Why Is a Genius Such as Myself Accepting Apprentices?

Chapter 448: You and I are both ants, how can we not go against the sky?


The powerful force pressed down on Fang Tianyuan, almost crushing Fang Tianyuan in a ground-breaking posture.

However, Fang Tianyuan did not evade in the slightest, as if the move in front of him was simply not qualified for his own shot.


Nezha's attack mercilessly slammed on Fang Tianyuan's head, causing a tremor of the power of the rules, but none of the opponent Tianyuan caused the slightest damage!

"What! How is this possible?"

At this moment, Nezha's whole body collapsed completely.

His strength is definitely far less than the existence of the prehistoric powerhouse or the quasi-saint level, but those powerhouses are all direct disciples under the saints, that is, his master's generation.

Although strong, there are very few people, and he knows almost all of them!

The existence in front of him, motionless, was able to resist his attack, at least it was the cultivation of Daluo Jinxian in the later stage!

Because he himself is a powerhouse at the fifth level of Daluo Jinxian!

"It seems that your cultivation base has not grown much for so many years. But it's not surprising that they treat me like this, and they won't be much better for you."

Fang Tianyuan's words made Nezha even more shocked.

"You... who the hell are you?"

Fang Tianyuan raised his hand slightly, and a powerful force of rules directly suppressed Nezha and made him stand on the ground again.

"I said, I'm Sun Wukong, your good buddy."

"Who is that person from Lingshan?"


Fang Tianyuan's eyes showed a deep and complicated look.

"He has six ears."

"Six-eared macaque! You said he was a six-eared macaque, and you were Sun Wukong. What evidence do you have?"

Fang Tianyuan smiled lightly.

"Is there any evidence, don't you still know? You are the reincarnation of the spirit bead beside Nu Wa, and I am the Heaven Patching Stone in Nu Wa's hand. There is a sense of the same vein between you and me. You can't do it now. Try, can I communicate with my Yuanshen

You shouldn't ignore this evidence, right? "

Although he has been reincarnated, there is still a residual breath in the life imprint. That is because Fang Tianyuan did not refine it himself. It is a thought and sealed in a certain corner of his body. It was slowly released by him.

Nezha staggered back two steps as if he had been struck by a thunderbolt.

In fact, Fang Tianyuan didn't need to say it, he also vaguely guessed something.

At this moment, he finally understood why, the monkey grandson, was so indifferent to everyone, and he was indifferent when he saw Tang Seng and others were killed.

He also finally understood why Sun Monkey was so unfamiliar with himself.

It is so, it is so!

But... why

Fang Tianyuan seemed to see Nezha's doubts and said again:

"Actually, this is quite normal, you and I have both left names in the Three Realms, and you and I are both rebellious people, unwilling to obey the leadership arrangements, and being rejected is also a good explanation.

However, you are luckier than me, because you still have a master and a father who loves you. In short, your background is good, and someone intercedes for you. At least you can still live as the great god of Santan Haihui.

As for me, I'm a complete pawn. If I don't like it, I can just find a replacement and abandon it.

I don't know how many times I reincarnate in the bottom world before I return to the Three Realms. "

Nezha clenched his fists.

"I still don't believe it! My master will never blame me! Even if my master blames me, what about my father? What about my brothers? If they really blame me, how can I be safe now?"

"Are you really safe and sound? Don't you feel like you're missing something over the years? You never doubted it?"

"I... ."

Nezha hesitated, because he really felt that he was missing something, but he didn't know what it was!

Fang Tianyuan shrugged.

"It doesn't matter, you can follow me into the water curtain cave, and you will know the truth of the matter. I don't need to lie to you."

"it is good!"

Nezha gritted his teeth and followed Fang Tianyuan.

The two came to the door of the water curtain cave, and two not weak momentum was revealed from the water curtain cave.

"This is the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals? Why did Heavenly Court send the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals to guard here?"

Nezha's face became more and more puzzled, Fang Tianyuan couldn't help but said:

"Have you never been to Huaguo Mountain all these years?"

Nezha shook his head.

"You have already defeated the Buddha in a fight. You spend all day listening to the Buddha's sermons in the western sky. What am I doing here?"

Immediately, he spoke again:

"When I came here this time, the Jade Emperor sent someone to follow me and was discovered by Second Brother Yang. The heavenly soldiers and generals here cannot let them find our traces."

"Of course, now is not the time to let the Jade Emperor know about this."

"I used my master to teach me the Void Purdue Method, which should be able to pass through them. They won't be noticed by them."

Fang Tianyuan shook his head.

"You think too much."

