Why Is a Genius Such as Myself Accepting Apprentices?

Chapter 504: Imperfect ending


As soon as the God of Creation appeared, the situation that Lu Xiaoran had just resolved became extremely dangerous in a blink of an eye.

There are seven creation gods in total, but because Lu Xiaoran's father has passed away, there are still six.

However, even with only these six founding gods, it is not so easy to deal with.

Their strength is the strongest existence in the entire Taixu universe.

It can even be said that it exists like a ceiling.

At this moment, everyone's heart sank.

In the end, still can't change any results


Without any warning, the God of Creation suddenly shot, causing Lu Xiaoran's body to explode in a blink of an eye.

This is much stronger than those masters and supreme!

It's simply not in one dimension.

Lu Xiaoran's body quickly repaired, but the opponent shot again, and in a blink of an eye, it exploded again.


Yun Lige and the others clenched their fists, facing this Xeon's power, they were really in complete despair.

They can see that the attack of the God of Creation can even cause damage to the power of rules.

The injuries Lu Xiaoran suffered were almost irreversible.

Even if he restores his body, his strength will continue to decline until all his cultivation bases are completely scrapped. At that time, he will no longer be able to resurrect.

And this process only takes a minute at most.

How to do

How to do

Everyone was in a hurry like ants on a hot pan.

At this time, Ji Wuxia was surprisingly calm.

"Senior brother. If I remember correctly, your Hunyuan Emperor Sutra has an extremely special ability that you have never used before, right?"

Yun Lige nodded, but his face was extremely solemn.

"You're right. However, that special ability is not something I can use if I want. It requires the cooperation of non-casters."

Fang Tianyuan hurriedly asked:

"What ability is that?"

"Maha Boundless! It's a move beyond the Hunyuan Emperor Sutra.

It can use other people's power for its own use.

Once it is used, all people who enter the scope of the exercise will be swallowed up, and the soul, the imprint of life, the primordial spirit, the physical body... everything will be wiped out, and there will be no transcendence in eternity.

Moreover, I can only perform the exercises, and all those who enter must be voluntary. Otherwise, the practice method will not include it. "

Everyone was shocked, it turned out to be such a practice!

At this time, there was another violent explosion outside, and Lu Xiaoran's cultivation level dropped a few more layers.

If it goes on like this, even if everyone has a method, it will be too late to use it.

Fang Tianyuan took a deep breath and said with a serious face:

"My life was originally given by the master. If it wasn't for the master, I would have died long ago. Now it is reasonable and reasonable to give it back to the master. What's there to bear? Let's start, senior brother."

Li Changsheng and others also followed suit and said:

"Yeah! Senior Brother, hurry up and use this technique. If it's too late, we'll be too late."

Looking at the determined brothers and sisters, Yun Lige took a deep breath and nodded solemnly.

He has had this experience, and he knows that everyone's feelings for Master are as deep as his own.

In this situation, everyone would be willing to sacrifice themselves to save Master.

Yun Lige quickly performed the exercise, and his body turned into a huge black hole.

The moment the black hole appeared, Ji Wuxia turned into a nine-colored phoenix. The first one rushed into the black hole, followed by Fang Tianyuan, Li Changsheng, Zhuge Ziqiong, Song Xinian, Junmai, Jiang Taixuan, and Su Lingwu.

No one backed away, everyone chose to sacrifice themselves selflessly.

Lu Xiaoran's thoughts shouted loudly:

"Stop it, stop it for me! Who allowed you to do this? Stop it for me!"

But no one would listen to him. After Jiang Taixuan ended, he was a disciple of Wumingzong.

Jun Changming, Lu Xiaochen, Tongtian Cult Master, Houtu... In this final battle, they no longer care about their personal life or death.

Everyone's idea is very simple, that is, let Lu Xiaoran live!

In fact, if Lu Xiaoran dies, they will die too.

But if they died, they could get Lu Xiaoran's life in exchange, who wouldn't

Mohe is immeasurable and absorbs more and more power, but it is still far from enough, because Yun Lige needs enough power to help Lu Xiaoran rush into the realm of the God of Creation at once.

Because Lu Xiaoran was attacked by the God of Creation, his cultivation had already dropped a part, and now he is no longer the tenth master.

Therefore, Yun Lige needs more and stronger power.

At this time, suddenly, several figures flew out from the Three Realms.

"Our strength is weak, but it should also help a little bit."

Yun Lige's heart was shocked. This time, there are many faces that he has seen and experienced.

