Why Is It Possible For This Type Of A To Also Have An O?

Chapter 24: If no one talks about it for a long time


Brown Sugar stood up abruptly, as if sensing that the owner on the bed was scared, he turned around the bed anxiously.

Jiang Yunshu stood where he was, and calmly comforted him: "Don't be afraid, I'll just stand here, take your time."

Brown Sugar was too small to jump onto the bed, so it propped its front feet on the edge of the bed and grunted a few times.

Bai Tang hugged his knees and curled up into a small ball, he was attracted by the brown sugar.

... dog? It's a dog! But... why is there a puppy... Ah yes, brown sugar, this is the dog Jiang Yunsu bought for him after he lost his memory...

So this is not the past, the current alpha will not harm him for the time being.

Slowly returning to his senses, Bai Tang sucked on his blocked nose, turned his body sideways, and seemed to want to get out of bed.

"Don't move," Jiang Yunshu said quickly, "Just sit on the bed. I haven't recovered my memory, and I won't hurt you. The reason why I came in is because you have a fever."

Bai Tang's head hurt very much, he blinked his dry eyes, and said without any anger, "Thank you sir..."

Jiang Yunshu saw that he was awake, so he approached, "I'll put the heat-reducing patch on your forehead now, don't be afraid."

Bai Tang let out a breath of hot air, and obediently raised her face up, her drooping eyelashes trembling, obedient and distressing.

Jiang Yunshu lifted his slightly sweaty forehead hair, and put the cooling patch on evenly, "Your body temperature is about 39 degrees now, this is antipyretic medicine, drink up the hot water."

Bai Tang's face was pale, only the tails of his eyes were flushed sickly, he swallowed the pill with difficulty, and after drinking a large glass of hot water, his temples became more wet.

Jiang Yunshu lightly touched Baitang's side face with the back of his hand, it was very hot, he asked, "Do you feel cold or hot now?"

Bai Tang was chilled by Alpha's hands, trembling slightly and trying to hide, his eyes were covered with mist, "Hot..."

Generally, patients with fever feel cold in the early stage of fever. This stage is characterized by a rise in body temperature, which can lead to chills, or even accompanied by chills. After the body temperature stabilizes, it manifests as conscious fever and headache.

"Have a headache?" Jiang Yunshu said.

Bai Tang nodded in discomfort.

The body temperature should not rise again, Jiang Yunshu picked up his coat and helped Bai Tang put it on, "Go to the bathroom and sleep again."

Bai Tang, who was tortured by the illness, had no time to think and was told to do whatever he wanted. He raised his arm obediently, his sleeve slipped to his elbow, and a furry wristband on his left wrist was exposed.

This was the first full-body examination. After the doctor said that Bai Tang's left wrist would ache in cold weather, Jiang Yunshu asked him to wear it.

Jiang Yunshu took advantage of Baitang to go to the bathroom, went downstairs to boil some brown sugar ginger water, and took an extra quilt. When he returned to the room, he saw Baitang leaning on the back of the bed with his eyebrows wrinkled, breathing heavily with his mouth half open. A pair of watery eyes stared blankly at one place, but Brown Sugar next to him seemed to be arching at his master like ADHD.

He knocked on the door, signaling that he had come in, then pinched the pup by the back of the neck accurately and threw it back into the kennel, and said to Bai Tang, "Drink two sips of ginger water, and then go to sleep."

He took the empty cup and tucked the second quilt under Bai Tang's chin. After everything was settled, Jiang Yunshu turned off the light and went out.

At 3:30 in the morning, the mobile phone stuffed under the pillow vibrated, Jiang Yunshu opened his eyes, fumbled to turn off the alarm clock, put on his coat quickly, and walked into Baitang's room.

The result might be heat, he saw the restless child throw away the quilt and squeeze aside, Jiang Yunshu frowned worriedly, and tentatively felt the heat with the back of his hand.

... Why does it feel hotter

Unexpectedly, with this light touch, Bai Tang trembled, and slowly opened his eyes.

It's been over an hour and still haven't fallen asleep? Afraid to scare him again, Jiang Yunshu was about to explain, when Baitang closed his mouth weakly. He was so uncomfortable that he couldn't sleep, his brain was burnt dizzily, and the pain was like a sharp cone beating again and again. Nervous, consciousness is close to nothing, even where this is, and who is touching his forehead.

