and Cheng Shuo also talked a lot about their relationship.

In order to solve the problem for his stepdaughter, his biological father was not around when his own son needed it most.

His strength was able to get to where he is today. Xuejiao felt sorry for Cheng Mingze in the original text. The original plot might just be a plot with a better relationship between the male and female protagonists, but for students, what they missed might be an unforgettable experience.

It was because of jealousy that the boy locked Cheng Mingze.

Cheng Mingze was not able to participate in this competition, so there is no relevant information about this competition in the original text.

Cheng Mingze, who was clearly able to get brilliant, had nothing left because of the jealousy of others.

Xuejiao suddenly thought of Cheng Mingjiao, she hadn't seen her since the Chinese New Year.

Xuejiao, no matter what your achievements are today, no matter how many outstanding people will appear around you in the future, you must not be jealous of others.

She can work hard to catch up, and she can't be blinded by jealousy.

After the ranking of the twenty-seven people, they bowed to the professor and the audience, and then walked to the auditorium below.

"That white school uniform is the top student in our school. It's very powerful. I didn't expect that I didn't even enter the third round."

"It's not that they don't know how to do it. They may be deducted for only a small problem. There is no time to check in a game like today!"

"He didn't check others and he didn't check."

"Yes, look at the five above, these are the most powerful ones, fast and right."

"Actually, in their situation, it's not just a matter of strength. They are all very strong and have a bit of luck."

The more active discussion started to talk about looks again...

"The top five this year are too good to watch!"

"Yeah, the best-looking people we just watched are all left on it!"

"Now children, how do parents teach them? They are handsome and smart!"

"Look at that little girl, this is the only girl left."

"I've never seen such a beautiful girl before!"

There was a lot of discussion below. The staff above took the table away and brought up five tables with projectors lined up.

They sat on the seats, their names were put on the front of the seats, Xuejiao looked down... Gu Xuejiao of the seventh middle school.

"There are only two in No. 7 Middle School? Is this No. 7 Middle School the one from City C?"

"Yes, it's that one. The school is good."

"Many famous high schools in Beijing have only one entry, but there are two in No. 7? It's incredible!"

"This school is lucky this time."

"I'm afraid their principals are all bursting into laughter."

"Hahaha, I am also smiling."

Listening to the discussion, the leading teacher sitting in the auditorium laughed like a flower.

Needless to say, when he goes back this time, the principal will definitely praise him, and the bonus is probably quite a lot!

Smiling, the leading teacher rubbed his hands excitedly.

"The third round is also 40 minutes, 30 minutes to answer questions, and 10 minutes for judges to ask questions."

The organizer's teacher's words came to the ground, and the five of them were stunned for a moment.

I thought that these professors and the audience were all here to see, but it turned out to be the final round of judges

How to evaluate

How to ask

The five people were all dumbfounded, not to mention Xuejiao, even Yang Zhan and others' expressions were stupid.

The bell rang, and there was no sound from below. At this time, the staff came up with a few papers.

Release them one by one.

Conventionally, Xuejiao glanced at first and then started to do the question.

There was only one question, but Xue Jiao's face turned pale with fright.

Not only Xuejiao's face turned pale, but everyone else's faces were not good-looking. Zheng Mingxuan, who was the youngest in the first year of high school, lost his temper for a moment.

Obviously not only them, but even the audience below was stunned.

The title appeared on the screen behind, and I couldn't help it, and an unexpected sound came from the audience...

"how is this possible?"

"This… "

"Why did you test this in a high school competition?"

"Can these high school students know this?"

"Yes indeed!"

The students who have finished sat in the auditorium, their eyes widened in shock, and some people looked blank.

There are also people who are glad that they have come down, otherwise they will definitely be handed a blank.

How can the high school competition test this

Not even the jury is quiet...

"I was shocked when I came in and said this before..."

"Me too, I said at the time that I shouldn't take this exam!"

"I don't agree either! Isn't this embarrassing."

"Yeah, why would a high school student take this exam?"

"Didn't the organizer say that they don't need to answer it? It's just a new attempt. Anyway, these five people can basically be recommended to any university now!"

"They are all first prizes, but the rankings are different."

"That's true, we are willing to submit these five students to the Mathematics Department! Hahaha!"

"Hey, we also want to!"

"Just treat it as an additional question, it doesn't matter if you do it or not!"

"Ding..." The bell rang, not only to remind the audience not to make a sound, but also to remind the candidates that the exam is about to start.

But still no one wrote, the five people moved in a neat and uniform manner, frowning and staring at the paper.

Xue Jiao let out a sigh of relief, closed her eyes slightly, opened it, and finally made sure that those words were really in front of her...

Prove Fermat's Last Theorem.

Yang Zhan was the first to write, and his writing immediately appeared on the screen.

First, he explained what Fermat's last theorem was, and then he began to write out the formulas he wrote.

Lin Zhihua said silently: Andrew Wiles.

