Why Is a Genius Such as Myself Accepting Apprentices?

Chapter 405: How much shock do you still have for us?


When the twelve god emperors surrounded the Song Dynasty, the advantages of the Song Dynasty were gone!

If he was just a powerful god emperor, Song Xinian, with the help of the armor he wore, could maximize his divine power and put it all on output.

With the strength of his divine soul enhancement, coupled with the fierceness of his attack, it is not difficult to fight against the god emperor and kill the god emperor.

But now, when all the twelve god emperors started to attack Song Xinian, Song Xinian had to give up some of their attacks to defend.

Otherwise, no matter how strong his attack is, if he is beheaded in one move, it will be meaningless after all.

At this time, Song Xinian, the attack power has been halved, the knife light from the hand is mainly used to break the opponent's attack, while the other half of the power is all on the protective armor of the mysterious artifact on the body, fully defending against destruction After the opponent attacks, the aftermath of the explosion is generated.

The twelve god emperors, after feeling the threat of Song Xinian, will definitely kill Song Xinian completely, leaving no trace of survival.

Both sides will develop each other's strength to the greatest extent.

However, just when the battle was the most intense, an accident happened suddenly.

Outside the ball of light, thousands of sword energy suddenly shot out.

The power of these thousands of sword qi is no less than the sword light that Song Xi years cut out at this moment!

Although it is not enough to make the strong emperor of the gods fall on the spot, if it is hard to resist, no one has confidence, and it is easy to carry it.

Therefore, everyone had to give up the great advantage they already had the upper hand, and retreated to guard against these sword lights.

boom boom boom...

The sword energy collided with the attack of the crowd, and around the already huge and dazzling golden light ball, a small ball of light was formed again, each with a diameter of more than several hundred meters.

Everyone in the Misty Sect was hiding on the ground, watching this battle scene, all of them were heart-beating, and the whole person was terrified to the extreme.

Is this the power of Lu Xiaoran's apprentice

If it was just one, they would still be able to understand.

But two, three, all of them are so powerful, it would be too unbelievable.

When everyone saw this scene, their almost envious eyes turned red!

This is just Lu Xiaoran's apprentice, how powerful should Lu Xiaoran be

All of them knew that Lu Xiaoran was only in his thirties at most!

This is not the kind of age in the mortal world, in his thirties, this is in the realm of the gods. Compared with mortals, let alone a baby, even if it is called a cell, it is not an exaggeration.

But it is such a kid who has actually cultivated three apprentices who can fight against two gods, plus thirteen god emperors, and have the upper hand!

Everyone can't imagine how strong Lu Xiaoran is. It's like mortals call them gods. At this moment, in their minds, Lu Xiaoran is so powerful that he can be called a fairy!

Lu Xiaoran's height in the eyes of all of them has risen to another dimension.

The Sect Master of the Misty Sect quietly came to Mr. Lu.

"Master Lu, can the marriage contract between Wan'er and Xiao Ran still count? If Xiao Ran is willing, all of our Misty Sect are willing to belong to him."

Old Man Lu's face twitched violently.

What are you kidding

I myself want Xiao Ran to accept me as a disciple, but I don't know if Xiao Ran will agree!

You are good!

Just marrying an apprentice, I want to put the entire Misty Sect under my grandson's door!

You are doing a really good business!

It's even more beautiful!

"Sect Master, how can you go back on what was promised? Our family Xiao Ran doesn't want to get married, so let's just forget about it. Don't mention it in the future."

The face of the sect master of the misty sect turned black.

"Mr. Lu, everything is easy for us to discuss. If you have a request, you can make it. It doesn't mean that you can't make a request, do you?"

"It's not a matter of asking or not. The problem is that my grandson wants to cultivate, and now he doesn't want to get married at all."

"It's okay if you don't get married. Let's see if we can be included in your Lu family, and then go to Xiao Ran's door. We don't want to be married in the future, can we just hang out with Xiao Ran?"

The old man Lu was suddenly speechless.

This guy is a little crazy. In order to worship Xiao Ran as his teacher, he can even say such a thing!

The entire Misty Sect is gone.

