Why Is It Possible For This Type Of A To Also Have An O?

Chapter 11: wait for me a while


Bai Tang bit his lip and stood awkwardly at the door of the kitchen. Jiang Yunshu's words "what do you want to do" made him face a difficult situation. Usually at this time he would be making breakfast, and after breakfast he would be doing non-stop housework.

Even though Alpha has been lying in the hospital for nearly half a month, he still washes and replaces the bed quilt regularly every day, raises the drenched cloth in the sun, the wine cabinet is spotless, and the stairs are polished shiny. Changed jobs.

Without a trace of expression, his movements are crisp and neat, like a programmed housekeeping robot.

Padding his feet, Bai Tang limped into the utility room, took out the broom, and tentatively began to sweep the floor.

Jiang Yunshu turned his head to look, and couldn't laugh or cry: "Baitang, the housekeeping aunt will come in the afternoon, and you don't need to do the housework from now on."

Bai Tang raised her head abruptly, the finger bones holding the broom handle turned white, she didn't need to do housework by herself, Jiang Yunsu just supported herself for nothing...

how can that be possible? Are you planning to give up on yourself, or are you planning to let him do something else? But he can only do housework... Or treat him as an item and trade with other alphas to play with omega...

Bai Tang's eyes were stained with fear, no matter what it was, he couldn't bear it.

Bai Tang involuntarily tensed his back, and timidly said: "Sir, I can do housework, please let me do housework..."

Bai Tang's face was almost written with big words "I'm thinking wildly", Jiang Yunshu was stunned for a moment, and comforted him: "Bai Tang, I have no other intentions, we can discuss housework after you recover. May I?"

Bai Tang lowered her eyelashes, her heart felt sad, her throat was sore, but she didn't dare to say anything, "Thank you sir..."

"Let's sit on the sofa and leave the broom where it is. I'll use it later," Jiang Yunshu smiled faintly. "Thank you, sugar, for helping me take it out."

"No, no need..." Bai Tang almost choked on himself, he held his breath, and shivered uncontrollably, "This is what I should do."

Jiang Yunshu shook his head, "No, no one has the obligation to help others."

The remaining porridge cooking time displayed on the rice cooker is more than half an hour. Jiang Yunshu calculated the time, and it seemed that he still had to study how to get the scheduled time at night. He looked back at Bai Tang who was sitting on the sofa, straightened his back and left the sofa The backrest is far away, the legs are straight, and the hands are lightly placed on the knees, the whole body is tense, and it looks tired.

"Baitang," Jiang Yunshu washed his hands, walked to the other side of the sofa, and said gently, "Do you want to sit in the small yard?"

When Bai Tang's line of sight entered Alpha's figure, he tensed reflexively, his heart was lifted up by a thin thread and hung in mid-air.

He listened to Alpha's words and looked outside, the window was green, the leaves swayed with the breeze, making a rustling sound, and occasionally a few leaves fell on the grass in a beautiful arc.

The omega's furrowed eyebrows stretched a little, and the outside world was reflected in the pupils.

Seeing his expression, Jiang Yunshu understood, "Wait for me."

He went up to the second floor, took out a plaid sheet from the closet and put it on his arm, and took out a thicker coat from the closet, walked up to Bai Tang, "Come on, put on your coat, it's windy outside, don't worry." I caught a cold."

Bai Tang wanted to take it and wear it by himself, but Jiang Yunshu didn't insist and handed it to him.

"Hold my shoulder." Jiang Yunshu picked up Baitang with one hand, and let the petite and skinny omega sit on his right arm.

Bai Tang didn't react, and he was staggering and almost fell off. He subconsciously grabbed a small piece of clothing on Alpha's shoulder, and at the same time, Jiang Yunshu used the back of his left hand to support his waist in time.

Immediately, his sight was tens of centimeters higher, and Bai Tang only felt that there was an openness in front of him. He saw that alpha went to the kitchen first, and brought out a plate of small sweet potatoes and quail eggs in his left hand, "The porridge will be ready in half an hour. I'm afraid you will be hungry. Later Eat something to fill your stomach."

This kind of alpha is too strange, too abnormal.

Bai Tang racked his brains for a few seconds, but he really didn't know what to answer, but he couldn't say nothing, otherwise the alpha would be angry, so he tentatively said, "Thank you sir...but I can't eat eggs."

Jiang Yunshu paused, "Eggs too?"

He put the omega on the grass, the prickly touch made the sugar shrink, "Can you tell me why the previous me didn't let you eat meat dishes?"

Bai Tang looked hesitant, hesitated for a while, and stumbled: "Because, because... Sir, you said that the semen of meat will have, taste."

Jiang Yunshu, who was spreading the sheets on the grass, stopped, with an absurd expression and an absurd tone: "Just because of this?!"

