Why Is a Genius Such as Myself Accepting Apprentices?

Chapter 484: Who controls the ups and downs



"Come, come, master, here I come."

"I have now reached the Supreme Realm. Do other disciples have the opportunity to reach this realm?"

"Yes, everyone can reach this state and follow the master's limit to improve."

"Above the Supreme Realm, is there any more powerful realm?"

"This... there must be, but I don't know what realm it is, unless you find all the fragments of the jade disc of good fortune."

"Fragments of the Fortune Jade Plate? Could it be that the Fortune Jade Plate is any different?"

"Yes. In fact, every big world will give birth to a top powerhouse. The whole world was born to nurture this powerhouse.

Like the strong man in our world, that is Pangu.

And Pangu was accompanied by two treasures.

The first is Chaos Qinglian. The chaotic green lotus is the root of all things and the resource of Pangu. It can be turned into many innate treasures and used as a weapon of Pangu.

The second is the jade plate of good fortune. The jade plate of good fortune was created to teach Pangu.

The jade plate of good fortune and the chaotic green lotus are not products of this world. They were placed in the chaotic world when Pangu was conceived.

In the jade plate of good fortune, there are not only the three thousand avenues, but also the Taoist rules of teaching Pangu.

At the same time, it is also an encyclopedia.

It records things in another world. With it, the master can understand what the universe outside the chaotic world looks like? "

"It turns out to be like this, but Ancestor Hongjun has forty-nine jade plates of good fortune. I want to collect all the jade plates of good fortune. I'm afraid it's not that easy."

"It doesn't matter, the power that the master has now has reached the supreme realm. You can go to Hongjun ancestors anytime, anywhere.

I have a connection with the jade plate of good fortune in his hand, and I can easily find him.

After finding him, with the master's strength and cultivation, is it not a trivial matter to snatch the jade plate back? "

Lu Xiaoran nodded.

"It's a good idea. You immediately find a way to find the ancestor of Hongjun."


When the words fell, Wang Cai immediately fell into meditation and went all out to find the location of the ancestor of Hongjun.

As for Lu Xiaoran, he issued his orders to the second-generation disciples of the Wuming Sect.

"All the second-generation disciples of the Wuming Sect obeyed the order and immediately went to any place in the Three Realms to find the fragments of the jade plate of good fortune and bring them back to meet me."

After the order was given, the masters on Jinao Island quickly dispersed to other places.

Not long after, Fang Tianyuan and others came quickly.

"I have seen Master."

Lu Xiaoran glanced at a few people.

"What are you guys doing here?"

Fang Tianyuan and the others hurriedly said:

"Master, why don't you let a few of us also find the fragments of the jade plate of good fortune?"

"What did I think it was? This trivial matter deserves you to come and ask me.

We will face more enemies in the future, but the enemies in the future will not win by quantity, but by quality!

In other words, the enemies we encounter in the future are all first-class players.

I asked them to find the fragments of the Jade Plate of Fortune because they were not qualified enough to go further.

But you are different, and I also expect your cultivation to improve even higher.

How can I ask you to find the Jade Butterfly? "

"So it is."

"Go back and practice hard."

While speaking, Lu Xiaoran flicked his fingers and shot out several streaks of purple brilliance.

All of those are primordial purple qi.

After he was promoted to the Supreme Realm, the Supreme Hongmeng Art in his body ran faster, as if the meridians were widened.

Based on this, the Primordial Violet Qi in his body was accumulating more and more quickly.

Distributing some to the disciples can improve their cultivation even more.

Everyone thanked them, then dispersed and went back to practice.

As for Lu Xiaoran, he raised his head and looked up into the deep space until... his body silently disappeared in place.

Wang Cai had already told him in his mind that he had found the location of the ancestor of Hongjun.

Therefore, Lu Xiaoran naturally has to rush over without stopping, and deal with the ancestor Hongjun first.

Outside the Three Realms, in the Great Void, the ancestor Hongjun was alone, wandering in the universe.

Soon, the serious expression on his face turned into joy.

"It's almost there. It's up ahead. The lord's place!"

But at this moment, a sense of crisis that terrified him suddenly appeared above his mind.

That feeling is like a giant python coiled in front of you, in front of it, you can't escape, not even from his sight.

"Senior, is that you?"

He couldn't help but stop and asked carefully.

However, in the empty universe, there was no echo at all.


He couldn't help but cautiously asked again.

This time, someone finally responded to him.

"Sorry to disappoint you."

After hearing this voice, Hongjun's expression was extremely frightened, but at this moment he couldn't help trembling.

"Lu Xiaoran! Why are you here?"

The space was shattered, and Lu Xiaoran's figure slowly appeared in Hongjun's eyes.

