Why Is a Genius Such as Myself Accepting Apprentices?

Chapter 358: Big brother is back?


God Realm, Xueluo Village.

This is a small village isolated from the world in the barren mountains of the God Realm.

The road to the mountain outside is rough, and no one has ever traveled outside the mountain except a crippled, bearded storyteller in the village.

Because Big Beard is a monk and has a cultivation base in the realm of the gods.

In the entire God Realm, of course, it is of little value, but because of this cultivation, he can travel through the rugged mountains and avoid the ferocious monsters in the jungle.


"Big Beard, you haven't finished talking last time. Why did Sun Monkey kill Tang Seng, Bajie and Xiaobailong? Aren't they his master and junior brother?"

A group of children surrounded the bearded man who had just returned from outside the mountain at the entrance of the village.

The bearded man replied helplessly:

"That's because the monkey has no heart. Isn't the monkey with no heart a marionette in someone else's hand?"

"Bearded, why did the monkey lose his heart? Where did the monkey's heart go?"

Bearded hands spread out.

"I don't know, I want you to tell me."

"It's really boring. So how could a character of a hero become a puppet?"

"There's no way, all living beings are ants in the eyes of saints, and playthings in their hands. Since ancient times, who has been able to break through the shackles of this heavenly rule?"

"Buddhist is really abominable. He is hypocritical all day long, saying that he is the best person in the world, and as a result, he cleans up these filthy things all day long."

"I heard that Buddhism is the strongest sect in our God Realm."

The bearded man lit a hookah and took two puffs, disregarding the anger and naivety of the group of children in front of him, and commented with great interest:

"There's no way, within the sect of Taoism, there are many sects of Taoism, and the hearts are not aligned, how can there be a good line of Buddhism

On the Taoist side, whoever you believe in, the power of faith will be given to whomever. On the Buddhist side, no matter who it is, no matter what Buddha you believe in, it will be concentrated on the Buddha first, and then the Buddha will distribute it down in turn.

The Buddhist sects have unified control over resources and work together to suppress the sect of Taoism.

However, the Buddhists in this world seem to have not been very peaceful recently. I heard that they have been pulled out a lot recently, and they are all very busy. "

"Beard, how do you know so much?"

"It's so smart, you see how light my head is? I can be a lantern at night. As long as you shave your hair, you can be as smart as me, just like me."


The children stuck their tongues out at him, grimaced, and ran away.

The bearded man shook his head and took two more puffs of hookah.

At this moment, a familiar and unfamiliar voice quietly fell into his ears.

"They say you are the most knowledgeable person here. Excuse me, do you know that there is a Lu family in the God Realm?"

When he heard this sound, the bearded body froze, and then he raised his head mechanically, and the moment he met the other party's eyes, the hookah in his hand fell to the ground with a clatter, and the rough eye sockets immediately disappeared. red.

"Big... eldest brother? Are you back?"

The other side frowned slightly.

"What did you say?"

This sentence pulled his consciousness back from the confusion. He quickly wiped the corners of his eyes and responded:

"Sorry, I was thinking of an old friend. What did you just ask me?"

"I just asked, in this God Realm, is there a family called the Lu Family? It should be one of the top families in the God Realm. Or, the kind of family that is extremely detached from the world!"

"Lu Family?"

The bearded man scratched his shiny bald head, frowning, his face showing a bitter look.

"Is there such a family among the top families in the God Realm? Maybe I am relatively ignorant. You should go and look elsewhere."

The other side nodded.


When the words fell, the other party turned and walked away.

The bearded man looked at his back from behind, frowning tightly.

"Like! It's too similar! How can it be so similar? It's just that his personality is a bit stable, and he doesn't resemble the senior brother. In other respects, I almost made me think that the senior brother came back."


On the other side, around the Bodhi Temple, the war was getting heavier and heavier.

Almost every day, Buddhist sects are swept away, or Buddhist disciples who have been left alone are beheaded.

Buddhist disciples have no choice, they are in the open, the other party is in the dark, and there are all kinds of insidious tricks.

Although Fomen also relied on his tyrannical strength to kill some enemies, it did not hurt the foundation.

Because these people are very smart, if they can't beat you, they just run away and don't fight you at all.

This is also a point that makes Fomen helpless.

Sometimes, it's not that they can't beat each other, it's just that the other party is too cunning, like a loach, running faster than a rabbit.

It is said that there are still many people pretending to be Buddhist disciples and attacking the Buddhist branch, so that now, every temple has implemented strict martial law regulations, and monks who are not the temple are not allowed to enter or leave.

It is said that some temples are not allowed to enter even the envoys from Bodhi Temple in order to prevent being harassed by others.

The entire Buddhist school has now entered a state of complete chaos.

At this time, a temple called Puhua Temple was being baptized by a group of enemies.

"Brothers, hit me, hit me hard! Hit these bald donkeys to death."