However, when he thought that this was his grandson, with such great strength and charm, he couldn't tell how happy he was.

"Then... let me ask for you. I can say it first, you know, our Xiao Ran's strength is very strong, if this aptitude is ordinary, he may not be able to see it.

So, I can't guarantee whether I can accept it or not. "

"Don't worry, I know what to do."

The Sect Master of the Misty Sect saw that there was no one around, so he secretly stuffed a storage ring to Mr. Lu.

"Old man, here are 200 million top-quality divine crystals, which are the resources I have accumulated for many years. I also know that the entire Misty Sect has passed, it may not be so realistic, but if the Misty Sect can't go in, can I go in, thanks Xiao Ran, Oh no, I want Lu Shao to be my teacher

You are Lu Shao's grandfather, you can definitely let me in, right! "

Old Man Lu's eyelids jumped.

"Sect Master Li, you are trying to make me make mistakes. Even if Xiao Ran is my grandson, I can't do this.

As his grandfather, I can't help outsiders to pit him! So am I still human? "

"After this is done, I still have 500 million top grade divine crystals to offer."

The corner of Old Man Lu's mouth twitched fiercely, and then he coughed lightly.

"It's not impossible. After all, you and my son, Xiao Ran's father, are also close friends for many years. I think Xiao Ran has to give some face to his dead father even if he doesn't give me face, right?"

"Then thank you, Mr. Lu."

"Okay, wrap it on me."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and resumed watching the battle above the sky.

In fact, what the Sect Master of the Misty Sect did is not an exaggeration.

Although he is the suzerain of the Misty Sect, the actual level of the Misty Sect is also limited.

Even if he cultivated until his death in this lifetime, he would not be able to go any further.

His cultivation base is the most, that is, God Venerable. This is only a chance when there are enough opportunities and good enough coincidences!

Otherwise, it may be the realm of the emperor, which is his final strength!

Of course he didn't want to.

As a cultivator, who doesn't have the dream of becoming an immortal

If you don't become an immortal, then you still need to cultivate a Jill

He didn't dare to think about it before, because the Misty Sect has been the founder of the mountain since ancient times, and cultivated to the god emperor, not yet an immortal.

And now, after seeing Lu Xiaoran's apprentice, he feels that he has hope!

Therefore, no matter what, he must find a way to become Lu Xiaoran's disciple!

Looking at the battle in the sky, there is a deep desire in the eyes of the sect master of the misty sect.

Above the sky, Li Changsheng unleashed the Taiyi Sword of Taiyi Kendo to unravel the suppression and siege of Song Xinian by the twelve emperors. In the next second, a shocking black-blue sword light appeared.

That is the power of immortal art, Qinglian Sword Canon!

A sword fell, and the sword glow was so outrageous that it tore apart the deep clouds in the sky, and then landed on a god emperor.

On the spot, the god emperor, together with the divine soul behind him, was directly and mercilessly crushed and turned into a mass of powder.

At the moment of death, he didn't even have time to let out a scream.

"Do not!"

His companion let out an angry roar for him.

"Shuzi! I'm going to kill you!"

Who knows, the voice just fell, and a cold, like a death-like voice came from his ear.

"If you want to kill him, you are not qualified!"

"Elder Wang, be careful behind your back!"

His companion issued a reminder in time, but in a hurry, he had no time to return to the defense.

The next moment, in his eyes, he saw a sword light that was faster than lightning, and in an instant, it flashed between his eyes.

The pain didn't come out in time, and in the next second, his entire consciousness fell into darkness.

In an instant, the performances of Li Changsheng and Song Xinian, beheading two god emperors in a row, amazed everyone.

Not only the Misty Sect, not only the Lu family, but also everyone from Fenghuomen!

Song Xiannian forced back the two god emperors who wanted to rush up for revenge with one knife. He used the Taixu Chaos Step to come to the back of another god emperor and slashed three times in a row.

The powerful golden sword light erupted at close range, without giving the opponent the slightest chance to escape, tearing the opponent alive!

That divine soul was cruelly divided by Song Xi's sword glow, as if it was not the divine soul of a powerful man in the divine emperor realm, but just a painting on a piece of paper, fragile and vulnerable!