As if realizing that Alpha was not in a good mood right now, Bai Tang shut his mouth in fear.

There will be silence.

Jiang Yunshu took a deep breath, suppressed the anger in his stomach, and said in a hoarse voice, "... Sorry, Baitang, you can eat meat now, and you can do it in the future."

The bed sheet was spread under the shade of the tree, and Bai Tang was picked up by Jiang Yunshu again and walked in. He pursed his lower lip into his mouth and let it go again. The soft flesh of his lip popped out, glistening with water, "You're welcome..."

His eyes suddenly fell to a certain place, his pupils shrank, and he suddenly wrapped his arms around Alpha's neck tightly, the rest of the words disappeared with the wind, Bai Tang trembled all over, opened his mouth halfway, and screamed softly.

Jiang Yunshu's eardrums hurt sharply, and he was taken aback. The omega in his arms arched into his arms like a small animal without shelter, and his moist eyes and nose rubbed against his bare neck again and again.

He froze suddenly, no one had ever been so close to him, never.

He could clearly feel the omega's soft arms, the body temperature coming through a thin layer of clothes, and the back of omega's neck right in front of his eyes, followed by a sweet smell.

Jiang Yunshu was dizzy for a while. Before that, he had never had a very precise understanding of the relationship between the two. He simply regarded Baitang as an existence similar to Zhou An, but at this moment, a thought sprouted in his mind , and thoroughly rooted.

Sugar is his omega, and he is the alpha of sugar.

There was already an invisible shackle around the necks of the two of them, and the other end of the shackle was the other party.

Jiang Yunshu settled down, his body trembling under the palm of his hand, he asked, "What's wrong?"

Bai Tang closed her eyes and said in a trembling voice: "Little bird... woo, little bird is dead, dead..."

Jiang Yunshu frowned, he supported Baitang's back, and saw what Baitang said.

A sparrow corpse was lying quietly not far away. It seemed to have been dead for some time. Its dry and rotting body had empty eye sockets, and the eyeballs inside were gone.

Doctor Jiang is used to seeing these things, but this scene is indeed disgusting and terrifying to ordinary people. He immediately returned to the house with Baitang in his arms, patted the trembling back of Omega, and his steady and powerful voice rang in Baitang's ear, "It's okay, don't be afraid, I can't see it anymore, I'll go get it away later."

What Jiang Yunshu didn't know was that Baitang once fed the birds on the branch in the room, hung a small bucket full of rice grains in the morning, and took it down at night.

For three years, Bai Tang’s happiest time was lying on the window and watching many different birds pecking at the rice grains.

Over time, the birds got the hang of it.

"Crack." The door closed, the sound of the car starting, and the alpha left.

Bai Tang immediately found a small bucket from the depths of the cabinet, filled it with rice, and opened the curtains. The sun immediately penetrated through the dense branches and leaves, and painted circles of golden halos on Bai Tang's body. A dozen small sparrows were chirping. , has been standing on the branch waiting for a long time, looking at him with his head tilted.

A very light smile appeared on Bai Tang's timid face for a long time.

This house is more like a hotel to Jiang Yunsu, and he doesn't come back every day, so he hasn't noticed the birds that have been fed with sugar for almost two months, because he wakes up every day, never opens the curtains and never sleeps. Make the bed.

But the fact that there are more and more bird calls every day cannot be changed. The noise makes Jiang Yunsu feel bad every morning. The unlucky one is naturally the helpless Omega.

Until one day, after Bai Tang finished cooking, he saw a group of people coming from outside the garden. The strange smell of Alpha forced him to stay at home. He leaned on the transparent window and saw that those people were holding some kind of machine in their hands, and they were looking at the trees. Spray something.

Fertilize a tree? Or kill bugs

No, soon, Bai Tang will know.

The next morning, Bai Tang stood at the door and watched Jiang Yunsu drive away from the yard. He turned and walked towards the cabinet where the little red bucket was hidden. The bruises on his cheeks and the slight lameness on his left foot couldn't stop him from walking more and more briskly. He hummed an out-of-tune syllable in a low voice as he filled the rice grains.

He opened the curtains, but there was not a single bird on the branch, and he realized that it was surprisingly quiet today, not even a bird chirping.

A bad premonition welled up in his heart, and Bai Tang murmured: "...Little bird?"

He stumbled and ran downstairs, almost rolled down the stairs several times, opened the door, and the sun rushed in instantly, and the golden light fell on Baitang's face. He saw the chaos under the big leafy tree. There were sparrow corpses lying unbearably, and the black eyes that had lost their aura looked straight at the person standing at the door.

Bai Tang froze in place, and then he screamed: "Little bird!!!"