Why Fall in Love if You Can Attend Tsinghua University

Chapter 73: crazy


She was wrong, she was really wrong.

In fact, when Cheng Shuo talked to her, she faintly knew that she seemed to be wrong.

But Liu Jiaxue's refusal to go home made her angry again and burned herself, without thinking about her mistakes at all.

With just an instinctive anger, I didn't think about what I said or did.

She never thought that she would really force Jiaxue to... commit suicide.

Really suicidal.

Her Jiaxue is gone, her only daughter, the spiritual pillar of her life.

At this moment, Qian Yu realized how wrong he was.

But her Jiaxue, her child, was forced away by her.

"I was wrong, I was really wrong, come back, Jiaxue! Mom will never force you again! Mom changed... Mom changed everything... "

Qian Yu burst into tears. At this moment, she even thought that she would just follow her daughter and leave.

She went underground to repent and said sorry to her.

She shouldn't force her!

"Mom, are you really changing?" A crying female voice sounded under the quilt Qian Yu was holding.

His voice was hoarse, a little painful and a little sad.

Qian Yu was startled, then lifted the quilt and faced a crying but fresh face.

Then she looked around and found that everyone was not surprised, even Liu Jun knew about it.

Qian Yu was stunned for a moment, then raised his hand to face Liu Jiaxue.

"You dead girl..."

Liu Jiaxue closed her eyes and wanted to hit her again

When Qian Yu waved it down, he staggered his hand and smashed it onto the bed next to him, then hugged Liu Jiaxue tightly and cried...

"You scared me to death! Ugh..."

Liu Jiaxue also reached out and hugged her gently.

Without Xuejiao, she would probably have died that day, and even if she died, she would not have known that her parents loved her.

Even if their expressions are wrong, even if there are still many ways to hurt her.

But they do love her.

Liu Jiaxue went back with Qian Yu on the 30th day of the new year.

Probably Qian Yu was also frightened, and kept holding Liu Jiaxue tightly, refusing to let go.

When leaving, Liu Jiaxue and Liu Jun both thanked the Cheng family, but Qian Yu never spoke.

This group of people came up with such a crooked idea to frighten her and frighten her like this, and she really still has grievances.

Of course, Xuejiao and Cheng Shuo didn't need her thanks either.

They only hope that Liu Jiaxue lives well.

I also hope that Qian Yu will take the lead as a warning. Children are independent individuals with independent thoughts. They are the closest people to their parents, but they are not vassals of their parents.

Respecting your child is more important than giving him anything.

But too many parents don't understand this.

"Zijiao, finally breathe a sigh of relief." Cheng Shuo looked at Xuejiao with a smile.

Xuejiao nodded heavily, and then said, "My parents and brother have been working hard these days."

Thanks also to Lin Zhihua... Although this trick is ruthless, it is the most effective.

Only at the moment when people really lose, will they understand a lot of things that they usually don't understand.

Cheng Shuo rubbed her head: "What did the family say?"

After a while, Cheng Shuo smiled again and said, "You just breathed a sigh of relief, but now I have another news to tell you."

"What?" Xue Jiao was taken aback.

"It's thirty today, I'm going to have dinner with my grandparents."

Xuejiao: "…"

Can't let her breathe a sigh of relief!

At five o'clock in the afternoon, when they took the car to the old house together, Li Sitong glanced at Xuejiao, who was not in a high mood, and sighed slightly.


"Huh?" Xue Jiao wondered.

"Your second uncle's house..." Li Sitong raised his head and looked at Cheng Shuo.

Cheng Shuo nodded and sighed: "Tell Jiaozi, there's nothing that can't be said."

Xue Jiao looked puzzled, this is... what's wrong

Li Sitong turned back and looked at Xuejiao and Cheng Mingze.

"Your second aunt and Cheng Mingjiao are in a very bad situation. After Mingjiao changed schools, it was found that her mental state was not right. Your second aunt tried so hard to keep Cheng Mingjiao in that school and didn't send him to a mental hospital. But the school spread, Cheng Mingjiao is often ridiculed and scared, and her condition is getting worse and worse. Your grandparents don't like their mother and daughter anymore, and your second uncle... doesn't like to go home. The last time I saw your second aunt, she was so thin that she almost took off Shaped…”

Li Sitong sighed a little, and Xuejiao opened her eyes in surprise.

She didn't expect that there would be such a thing.

