Why Is It Possible For This Type Of A To Also Have An O?

Chapter 13: I'll pick you up soon


Outside the window, a plane passed through the clouds smoothly. The weather was fine, the sun was shining in, and the green plants on the shelves were quietly photosynthesizing.

Many times Qin Zhongnan's questions were embarrassing and tricky, but Jiang Yunshu did not show any anger, and still listened calmly and seriously to the opinions of professionals.

"But it's not that you don't care about everything," Qin Zhongnan said, "it's about giving omega a sense of security while meeting less with omega."

As time passed, Qin Zhongnan drank the fruit tea on the table one by one, and he leaned back on the back of the chair, "It's probably like this, but we are all alphas after all, it's hard to truly empathize, do you want to listen? Omega's opinion?"

Jiang Yunshu, who had written down several pages of memos, looked up suspiciously: "?"

I saw a hint of showing off on Qin Zhongnan's face, "My omega is a professor of psychology."

"Listen." Jiang Yunshu didn't hesitate.

As soon as the call was connected: "Damn it, Qin Zhongnan, how many times a day do you want to call me—"

Qin Zhongnan pressed the hang up button for a second, and said with a smile, "Sorry, there was an accident."

When we got through again, the other party's attitude towards work seemed to be different. After listening to Jiang Yunshu's situation, he asked a sharp question: "There is a person who has been teasing you in various ways, but one day, he suddenly Tell you, I lost my memory, what do you think?"

A line of words immediately appeared in the minds of the two alphas here: He is teasing me with new ideas.

Jiang Yunshu was enlightened, he suddenly raised his head, saw Qin Zhongnan smiled and said: "Thank you baby, you have to come back early tonight."

The psychological consultation room was quiet for a while, and Qin Zhongnan didn't speak. After a long while, Jiang Yunshu asked, "Can I hire your omega to give my omega psychological treatment?"

Qin Zhongnan looked as if he had expected it, and said with a smile: "It's another price."

Without hesitation, Jiang Yunshu said, "Okay, I'm in trouble."

"You're welcome," Qin Zhongnan got up and sent him outside, and said with a smile, "After all, my consulting fee is not cheap. See you tomorrow, Mr. Jiang."

Jiang Yunshu nodded and said, "See you tomorrow."

"Amnesia is like a different person," Qin Zhongnan stood at the door playing around the chain of gold-rimmed glasses, carefully recalling Jiang Yunshu's conversation and demeanor, and laughed, "Interesting."

When Jiang Yunshu returned to the ward, Baitang hadn't woken up yet. He curled up and only occupied one side of the bed, sleeping very unsteadily. He almost went up and put his fingertips under Baitang's nose. Poor, weak drug resistance, not a big problem.

Jiang Yunshu sat back on the escort chair, closed his eyes and tried to release the pheromone, which he had asked Qin Zhongnan to teach him just now at a different price.

Slowly, a clear smell took over the entire ward, and he saw that Bai Tang's hand that was tightly clutching the quilt even when he was asleep seemed to loosen a little.

It is useful, pheromones can really appease omega.

Jiang Yunshu felt relieved, he gently smoothed Bai Tang's wrinkled eyebrows with his fingertips, took off his coat and covered it with the quilt, and walked out of the ward.

He clicked on the memo on the phone and read it one by one to make sure he didn't miss any knowledge points.

Alright, now it's time to get busy.

Bai Tang woke up shortly after Jiang Yunshu left, and smelled his own alpha pheromone before he opened his eyes. Physically, he was so comfortable that he just wanted to curl up in the quilt and stay still, but psychologically, his nausea suddenly came up. He threw off the quilt and rushed to the bathroom to retch.

The coat draped over the quilt fell to the floor, and the buttons hit the floor tiles, making a "click".

In the next second, Bai Tang staggered out again, tried his best to endure the turbulent pain and knelt down on the ground, lowered his head and stared at the floor tiles, "I'm sorry, sir... I'm not, I smelled your pheromones, I'm the body Discomfort…”

But the expected pain and insults were delayed, Bai Tang kept tense, knelt until his hands and feet were cold before he dared to raise his eyes slightly, there was no one in the ward.

Because of the existence of pheromone, he subconsciously thought that Alpha was in the ward.

It is already December now, and there is no heating in the south, and Bai Tang, who was only wearing a thin layer of hospital clothes, shivered violently. He propped up his frozen body and crawled back to the bed. After shaking for a long time, he was still terribly cold.

It may be due to the lack of energy and blood. It is particularly difficult for his body to warm up in winter, and he often wakes up with cold hands and feet.