There are the suzerain of the Tianmo Sect, Li Daoran, the elder Huang Niu... There are the suzerain and elders of the Xuanwu Shenzong, and there are many forces in the realm of the gods, in addition to the Lu family, some of them are friends he once made.

"Everyone! Thank you!"

Yun Lige didn't expect so many people to help, and his eyes started to get wet and red.

One figure after another, one after another, rushed into the infinite black hole of Maha.

Finally, when the power reached a peak, Yun Lige directly integrated this power, along with his own power, into Lu Xiaoran's body.

At this moment, Lu Xiaoran's breath suddenly burst out.

The entire Taixu universe began to tremble.

The faces of the six creation gods suddenly changed.

"How is this possible? At this time, he can reverse the counterattack?"

"Don't worry about him, this may be what the First God of Creation left him, and kill him quickly!"

A powerful force, once again suppressed.

But this time, the forces didn't get where they wanted to be.


The power of the six creation gods was suddenly blocked, and everyone's heart trembled. Before they could react, a golden body suddenly took shape.

Inside the golden body, colorful rays of light radiated continuously.

It is the God of Creation!

Lu Xiaoran finally reached the cultivation level of the God of Creation.

"damn it!"

The faces of the six creation gods have changed.

"I didn't expect that in the end, he still broke through to this level. How did he do it?"

"You don't need to worry about this, even if he breaks through to the God of the World, so what

When we killed his father, we can kill him now! It's just another battle! "

Lu Xiaoran looked at everyone indifferently, but just smiled coldly.

"Do you think I'll be like my father

You are so naive.

The reason why my father chose to fight against you is because my father still has me, and he doesn't want me to sacrifice.

That's why he chose to sacrifice himself and give me this opportunity.

But now, I have nothing left.

I have no father, no apprentices, no relatives and friends, and I am completely alone.

So, I don't have any worries. "

The eyes of the six creation gods turned cold.

"What do you mean?"

Lu Xiaoran took out the Hongmeng Bead, a purple bead that exuded a strange light, illuminating the entire universe of Taixu.

"I mean, I'm going to take you all on the road!"

Ye Chen's face changed.

"He wants to detonate the Hongmeng Pearl in his hand."

"Damn it! Don't let him succeed, grab the Hongmeng Pearl!"

The six great creator gods shot at the same time, trying to stop Lu Xiaoran, but unfortunately, Lu Xiaoran was already dead.

What if you become a God of Creation

In the past, he really wanted to be an invincible powerhouse, and he didn't want to be too involved with anyone.

But in the end, when he had become a powerful god of creation, he turned around and found that it is impossible for a person to succeed alone.

Every figure you have encountered along the way.

Friends or foes will eventually become part of your life, giving you an endless connection to the world.

So you are no longer a loner, and you are unlikely to get used to a lonely life.

Now, even if he can survive, he will only miss his apprentices and friends every day.

And all this is caused by the creation gods in front of them.

They were worried that they would be a threat to them, so they fought hard.

In this case, let the entire Taixu universe be at peace together.

The light flashed and spread rapidly, filling the entire universe.

It devours everything in an instant.

Even Lu Xiaoran himself couldn't escape it.


The entire universe was annihilated, and after an unknown amount of time, Lu Xiaoran felt that he had come to a white world.

"Here... where is it?"

He couldn't help but murmur.

"Here is the core position of the Hongmeng Pearl!"

"You are?"

Lu Xiaoran couldn't help frowning slightly, and soon, the image of a little girl appeared in front of him.

"I am the illusion of Hongmeng Pearl, which can also be said to be the manifestation of Hongmeng Pearl's consciousness."

"Isn't the Hongmeng Pearl blown up by me?"

"Yes, the Hongmeng Pearl was indeed blown up by you, including the entire Taixu universe. It was blown up by you."

"Then why do I still exist?"

"Actually, you made a mistake and used the right method of the Hongmeng Pearl.

The Hongmeng Pearl itself is the origin of the universe. When it absorbs a certain amount of energy, a powerhouse at the level of the creator god can trigger it, and the entire universe can be destroyed. After the destruction, all the forces will be reunited. The user will be able to control all the power between heaven and earth.

Then, use this power to create a new world.

Everything in this world is created by the user, so the user controls the life and death of all creatures in the entire universe.

This... is the way to be the ancestor! "

Lu Xiaoran was stunned, he didn't expect that the secret about the ancestor was like this.

"You mean, I can create a whole new world now, and can this world have people from the previous world?"