Xuejiao has been busy with her studies for the past year, so she didn't inquire about what happened to Cheng Mingjiao, nor did she care.

it turns out…

Xuejiao sighed slightly.

No matter how true it was, it was far less surprising than the moment Xue Jiao stepped on the door of Cheng Cheng's house.

Liu Yazhen pulled Cheng Mingjiao to sit on the sofa, the two of them were very quiet, the second uncle and Cheng Mingyu were talking with the two old people.

The mother and daughter sat quietly in the corner, no one spoke to them, and they did not take the initiative to speak.

It's just that Liu Yazhen held Ming Jiao tightly, their performance. It's a huge difference from previous years...

Even Xue Jiao, who made Cheng Mingjiao jealous to the point of madness, did not bring much excitement to the two of them.

Still sitting in the corner with a numb expression, Liu Yazhen held Cheng Mingjiao's hand tightly, and Cheng Mingjiao stared blankly in one direction.

Both of them were terrifyingly thin. Cheng Mingjiao and the original Jiaoqiao were not the same person. Their faces were so thin that their cheeks were sunken, extremely pale, and their clothes were neat, but their eyes were numb.

Liu Yazhen too, at least ten years older than the last time Xuejiao saw her, her eyes were sunken, the crow's feet at the corners of her eyes were clear, and her face was sallow and pale.

The most important thing is the despair that the two of them revealed just sitting there.

These two people this year... It seems that they have really suffered too much.

"Oh, the boss is back!" Bai Xiumei greeted with a smile.

Then he pulled Cheng Mingze: "Mingze, grandma's good grandson, come and see grandma!"

She still doesn't like Xuejiao, and now, she doesn't even like her own granddaughter, Cheng Mingjiao.

But for this most outstanding grandson Cheng Mingze, Bai Xiumei smiled lovingly.

Even the old man smiled lovingly.

"Mom and Dad." Cheng Shuo greeted Li Sitong.

"Grandpa and Grandma." Cheng Mingze and Xuejiao also greeted.

Although Master Cheng and Bai Xiumei didn't like Xuejiao, their gestures were okay and they didn't show it.

And it's probably the word Cheng Mingze called Li Sitong... Mom, Mr. Cheng and Bai Xiumei were severely surprised, and then they were a little more enthusiastic about Li Sitong and Xuejiao.

"Good good!"

Unlike Li Sitong and Xuejiao who were ignored in the past, Liu Yazhen and Cheng Mingjiao are now ignored.

Li Sitong said in the car that Liu Yazhen was too noisy in the first half of the year, which made the two old people disgusted.

In the first half of the year, the two still felt sorry for Cheng Mingjiao, and they helped find a lot of doctors, but Cheng Mingjiao was always making a lot of noise, and Liu Yazhen was reluctant to send her to a mental hospital for treatment.

Cheng Kai was bored, and Cheng Mingjiao made trouble again, and Liu Yazhen came to ask the second elder.

Once or twice, slowly, the two elders became extremely tired of the mother and daughter.

Now the two don't make trouble, but obviously Old Master Cheng and Bai Xiumei still don't like it.

Xuejiao didn't speak, just recited her book silently. Anyway, her mission here was to finish a meal in peace.

After the meal, the Cheng family sat together and talked with the old man and Bai Xiumei.

After all... the two of them are not young anymore.

Both Cheng Shuo and Cheng Kai looked very filial, and Cheng Mingze and Cheng Mingyu were pulled in front of them to talk.

Xue Jiao sat aside, no one paid attention to her.

The other granddaughter, Cheng Mingjiao, has long since disappeared.

She sat for a while, stood up, and went to the bathroom.

The bathroom on the first floor is a little behind, passing the small garden.

When she came out of the bathroom, Xue Jiao raised her head, her gaze stopped, and she was slightly puzzled. She saw someone sitting on the railing of the balcony on the second floor.

Xuejiao's heart skipped a beat.

After taking a closer look, I found that it was Cheng Mingjiao.

She was sitting on the railing, not knowing what she was doing.

Probably because of Liu Jiaxue, Xuejiao was a little sensitive, but she didn't go upstairs by herself.

Walking quickly to the living room, she turned to Cheng Kai and the others and said, "I seem to see Cheng Mingjiao on the railing on the second floor, will you..."

"Don't worry, she's not in the right spirit, she's crazy, and often sits on the railing." Cheng Kai replied with a sullen face.

