Why Is It Possible For This Type Of A To Also Have An O?

Chapter 15: I will take responsibility for you


Fengqi Omega Academy is Baitang's alma mater.

In a world dominated by alphas, they naturally want to instill servile thoughts in omegas since they were young. The concept of equality for everyone will become the existence of omegas attached to alphas from the teachers' mouths, and physical education courses have never been No, instead there are some housework lessons to teach omega how to be virtuous and how to be more pleasing to alpha.

As a result, many married omegas suffer from domestic violence, and they only feel that their husbands beat them right, because there is always something wrong with them, and it is only natural for alpha to discipline omega.

However, Fengqi omega school is the only school in the 2nd district of the 2nd star that has not been involved. Ninety percent of the omega who have made achievements in society graduated from this school, like Zhou Zhaoyu.

The omega in the school learn the same content as the alpha, or even more. There is a thought class once a week, no ideas are preached, and there are no teachers giving lectures. There are just more than 300 omega sitting in the lobby, quietly watching the projection One real incident after another on the Internet: the treatment of omega in this society.

That was what their headmaster picked up bit by bit from the news, magazines, and newspapers.

For example, #omega scratched alpha vehicles and was slapped in the street#.

But in the video, it is obvious that Alpha suddenly opened the car door and knocked down Omega.

Another example is #alpha Domestic Violence Abuse Omega Wife Death Sentenced to One Year and Three Months#

Probation for two years.

The auditorium was very quiet, only the sound from the projection. The students looked at the bloody face on the screen silently. There were two main reactions. One was to grit their teeth and get angry, like Zhou Zhaoyu, with clenched fists and blood on the palms dripping; the other is to be angry with tears, like sugar, but what is shed is not tears, but unwillingness, powerlessness, and anger.

A small auditorium is full of resentment that has nowhere to vent.

I don't know who got enough strength to shout: "You all work hard for me—"

The principal stood on the podium with his hands behind his back, looking at the aggressive students, his calm and forceful voice resounded throughout the auditorium: "The meeting is adjourned!"

The principal of Fengqi Omega Academy is an alpha. The principal's lover is the principal's teacher, an amazing omega who taught the principal what respect and love are. Ten years ago, he was raped by other alphas and committed suicide. The principal never married.

However, probably since Zhou Zhaoyu's last term, the higher-ups have started to exert pressure layer upon layer. After all, those alphas who are used to dictatorship obviously cannot bear the slightest possibility of disobeying them.

This is a private school founded by the principal and his lover. The tuition is not high, and some poor students are directly exempt from tuition. The operation of the school, the replacement of facilities, and the salary of teachers need money for everything. After so many years, the principal has long been destitute and exhausted. .

Even if every class of students raises funds and donates at the same time, they can barely maintain it.

Until now, Fengqi Omega Academy's area has been cut by two-thirds, with less than two hundred students and only six teachers left.

Bai Tang's hand holding the certificate was shaking. The 170,000 yuan is undoubtedly a timely help for his alma mater.

"This is the money from the sale of that sapphire." Jiang Yunshu explained.

Bai Tang stroked the school badge seal on the certificate, and after a long silence, he asked softly, "Sir, have you really lost your memory?"

Jiang Yunsu, who didn't have amnesia, would definitely not be able to do this.

Losing tens of thousands of dollars in stock trading made him get beaten up. With a character that regards money as his life, it is impossible to donate 170,000 yuan, and it is impossible to donate to Fengqi, because Jiang Yunsu is the one who supports Fengqi's ban. One of a large number of alphas.

It would be even more impossible to say that such a high price was spent just to tease and torture him, because in Jiang Yunsu's heart, he was not worthy.

"Yes," as Zhou Zhaoyu said, Baitang didn't think he had lost his memory, and Jiang Yunshu said seriously, "I really lost my memory. I can't remember anything from the past. When I woke up, I learned what I did to you before. , I feel very angry and sorry, so I won’t treat you badly again, never again.”

Bai Tang listened quietly. He suddenly noticed that the tone of Alpha's speech had changed. It was clearly the same voice, but the speed and pitch of his speech were within a comfortable range.

After such a long passage, it gave people an inexplicable feeling of convincing, and Bai Tang almost believed it.

If you didn't hear that sentence.

"Thank you... sir." He lowered his eyelashes, but even if he lost his memory, his nature would not change.

Furthermore, with so much time, he will always remember, and that day will be the time when he is finished.

