Why Fall in Love if You Can Attend Tsinghua University

Chapter 80: father in law


Xue Jiao sat down beside them, Xu Jing didn't agree, but Zheng Jiakun had already agreed, so she didn't say anything.

But in her heart, she felt that Xuejiao couldn't help.

If these calculations are really simple calculations that anyone can do, what are they sitting here doing

Is it possible to program directly with a computer

The calculation of this calculus is to assist the drawing.

Xuejiao, who has never studied high mathematics or analytic geometry, how could he know how to calculate

Xu Jing shook her head and stopped paying attention to her.

She and Zheng Jiakun had to calculate all the data, and they had to send the data to the graduate student office today.

The amount of tasks is arduous, and these tedious and not simple calculations are quite time-consuming and energy-consuming.

Zheng Jiakun is very fast, Xu Jing knows that tonight's main force must be him, and she is just a helper.

"Senior sister, I think the division of labor and cooperation between other brothers and sisters today is still prone to problems. Moreover, our progress is different, so let's count them all once, so that we can check the data. Check every five, so basically no Error." Zheng Jiakun pushed his glasses and said seriously.

Xu Jing's face was a little red, and he hesitated: "I must be slower than you..."

Check every five... She must not be able to keep up with the speed of this madman!

She knew very well how terrible Zheng Jiakun was.

"It's okay, you can use your data to check mine after you've done the math." Zheng Jiakun paused, "Gu Xuejiao too."

"Will it take a long time?" Xu Jing asked again.

Zheng Jiakun was helpless: "There is no other way, this is the only way. The result must be obtained today, and it will be used tomorrow."

After he finished speaking, he was the first to lower his head and count.

Seeing that Zheng Jiakun had already started, she hurriedly lowered her head and began to count.

If it was someone else, the progress would still be able to cooperate, but Zheng Jiakun's speed was not on the same level as them, so Xu Jing couldn't cooperate with him, so he had to do this...

Xuejiao didn't rush to write, she read it first.

In fact, Xuejiao knew how to calculate this. She had seen it before when the brothers and sisters were calculating.

But Xuejiao was not in a hurry to start counting. She opened the analytic geometry, turned to a few pages, and read it again carefully.

Xu Jing just looked up and saw Xue Jiao reading a book, her brows furrowed even tighter.

Even reading a book!

Is this person treating college math as elementary school math!

Xu Jing shook her head, lowered her head and continued counting.

The amount of calculation is too large, she dare not waste a minute and a second, and Zheng Jiakun has to wait for her for a long time.

Xuejiao didn't know what Xu Jing thought after looking at her, but even if she knew, Xuejiao wouldn't care.

She had been exposed to things related to geometry in the second year of high school for math competitions, and she could draw parallels. Even if they were used in different places, the essential things were the same. Moreover, in the video with Lin Zhihua in the past two days, she will also consciously discuss with Lin Zhihua the relevant things they calculated.

Xuejiao didn't rush to start the calculation, one was to be more certain, and the second was to clarify what she didn't quite understand.

Ten minutes later, Xuejiao closed the book and started writing.

Next to him, Zheng Jiakun had already counted the three time periods, Xu Jing had just finished the first one, and she was very anxious.

But her eyes were still uncontrollably on Xue Jiao, she... started to calculate

Xuejiao's speed is very fast. Like Zheng Jiakun's, her pen hardly stagnates. Some geometric shapes are drawn on the white paper next to her.

Mouth move.

Xu Jing's pupils shrank slightly, she was calculating!

She must be reckless! Can't figure it out!

Xu Jing told herself that, seeing that Zheng Jiakun was already counting the fourth period, he hurriedly bowed his head and began to count himself.

Half an hour later, Xu Jing finished the fourth session and raised her head.

On the opposite side, on the form next to Zheng Jiakun, ten have already been filled out! Next to him, there are ten calculated data sheets.

Xu Jing glanced at her admiringly, then looked at Xue Jiao next to her...


how is this possible

Xu Jing looked in disbelief, and subconsciously looked over with her head raised, is she calculating

Xu Jing's mouth was slightly long, and then she simply stood up, watching Xue Jiao point one data after another with her left hand, draw a picture with her right hand, open and close her mouth silently, and then wrote down the data for the eighth period.

"Gu Xuejiao! You are so fast?" Xu Jing couldn't believe it, and she didn't want to believe it.

Xue Jiao was serious and looked up blankly: "Huh?"

"How could you be so fast!" Xu Jing reached out, "Show me your data sheet."