On the other side, Li Changsheng also beheaded a god emperor again.

"Fourth Senior Brother, your swordsmanship is still faster."

Li Changsheng smiled.

"Where, your swordsmanship is even better!"

"Hehe... When you and I are both at the peak, why don't we have a fight."

"Okay! If you want to play, of course, Senior Brother will accompany you to the end."

The words of the two were filled with a strong will to fight.

This is not hostility, it is just the desire between the strong and the strong to fight each other!

It is the knife and the sword, the kind that originates from the bones, the bloodline, wants to compete with each other!

And that group of god emperors, in the eyes of the two, was like a group of garbage, and they didn't enter the stream at all.

The two didn't pay attention to them at all, like two hunters swiping a group of prey.

Do not!

To be precise, it was swiping a group of little mice.

Invulnerable little mouse!

Under the attack of the two, the number of god emperors in Fenghuomen became less and less. In a blink of an eye, less than five of the more than ten god emperors were killed.

At this time, one of the god emperors, unable to bear the enormous pressure any longer, screamed, turned around and ran.

"Mad! This is a bunch of lunatics!"

Unfortunately, he had just escaped and was less than a hundred miles away, when Li Changsheng's shocking sword light directly crossed the distance of a hundred miles, piercing his body and his soul with a ruthless hole, making him desperate. fall down.

"You want to run, have you asked me?"

Wumingzong's first priority is to be ruthless. Once a war begins, don't let an enemy go, and kill them all.

Therefore, whether it was Li Changsheng or Song Xinian, they marked everyone present at the moment when the battle started.

Once a god emperor wants to escape, they will react as soon as possible, and then kill him to ensure that no one escapes.

The old master said that all unstable factors must be strangled in the cradle.

The remaining four powerful god emperors are desperate to the extreme, and they can't even escape. What hope do they have

Look at the sky again, the despair is doubled again!

One of the two powerful gods had been beaten all over, and the soul behind him was about to fall apart.

Another God Venerable was also beaten out of breath, and his body was dyed golden with golden blood.

Even the gods are going to be defeated, what else can they do

"I fought with you!"

The seriously injured God Venerable roared and released his own little world directly!

The small world of the God Venerable Realm is already filled with the fragrance of birds and flowers, and a lot of life is gushing out.

This small world is already powerful enough!

At least in the realm of the gods, I don't know how many people are going to pay their respects.

However, at the moment when the small world just appeared, you just called out your own small world when you didn't see it!

His small world is an indestructible Dragon Island!

There are mountains and seas above, and countless wandering dragons hovering in it.

Although it is not as tall as the small world of the gods, but its power, I don't know how much it surpasses the small world of the gods

It hits directly on it.


Accompanied by a violent explosion, followed by a crackling sound.

That God Venerable, immediately spurted out a mouthful of blood, and the whole person was desperate to the extreme.

"no no!"

His small world was ruthlessly smashed into pieces, then detonated, and completely turned into nothingness.

The destruction of the small world is different from the divine soul. The destruction of the divine soul may simply be a complete waste of cultivation.

But the destruction of the small world will destroy his whole person forever!

The kind of soul that is completely scattered, and there is no chance of reincarnation.

Therefore, no one is willing to use the small world unless they have to.

God Venerable's small world was detonated, and the violent explosive force had not yet erupted. If you don't see it, you will remember the dragon's tail and draw the Fenghuomen Sect Master into it.

"Do not!"

The next moment, the door owner of Fenghuomen was also swept away alive by the explosion.

Above the sky, the power of space was ruthlessly stirred.

This time, you may be able to kill two birds with one stone! Take advantage of strength.

With the help of the small world of Fenghuomen Taishang Elder, he destroyed two gods at once.

And at this moment, from the distant horizon, several more tyrannical auras suddenly shot out.

The expressions of everyone suddenly changed greatly, and the four god emperors of Fenghuomen were overjoyed.

"It's the powerhouse of Tiandao Pavilion! Hahahaha... It's the powerhouse of Tiandao Pavilion who has come to save us. Now, we don't have to die!"