Cheng Mingjiao has done this too many times. She used to do this from time to time at school, and then the teacher invited the parents.

Cheng Kai felt ashamed and a little worried.

He wanted to send Cheng Mingjiao for treatment, but Liu Yazhen was unwilling.

Cheng Kai has no choice, and his relationship with Liu Yazhen is getting worse and worse.

This kind of behavior towards Cheng Mingjiao has also changed from worry at the beginning to indifference now.

So much so that I feel a little impatient when I listen to it for the New Year.

"Akai, what the hell is going on with that child?" Mr. Cheng frowned, "It's not a problem to keep going like this."

Cheng Kai said: "She is my daughter, and I can't give up on her. No matter what Liu Yazhen's attitude is in the next year, I will definitely take the child for treatment!"

Seeing that he didn't care that Cheng Mingjiao was sitting on the railing, Xuejiao frowned and sat back.

For a moment, she was still a little uneasy.

This is the first time she has seen this situation, and it is because Cheng Mingjiao is not in a normal state that she has to worry even more!

What if she suddenly jumped while standing on it

She frowned, although Cheng Mingjiao was very annoying, but Xuejiao still couldn't see that she might die.

Her conscience will be overwhelmed.

Whether it was in the previous life or in this life, Cheng Mingjiao was just jealous, and the things she did were not the kind of things she did not conscience.

In fact, Cheng Mingjiao didn't end well in her last life. After Gu Shiyun entered the Cheng family, Cheng Mingjiao often made things difficult for her.

How could her IQ be better than Gu Shiyun

I wasn't crazy in my last life, but I became disliked by everyone, and in the end I didn't know if I was going to die or live.

There are so many people who are not good enough in this world, but Xuejiao always remembers those who helped her.

At that time, she told herself to be an upright person and keep her heart.

Cheng Mingjiao is wrong, she doesn't like her.

But you can't watch her die either.

So, Xuejiao stood up and walked upstairs quickly.

Cheng Mingjiao just sat on the railing of the balcony and didn't speak, just sat there blankly.

After Xuejiao approached, she said softly, "Cheng Mingjiao, what are you doing sitting there? Dangerous, come down quickly."

Cheng Mingjiao didn't speak, and looked straight at one place.

Xue Jiao was a little curious, and followed her line of sight to look at the past, there was only darkness and nothing.

"What are you looking at?" Xue Jiao wondered.

"Seventh Middle School."

Xuejiao was stunned for a moment. She thought that Cheng Mingjiao would still not answer her, but she didn't expect that she would answer...

"No. 7 Middle School is on vacation, and there is no one inside. Do you want to go back to study?" Xue Jiao was curious.

Cheng Mingjiao didn't speak again, Xuejiao dragged a chair over and put it behind the railing.

"Sit here and watch."

Cheng Mingjiao still didn't speak.

Xuejiao sighed and thought: I will help you this time, just be worthy of your conscience.

So she stretched out her hand and supported Cheng Mingjiao.

The other party is so thin now that she feels that she should be able to hold it.

The moment her hand just touched Cheng Mingjiao, she realized that the other party was wearing very thin clothes!

It's okay to not wear a down jacket in the house, but in such a cold balcony, wearing such a thin layer, you will definitely catch a cold when you go back!

"You hate me so much." Cheng Mingjiao spoke again.

Xue Jiao was a little surprised, her hand stopped, and then she shook her head: "I don't hate it."

Cheng Mingjiao finally turned her head and looked at Xuejiao with a terrifying look in her eyes, "You lied to me!"

Xuejiao smiled: "Cheng Mingjiao, you really look up to yourself, I really don't hate you, I can't remember you at all this year, and I did before. If you weren't obstructive in front of me, I wouldn't think of you at all. Busy, there are so many interesting things and people, why should I remember you? Then I hate you again? Isn't this a waste of time?"

What Xuejiao said was true. In the past year, she had almost forgotten Cheng Mingjiao.

She is so busy with her studies, she has to work hard for the college entrance examination and her dreams, she also has friends like Lin Zhihua, Yi Tianyu, Liu Jiaxue, a good father like Cheng Shuo, a good mother and a good brother to her now, who is she? I have that time to think about Cheng Mingjiao.

Our lives are so busy, your status in the hearts of others is really not as important as you think.

But Gu Shiyun... She's afraid it's hard to forget.