At this time, there was an extremely sudden ticking sound in the silence, and then the door was pushed open, and Bai Tang shrank back under the quilt reflexively, staring at the direction of the door vigilantly.

A female nurse came in holding a quilt. She is a beta, so she couldn't smell how strong the pheromone in the room was. "Is it sugar? Your alpha rented an extra quilt, where is it?"

Bai Tang blinked slowly, and reached out to take it, "... Thank you."

The nurse put an insulated lunch box and a plastic bag on the bedside table, "Your alpha brought these too, and he asked me to bring you a sentence."

Bai Tang bowed her head obediently when she heard the words, without any anger, as if a servant was waiting for an order from his brutal lord.

Is it the sentence "Be good, don't cause trouble for me, or you will feel better when you go home", or the sentence "If you don't obey me, I will leave you here. Anyway, there is nothing but suffering"

"He said," the nurse said after thinking about it, "don't be afraid, I will take you home soon."

… Eh

Bai Tang suspected that he had heard it wrong, and after a long pause, he raised his head bluntly, and when he was about to ask if he had brought the wrong words, he realized that the nurse had left early.

He looked at the extra quilt on the bed in a daze for a long time, and then slowly fiddled with the plastic bag, which contained a brand new pair of plush slippers with a silly little bear sewn on it.

Bai Tang's eyelashes trembled, Jiang Yunsu would buy this kind of slippers...? He lightly poked the little bear's nose with his index finger. After poking for a while, he reached into the slipper and touched it. He didn't find anything sharp, so he put it on the ground and put it in. The bear's head just rested on the pale and thin sandals. on the ankle.

Alpha screwed the insulated lunch box tightly, and Bai Tang used all his strength to unscrew the lid. The aroma of vegetables overflowed in an instant, steamed pumpkin, steamed vermicelli with baby vegetables, fried three silks and a few small meatballs. Filling the lunch box full, his long-hungry stomach growled in response to the occasion.

Bai Tang swallowed, pulled the meatballs aside, and stuffed them into his mouth spoonful after spoonful, his cheeks bulging.

At 7:00 the next morning, when Secretary Xu saw Jiang Yunshu in the company, he felt that he might not have woken up.

Secretary Xu wept with joy, his year-end award is hopeful, "Jiang, Mr. Jiang! Are you studying basic design? Is there anything you don't understand..."

The voice stopped suddenly, because he saw a stack of tall books on the table, and alpha was still holding a copy of "Comprehensive Western Medicine for Postgraduate Entrance Examination" in his hand, taking notes while reading it.

Secretary Xu stuttered in fright: "Jiang, Mr. Jiang! You! What are you doing, what are you doing?!"

Jiang Yun didn't raise his head, and the beautiful cursive script appeared on the paper at an extremely fast speed, "I want to take the postgraduate entrance examination."

Secretary Xu: "Ha, huh? Huh?!"

"Oh, by the way," Jiang Yunshu finally diverted his attention from the book stingily, "You should hire more designers with original styles recently, I'm going to be the shopkeeper."

Secretary Xu was dumbfounded, shaking his fingers: "No, Mr. Jiang..."

"Really," Jiang Yunshu took out a few stacks of papers and put them in front of Secretary Xu, "Please let me go."

Secretary Xu held up the paper with trembling hands and took a look. There were ghostly drawn characters, crooked lines, sloppy shapes, and the starting point and end point of writing never coincided.

Jiang Yunshu arrived at the hospital at almost three o'clock in the afternoon. Before he got close, he saw Qin Zhongnan's figure. Standing next to him was an omega who was almost a size smaller.

"Hi," Qin Zhongnan greeted with a smile, and the silver chain on the glasses shook, "It's finally here? Let me introduce my partner Zhou Zhaoyu."

Jiang Yunshu nodded slightly, "Hello, please..."

Omega was wearing a tight light gray suit, and his short hair made his eyebrows and eyes more delicate. He didn't even look at the alpha who was a head taller than him in front of him. He snorted coldly and said lightly: "Don't be self-righteous, I'm not helping you, I'm just It's just helping Omega."

"Hey~ Zhaoyu is so handsome," Qin Zhongnan bent his eyes to look at Zhou Zhaoyu's back, he glanced at Jiang Yunshu who was stunned, and seemed to comfort him, but he didn't hide the sarcasm in his tone, "Oh, don't worry, my Your partner is a feminist, facing an alpha like Mr. Jiang, you are lucky that he didn't chop off your penis."

I am afraid that some readers will not take it seriously, so I declare here: In reality, undergraduates with non-medical majors are not allowed to take medical postgraduate entrance examinations. But in this world, private settings are fine.