Xuejiao gave her the form she had filled out, and Xu Jing looked at the first four in shock...


"Show me." Zheng Jiakun took the form from the stiff Xu Jing.

He looked at it, his brows loosened, "All right."

Zheng Jiakun paused, dragged his chair and sat next to Xuejiao, and said, "Gu Xuejiao, let's cooperate."

"Huh?" Xue Jiao froze for a moment.

"I'll count the eleventh period, you'll be a little later and I'll count the twelfth period, and then give me the data of the twelfth period and I'll count the thirteenth, and the connection will be faster."

Xuejiao understood that they had a total of four data in each period, and each data was used in the next period. Zheng Jiakun calculated the first data, Xuejiao used the first data to calculate the first data of the next period, and then when he calculated the second data, Xuejiao was about to use the second one.

When he starts the thirteenth time period, the data of Xue's twelfth time period has also come out, and she can continue to the fourteenth time period.

This is the most reasonable arrangement of the time, but…

The speed of the two must be able to keep up with each other!

"Okay, let's start." Xuejiao nodded.

Xu Jing's mouth grew bigger and she was shocked.

"Then I..."

"You can't keep up with the speed, Gu Xuejiao and I will do it." Zheng Jiakun was too straightforward.

Xu Jing: "…"

Her face flushed.

Zheng Jiakun had already lowered her head to start, and Xue Jiao had also lowered her head to keep up, not distracted. If she wanted to go back earlier, it would be better to finish the calculations earlier.

Xu Jing didn't believe that Xue Jiao could really do it. After all, she hadn't touched the math class in the university yet!

But what Zheng Jiakun said can't be false, besides... She has indeed counted seven time periods.

And... it's really all right...

Now the two want to cooperate, also because Gu Xuejiao's speed can keep up with Zheng Jiakun.

Xu Jing looked at the two of them stiffly. The speed of the two of them was extremely fast, and there was no stagnation.

Zheng Jiakun finished calculating a data and reported it: "3.6."

"Yeah." Xuejiao nodded and began to draw.

Xu Jing stared blankly. She originally thought that Zheng Jiakun she had met in her life was the only "freak", but now, such a "freak"...

Another one appeared!

She sat blankly, looking at the two of them.

A left hand points to the data, the right hand draws a picture, and does mental arithmetic.

The left hand points to the data, the right hand draws the graph, and the mouth does the math.

The speed of the two was extremely fast, Xuejiao... actually kept up with Zheng Jiakun's computing speed...

Xu Jing glanced at the messy notebook on her right and the few data sheets beside her, and gradually fell into silence.

At nine o'clock in the evening, Zheng Jiakun stopped writing, "Are you ready?"

Xuejiao did not look back, but the speed of his men remained the same.

After a moment, she stopped writing: "Okay."

Zheng Jiakun took the form with two handwritings and put it between the two of them and looked at it carefully.

Soon, his brows loosened, and his face relaxed: "Okay."

Xue Jiao moved her stiff back and laughed: "That's good!"

"You are very strong, Gu Xuejiao." Zheng Jiakun said.

Xuejiao shook her head and said seriously, "I'm only good at calculations, and my brother is very strong in every aspect."

Zheng Jiakun didn't speak anymore, noticed Xu Jing next to him, his voice was slightly surprised...

"Sister, why haven't you left yet?"

Xu Jing: "…"

She didn't know why she stayed to watch their cooperative calculation...

Xu Jing was a little speechless, she was only shocked now.

Her voice was a little dry and weak: "You are all amazing..."

After watching the whole process of the calculation between the two, she was stunned.

"I'm going to the office, goodbye." Zheng Jiakun finished speaking to the two and walked away.

"Sister, I'm going home too."

Xuejiao picked up the book and quickly went to carry her bag. It was already nine o'clock. I was afraid that Cheng Shuo and Li Sitong should be worried.

And... it's time to make a video with Lin Zhihua, so I have to send him a message to report it, so that he won't wait.

Even if he said he was really not busy, Xue Jiao didn't want to take up time in vain.

Hmm... The tutoring is only for the past two days, so let's stop it, and she can watch the rest by herself.

Xue Jiao was a little anxious and left the office in a hurry.

Xu Jing: "…"

What did she say today

Can't Gu Xuejiao

She now finds out...

She can't do it herself.

The one who won the first prize in the math competition and was specially recruited into the office by Mr. Tan...

Sure enough, it can't be a normal person!

In the evening, after Xuejiao came home, after eating, she went back to her room.

