Why Is a Genius Such as Myself Accepting Apprentices?

Chapter 360: Each has ghosts


After the little novice entered the hall, he immediately escaped into the underground space.

When the elders of Puhua Temple saw him, their expressions changed immediately.

"You bastard, why did you come in? If you brought in those demons, what would you be guilty of?"

The little novice said in horror:

"Elder, calm down, everyone above was killed, and I had no choice but to hide in."


The elder who was cursing wanted to speak again, but the other elder gave a soft drink.

"Okay, Jin has come in, so let him stay. Anyway, the other party can't possibly know that we are underground. When the reinforcements sent by Bodhi Temple come, we can rest assured."


On the other side, everyone rushed into the hall, but the little novice was nowhere to be seen.

"What's the matter? How did people disappear?"

"No, it wasn't that he disappeared, it was the formation that blocked him."

Shi Changlin frowned and said:

"So many big fish didn't run away, just let this little bastard run away?"

"Don't worry, I'll take a look!"

Long Kuang immediately performed the Buddhist practice of Tianyantong, and his eyes immediately turned golden yellow.

"Fuck, Brother Long, isn't this Buddhist's Heavenly Eyesight? I encountered it once before, when the seventh master was fighting against a Buddhist abbot, and the opponent cast it. It is said to be the top magic in Buddhism, which can see through all illusions. Where did you learn it?"

Long Kuang coughed lightly and said:

"The Buddha said: You can't say it, you can't say it."

Shi Changlin: "..."

"Brother Long, you're not really a monk, so it's a bit pretentious."

Long Kuang ignored him.

He can't tell others that he studied in Taohua Nunnery, right

Because a certain teacher of Taohua An has a good relationship with Shang Buddha, there are many top Buddhist magics in Taohua An.

If Shi Changlin and the others knew about this, wouldn't they laugh out loud

After Tianyantong glanced at it, Long Kuang immediately discovered the Buddhist blindness in the entire hall.

He clasped his hands together and drank softly.


The Buddhist formation was opened in an instant, and the leisurely elders of the Puhua Temple below saw this scene, and their expressions changed greatly.

"How is this possible? How can you break the formation of my Puhua Temple?"

"Two Buddha's Light Barrier Eye Formation, just trying to hide from me, you are taking yourselves too seriously, right?"

Seeing Long Kuang taking the lead, everyone in Puhua Temple was even more shocked.

"Buddhist disciple? Are you a Buddhist disciple? Why did you betray Buddhism?"

The other party is definitely a Buddhist disciple, which must be 100% true, because the top of the other party's head has been shaved and scarred.

This is a 100% Buddhist disciple, and other sects cannot replicate it.

However, how can Buddhist disciples help these evil spirits

"I am your father!"

When the words fell, Long Kuang shot directly without showing any mercy.

"The Mahayana Vajra Fist, Theravada Prajna Palm, Dragon Subduing Tiger Fist, Theravada Tathagata God Palm..."

"Brothers, wait."

Shi Changlin and the others also swarmed up and attacked directly.


At the same time, in the Bodhi Temple, a figure quickly rushed into the hall.

"Host, Puhua Temple is in an emergency. Eight million demons may be released at any time."

The host of the Bodhi Temple, wearing a red cassock, sat cross-legged on the futon and only glanced at each other when he saw him.

"Didn't you ask the disciples of Tianhui Temple and Foxin Temple to help?"

"The people in Tianhui Temple and Foxin Temple, I don't know what happened, they were stopped 70,000 miles away from Puhua Temple, and the speed has slowed down a lot. It may have been blocked by the companions of those demons."

"Don't worry, let the disciples of Guangneng Temple come to the rescue from another way."

"It's too slow, and it doesn't make much sense. Can you send a god emperor? Or... a powerhouse in the gods realm is enough to solve the crisis in Puhua Temple."

The host smiled coldly.

"God Emperor? That's all the treasures of the Buddha. Did you move when you wanted to?"

"What about the gods? The gods should be able to send one out, right?"

"Don't think about it. It has been arranged for ten years to go to the Buddha. The powerful gods will arrange the Buddha's door to the sky, absorb all the vows of this world, and raise all the god emperors and cultivation bases to their peak state. Then start it again. Demon-crossing conference, help them soar into immortals. You want Shang Buddha to lift the Buddhist sect to reach the sky and send out god emperors and gods. It’s just a fool’s dream. The realm of the emperor and the realm of the gods can be sent out.”

"How can Shang Buddha do this? Recently, when my Buddhist school suffered a disaster, it was time to send a master to fight. He gave up the Buddha School and sent a master to settle the matter. Why not? If he sent a strong god emperor, he would definitely It can kill those ants."

The host hummed softly.

"Congratulations, the pig thinks the same way. But unfortunately, even the pig can understand the truth, but the Buddha may not be able to understand it. Or, he deliberately didn't want to understand it."