Afterwards, he held Nezha's shoulder with one hand, directly cast the space teleportation method, crossed the silhouettes of the heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals, and entered the Water Curtain Cave.

"So fast!"

Nezha couldn't help but exclaim, Fang Tianyuan's speed was outrageous.

Fang Tianyuan explained:

"Actually, you can't even use the trick just now, and you will still alarm the other party. Because inside the Water Curtain Cave, the Taixuan Tiangang Formation is arranged."

"What? Taixuan Tiangang Formation? Isn't that a formation that only the Jade Emperor can arrange?"

"That's right, it's the formation he arranged. His cultivation base has now reached the quasi-sacred realm, so no one of the big Luo Jinxian can break into the formation he arranged. It is very safe. After entering here, the two of us No need to worry."

Nezha's pupils shrank, Fang Tianyuan's cultivation made him even more frightened.

When Sun Wukong fought against him, he was only slightly better than him.

However, after that, he was thrown into the mortal world, and it took tens of thousands of years before he came back, and he had been cultivating all the time. In any case, Fang Tianyuan couldn't surpass himself by so much, right

What the hell is going on here

"Monkey, what is your cultivation base now?"

Fang Tianyuan just smiled and did not answer.

"There are people outside people, and there are days outside the sky. My little cultivation base is actually nothing."

When the words fell, he stepped into the depths of the Shuilian Cave.

Nezha followed him and walked inside.

Fang Tianyuan is very familiar with everything here, and Nezha is fine. After all, he had come here to play in the battle with Sun Wukong in Huaguo Mountain.

However, Fang Tianyuan took him into a secret passage that he had never entered before.

This made Nezha a little curious.

This secret passage is filled with a power that is so yin and cold. Even if he is a big Luo Jinxian, after entering, he still feels a little unbearable and can't stop shivering. He has not felt this way for many years. .

Fang Tianyuan seemed to have noticed his feeling, and wrapped him in it with his own strength, and in an instant, the chill on Nezha's body was completely eliminated, which made Nezha secretly smack his tongue.

Who the hell did the monkey learn from? It was obvious that he had already been reincarnated, but now he is stronger than before, even against the sky!

It's really been a ghost.

However, just when he was puzzled, Fang Tianyuan's voice came again.


Nezha was startled, looked up and looked forward. In an instant, the whole person couldn't stop shivering.

In the depths of the cave, a scrawny monkey was trapped on a stone platform by the Immortal Binding Chain. Its pipa bone had been pierced by the meridian mandarin duck hook, and all its mana was trapped within its body.

"This... this is... ."

Nezha's scalp was numb in shock, and the hairs all over his body exploded, and the monkey slowly opened his eyes, glanced at Fang Tianyuan, and grinned.

"Hey hey... You're finally here! It's been thousands of years, I thought you were already dead outside!"

Immediately, it glanced at Nezha again.

"Oh? Little Nezha is here too."

Nezha shivered, because the monkey in front of him was not only exactly the same as Sun Wukong, but also more like the Sun Wukong he had encountered before. .

The most important thing is that among these three realms, he is the only one who can call himself Little Nezha.

"Sun Wukong? You are Sun Wukong? Then who is he?"

After seeing the real Monkey King, Nezha was completely confused.

The other party smiled and said again:

"No, you are wrong. He is the reincarnation of Sun Wukong, and I am his demon body."

"Demon body!"

"Yes, all things are born, there are positives and negatives, there are yin and yang, there are good and evil.

I am his demon body! And he is my body. "

"So that's the case, but since the Jade Emperor killed him, why didn't he destroy your demon body as well?"

"Because he can't be destroyed, whether the demon body or good intentions, they are all combined with the imprint of life. The imprint of life belongs to the category of the origin of the Dao, and only the saint who controls the power of the rules, or the Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian , can be destroyed. He Haotian does not have the ability to move the imprint of life.

But he has cultivated a method that can separate the human body from the demon body, so as to separate and seal the imprint of life.

And the water curtain hole has become the demon body of his dissatisfied subordinates.

Once the demon body is sealed, part of the imprint of life is in his hands.

In this way, even if others want to rebel, he still has the means, using part of the imprint of the other party, he can easily crush the other party at any time!

However, the demonic nature has been sealed, and only the loyalty, kindness and courtesy letter of the main body is left... Who else would rebel? "

When Nezha heard this, his heart skipped a beat.

"It turned out to be like this, no wonder, no wonder you can come back. But... No, your demon body is sealed here, I can still understand, what does that have to do with my change?"

Sun Wukong's demon body, crookedly smiled.

"Look who is behind me?"

With a trace of confusion, Nezha tilted his body and looked behind Sun Wukong. With just this look, his whole worldview collapsed in an instant!