Under the leadership of Shi Changlin, the disciples of Wumingzong frantically built and burned in front of Puhua Temple.

For these Buddhist disciples, they have no mercy at all, and if they dare to kill their suzerain, they must be prepared to bear the wrath of their Wuming sect.

Soon, a dazzling brilliance rose up in the temple. It was Puhua Temple that triggered the formation in the temple. With the help of the power of the formation, the disciples of Puhua Temple, who had been ravaged, suddenly had their cultivation soared.

Feeling that something was wrong, Shi Changlin immediately ordered his disciples to retreat.

"Not good! Quickly withdraw! Quickly withdraw! They used the formation to enhance their cultivation."

The disciples immediately began to retreat, but at the same time, the sky was suddenly enveloped by a golden light.

"It's the Sealing Formation! Damn, I'm hit!"

At this moment, if Shi Changlin couldn't figure it out any more, he was caught in a trap and was overcast, then he could find a piece of tofu and kill him.

They faced not only the disciples of Puhua Temple, but also the elders and eminent monks of Puhua Temple.

They didn't make a move before, it is estimated that they were waiting for the moment when the formation was activated.

Now, Shi Changlin and others can't even run away, facing them, only one death.

"Bold thief, kill my Buddhist disciples, destroy my Buddhist sect, today, Lao Na will wait for you, disappear into ashes, live forever and ever, never enter reincarnation!"

Several streaks of golden light spread, causing Shi Changlin to feel heartbroken.

What's even more helpless is that the other party's formation has also sealed the power of space here, and the space formation on their bodies cannot be activated.

This time it's dead!

"Old Shi, what should I do? This formation is a Buddhist formation. It can only be deciphered with a Buddhist practice. Our practice is not easy to decipher."

In the face of the imposing Buddhist master coming towards him, Shi Changlin shouted:

"Brothers, we are all dead anyway. We will fight with them. For the glory of Wumingzong, kill!"

As the saying goes: the rabbit is in a hurry, and it will bite.

Since you can't run, then fight with them, kill one to break even, and kill two to earn.

There was a look of excitement on the face of the Buddhist master.

For so long, Buddhism has been chased and killed by the other party. Today, it is finally time to fight a beautiful turnaround.

This time, he wants to kill all the heretics who broke into Puhua Temple!

The two sides collided, and in an instant, a violent explosion occurred.


Various attacks at the speed of light, constantly bursting in the air.

The entire Puhua Temple seems to have become a colorful battlefield.

Shi Changlin and the others had faced unprecedented opponents. Even if they had experienced hundreds of battles, they could not resist the pressure of the opponent's powerful cultivation, and they fell one by one.

Just when he frantically beheaded Buddhist disciples and wanted to consume more Buddhist power for Wuming Sect, the next second, a voice suddenly sounded in the sky.

"Amitabha! It's good! I'm here to bless you all with my fellow students."

"A master of Buddhism is here again?"

Shi Changlin suddenly felt a chill in his heart, Wan Duzi, this time, I am afraid that he is really going to die.

Unexpectedly, after the Buddha's sound was passed down, a golden Buddha light suddenly hit the seal formation barrier set up by Puhua Temple.


In an instant, the Buddhist formation was blasted out of a big hole on the spot.

The weakness of the Buddhist formation is the Buddhist formula.

Adhering to the principle that the same sex attracts each other and the opposite sex repels each other in the practice, the Buddhist dharma can easily be submerged in the Buddhist formation. .

Because of this defect, Buddhists rarely study formations in normal times.

Seeing that the Buddhist formation was blasted out of a big hole, the Buddhist experts were stunned, and Shi Changlin and others were also stunned.

How is this going

Isn't this a Buddhist disciple? What he used was obviously a Buddhist practice!

How come the masters of Buddhism have to fight Buddhism.

Just in doubt, the next second, a figure wearing a cassock suddenly fell.

"Brothers, kill me! Hack all the bald donkeys!"

Everyone in Puhua Temple: "..."

Shi Changlin's crowd: "..."

Long Kuang took a group of bald heads and frantically killed the disciples of Puhua Temple.

After a brief petrification, Shi Changlin couldn't help but let out a foul language.

"Damn it! Isn't this Senior Brother Long Kuang?"

It was only at this time that they realized that the person who came was the ancient dragon emperor of the Taikoo Mountains - Long Kuang.

"Senior Brother Long Kuang, what's the matter with you? Why are you wearing a cassock and shaved?"

"This is the stunt of the old man's concealment! As long as I pretend to be a monk, no one will know that I am a disciple of Wumingzong."

The excuse of Long Kuang has been used thousands of times. There is no way. He can't tell everyone that after he came to the realm of the gods, he joined Buddhism and entered Taohua Temple to practice Buddhism, right

"Fuck! Senior Brother Long Kuang has a good plan."

"What are you still doing? Kill the bald donkey with me!"