Why Is It Possible For This Type Of A To Also Have An O?

Chapter 1: I lost my memory


The bright white LED lights in the bathroom made Jiang Yunshu's eyes hurt. He stared at the person in the mirror silently, bent down resignedly for a while, and washed his face exhaustedly. The water formed a small tip on his chin and finally dripped down.

"Crack", there was a moment of silence.

It has been three days since he came to this world.

Three days ago, Jiang Yunshu woke up in a hospital bed, only to find himself on the body of a man named Jiang Yunsu who was supposed to die. Facing the doctor's question, he knew nothing about it, so he had to use the reason of "I lost my memory" for a while. After getting away with it, he borrowed the phone number from the nurse's station in a state of anxiety, and with cold fingertips, he dialed the familiar numbers in his memory one by one.

"The number you dialed is empty."

The nurse saw that his mood had changed from calm to distraught, so she involuntarily glanced at the recent call records. A row of numbers starting with 1 seemed to be looking at a weird person: "Patient, what numbers are you dialing? We Only 8-digit phone numbers starting with 2."

Jiang Yunshu's heart sank suddenly, and he stared at her for more than ten seconds as if he had seen a ghost, before he realized that this was not the same world at all.

After that, he stayed in a hotel near the hospital with a dozen bills in his wallet for three days.

During the past three days, he searched for clues like crazy, walked through every intersection in his memory, but they were all unfamiliar road names; he bought a map, and it was not marked with the name of the country or province, but the name of the first place. Which district is which star?; I searched for the second star where I was located on the Internet, but I couldn't find his original address.

He even wandered around the hospital whenever he was free, and even tried to lie on the hospital bed, trying to encounter some mysterious switch that would send him back, and ended up being kicked out by the hospital security.

Every night, the last scene in the original world would be played repeatedly in his mind, as if he was having a nightmare.

"Assistant, suture." Jiang Yunshu put down the scalpel and took off the sterile gloves. His eyes were bright red. He had just completed the third operation in a day, which lasted as long as 18 hours. The moment he walked out of the operating room, There was a sudden sharp pain in his head, and then his vision went dark, and he lost consciousness.

As a doctor, he guessed that he might have ruptured a cerebral blood vessel, and his chance of surviving was only one percent.

These incredible but real things were spread out in front of Jiang Yunshu, all clamoring: You are dead, you can't go back.

The white LED light above the bathroom flickered, Jiang Yunshu didn't know how many times he stood in front of the mirror, he raised his head, and the people in the mirror looked over at the same time, their eyes were tired but sharp.

He washed his face again and forced himself to calm down. All kinds of blows forced him, a firm materialist, to accept the facts and re-examine his current situation.

The water wetted his forehead and hair, and the drops of water dripped on his eyelashes. Jiang Yunshu closed his eyes and finally made a decision. Now that this is the case, let's live well in this world.

For the first time in three days, he carefully observed this body. The name was very similar, and the appearance was also very similar, but it was definitely not his face.

His face can be considered upper-middle level at best, but now this face, with a high nose bridge and thin lips, and three-dimensional facial features like sculptures, is handsome, but looks very... fierce, with hostility in his eyebrows and eyes.

I don't know how many versions of myself I have been equipped with.

Although these days are miserable and confused, the doctor's long-term habit drives him to tidy himself up properly. The person in the mirror is wearing a white shirt without a single wrinkle, and the beard on his face is clean-shaven. Can not stop haggard.

Jiang Yunshu straightened his collar, and took a special look when he came out of the bathroom. His original height was 1.84 meters, which was still a little high from the top of the door, but now he was almost touching the door frame.

He sighed and went out to check out.

Today is his review day.

After the doctor took a comprehensive brain CT and asked a few questions, he said that he could go.

The calm and calm Jiang Yunshu came back, holding a medical record in his hand, and asked, "Doctor, do I have any family?" When he just woke up, he vaguely remembered that someone was lying on the hospital bed, but it was too long. The black hair covered his brows and eyes, making it impossible to see his face clearly, followed by a series of chaos, causing him to forget this important matter.

Now that he has decided to start over, he must first find "his" family members and learn all the information about this body.

"You said your omega?" the doctor asked.

Jiang Yunshu: "... what?"

After a while, Jiang Yunshu was "driven" out with a junior high school sex education booklet and a small note in his hand.

An hour later, Jiang Yunshu got off the car in front of a high-end residential area.

"Mr. Jiang is back? Long time no see!" The security guard at the door greeted him.

It seems that he found the right one, Jiang Yunshu slightly nodded, "Long time no see."

Strange, the security guard looked at Jiang Yunshu's back and muttered, this is the first time he heard Mr. Jiang's greetings in three years.

Jiang Yunshu walked for more than half an hour before he found the house number on the small note. He moved his sore legs slightly. It seems that his luck is not bad, and he was reborn into a rich man

In front of you is a two-storey small villa with a fairly large yard. There are some fallen leaves on a large piece of green grass, and a big tree that is almost as tall as the villa is planted in the middle. It is full of emerald green. It made me feel a little better.

Jiang Yunshu rang the doorbell mounted on the wall, and the electronic screen next to the doorbell lit up. After a while, he saw a very thin and thin boy running out in a panic. The wind came in, and the soft hair was bouncing up and down.

Zhou An? No, Jiang Yunshu quickly gave a negative answer, it was a boy who looked like Zhou An.

It may be the doctor's professional habits. He observed the boy carefully. He was thin due to long-term malnutrition, his lips were pale due to anemia, his complexion was yellow and his eyes were blue. It's even more miserable.

But no matter how bad the condition is, it can't be argued that the boy has a much more beautiful appearance than Zhou An, with slightly drooping crescent eyes, a small and delicate nose, and a face as big as a palm. It is an excellent appearance that can only be seen on TV in the original world. .

Jiang Yunshu moved his fingertips, suspecting that the boy's face might not be as big as his palm.

"... sir!" The boy's face was pale, a trace of panic flashed in his eyes, and then he showed a stiff smile, "You are back..."

gentlemen? you? With his shoulder-length black hair, Jiang Yunshu recognized that this should be the person lying on the hospital bed, the... nanny at home? Since he still didn't know the relationship between the boy and himself, he had no choice but to "hmm", paused for a while, and added, "I lost my memory."

"I, I know..." The boy bent his back slightly, clasped his hands tightly in front of his belly, stood respectfully, and whispered, "I'm sorry sir, come in..."

Jiang Yunshu stared at his face for a while, not knowing what he was sorry for, so he walked in the door.

Unexpectedly, what happened after he entered the door made his already rotten three views even more shattered. The boy first took out a pair of men's slippers from the shoe cabinet, then knelt down on his knees and stretched out his hands I have to help Jiang Yunshu take off his shoes.

Jiang Yunshu, a young man in the new era, was taken aback, subconsciously took a step back, frowned and held the boy's arm to stop him: "No need to do this."

At the same time, he became more certain that the boy was a nanny or a housekeeper, but even if it was, there was no need to go to this point... Jiang Yunshu looked at the boy's face, besides, is this child an adult? The original owner employed child labor

The boy was wearing loose clothes, and the off-white round neck design made him obedient and soft. When he was rejected for the first time, he stood there helplessly.

Jiang Yunshu changed his slippers and asked, "What's your relationship with me?"

The boy was obviously taken aback, then lowered his head, and replied in a low voice: "Sir... I am your omega..."

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