Why Is It Possible For This Type Of A To Also Have An O?

Chapter 38: Will not mark


It only took Jiang Yunshu 10 minutes to arrive at the Imperial Hospital.

He couldn't wait for the elevator to run up the stairs before he realized that he was still wearing slippers, rattling all the way, which was very disturbing.

The isolation room where Baitang is located is easy to find. When he turned a corner, he saw a group of people gathered together. Lin Baizhou saw him first, "Come here quickly! Get a shot of a strong inhibitor first!"

Without further ado, Jiang Yunshu took off his coat, and rolled up the sleeves of the pajamas that he had no time to change inside. The needle had penetrated his skin, and he said no nonsense, "What are you going to do?"

"Release the pheromone to appease the patient first," Lin Baizhou said while quickly changing Jiang Yunshu's strong barrier stickers, "then make a temporary mark and inject the pheromone slowly."

Zheng Ruyun was also suffering during these ten minutes. He was afraid that Jiang Yunsu would deliberately not come to the hospital to save Baitang, and he was also afraid that his momentary mistake just now would make Baitang's condition worse.

Fortunately, he finally met this alpha who has been abusing Baitang, but at first glance, he really didn't recognize him. Compared with when he came to school three years ago, he has changed too much, both in appearance and temperament.

Zheng Ruyun threatened aggressively: "You'd better just make a temporary mark."

After a period of time, both of them seemed to have calmed down, and they were far apart from each other.

Lin Baizhou sarcastically said: "Don't worry, there is a pheromone detector in the isolation room, and if any party's pheromone concentration is too high, it will issue a warning. Our hospital is not as useless as you imagined, and the safety of patients cannot be guaranteed."

Zheng Ruyun was about to burn again, "Fuck."

Doctor Guo quickly stabbed Lin Baizhou in the side, and said in a low voice, "Enough is enough, Doctor Lin! Listen to what you said, is it correct! Do you want to be complained again!"

Teacher Wang also hurriedly separated the two, helplessly: "It seems that they haven't calmed down."

As soon as Jiang Yunshu entered, he was greeted by the rich omega pheromone. The sweet smell was like a beast with fangs, bit by bit, he wrapped his alpha heavily, trapping the prey that stepped into his territory, impenetrable. ventilation.

Jiang Yunshu was having difficulty breathing, as if he had fallen into a large jar of viscous toffee, and his five senses were all muffled. He pressed the barrier sticker on the back of his neck, trying his best to stabilize his mind and uncontrollable physiological reactions , finally found the naked white sugar shrunk into a ball under the hospital bed.

When omega was in estrus, his body was extremely sensitive, and any friction with the fabric would cause discomfort. Bai Tang had obviously lost his sanity and strength, his whole body was burning red, and he was unconsciously rubbing against the floor, walls and iron. Quality beds.

Jiang Yunshu squatted down, slowly stretched out his hand, and tentatively released a little pheromone, "Bai Tang, can you hear me?"

"Woo...!" The delirious Omega reacted in an instant, sobbing like a small animal, looking over with eyes that had been crying, looking for the smell and trying to crawl, but her hands and feet were weak, and she could only weakly move. Moved a few times on the ground.

Jiang Yunshu took off his rough woolen coat, and only wore soft pajamas. He constantly released pheromones to comfort his hot body, and hugged the omega out with his palms, and then let Bai Tang sit on his lap, and then against his chest.

Jiang Yunshu said, "It's all right."

Bai Tang frantically squeezed into Alpha's arms, tightly gripping Jiang Yunshu's clothes with his fingers, and groaned in pain.

Jiang Yunshu tried his best to ignore this kind of overly intimate contact, without looking around, he stretched out his hand to hold Baitang's slender throat, with his palm resting on the small Adam's apple, and pushed down slightly, but unexpectedly, Baitang struggled slightly, turned his face away, and Tremblingly, he wanted to paste it on Jiang Yunshu's heart, looking very insecure.

In the enclosed space, alpha's pheromones gradually overwhelmed omega's. Jiang Yunshu understood, he let go of the shackles, lifted Bai Tang's body and changed his posture, so that the two sat face to face.

Bai Tang's pupils were slack, and there was still steam at the end of his eyes. His instinct drove him to cling to Alpha's neck like a koala, strangling Jiang Yunshu until he couldn't breathe. Immediately afterwards, he raised his head, eagerly Hitting it, he kept absorbing the pheromone in his saliva, and his Adam's apple slid up and down to swallow.