She will avenge Gu Xuejiao, and Gu Shiyun is someone she can't forget.

Cheng Mingjiao heard her words, and her eyes suddenly filled with anger.

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill you! I will push you down!"

Xuejiao frowned: "Huh?"

Cheng Mingjiao suddenly raised a strange smile at the corner of her mouth. The whole face looked a bit scary, but her eyes were still full of despair and pain. She looked at Xuejiao and raised her voice...

"I'm mentally ill! I won't go to jail if I kill someone!"

"But you're not crazy." Xue Jiao looked at her seriously.

Cheng Mingjiao was stunned for a moment, and the strange smile on her face froze.

Xue Jiao looked at her and said word by word, "Not only does the Cheng family have no family history of genetic diseases, but I even think that the genes of the Cheng family are quite good. Although your mother's genes are close, but there is no history of genetic diseases, you and Cheng Mingze are very good looking. Like, it can be seen that you have more inherited genes or excellent genes, although your mother's IQ makes you not too smart, but it has absolutely nothing to do with mental illness."

Xue Jiao patted her on the shoulder: "To say that you are crazy because you are jealous of me, I think it is depression at best."

Suddenly, Xue Jiao's eyes were slightly disgusting: "The same gene, my brother is so smart and powerful, you are like this, it can be seen that your mother's genes are really a bit bad."

Cheng Mingjiao was foolishly propped on the railing, Xue Jiao looked at her appearance that she might fall at any time, and simply pulled the person off with force.

She was too light, and Xuejiao was not at all sympathetic, and Cheng Mingjiao immediately half fell to the ground.

Cheng Mingjiao didn't move, just stared at a place stiffly.

"They all say I'm crazy..."

"They said you were crazy and you were crazy? I also said you were stupid." Xue Jiao rolled her eyes.

Then squat down and look at her...

"Cheng Mingjiao, you're fine, you have some psychological problems, why are you jealous of me? Because I'm better than you? But you were better than me a long time ago, and I was jealous of you, but I didn't become what you are. I Knowing that you are uncomfortable now, others despise you, look down on you, and avoid you, everything you are suffering now is what Gu Xuejiao has suffered before."

Cheng Mingjiao looked up at her blankly.

Xuejiao continued: "But I'm better now, and others only remember me now. The world is so big, how can there be so much time to stare at others, you stare at others less, stare at yourself, others will not They stare at you every day. There are people who gossip, and there are people who do good things. But they are so busy with their studies and life that they will not stare at you every day. Even if they stare at you, what can they do to you? Cold and violent, after a few years, people may not remember you."

Xuejiao stood up and was about to leave.

"Cheng Mingjiao, you have given up on yourself. Who cares about you except following your mother who is in pain."

She had only come to pull her down, so it was an accident to say so much.

Now that it was finished, it didn't look like the person was going to commit suicide, Xue Jiao turned around and left, preparing to go downstairs.

"Gu Xuejiao." Cheng Mingjiao stopped her from behind.

Xuejiao looked back, puzzled and surprised: "What's wrong?"

Cheng Mingjiao burst into tears, tears streaming down her cheeks, and then she wiped it hard and said...

"Gu Xuejiao, my mother's genes... are also pretty good."

Xuejiao: "..." Are you saying this when you co-author

Cheng Mingjiao laughed and cried again, but her expression was very ugly, with snot and tears, but she was still trying to laugh, which was very ugly.

Xuejiao: "...you better stop laughing."

Cheng Mingjiao froze slightly: "Gu Xuejiao, I still don't like you."

Xuejiao smiled and blinked: "That's a coincidence, I don't like you either."

After Xuejiao finished speaking, she strode away, leaving Cheng Mingjiao alone on the balcony.

When I walked to the bedroom, a woman was kneeling on the ground, covering her face and crying silently.

It's Liu Yazhen.

Xuejiao bypassed her and left directly.

"Gu Xuejiao... Thank you..." Liu Yazhen's voice was hoarse.

She never believed that Cheng Mingjiao was mentally ill, she was just a little depressed, so she absolutely did not agree to let Cheng Mingjiao receive mental treatment or go to a mental hospital.

But no matter what she did, no matter how she stressed to Cheng Mingjiao that she was not mentally ill, there was no result.

No one believed her, and neither did Cheng Mingjiao.