Jiang Yunshu touched Baitang's hand, then reached into the quilt and grabbed Baitang's foot, which was completely cold.

The body is hot, but the hands and feet cannot be warmed up.

How uncomfortable this must be.

Jiang Yunshu put the quilt back on Bai Tang's body, went downstairs, found two empty mineral water bottles and filled them with hot water.

As if he was taking care of a child, he first rolled up the bottom of the inner quilt to wrap around Bai Tang's feet, then put the mineral water bottle next to the soles of the feet, and waited until the inner quilt was warm before taking it out and placing it on the first and second layers between quilts.

During this period, Bai Tang was at Jiang Yunshu's mercy like a puppet, and he had lost the strength to even move his fingers.

Jiang Yunshu replaced him with a new heat-reducing patch, pressed the four corners of the quilt tightly, squatted beside the bed, and asked, "Will it be hot?"

Bai Tang felt that his ears were covered with a film, and he couldn't hear the sounds from the outside clearly. He struggled as if he was fighting against something.

Jiang Yunshu asked again, this time, Bai Tang heard clearly.

Sickness makes a strong man weak, like night makes a man sentimental.

In Bai Tang's dark and boundless consciousness, he who has always been quiet and curled up in the deepest part suddenly wants to cry.

A sentence that is too simple to say, but if no one mentions it for a long time, then it is impossible to expect.

Can't cry, Bai Tang said to himself, so he pursed his mouth and held back.

Jiang Yunshu silently watched Baitang's tears flow down from the corners of his closed eyes, one drop after another, wetting the eyelashes and the pillow.

After a while, he wiped away the tears with a tissue, closed the door and went out.

At 7:00 the next morning, Jiang Yunshu stood neatly beside Baitang's bed. The electronic thermometer showed 36.5 degrees, indicating that the fever had subsided. He reached into the bed and touched Baitang's feet. It was warm. He put in new hot water, wrote another note and pressed it under the thermos, and went out.

Nearly 10:00, Bai Tang woke up sweating from the heat. He opened his eyes in a daze, and his mind went blank for a moment. He didn't come back to his senses until something persistently scratched the door Brace yourself up.

His throat was dry, and he saw a thermos cup on the bedside table, but he couldn't unscrew it even with all his strength, which made his arms go limp. He put the thermos cup back a little aggrieved, turned sideways, and his feet touched it. Slippers, he stood up, and immediately felt the sweat-soaked pajamas sticking to his body.

His nose was still blocked. Bai Tang glanced at the clock on the wall. It was already 10:24. Jiang Yunsu should have already left the house, so he wanted to go downstairs to drink a glass of water and take a shower. When he lowered his head, he saw a A post-it note on the bedside table.

Bai Tang picked it up and looked, and a few lines of beautiful cursive script appeared on the paper: 1. Don't take a bath, wipe off the sweat with a towel, change into a new set of pajamas, and then put on a sweater and coat. The new clothes are on the bed. 2. The water in the thermos is hot, blow it before drinking it, don't burn your tongue. 3. There is pumpkin porridge in the rice cooker, and corn in the induction cooker, remember to eat. 4. After breakfast, there are cold medicines on the table, take two. 5. At noon, I called the housekeeper to cook, so don't go out to blow the air. 6. Afraid of waking you up, I shut the brown sugar out of the door, and the dog food has already been fed.

Bai Tang was a little taken aback. Jiang Yunsu's handwriting didn't seem to be like this. Is the original one so beautiful? Stunned, he put down the post-it note, turned his gaze, and saw a few stacks of clothes on the bed, new pajamas, two sweaters, a coat, a pair of cotton socks, and a towel, all neatly arranged .

Before he had time to think, the sound of paws scratching the door sounded again in the quiet room. Bai Tang hurriedly opened the door, and Brown Tang rushed in, drooping his ears, and pulled at his trousers in aggrieved manner. The bad behavior of a master, looks like he wants to be the master of it.

Inexplicably, in Bai Tang's mind, the scene of Alpha lifting Brown Tang's neck expressionlessly, and throwing the dog out of the door with a "pop", Brown Tang flew in the air in confusion, and finally landed on the ground with four jios. laugh.