"Lin Zhihua: Are you still discussing today?"

Xuejiao did have a few more questions, so her eyes lit up and she replied immediately...

"You have time?"

Soon, a video call came in, and Xuejiao picked it up quickly.

Lin Zhihua's smiling face showed, and it could be seen that he was in a good mood: "I haven't been busy recently, so I don't have to work overtime at night, and I won't be busy until the end of the year."

"It's good to be a boss..." Xue Jiao sighed.

Lin Zhihua asked with a half-smile, "Then are you willing to be the boss?"

Xuejiao shook her head vigorously: "That's fine, I just hope to study mathematics well. By the way, Lin Zhihua, I helped calculate some data in the office today. When I was drawing a picture, I suddenly felt very familiar, a bit like... like... "

She was a little confused and couldn't remember what it was like for a while.

Inspiration is short-lived, temporarily unexpected.

"Forget it if you can't remember it, I will remember it elsewhere in the future." Lin Zhihua said.

Xuejiao nodded, put the bag away, and took out the paper and pen.

"By the way, today's calculation is actually very similar to the one you gave me when you were in the second year of high school, but now the difficulty has increased ten times, but when calculating with calculus, it is not difficult. Sure enough, learning The more things you have, the easier it will be to look at the two-page problem.”

Lin Zhihua chuckled lightly: "Of course, that's why it is said that there is no limit to learning. What you were able to solve at the beginning, you can't understand when you come into contact with better methods."

"That's true." Xuejiao nodded in agreement, "By the way, I also encountered a problem today..."

The two began to discuss.

Downstairs, Cheng Shuo looked at Li Sitong seriously and opened his mouth slowly...

"I suspect that Jiaozi is in love."

Li Sitong almost spit out a saliva, looked shocked, and asked, "What? With whom?"

Cheng Shuo's face continued to be serious: "Lin Zhihua."

"Impossible!" Li Sitong subconsciously retorted, not believing it.

"Why is it impossible?" Cheng Shuo frowned and looked at Li Sitong.

Li Sitong opened his mouth and said, "Lin Zhihua is afraid of women..."

"Look at him, it looks like there's a problem? Like being afraid of jasmine? On the plane that day, the two were so close!" Cheng Shuo hated that iron would become steel.

As far as the emotional intelligence of Li Sitong and Xuejiao was concerned, the wolves came into the house and took the child away, and the two of them even thought it was a sheep!

When thinking of this, Cheng Shuo's pupils suddenly shrank...

"They've known each other before!"


"At Xuejiao's sophomore year meeting, I said that Lin Zhihua couldn't touch women, so why did he shake hands with Jiaojiao, so he was staring at him at the time!" Cheng Shuo beat his chest with anger, and blamed himself for being clumsy, but he didn't even notice it!

The wolf has been by his side for two years, and he just found out!

"Lin Zhihua must have taken a fancy to Jiaozi!"

"Ah? How are you sure?" Li Sitong was still a little unconvinced.

It's really Lin Zhihua and Xuejiao...

Two people who can't get in touch at all!

"Jiaojiao is making video calls with people every night. When I came back so late today, I hurried up before I had eaten a few bites. It must be a video with Lin Zhihua!" Cheng Shuo was extremely serious.


"Si Tong, I don't know what they are talking about. While they are still on the video, I am going to stop them!"

Li Sitong blinked: "Catch the traitor and catch the pair?"

Cheng Shuo: "..."

Li Sitong probably knew that his words were useless, and scratched his head: "I don't think it's impossible for Jiaojiao and Lin Zhihua. It's because Jiaojia saved her, they just have a connection..."

"I believe in a man's feeling." Cheng Shuo was firm.

"Then let's go up and take a look?" Li Sitong tentatively asked.

"Go!" Cheng Shuo took Li Sitong upstairs with anger to "catch the traitor".

The door of Xuejiao's room was closed.

Li Sitong opened his mouth and said nothing: "The door is closed..."

Cheng Shuo stretched out his hand and tried it, but it didn't lock.

"You go." Cheng Shuo was silent.

"Huh?" Li Sitong was stunned for a moment, then reacted immediately.

Cheng Shuo was a man after all, she opened it first to make sure Xuejiao was not changing clothes, and then went in together.

She figured it out, and with force on her hand, the door opened.

Lin Zhihua's voice is clear inside...

"Jiaojiao, your interpretation of Euler's equation is no problem. Although it is not the same as the idea in the book, it is more concise."

Xuejiao held the pen with a serious face.

Li Sitong: "..."