Finally, the one who could wake up Cheng Mingjiao was the one she was most jealous of, hated the most, and also her "source of disease"... Gu Xuejiao.

Xuejiao's footsteps were just a meal, and then she walked away.

When they went downstairs, Cheng Shuo, Cheng Mingze, and the old man of the Cheng family all looked up at her before continuing to chat.

Xuejiao glanced at Cheng Kai, who was talking to the old man by herself, and said silently in her heart...

I finally know why Cheng Mingjiao and Cheng Mingze are so different.

Since the co-authorship of Cheng Shuo and Cheng Kai, the IQ has been divided.

Xuejiao: …

Her mother's eyes are really good. Fortunately, she has a smart father and brother.

At about eight o'clock in the evening, everyone was ready to leave.

Bai Xiumei kept her back again and again, but she still had to go back to their respective homes.

At this time, Liu Yazhen also pulled Cheng Mingjiao down. They had been upstairs at night, the Cheng family were used to it, and Xue Jiao knew that they should be talking.

At this moment, the eyes of the two were red and swollen, and they both looked like they had cried, but no one cared.

"Say goodbye to grandparents."

Cheng Mingze: "Goodbye grandpa and grandma!"

Xuejiao: "Goodbye grandpa and grandma."

Cheng Mingyu: "Goodbye grandpa and grandma!"

For a moment, a very light, but normal-sounding voice followed...

"Grandpa and Grandma... bye..."

Suddenly, everyone was stunned.

It's Cheng Mingjiao.

Bai Xiumei had hurt her for so many years, she threw away her crutches and took a few steps forward to hug Cheng Mingjiao...

"Grandma's Jiaojiao, you are finally healed!"

Cheng Shuo and Cheng Mingze looked at each other, didn't interrupt, but left with Xuejiao and Li Sitong.

At this time, the whole family should be allowed to speak, Li Sitong and Xuejiao were too lazy to join in the fun.

After getting in the car, Cheng Shuo drove.

He glanced at Xuejiao in the rearview mirror, and then asked her, "Zijiao, is Mingjiao getting better because of you? Did you go upstairs to find Mingjiao?"

Xuejiao shook her head: "I don't know how she got better, I just went up and said a few words to her."

"Then what did you say?" Li Sitong asked.

Xuejiao nodded and repeated the process.

Cheng Shuo's mouth curled into a smile, and his eyes were slightly red.

"Daddy's jasmine, good, good, good!"

Not everyone can keep their original heart and keep their innocence.

Cheng Shuo is really really glad that God gave him such a good daughter, and he will always protect his lovely daughter in this life.

Xuejiao was a little embarrassed.

Cheng Mingze sat next to Xuejiao, stretched out his hand, and pushed her down.

Then go to rub her hair, with joy and joy, the feeling that you can't wait to rub it all the time, and don't let go.

"Brother! Brother! Show mercy! Save some face for my hair!"

"Hahaha… "

After returning to Cheng's house, Cheng Shuo opened a bottle of champagne and Li Sitong turned on the TV.

"Come on, watch TV, let's go to the river to set off fireworks at 12 o'clock later." Cheng Shuo said with a smile, he was obviously in a very good mood at the moment.

"Dad! Did you buy fireworks?" Xue Jiao was stunned.

A smile appeared at the corner of Cheng Mingze's mouth: "I bought it, in the utility room."

Xuejiao immediately ran over to see it, and was stunned...

"Brother! How did you buy so much? Where did you get the money!"

After Cheng Mingze went to college, apart from the hundreds of thousands of start-up funds given by Cheng Shuo, he did not give any living expenses.

And his start-up capital seems to be in which project. Last time I heard Cheng Shuo say with a smile that Cheng Mingze has become a pauper.

The fireworks in this half of the house cost a lot of money!

Xuejiao joked: "Brother, are you going to sell your kidneys?"

Cheng Mingze glared at her: "Bonus for helping tutors do projects."

"You still have bonuses! Brother! Send red envelopes, send red envelopes!"

"You are so beautiful." Cheng Mingze glanced at her with a smile.

Xuejiao frowned and shook her head vigorously: "Huh..."

With that "pulling" expression on your face.

The Spring Festival Gala is like a symbol of the Chinese New Year. Li Sitong cooked a small hot pot on an electric stove next to him.

It is still a long time to keep the new year, and you can eat hot pot when you are hungry.