Doctor Jiang's first kiss, which he had kept for 29 years, was taken away unexpectedly.

He was dazed for two seconds, his whole body was stiff, the touch on the tip of his tongue made him tremble, and he was a little unresponsive, but then he compromised, opened his mouth and let the white sugar mess around randomly, and tried to hypnotize himself in his heart: "This It's artificial respiration, it's important to save people."

A few minutes later, Jiang Yunshu had to use force to suppress it. He couldn't bear it and pressed the back of Baitang's head on his shoulder, "Stop, stop! It's okay, don't move, I'll look for your glands."

When his eyes touched the back of Bai Tang's neck, he paused, no, exactly where are the glands! He struggled to touch it inch by inch with two fingers, touching the deep, shallow and rough scars. Finally, he repeatedly tested back and forth, and determined the position of the gland according to the different tones of Baitang's humming.

Jiang Yunshu scanned around, locked on the iodophor on the table, quickly soaked cotton and wiped around the glands, brushed up Baitang's sweaty tail, tried his best to recall the posture in the junior high school sex education video, and opened his mouth , canines angled 36 degrees against slightly undulating glands.

The white sugar had almost softened into a puddle of water, and he feebly pressed Jiang Yunshu's barrier sticker with his wet lips and nose, biting it with his teeth, and rubbed his waist and limbs forward one after another.

Jiang Yunshu closed his eyes and pressed his palate hard.

Unexpectedly, he opened his eyes with the feeling of piercing into the skin, a little puzzled.

Didn't bite through!

A drop of sweat dripped from his forehead, and he pressed against the deepest scar on the back of his neck again and bit down hard.

"Ugh!" Bai Tang let out a cry of pain, kicking her calf feebly.

No, Jiang Yunshu was a little crazy, he felt that he was very strong, maybe the method and angle were not right? If it drags on like this, the situation will only get worse, he decisively kissed Bai Tang's lips sideways, gave some pheromone, and bit down hard for the third time.

The smell of blood.

Blood with a high concentration of pheromones flowed into his throat, and the pheromones in Jiang Yunshu's body suddenly soared. During the long and ambiguous time of biting Baitang's neck, he admitted that his reason was occupied by instinct for a moment, and he lost his mind , I just remember that in a trance, he recognized the taste of white sugar pheromone.

It's not the sweet taste of sugar, nor the sweet and greasy cake taste, but the taste of condensed milk that he often ate when he was a child.

In class, the teacher used chalk to write history notes, and a plane flew by outside the window, and the sugar ate it in one bite.

Probably because of the blessing of the previous four inhibitors, the most difficult hurdle in the estrus period passed just like this. When he was lying in a daze on the hospital bed, he heard a doctor say: "You bit too deep A little bit, the blood can't stop."

Another doctor's voice: "How can there be an alpha that can't mark... Then what ability can't..."

But he can't remember exactly what happened. He only knows that Jiang Yunsu made a temporary mark for him. In the confined space full of omega pheromones, he only made a temporary mark.

Bai Tang felt that he could no longer ignore the change of alpha, and he could no longer hypnotize himself that it was none of his business.

After that car accident, what happened to Alpha.

"When it comes to Taoism, I have to tell you something interesting that can cheer you up. You read the novels of cultivating immortals often mentioned about seizing the house. As early as the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods, there were people in China whose souls occupied other people's bodies after death and continued to live. For example, it is written in "Zuo Zhuan Seven Years of Zhaogong", Zichan said: Neng. The beginning of life is called the soul, and when the soul is born, the yang is called the soul. If you use more essence, the soul will be stronger. Therefore... "

The smoothly moving nib stopped, and the black ink on the word "Duo" on the white paper was smudged, and the words were gradually blurred. Bai Tang slowly raised his head and stared at the history teacher.

"One is said to be a Taoist theory of borrowing someone else's body to return Yang, another is said to be a kind of exercise in Indian yoga, and another is said to be the origin of Tibetan Esoteric Buddhism. In layman's terms, the meaning of seizing the house is that a person's soul runs away. In another person’s body, after all, Taoism belongs to theism, but pay attention, even so, a large number of Taoists and veteran figures belong to atheism... "

The rest of the white sugar can't listen to anything.

When the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Bai Tang was awakened. He finally came back to his senses. He looked down and saw that the word "soul" was written on a densely packed page.