Yang Zhan used the proof method of Andrew Wiles, and he may not remember all the steps clearly, but Lin Zhihua knew that he definitely wanted to write about Andrew Wiles' method of proving Fermat's Last Theorem.

Lin Zhihua frowned slightly. He knew that Xuejiao worked hard, but Xuejiao was not a genius. Even if Xuejiao knew Fermat's Last Theorem, she would not remember as much content as Yangzhan.

The teacher of the Chinese Academy of Sciences narrowed his eyes with a smile, and the other teachers nodded with anticipation.

Five minutes after Yang Zhan wrote, Zheng Mingxuan also wrote, in the same way.

But from the moment he started writing, Lin Zhihua knew that this person was inferior to Yang Zhan in regard to Fermat's Last Theorem.

Next to Yang Zhan was Cheng Mingze. He wrote so quickly that even Lin Zhihua had to nod his head.


Cheng Mingze used the McLarty method.

Three of them worked hard to write, but two of them never wrote.

Bai Jiu didn't write, his face was pale, obviously he didn't know anything.

Xue Jiao didn't write, closed her eyes and held the pen tightly, with beads of sweat rolling down her forehead.

Her eyes were closed, and no one knew what she was thinking.

Lin Zhihua looked at her worriedly, thinking...

You are not a genius, there is no need to embarrass yourself.

Lin Zhihua's conjecture was right. Xuejiao didn't know how to prove Fermat's last theorem, nor what the known Fermat's last theorem was like.

But she vaguely found a fragment in her previous life's memory, and she attended a lecture given by a big man when she was a freshman in high school.

The big guy shared a lot of interesting things about mathematics. Xuejiao felt that at that time, the boring theorems with names in the book had interesting stories behind those lovely mathematicians.


Fermat's Last Theorem...

beep beep...

Time went by little by little, but Xuejiao never wrote.

Twenty-five minutes later, Bai Jiu had put down his pen with a pale face.

He gave up.

There is really no reason not to give up. At a time like this, it is better to write nothing at all.

It's not ashamed.

At this time, Xue Jiao moved and quickly wrote a sentence.

Fermat's last theorem refers to... He left no proof about him, so I'm not sure if Fermat really has a clear proof, but I'm sure I can prove it clearly in the future with the hypothesis method, It's a pity that there is too little time to write.

When the time is up, stop writing.

Lin Zhihua smiled.


Not only Lin Zhihua laughed, but the judges were stunned for a moment. The mathematics professor of Tsinghua University laughed first and shook his head, but he looked at Xuejiao with admiration.

"The following is the time for the judges to ask questions. The first one is Yang Zhan."

In Yang Zhan's question time, the first person to speak was the teacher of the Chinese Academy of Sciences: "You are very good, the best in the game, you can write the formula and proof used by Andrew Wiles in such a short time, and also mentioned Wiles' solution The solution to the loophole. I'm sure give you more time and you'll write it all out."

The professor next to him nodded and asked, "Has your knowledge always been so broad?"

Yang Zhan nodded and replied with a smile: "I think books are the most beautiful things in the world. Fortunately, my brain is not bad. I remember most of what I have read."

"You are very strong." The professor of Peking University nodded and gave a thumbs up.

Next is Zheng Mingxuan. He is similar to Yang Zhan, but a little worse than Yang Zhan. He has written a lot less formulas and is a bit messy.

But for a high school student, that's already pretty impressive.

The third is Bai Jiu. No one said anything about him. The professors praised him with encouragement.

"Student Bai Jiu, you are amazing, the organizer is immoral!"

After that, the audience laughed.

Next, Cheng Mingze.

Fudan's teacher didn't say anything, and took the lead in applauding.

Xuejiao looked back at Cheng Mingze's paper, and just wanted to sigh... The male protagonist is the male protagonist.

Look at this strength of people.

Both he and Yang Zhan simply finished writing the ideas, but also did not write down the specific steps due to lack of time. The two of them used different methods, and they were indeed the two most powerful tonight.

Several professors extended an olive branch on the spot, hoping to quickly take this student into the bag.

Finally, to Xuejiao.

"Gu Xuejiao..." The professor of Tsinghua University coughed, couldn't hold back, and smiled again, "You are very interesting."

Use Fermat's formula to solve Fermat's formula.

Fermat said there was not enough space, so he stopped writing.

Xuejiao said that if there is not enough time, she will not prove it.

"I see that you haven't started writing, how did you finally think of writing like this?"

Xuejiao coughed, and a pleasant voice came out...

"I don't know how to prove it. I was recalling the memory of Fermat's last theorem in my head, but I only thought of interesting stories, and I didn't think of anything related to the proof, so I didn't plan to write it."

"Oh? Then why did you write this sentence at the end?"

Xuejiao smiled, her eyes grateful: "I think of my mentor, who is also a friend of both teachers and friends. He once said that what you do or not is your ability, and whether you do it or not is your attitude. Thank him for always For my teaching, my ability may not be enough, but my attitude is not bad. I am sorry teacher, I am not yet, but in the future, I will verify my hypothesis and see if it can be successful. "