"Do you mean to host...?"

"Don't forget, the tenure of becoming a Buddha is coming soon. As long as he allows ten more god emperors to transcend tribulation and become immortals, he can successfully complete the task and return to the Lingshan Mountain of the Immortal World.

It is true that he will have some responsibility for the suffering of the Buddhist sect in the God Realm this time. But it had happened and he couldn't change it.

However, if he can take a few more god emperors to the Immortal Realm, then his credit will be enough to smooth out the work mistakes in this world.

What he wants is to get the reward of Lingshan. As long as he can get the reward of Lingshan, he will have the opportunity to further his cultivation.

As for our world, what will happen to Buddhism, that's not what he needs to ask.

Because after he leaves, there will be a new Buddha who will take his place.

It's a mess, just leave it to the next Buddha. "

The disciple who passed the message clenched his fists, his face was flushed with anger, and the veins on his forehead were straight up, and he looked like a giant dragon on a mountain range.

"The monk is merciful, how can he just sit back and let my Buddhist disciples be slaughtered?"

The host glanced at him and said indifferently:

"Compassionate? That's just a slogan. If my Buddhism is truly compassionate, how can I have strict discipline? Far beyond other sects

The so-called compassion and the so-called boundless love are just to attract disciples.

Three thousand avenues, becoming gods, demons, Buddhas and immortals... Every way can reach the extreme.

The Buddha is also a human being, not a saint. He just wants to accomplish his goal and then go back to Lingshan to continue cultivating. How can he put us people in his eyes

Don't be too naive, listen to me, first send the disciples of Guangneng Temple to rescue.

As for other things, I don't need you and me to take care of them anyway, so why bother asking.

Moreover, there is a master at Puhua Temple, and there should be no problem for a while. "


The disciple who spread the message quickly retreated, while the host looked at the forbidden area of the Bodhi Temple behind him and shook his head helplessly.

In the forbidden area, nearly 200 Buddhist gods are going all out to help fifteen Buddhist gods and speed up the pace of cultivation.

The upper Buddha, who was in the middle of the Buddha's gate to the sky, saw the cultivation of the god emperors, and the corners of his mouth could not help but rise slightly.

Very good, as long as these fifteen strong god emperors are all promoted to Lingshan, he will be able to smooth out his mistakes, not be punished, and get the reward perfectly.

He is not a fool, of course, he knows that he didn't send a master to fight. These people in Buddhism don't know how resentful they are.

But knowing is one thing, how to do it is another.

Originally, Shang Buddha also wanted to send experts to quell the rebellion and deal with the demons who disturbed Buddhism.

However, when he thought that the other party might be the son of luck that his senior brother had told him, he immediately rejected this idea.

If the other party is the so-called son of luck, not only will he not be able to defeat the other party, but he will also bury himself in it.

According to rumors, it was an existence that even the two saints of Buddhism were afraid of.

It is said that every child of luck, luck is the top and the most unparalleled.

They are invincible, and even each of them has the potential to become a saint!

This is a terrifying existence that Buddhist disciples in the God Realm simply do not understand.

He would rather be cursed in secret by these people than confront the Son of Luck.

You can't eat fame or anything, how can you return to Lingshan, let yourself get rewards, and continue to cultivate valuable

In case... if you cultivate yourself to become a Buddha, you will truly become an existence that spans the ages without dying.


On the border of the ancient holy land, a group of monsters ambushed in the jungle, pulling out a dense and extremely long front.

Su Lingwu was lying on a tree trunk, closed his eyes and rested, while practicing his exercises.

At this moment, a light and shadow flew quickly and landed beside him.

It is a golden lion mythical beast.

"Jiuye, the disciples of Guangneng Temple have all come out, and even the disciples of several small temples near Guangneng Temple have come out together. The army has assembled all the way and is coming here."

Su Lingwu sat up, frowning slightly, a little puzzled:

"It's strange, haven't these bald donkeys in Buddhism been killed by us and dare not come out? Why are they coming out now, and HIA has come out so much all at once?"

"Do they want to go to the Bodhi Temple?"

"The Bodhi Temple is to the east. If they really want to go to the Bodhi Temple, they won't come here."

"But their direction doesn't seem to be facing us."

Su Lingwu frowned slightly and thought of the reason.

"No, there is a problem. They may be going to reinforce someone, or deal with someone. Although I don't know who the other party is, it is very likely that they will be disciples of Wuming Sect, or people who deal with Buddhism like us. "

The golden lion's face turned cold.

"Then don't let them pass."

"Yes, no matter if they are going for reinforcements or something, there must be someone attacking the Buddhism branch. Although I don't know who the opponent is, as long as they are against Buddhism, I, the Lord of Ten Thousand Demons, will definitely help the field!"