In the southwest, when the New Year's Eve arrives, people often eat hot pot while guarding the stove, accompanied by the Spring Festival Gala.

With the dazzling variety of entertainment programs coming out, the Spring Festival Gala has long lost its appeal. But even though the Spring Festival Gala is criticized every year as unsightly, I still watch the Spring Festival Gala year after year, especially when I am with my parents.

What we are guarding is not the Spring Festival Gala, but the reunion and the warmth of the whole family watching the show together.

Tonight's sketch is to sing praises of this and that, tonight's cross talk is to educate this and educate that, and tonight's singing program is still a popular star singing festive songs.

But Xuejiao and Li Sitong both took it seriously and chatted a few times from time to time.

When 12 o'clock arrived, they all stood up.

"Let's go, let's set off fireworks."

"Brother, I blame you for buying so much, we can't take it away!"

"Then you put it back, and we'll put it back next year."

"… "

"Mingze, stop teasing your sister, hold more, why are you holding your sister in your hand like that!"

"Did you hear me! Dad said you abused me!"

All the fireworks were lined up in a row. When it arrived at 12:00, Cheng Mingze lit two, and Cheng Shuo lit the other two.

Xuejiao was also bold, standing in the middle of them and ordered one, then ran away with a smile.

As soon as she ran away, the phone rang and she picked it up.

"Hey..." The voice was loud, the fireworks sounded, and her voice involuntarily amplified.

Lin Zhihua on the other end laughed lightly, and he naturally heard her movements.

Lin's parents haven't let them return to China, so this year is naturally spent alone.

After eating a bowl of dumplings, he went back to work. At twelve o'clock, his thoughts were so intense, he made this call.

Listening to the liveliness on the other end, listening to her laughter, it seems that he is also lively.


Xue Jiao heard the familiar voice and remembered the scene last year when she was alone and Lin Zhihua came over with fireworks to set off.

"Lin Zhihua! Happy New Year!"

The smile on the corner of Lin Zhihua's mouth revealed: "Happy New Year."

"I'm setting off fireworks!" The fireworks exploded loudly, and Xuejiao also roared loudly.

Lin Zhihua chuckled and shook his head: "I heard."

Xue Jiao's mind moved, thinking of Lin Zhihua's family.

"are you alone?"


Immediately, the phone was disconnected.

Lin Zhihua's heart tightened, and he was stunned.

Soon, the phone rang again, it was a video call.

The curvature of the corner of Lin Zhihua's mouth became larger, and he picked it up...


A cute and good-looking face appeared on the screen, and she shouted with her mouth open...

"Hey! Can you hear me!"

Lin Zhihua smiled so much that his eyebrows and eyes curled up, and nodded.

In fact, she whispered that he could hear it too, but her voice was so loud that she couldn't hear her own voice, so she thought he couldn't hear it either.

But... so cute.

"I'll show you fireworks! You celebrate the New Year with us! Happy New Year!" Xuejiao quickly switched the camera and aimed at the sky.

Lin Zhihua looked at the fireworks over there and leaned his head on the floor-to-ceiling window.

Although he and she are in two cities now, they are watching the same fireworks and talking.

It seemed that we had really spent a lively year together, and the smile on the corner of Lin Zhihua's mouth couldn't go down.

So good, so good.

He hung up the phone after the fireworks and Xuejiao were finished, yawned, and after listening to the unforgettable evening, they went back to their rooms to wash up and sleep.

The next morning, Xuejiao took out a red envelope from under her pillow.

It's a bit thick, and it says: Dad wishes Jiaojia a happy life.

She smiled, rubbed her eyes, stretched out her hand again, and took out one again.

It's a little thinner than the previous one, and it reads: To my mother's baby, I wish the baby will always be healthy and happy.

Xuejiao smiled even brighter, stretched out her hand again, and sure enough she found another one.

"This brother, it's alright!"

But this thickness...

And it said: At the strong request of my sister, my brother reluctantly gave one.


She opened it quickly, and there was only a pig and a dime inside.


humiliation! humiliation!

Xue Jiao got angry, stood up, and rushed to the opposite room in her pajamas.

The room opposite was closed, and a red envelope was posted on the door, and Xue Jiao was taken aback.

I saw that it was written: Jiaojiao, please don't knock on the door, for the new year, let me sleep for a while.

The snow jasmine was taken off, and the back was written: I am afraid that my sister will knock on the door, so I will send a big red envelope! Happy New Year to my sister! Always be a happy little baby!