Cheng Shuo: "..."

Xue Jiao felt the sight behind her, turned back, and was slightly stunned.

"Dad, Mom?"

Cheng Shuo's face was also exposed, and he and Li Sitong smiled awkwardly.

"What's the matter with you?" Xuejiao continued to ask curiously.

Cheng Shuo opened his mouth, and finally just smiled and said, "Don't... study too late... go to bed earlier... "


"Then we won't disturb you, goodbye." Cheng Shuo closed the door and dragged Li Sitong away.

Inside the door, Xue Jiao looked back suspiciously, "What are my parents doing? This is..."

She was curious and bewildered.

In the video, Lin Zhihua has an expression that can't be seen without saying anything.

what to do

Certainly not a good thing!

outside the door.

Li Sitong pursed his mouth: "Look, Jiaozi and Lin Zhihua are innocent, why do you doubt the east and the west?"

"What do you mean I doubt the east and I doubt the west?" Cheng Shuo's eyes widened.

Immediately, he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

"Hey, the emotional intelligence of Jiaozi is really inherited from you. Innocence? A man like Lin Zhihua, who is worth every second, wastes time every night to make up lessons for Jiaozi, that is, you and Jiaozi, who are emotionally intelligent, will believe it! "

"Ah?" Li Sitong looked bewildered, "But didn't Jiaojia rescue Lin Zhihua, and they are still good friends? What's wrong with helping each other?"

Cheng Shuo covered his face, "If it wasn't for the purpose of Jiaozi and someone else would save him, someone like Lin Zhihua would have already paid off his love! Friends? I don't believe it."

"Then what should we do?" After a long time together, Li Sitong subconsciously believed in Cheng Shuo.

Cheng Shuoyi gritted his teeth: "I want to ask Lin Zhihua to talk! Seeing the water jasmine doesn't mean that, we must stop Lin Zhihua's plan!"

Li Sitong looked blank: "...Oh."

After a while, she said again: "But Jiaojiao has graduated from high school, and it's time to go to college. Before, I couldn't fall in love early, but it doesn't matter if I want to fall in love now."

Cheng Shuo: "..."

He gritted his teeth: "It can't be Lin Zhihua anyway!"

Lin Zhihua's power and scheming are too deep, if Xuejiao is with him.

Cheng Shuo felt that it might be difficult for him to support her when she was unhappy or hurt.

So Cheng Shuo made an appointment to meet Lin Zhihua.

time, in the afternoon of the second day.

Lin Zhihua responded.

At noon that day, Lin Zhihua put on a new suit and arranged his hair.

"Boss..." Tan Qi couldn't help but say, he was not as stable as Chen Yan, and he couldn't control his emotions very well.


"Which boss are you going to see?" After dressing up for so long, who is the other person

Lin Zhihua looked at the glasses, dressed well, calm and not old-fashioned, and couldn't pick out a single fault.

He raised his eyebrows and smiled, "Future father-in-law."

Tan Qi: "..."


He suspected that he had heard it wrong.

Lin Zhihua didn't say a word, even if Tan Qi was shocked, he didn't dare to ask any more.

At this time, Chen Yan came back.

"Boss, everything is ready."

Tan Qi looked at the man behind Chen Yan in surprise, that was a well-known gold lawyer, lawyer Zhou.

see father-in-law...

What are you doing with a lawyer

Lin Zhihua glanced at the time and said with a chuckle, "Let's go, I can't let my father-in-law wait for me."

After speaking, he walked away.

Lawyer Zhou immediately followed with his briefcase in his hand.

Tan Qi held Chen Yan: "Secretary Chen, Secretary Chen! The boss is really going to see his father-in-law? Why are you bringing a lawyer? Hurry up and tell me the truth?"

Chen Yan frowned expressionlessly, gently opened his hand, and only said, "Tan Qi, you'd better be as quiet as a chicken today. If you destroy the boss's big business, you..."

He said, scratching his neck with his hand.

This was Chen Yan's rare mischief, but Tan Qi shuddered.

Chen Yan walked away, and Tan Qi quickly followed.

Sometimes, it's not too late to appear aura.

For example, today, Cheng Shuo was going to arrive early so that when Lin Zhihua came, he could sneer.

So, he took Li Sitong and arrived half an hour earlier.

However, when they got to the door, there was already a person standing at the door of the private room, Lin Zhihua's assistant, Tan Qi.

Open the door again, and there are three more inside.

"Uncle Cheng, you're here." Lin Zhihua stood up with a smile and pulled out the chair.