"Tai Xu didn't run in your house, where do I want to be? Do I still have to report to you?"

The casual expression made Ancestor Hongjun full of anger.

It hurts him more than taunting him, it's a feeling of ignorance.

It was as if he had become an ant now, and was not qualified to fight him at all.

"Lu Xiaoran, don't be too arrogant.

Although you have absorbed Sanqing, your cultivation has risen sharply.

But don't forget, I'm still the seventh-grade Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxian. If you fight with me, it's just a dead fish and a net, and you won't get any benefits. "

Lu Xiaoran smiled lightly and began to tidy up his sleeves.

"Really? Then I really want to see it!"

As he spoke, his aura had begun to rise rapidly.

Feeling the power and terror of this force, Ancestor Hongjun's face instantly turned purple.

"This... this cultivation base... what kind of cultivation base is this? Why have I never encountered it before."

"Of course you haven't encountered it before! This is the Supreme Realm, the realm above the Primordial Promise Luo Jinxian!"

"No! Impossible! It's me who should have reached this level, how could it be you?"

Lu Xiaoran was too lazy to talk too much nonsense with him, so he just killed him with a single thought.

As soon as this idea appeared, the space barrier between the two was instantly shattered.

The power of the Supreme Realm, full of crushing aura, rushed directly to the face of the ancestor of Hongjun.

Ancestor Hongjun was so frightened that his liver and gallbladder were split, and his mind was instantly sober.

Now is not the time to investigate his cultivation and why he is so strong, but the time to escape!

He immediately took out his innate treasure and held it in front of him.

But it is a pity that now he is no longer Lu Xiaoran's opponent. In front of Lu Xiaoran, he can't even resist.

Boom boom boom... All the innate treasures burst open the moment they touched Lu Xiaoran's cultivation base.

The coercion continued unabated, and the ancestors of Hongjun were surrounded in an instant!

"not good!"

Ancestor Hongjun, his face changed suddenly.

But there is no other way. Now, all the innate treasures have been collected. Moreover, the Taixu Divine Armor was already lost when he was in the heavenly court.

In the nick of time, he had no choice.

In an instant, he took out the jade plate of good fortune that he only had to resist Lu Xiaoran's power.

The jade plate of good fortune is indeed of sufficient weight. With its appearance, Lu Xiaoran's attack suddenly stopped.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Ancestor Hongjun directly used the sage's blood explosion technique and exploded one of his arms, which turned it into the law of the Dao and helped him escape.

Everything is developing too fast, and it is also strange that the jade plate of good fortune is too strong.

However, all of these were not the reason why Lu Xiaoran stopped, the reason he stopped was because he felt that in the vast void in the distance, there were several forces rushing towards this side.

Each of these powers, the cultivation base is around the first layer of the Primordial Promise Luo Jinxian.

It can be said that he is much stronger than his own apprentices.

Of course, this doesn't mean that Lu Xiaoran is cowardly because of this.

Mainly because he doesn't know the power in Taixu now!

Since the other party can gather a few Hunyuan Wuji Luo Jinxian, it is inevitable that there are more powerful masters behind the other party.

Thirty-six strategies, walking is the best strategy!

Let's understand the world first.

This has always been Lu Xiaoran's character.

I haven't been stubborn recently, mainly because I no longer have any secrets in the Three Realms.

However, outside of the Three Realms, he can still be stubborn, because no one here will know his identity!

The most important thing is that he should also go back and synthesize the Jade Butterfly.


Somewhere in Taixu, the space was suddenly split open, and the mutilated body of Hongjun's ancestor staggered out of it.

At this moment, because of his broken arm, his spirit is already lethargic!

"This damn Lu Xiaoran, his strength has increased so fast, what a pervert!

Fortunately, in the end, there was a jade plate of good fortune, which helped me resist him. If not, I'm dead! "

This also made him hate Lu Xiaoran even more, even more!

"Damn Lu Xiaoran! You wait for me, don't think that you are a supreme-level strength now, much stronger than the Primordial Prodigy Luo Jinxian, I am afraid of you!

As long as I see Ye Chen and find his assistance, I will come back to you in minutes! "


On Lu Xiaoran's side, after returning to Jin'ao Island, some disciples have already returned, and the result is very obvious, nothing!

The fragments of the jade plate of good fortune are actually very difficult to find. Otherwise, the ancestor of Hongjun would not have not found it for so many years.

However, Lu Xiaoran was not worried.

Ancestor Hongjun didn't find it, that's because he only had forty-nine pieces in his hand, and now, he has fifty pieces!

But don't underestimate this extra piece of distance.

It is such a small piece that has produced an effect, it is enough to double, or even several times!

For each additional piece of Fortune Jade Plate, the effect of improvement is huge and unimaginable.