This thickness is quite impressive, Xuejiao smiled.

She didn't point out how much the red envelope really was. Cheng Shuo gave her a lot of pocket money. There was also a school bonus for the first place in each semester. Last time, there was a big bonus for being the first model, and even in the previous math competition. .

Therefore, she actually already has a lot of money in the small treasury.

But the nature of New Year's money is completely different, so Xuejiao is very happy.

She glanced at the closed door and waved her fist: "For the sake of giving such a thick red envelope, I'll let you go today! Humph!"

Immediately, she went back to the room and continued to study after washing up.

In the third year of high school, I really can't relax for a day.

In the morning, after Cheng Mingze got up, he knocked on the door of Xuejiao with a smile.

"What's wrong?" Xue Jiao was a little surprised.

Cheng Mingze smiled, showing two rows of teeth: "Thank you sister for your unkind kindness in the morning. Although the red envelope is small, it is also my brother's heart."

After speaking, he quickly left.

Xuejiao was stunned, is it less? So thick.

She always felt that Cheng Mingze's "bad mind" would definitely not be so simple!

So, Xuejiao hurried back to the table, took out the red envelope, and opened it...

"Cheng Mingze! You are too bad!"

Cheng Shuo, who was reading the newspaper downstairs, was taken aback and looked at Cheng Mingze: "Why did you bully your sister?"

Cheng Mingze shrugged and said with a smile, "Give her a red envelope with a dime."

Cheng Shuo: "..."

"...It's really hard for you to go to the bank to change a dime."

Cheng Mingze smiled: "It should be."

Cheng Shuo: "..."

On the fifth day of the first lunar month, Xuejiao went to school with a schoolbag while Li Sitong complained.

After the third year of high school, it is not bad to be able to give some annual leave, but it is impossible to expect a longer vacation.

Almost every classmate we meet is a happy new year.

Xuejiao scratched his head, the second-mode problem was difficult, but Xuejiao and Chu Sheng both went to 700, and they were tied again.

When my report card is in the hands of parents, I also follow a grade report card.

There are more than six hundred and eighty grades in the third grade, and two first terrible scores can be seen.

Xuejiao estimates that because of this score, many students will have less New Year's money this year...

She's really... not embarrassed at all haha.

When Xuejiao arrived in the classroom, a lot of people had come again, especially those who lived on campus, who came yesterday afternoon.

Liu Jiaxue was also there.

Xuejiao's eyes lit up and quickly stepped up.

"Jia Xue!"

Liu Jiaxue turned back sharply, stood up, and hugged Xuejiao with a smile.

"Zijiao, I miss you."

"I miss you too." Xue Jiao replied with a smile.

Then go inside and take your seat.

She was talking to Liu Jiaxue while taking the book outside.

"Jiaxue, how is this new year?"

Liu Jiaxue smiled, then nodded, a little embarrassed.

"pretty good… "

After a while, she sighed and said: "My mother has changed a lot, trying to control her temper as much as possible. When I woke up on New Year's Day, I cooked a meal for them, and my mother cried... It was only then that I knew that I had a crush on her. Warm, her temper is gone all of a sudden."

Xuejiao nodded and agreed: "it's true, your mother is grumpy, you and your dad don't like to talk, she will only get more and more grumpy. If you care about her, it may really make her temper better."

"Well, so does my dad. My dad actually cares about my mom, but he doesn't even say it. In the 30th year, I asked my dad to tell my mom that I love her. My mom blushed all night, hahaha..." Liu Jiaxue laughed.

Xuejiao looked at her and laughed.

There will still be friction in life, and it is difficult to change a person's fixed personality, and even the old ways often germinate.

But as long as there is hope and not despair, there is still the courage to go on.

Jiaxue's life now has hope, and Xuejiao no longer worries about whether she will still think about it and make mistakes.

"Hahaha, that's great." Xuejiao smiled.

"Right!" Liu Jiaxue's eyes suddenly lit up, and she took out a box from her bag.

"This is..." Xue Jiao was taken aback.

"open to take a look."

Xuejiao glanced at Liu Jiaxue and slowly stretched out her hand to open it.

Inside are cute snowflake makeup cookies, a full box of several colors.

