Why Is a Genius Such as Myself Accepting Apprentices?

Chapter 387: Teachers meet


"Damn! Do you just look at him and kill all the monks and disciples of our Bodhi Temple?"

"This is not a disciple of Bodhi Temple, this is a disciple of Buddhism! Since you join Buddhism, you must have the awareness to sacrifice for Buddhism.

If their death can be exchanged for our peace, it is not necessarily a bad thing.

The Buddha will never allow them to be so arrogant. We should preserve our strength and wait for the will of the Buddha. "

"Amitabha! Seeing death and not being saved, what a sin is the blood of so many people from the same sect? Even if he arrives at Lingshan in the future, how will the Buddha forgive you and my sins?"


In the Bodhi Temple, Yun Lige became more and more happy the more he killed, and the more he killed, the more happy he became.

With his slaughter, he continued to absorb the blood and soul of the other party, and his cultivation was still rising steadily.

Soon, Yun Lige's cultivation level was once again upgraded to the second rank of God Venerable!

No way, the disciples and elders of the Bodhi Temple, their cultivation is too strong!

Outside, Yun Lige may only encounter a God King Realm in ten days, and a God King Realm in two or three days.

And here, the gods and emperors everywhere, plus his cultivation base has reached the realm of god-respect, cutting the gods and emperors is as simple as cutting a watermelon. The improvement of the cultivation base is naturally faster than outside. too much.


The abbot of Bodhi Temple had scarlet eyes and rushed up desperately to fight Yun Lige.

Yun Lige smiled coldly.

"You thought it was just now?"

He didn't talk too much nonsense, and with a flick of his hand, he directly slashed the opponent's right arm that wanted to attack him!


One shot blasts directly!

The abbot of Bodhi Temple spewed out the golden Buddha relic from his mouth, turning into a golden streak, which approached Yun Lige's face. Yun Lige didn't even bother to use the magic spear, and the black lotus on his head released a black lightning bolt. Chop this golden Buddha relic!

The abbot spat out a mouthful of blood, and seeing that one blow could not succeed, he used two other profound meanings again.

First, the rosary was used to fix Yun Lige's figure, and then the Buddha bell was used to suppress it. The two trapped Yun Lige's body space. Then, the abbot directly pinched a finger and detonated it on the spot.


This earth-shattering explosion caused a dazzling brilliance to erupt from the entire Bodhi Mountain, illuminating the entire area of 300,000 miles!

Countless creatures, feeling the terrifying momentum, couldn't help shivering.

This scene, it can almost be said, will be unforgettable in their entire lives!

"Hu~! Hu~!"

The abbot breathed heavily, and then a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Hahaha... This time, you can't hold it anymore, right? It's so damn good, right?"

But just as his voice fell, the figure that made him look like a dream demon rushed up again intact.

The long spear in the opponent's hand pierced through the explosion of light, directly approaching his face!

"It's impossible! It's impossible!"

Abbot's whole person's belief collapsed directly.

What does this guy do? Even if he is a god emperor, facing the self-destruction of two mysterious artifacts, I am afraid it is not so easy to resist, right

How could he be so intact

In fact, this is because all the damage was endured by Lu Xiaoran, and Yun Lige didn't suffer any damage at all!

It's just that he didn't know about it, and thought it was Yun Lige's own special ability!

If it weren't for the fact that he had been a monk for many years, self-cultivation, and almost castrated his heart, at this moment, he would have jumped up and scolded the eighteenth generation of Yun Lige's ancestors!

However, shock returned to shock, anger returned to anger, and he also knew that at this time, Yun Lige could not be allowed to get close to him, otherwise he would definitely die.

Therefore, as early as the first time, he directly urged the Daming King Wheel behind him, and wanted to use the Daming King Wheel to block Yun Lige's attack!

It's a pity that the Daming King Wheel is only a mysterious artifact, while the God-killing spear has already broken through to the category of immortal artifact.

The two have different even the initial basic level, not to mention that Yun Lige's cultivation base is now strong enough. In terms of pure cultivation base, fighting with bare hands, the opponent is not his own opponent.

Therefore, the strength of the two people's exercises is also different!

Yun Lige instantly pierced through the opponent's Daming King Wheel with one shot. The spear was like a blood dragon, and then drove straight in.

But he did not directly kill the abbot of the Bodhi Temple, but pierced the rest of his arms and thighs. With a flick of his wrist, the god-killing spears smashed them out one after another!

After that, Yun Lige sealed the abbot of Bodhi Temple on the ground with divine power.

"Kill me! Kill me if you can!"

The abbot of Bodhi Temple roared, while Yun Lige sneered:

"You want to die, it's not that easy! I must let you watch me and kill all the disciples of your Bodhi Temple!"

After the words fell, he flew to the sky again and started a new round of fighting!

The whole sky, like dumplings, rustled down!

The abbot of Bodhi Temple is roaring, roaring like a beast trapped in a cage, furious to the extreme!

However, Yun Lige ignored him at all.