The little girl shook her head.

"No, because the world has not yet been created, and everything is on the verge of initialization. If you start to create, nothing in the previous world will exist, even if you create the same people. Give him all the same memories. They It's not the same person anymore. But if you don't create it, according to your wishes and choices, you can restore the previous backup."

"In other words, can I restore the previous world?"

The little girl nodded.

Lu Xiaoran was overjoyed.

"Then I want to restore the previous world, but I have to make some changes, to obliterate all those creator gods, and also obliterate their subordinates, and raise all of my disciples to the realm of creator gods!

They are in charge of the universe of Taixu. "

"Have you thought about it? If you do, you will no longer exist, because to create a world, you use the power of the new world, and there are many powers at your disposal.

But to restore and change the previous world, you cannot use this part of the power, and now you are actually dead. It is the Hongmeng Pearl that locks your consciousness.

If you restore the previous world, the power of the Hongmeng Pearl will also be exhausted, and it will not protect you. "

"I do!"

Lu Xiaoran had no hesitation.

If it wasn't for the disciples, who sacrificed them at the last moment to save himself, he would not have become the first ancestor.

But without them, what's the point of being this ancestor yourself

"You are really a strange being. In the history of Hongmeng Pearl, among all the masters I have met, you are the only one who chose to restore the previous world instead of creating a new one."

"Then let me be the first person."

Lu Xiaoran closed her eyes, the little girl shook her head slightly, she couldn't understand Lu Xiaoran's choice, because she was just a conscious body without emotion.


I don't know how many years have passed, and everything has returned to its original point.

But there is a slight change.

The original God of Creation is gone, replaced by Yun Lige and the others!

The entire Taixu universe has also returned to calm again.

During this period, Yun Lige and the others never gave up their exploration of Lu Xiaoran.


Earth, a bar.

"Hey, Jun Laoqi, you bastard, didn't you say that you have found traces of the existence of the master on this planet? Why haven't you found the master yet?"

"Senior brother, don't be angry! I'm really trying hard to find it, and I'm more anxious than you when the master is not there.

I have searched all the universes outside the universe of Taixu, but only this place has the breath of the master, but it is too weak and erratic, so it is difficult for me to find it for a while.

Besides, you all eat and drink spicy food all day long, and I am the only one looking for it, and I am also very embarrassed. "

"Don't talk nonsense, I asked you to find the master, and I still wronged you? Believe it or not, I beat you?"

"It's worth it, I'll look for it again. I'm looking for it non-stop, but I can't find the master. I won't rest, okay?"

Hanging up the phone, Yun Lige couldn't help complaining:

"This Jun Laoqi is unreliable all day long. I think he has to be beaten and beaten. If it weren't for the fact that only he and the second junior sister have Shizun's blood, and there is still a trace of connection, I can find Shizun, I would have long ago I went to find the master myself."

Li Changsheng smiled slightly.

"No way, who made him the reincarnation of Zulong and the second senior sister the reincarnation of Yuanfeng

They are all Pangu differentiation, and the body of the master is from Pangu, and there are only two of them, and there is still a slight connection with the master. "

"What is the second brother Ji doing recently? Why haven't you seen her go to the master?"

"Second Senior Sister is now writing a novel on a website called Penguin Group, but the results are quite impressive. Take the story of us and Master, and wrote nearly 1.4 million words, but the result is not even a boutique!

It was me and the sixth who secretly opened the trumpet, and one of them gave her a reward for a leader. "

Yun Lige shook his head.

"Junior Sister Ji has become a god of creation, and she is still rambling. She has nothing to write about? Isn't she wasting her life? Back then, she liked to write a diary. Who is a normal person to write a diary!"

"Second Senior Sister, this is not bad. At least, I haven't lost confidence in life.

She is now starting to write her second novel - "I'm Invincible in the Martial Arts Library".

I saw her writing was very exciting, so I signed up for a trumpet account and brushed up several alliance leaders for her. I saw her this time, it seems that she is not so swaying.

In contrast, other senior brothers and sisters were much more boring.

The third senior brother has now returned to the Heavenly Demon Sect, on the water-stopping peak, living and dreaming every day.

The Fifth Junior Sister and the Sixth Elder will travel through the universe of Taixu to prevent foreign enemies from attacking.

The old eight and the ninth don't even know where they died.

As soon as Master left, our Wuming Sect lost our backbone.