"This is… "

Liu Jiaxue looked at her with bright eyes: "This is the little biscuits I made by myself. Both of us have snow in our names, indicating that we have a fate with snowflakes! The green one is matcha-flavored, the yellow one is original, and the white one It's milk-flavored, dark is chocolate, and purple is purple sweet potato..."

Xuejiao picked up a piece of the original flavor, tasted it, and then nodded in Liu Jiaxue's nervous expression...


Liu Jiaxue smiled brightly.

At this time, a hand reached out from behind and picked up a piece.


Yi Tianyu was still carrying a schoolbag, apparently just arrived.

Xuejiao: "…"

Liu Jiaxue glared at him fiercely, and then approached Xuejiao: "Hurry up, if you are hungry during class, you can eat a little. If you like it, I will make it for you later."

Xuejiao nodded, showing a happy smile.

"Thank you, Jiaxue."

"We don't have to be so polite. Without you, there would be no me." Liu Jiaxue said earnestly, then gently hugged Xuejiao.

Yi Tianyu in the back widened his eyes with a look of disbelief.

Although you are two women, can you not be like this... can you hug every now and then

The second model came, that is, the second half of the third year of high school began, and the atmosphere of the entire third year group became even more tense.

In front of the classroom hangs how many days until the college entrance examination, and in the back of the classroom hangs... Jingxin, Toad Palace Zhegui; Zhixin, the title of the gold list.

The teachers quickened their pace and were busy sorting out one knowledge point after another.

Few of the students had smiling faces, and they were extremely depressed.

"Gu Xuejiao, come out." Yin Fang shouted at the door.

Xue Jiao was stunned for a moment, not understanding what was going on, she walked out in confusion, and followed her into the office.

At this time, Chu Sheng was in front of Teacher Li Ping at the next desk, and the two had obviously been talking for a long time.

"Mr. Yin, what's wrong?" Xue Jiao wondered.

Chu Sheng next to him looked over and smiled at Xue Jiao.

Xuejiao smiled back at him.

"That's it, the recommended list can be filled out, you are qualified. But since you are the first prize in the math competition, it will be easier to take the math competition. Think about which school you apply for. The teacher's suggestion It is best to choose one from Tsinghua University or Peking University, after all, it is the trump card in the country, of course, when you go home, you should ask your family for their opinions, so don't rush to make a decision." After Yinfang finished speaking, Xuejiao was stunned for a moment.


Yin Fang thought for a while and took out a list.

"We heard rumors this year that it seems that several good universities have reduced their quotas, and Beijing City has recommended a lot, so this time, you should pay attention to the selection of schools. After you have signed up, we will look at the quota issue. ."

"Okay." Xue Jiao took the piece of paper.

Yin Fang glanced at Li Ping and Chu Sheng opposite, but didn't say anything else.

She nodded to you and only motioned Xuejiao to go back first: "Go back to the classroom to study first."

It happened that Chu Sheng, who was next to him, had finished talking with Li Ping, and the two went back to the classroom together.

"Which major do you want to apply for?" Xue Jiao asked Chu Sheng.

She remembered that he wanted to major in physics, but he didn't win important awards related to physics, so she didn't know the probability of being recommended.

"I'm not going to walk." After Chu Sheng finished speaking, Xue Jiao was obviously stunned.

"What did you say?"

"I'm not going to walk." Chu Sheng said firmly, and then looked at Xue Jiao, "I don't have to be a physics major, but our grades can definitely go to the university we want to go to, and I don't think I will fail the college entrance examination. Plus After the recommendation is confirmed, the state of study may not consciously relax. And I still want to compete with you for the first place in the college entrance examination, forget it. "

Xuejiao smiled and gave a thumbs up.

"I actually think the same way. If you can't go to the major you want, you can take the test yourself."

The two looked at each other and smiled, then went to the classroom and began to review nervously.

In the evening, Xuejiao came home.

"Zijiao, you're back." Li Sitong brought milk, fruit, and bread to the table.

It's past ten o'clock in the evening, and these are all supper prepared for her.

Cheng Shuo also came out of the bedroom: "Zijiao, eat quickly and go to bed, don't read books when you go back to your room. High school is important, and health is more important."

Xuejiao nodded and smiled.

She sat at the table eating something, took a bite of bread, and suddenly remembered something.

Xuejiao took out a piece of paper from her schoolbag and looked at the two of them.

Her plain face looked cute and cute under the light, and her face was serious and serious...

"You said it's better for me to apply to Tsinghua University or Peking University?"