The abbot of Bodhi Temple, from anger, to pleading, to despair, to numbness... In the end, his pupils were dilated and he had lost all brilliance.

After a stick of incense, the entire Bodhi Temple had been slaughtered by Yun Lige.

So far, there is not the slightest scar on his body!

Yun Lige thought that this was the spirit of the master in heaven, blessing him.

The abbot of the Bodhi Temple was stepped on by Yun Lige, and the tip of the slaughtering spear was between the opponent's throat, ready to send him on the road!

"Wait a minute!"

The abbot of Bodhi Temple suddenly opened his mouth.

Yun Lige stopped slightly and smiled coldly.

"What's wrong? Are you afraid? Is the abbot of the dignified Buddhist Bodhi Temple also afraid of death? Didn't you just beg me to kill you first?"

The abbot coughed twice, and he, who had been beaten into a maim by Yun Lige, had no resistance at all at this moment.

His limbs were all broken, his body was riddled with holes, and his internal organs were all turned to dust.

If it weren't for the powerful vitality of the realm of God Venerable, he would have already died completely.

"I'm not afraid of death, I just have a question, I want to ask you, otherwise, I won't rest my eyes when I die!"

"I can't wait for you to die!"

When the words fell, Yun Lige directly pierced his throat.

At this moment, the abbot's soul flew out of his body and asked again firmly:

"I must know."

Yun Lige was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect that the other party had only his soul left, and he actually had to ask himself.

"You're pretty tough! Well, you're a guy, so I'll tell you, because you killed my master!"

"Who is your master?"

"My teacher respects his old man, and his name is Lu Xiaoran."

"Lu Xiaoran?"

The abbot frowned slightly.

"Why have I never heard of this name? We Buddhism must have never killed this guy. Did you make a mistake?"

"Let your grandma's stinky farts turn around in the spring and autumn! I, Yun Lige, can never make a mistake!"

"You must be mistaken? We Buddhism have never killed a person named Lu Xiaoran. I am the host of the Bodhi Temple. Your master must be more powerful than you. If someone so powerful is killed, Other Buddhist rudders will definitely report to me.

But no one reported it to me, which is enough to show that we Buddhism did not take action against your master. "

"You think I'm a pig? If my master wasn't beheaded by your Buddhist sect, I would call you father! From now on, I will escape into the empty sect! I recognize the Tathagata as the ancestor of my eighteenth generation!"

As soon as the voice fell, Yun Lige's body suddenly trembled slightly.

Because, he felt that Master... was calling him!

Master... not dead

so bland

He worked so hard to avenge his master, and he beat the entire Bodhi Temple without being able to fight back, and even killed tens of thousands of elders and disciples of the Bodhi Temple.

It can almost be said that he has forged a blood feud with Buddhism!

As a result, I now tell him that his master is not dead

Is all this a misunderstanding

Furman is a victim

emm, this amount of information is too large, and Yun Lige couldn't bear it for a while.

"I dare to swear by my Buddha, I am a Buddhist, absolutely, never killed a monk named 'Lu Xiaoran'! Your Excellency is definitely wrong!"

Yun Lige was silent for a moment, and then he shot again, directly blasting the opponent's soul.

"Want to be my father? You deserve it too! The only one who can be my father is Master!"

It doesn't matter if he killed the master or not, just misunderstood. Anyway, they are not a good bird. They are all bad people. What oath and morality are they talking about

The essence of Wumingzong, the first is to go, the second is to take advantage!

Just keep these two points in mind.

I'm a bad guy, what can you do to me

Can beat me again!

After killing the abbot, Yun Lige coughed lightly, immediately withdrew the God-killing spear, and fled the Bodhi Temple.

The god emperor of Bodhi Temple hasn't come out yet, and he probably doesn't know where to retreat. If a group of god emperors come out and beat him, it will be troublesome.

He didn't say that he was afraid of fighting with each other.

Originally, he was not afraid of death, because he thought that the other party killed his master, and he wanted to avenge the master.

And when he came, he had already thought about it, and he did not want to go back alive.

As long as he can kill a few more Buddhist disciples, even if he is hacked to death by a Buddhist, he is considered to be loyal to his master.

But now, the master is not dead, so he is still fighting for his life

Hurry up and run, go back to the master, and improve your own cultivation.


On the other side, Lu Xiaoran limped out of the room, holding his waist with his left hand and his chin with his right hand.

"Nima! Lige, this stinky boy, can really do it! It hurts me!

Is this a special god? Could it be that he provokes the god emperor powerhouse? "

Lu Xiaoran's current cultivation level is only a god, and he has not yet reached the god emperor.

Moreover, when using the song of the sky, he cannot use the equipment, that is to say, he uses his own body to forcibly take all the attacks!

Fortunately, his physical body is very strong, and he can also use indestructible golden body or something.

Soon, he used the Qing Emperor Longevity Art to repair his injury.

Just after all this was done, a large number of familiar breaths came from outside the valley.