Who is still waiting? "

"Okay, I won't talk nonsense with you, I'll go out for a walk. You should pay attention to reconciling the accounts of Footwashing City today, lest Uncle Daoran say that the two of us bully him together and give him less dividends."

"Don't worry, leave it to me."

Yun Lige walked out of the foot-washing city. After Shizun left, he came here because he had found the aura of Shizun in this world called Earth, and had nothing to do with Li Changsheng and Li Daoran. Uncle Shi, partnered to open a foot washing city to pass the time.

It's a pity that the business of the foot washing city is getting more and more popular, but I can't see where the master is.

Glancing at the bustling city, he shook his head, lit a cigarette, put his hands in his pockets, and walked towards the distance.

"Master! Are you still alive

If you are alive, give me a message.

Disciple, I really miss you. "

And just after he walked over, a man behind him with a dog couldn't help but wonder:

"Wangcai, do you think that person seems a little familiar."

"Wow, wang wang wang!"

"Well, please stop screaming. I'm making a big noise. I'll buy you sausages. I hope the convenience store hasn't closed yet."

With that, he led the dog and walked in the other direction.


The book is over!



After writing, I will kneel down and apologize to everyone!

The writing was not good, and there were some poisonous spots in the early stage. Because of being sprayed, the mentality collapsed later, and the writing was a mess!

But there are still more than 100 readers who are chasing.

I'm so sorry for you guys! Failed to write a perfect ending. But I really don't want to cheat money and cheat subscriptions!

Congratulations and apologies again!

For this book, I am very grateful to those who praised me, and I am also very grateful to those who slander me.

Genius is the starting point for me, the first book that is really a little bit up, and it can be regarded as my transformation work.

(Before, I wrote wireless texts, which are the kind of poisonous little white texts that you may want to vomit. The God of War is back, and my five-year-old daughter lives in a kennel.)

I started writing in the true sense. It can be traced back to one or four years. I originally wanted to do live broadcasts, but I thought I was ugly, so I relied on part-time work and spent 700 yuan to buy an 18-hand broken computer (card death) to start writing.

I haven’t signed a contract for a year or two, and I probably wrote a few million words.

It wasn't until later, in Chuangshi, that an editor signed a contract, joined the group of contracted writers, threw a few books on the street, and changed a few editors to write a little bit.

I wrote a book that I was embarrassed to say, earning a little living expenses, and I was on the street for more than half a year. When I couldn't stand it anymore, I met another editor, and he was stable for a year or two under him.

Later, due to some villain's reasons, the best book was forced to be a eunuch.

After that, because the whole network began to popularize new styles, traditional wireless texts (i.e. Fantasy Fighting, Urban Medicine God of War) no longer had a market, and it has been on the street for more than a year.

It was not until the genius that this situation was barely broken.

In fact, the grades of genius are not good, it is not even a fraction of the previous book, and now there are only 2,500 average subscriptions.

But it did relieve my financial embarrassment and let me take a breather.

Here, I really, really want to thank my readers, really thank you, thank you again!

And my editor, Supper and Cookies, gave me lots of recommendations.

And my operations officer, Lilidfdlili, helped me a lot!

My first leader, Ge Yima, and my current first book friend, the 100th leader!

So many people to thank!

I can't even tell.

Usually the end of a book, for the writer, is the passing of time.

I should have started writing it at the end of April or the beginning of May, and for a while in between, it continued to update more than 20,000 words every day.

Later, because the update was too fast, the recommendation did not arrive, so I was forced to write it, and it was updated every day.

Because it is over, those recommendations will not be given.

Recommendations play a vital role in books!

Here I bow again and apologize!

Because the old writing is not good, I don't have the face to ask for a subscription for the new book, but the new book is still a little better than the genius. So I still lick my face and introduce it a little.

It's a bit similar to the sign-in text. The protagonist's reading becomes stronger, but he still doesn't fall in love, and upgrades Gou Wen normally.

The title of the book is mentioned above - "I am invincible in the martial arts library"!

This book is on the 17th, which is to be released at noon tomorrow. If the results are good, I will definitely try my best to update it for a period of time, with more than 20,000 words per day.

I am a child from the countryside. Writing is really not an easy task for me. I can't compare with the writing style and style of those great gods. I can only write as hard as I can!

I also advise everyone here that you must work hard in life, no effort, no gain!

The ugly duckling may not be able to become a white swan, but it will definitely make his life more stable.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is coming soon. I wish you all a happy family reunion and all the best!

I also wish you all a bright future, smooth sailing in life, and cramps when counting money!


I love you, yay!

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