Cheng Shuo held back the breath he wanted to strike, and couldn't get out.

"Oh, you're welcome." Li Sitong had already narrowed his eyes with a smile.

Cheng Shuo tugged at her, and she quickly put away her smile.

At the moment when they were sitting, Chen Yan respectfully brought up the tea, and Lin Zhihua poured water for Cheng Shuo and Li Sitong by himself.

Cheng Shuo felt even more panicked...

"What are you doing with so many people? Fighting?" He couldn't help but nitpick.

Lin Zhihua wasn't angry either, he said with a smile, "They're just waiting to be a witness."

"Witness what?"

"What I said today." Lin Zhihua still smiled slightly.

Cheng Shuo stared at him for a moment, then snorted coldly: "Forget it, I'll just say it directly, you stay away from Jiaozi, you are not suitable."

"Why is it inappropriate?" Lin Zhihua asked back.

"You are too old!"

"Uncle Cheng, I am twenty-seven this year." Twenty-seven is really not big...

"But you are nine years old!" Cheng Shuo stared.

Lin Zhihua looked at the tea in front of him, his eyes gradually deepened...

"Isn't it good that I am older than her? I have experienced the hardships that she will go through in her life, and I have gone through the things that I don't know ahead of time. In the days to come, I will protect her through the rough life and sweep away the thorns for her. Gently remind her when she goes the wrong way, and protect her when she hits the south wall to prevent her from getting hurt."

He raised his head and looked serious: "I'm only nine years older than her."

"Zijiao should find someone of the same age and like-minded people, not someone who is unattainable." Cheng Shuo's voice became sharp.

Lin Zhihua is still the serious one: "But I'm not unattainable, no matter how high I stand, I'm willing to go down for her."

He paused and mentioned the person he never wanted to mention: "It's not necessarily a good thing to be similar in age. Yi Tianyu and Jiaojia have been at the same table for two years. Even if Jiaojia has a good impression, she still rejected him. People bring the burden of immaturity to Jiaojiao. Although Jiaojiao is petite, she is a soaring eagle in her heart. She is mature and rational, and I am willing to accompany her to fly. Others can’t.”

Lin Zhihua always knew where Yi Tianyu lost, and he was very fortunate that he was the most mature self when he met Jiaojiao.

Cheng Shuo was stunned, he didn't know that Xuejiao had rejected Yi Tianyu...

For a moment, he opened his mouth: "But you... you... "

A face flushed, speechless.


Cheng Shuo held his breath and said, "Your body!"

Lin Zhihua's mouth moved slightly: "My body is fine, Chen Yan."

He called Chen Yan's name, and the other party respectfully took out a few pieces of paper.

Lin Zhihua took it, put it on the table, and pushed it over.

"This is my physical examination report, all of them, very healthy."

"That rumor..." Li Sitong interjected.

The corner of Lin Zhihua's mouth moved slightly, thinking of Xuejiao, the smile on his face became different...

"That's because I haven't met anyone I want to contact. As for the rumors... why bother?"

Li Sitong suddenly realized.

Over the years, Lin Zhihua himself never explained, just avoided women, so that the rumors became more and more terrible.

Cheng Shuo looked at Lin Zhihua. As a man, he knew the seriousness of the man on the other side, but as a father, he still wanted to pick on things.

After holding back for a long time, Cheng Shuo said...

"But after Jiaojiao follows you, I can't guarantee her future. Your power is too great, and I can't support Jiaojiao!"

He prefers Jiaojiao to find an ordinary man, so that he can always support Jiaojiao.

If the other party were Lin Zhihua, it would be too easy to clean them up, and he couldn't even support and help Jiaojiao.

Lin Zhihua smiled, this is the biggest smile he has shown so far...

"Uncle Cheng, in the future, it's me who will support Jiaojiao."

Cheng Shuo was stunned.

Lin Zhihua continued: "If you really don't believe it, look at this, lawyer Zhou."

"Okay!" Attorney Zhou stood up and took out a stack of documents.

He took out the first copy: "After Mr. Lin Zhihua and Ms. Gu Xuejiao got married, all the real estate in their names, the real estate valued at 1.1 billion yuan and other real estate, were all transferred to Ms. Gu Xuejiao's name."

He took out the second copy: "Mr. Lin Zhihua's name includes all assets such as the Lin Group, which are jointly owned by both husband and wife."

He took out the third copy: "Mr. Lin Zhihua promised that if I am sorry to Ms. Gu Xuejiao and there is an act such as cheating, I will leave the house."