He was by the side when the doctor was making a diagnosis. The doctor looked at the brain CT in his hand and said, "It may be a temporary amnesia. Maybe I will remember it soon, or maybe I won't remember it for the rest of my life."

He still couldn't relax, Bai Tang looked ashamed.

"Then I'll go first," Jiang Yunshu put a suit jacket full of pheromone smell on the hospital bed, "I'll pick you up tomorrow."

Bai Tang lowered her head and said obediently: "... Thank you for your hard work, sir."

After Jiang Yunshu left, Bai Tang was in a daze for a long time. When he came back to his senses, it was almost dark. He opened the donation certificate again, read it back and forth many times, and was completely reluctant to put it down. Fearing that it was Jiang Yunsu's message, he quickly took it out.

Zhou Zhaoyu: I saw that the school’s official website published a thank you message for donating 170,000 yuan. What’s going on

Bai Tang typed slowly: Jiang Yunsu donated in my name... He seems to have really lost his memory.

The reason Zhou Zhaoyu was able to get acquainted with Baitang in just five days was because Baitang had an impression of Zhou Zhaoyu, an excellent senior, when he was in school.

On the third day of psychological counseling, when Zhou Zhaoyu learned that Bai Tang was a student of Fengqi, he was very surprised, "Then why..."

"Because I'm an omega," Bai Tang said, looking out of the window quietly, fanning his overgrown eyelashes desolately, "My parents left me alone on the day of separation, and my grandma took me over to replace me. I applied for Fengqi's admission, but before I graduated, my grandma passed away."

There is no need to talk about the rest, Zhou Zhaoyu also understands that the survival rate of an omega who is helpless and has no property is almost zero in society. The reason why Zhou Zhaoyu can reach his current status is completely inseparable from the protection of his family with support.

Bai Tang looked at Zhou Zhaoyu's reply of "um", put the phone lock screen back into the cabinet, slowly fell down on the hospital bed, gradually curled up, the quilt covered his thin body, tears flowed silently, he choked up , "Obviously... my ideological and political grades were the best in the class at that time..."

The next day Zhou Zhaoyu still showed up in the ward on time, but he found that Bai Tang's mood was much lower and negative compared to yesterday.

After it was over, he briefly explained the situation to Jiang Yunshu who was waiting outside the door, and then left.

Jiang Yunshu nodded slightly to express his gratitude, and he knocked on the open door, "Bai Tang, don't get down, I'll hug you."

Bai Tang had packed his things long ago, and put them all in a small travel bag. His toes were about to touch the ground, but he shrank back when he heard this. He sat nervously on the hospital bed, twisting his innocent hands. sheet.

"Come on." Jiang Yunshu asked Bai Tang to sit on his right arm, and lifted the travel bag with his left hand, "Help it steady."

Bai Tang leaned on Alpha, looking like a child. Although it was indeed around Jiang Yunshu's neck, his hands didn't relax at all, they were just clasped, and his whole body was tense.

Yesterday they agreed to go for a full physical examination before going home. Bai Tang was very quiet and cooperative throughout the whole process, allowing him to do whatever he wanted.

The doctor in the gland department is an omega, and he doesn't have a good look at this kind of alpha who doesn't keep alpha morals. "Your omega glands haven't developed normally, how can you mark them for life? Do you know how painful it is?"

Jiang Yunshu's mind flashed the concept of the life mark on the pamphlet, he was silent, did the life mark have been done? Forget it, the scum of the original owner is not surprised.

When Bai Tang closed his eyes, there was a large expanse of scarlet, and he saw himself dying on the day he was forcibly marked.

Jiang Yunshu was not angry when his eyes were rolled, he asked: "Doctor, can I ask why the development is not normal?"

"I don't want to ask you?" The doctor said sarcastically, pointing to the deep and shallow scars on Baitang's cervical glands, "Violent damage, incorrect marking or congenital, it seems that this is probably the first two, the specific reason And the specific treatment plan has to go for a glandular examination."

It was also the first time for Jiang Yunshu to see Bai Tang's skin on the back of his neck. He was quiet for a while, and asked, "Then, is there still an appointment for the gland department examination today?"

"No," said the doctor angrily, "in the next few days."

He walked out of the gland department with sugar in his arms, and said, "I'm sorry, but don't be afraid, I will take care of you."

Bai Tang couldn't see his expression, otherwise he would have been frightened, because at this moment, Jiang Yun was expressionless, his eyes were cold, and he was obviously angry.