Why Is It Possible For This Type Of A To Also Have An O?

Chapter 55: I can't stand it


Bai Tang didn't dare to turn off the light and go to sleep, he lay on the bed hugging Brown Tang, his hands and feet curled up under the quilt, trying to keep this insignificant sense of security.

That's right, sleeping with brown sugar in his arms was the solution he came up with, but it didn't seem very practical. Bai Tang was still stiff and staring at his eyes, until he was too sleepy to hold his eyelids, and then he drooped and closed them heavily, but he hadn't slept through yet, when Brown Tang moved, he was awakened again.

Going back and forth three or four times, feeling extremely sleepy but unable to fall asleep, Bai Tang's face was full of irritability, and he felt that he was going to have a nervous breakdown. He opened his dry and sore eyes, glanced at the time, it was almost 1 o'clock in the morning, and Alpha hadn't come back yet.

Forget it, Bai Tang simply sat up and went to the study to spread out the exercise booklet. He thought to himself, he couldn't fall asleep anyway, let's study.

— Just in time to wait for Jiang Yunshu to come home.

The window of the study was facing the iron gate in the garden. He opened the curtains and glanced outside from time to time. Brown Tang was lying under the desk with his belly open, and White Tang was resting on top of it with his bare feet. When his forehead hit the table for the third time, two bright lights finally flashed by outside the window. He straightened up immediately, leaned over the window and looked down, it was Jiang Yunshu's car!

He put on his slippers and ran out, followed by Brown Sugar. In the quiet night, the house suddenly became noisy.

Bai Tang swept away the sleepiness just now, and ran extremely fast.

There was the sound of keys banging in the garden, and he jumped straight down the last two steps of the stairs. The door was opened from the outside, and when he saw Jiang Yunshu's state clearly, he stopped involuntarily.

Alpha looked drunk, his brows were frowned, and his eyes were half-closed in discomfort. He was supported by someone, and his tie was a little crooked. Most importantly, a large area of allergic red spread from the side of his face to the side of his neck, and disappeared into the under the shirt.

Full of alcohol and clear pheromone flavor.

Bai Tang yelled, "Doctor Jiang!"

Jiang Yunshu raised his head slightly upon hearing the sound, and saw Bai Tang in home clothes in front of him, his first reaction was to look at the time, his brows tightened, "Why aren't you sleeping?"

Jiang Yunsu's pheromone taste is very cold when it smells like white sugar. When it is strong, it seems to have fallen into a deep well of bone-chilling cold. The air inhaled is like a sharp and cold ice pick, piercing the throat and trachea. , generally out of breath. But when this pheromone was placed on Jiang Yunshu's body, Bai Tang felt as if he was in an iceberg and snow field, the glaciers everywhere were as pure as clouds, and the cleanliness and coldness of the cold spring lingered on the tip of his nose.

A few days ago, following Zhou Zhaoyu's instructions, they have been doing pheromone desensitization, but this training passed quickly. After all, Bai Tang's nausea when he smelled Jiang Yunsu's pheromone was entirely psychological - he hated Jiang Yunsu so much that he hated it.

Once the person was changed, everything was solved from the root cause.

The person supporting Jiang Yunshu next to him didn't seem to be affected by the pheromone, so he should be a beta.

"Why are you allergic?!" Bai Tang became anxious, he was worried and distressed, he stretched out his hand to take Jiang Yunshu over, but found that beta had been staring at his face.

Bai Tang shrank a little suddenly, and suddenly, his shoulder was held by a hand, his vision darkened, he couldn't see anything, and the heat in front of him was a little hot. He froze for a moment, and when he realized it, Alpha covered his eyes with his hands, and some light penetrated slightly between his fingers.

The surrounding pheromone became stronger, and Jiang Yunshu stared at the surrogate driver expressionlessly: "What are you looking at?"

The surrogate driver quickly apologized, put down the car keys, left without stopping, and closed the door by the way.

Jiang Yunshu turned back slowly, and looked down at Bai Tang whose eyes were still covered by him.

Omega has just reached her collarbone, her head is raised, her slender neck is elongated, her face is small and very white, most of her face is covered by her palms, only her slightly parted lips are exposed, with a little water on them.

The house was eerily quiet, Bai Tang's ear tips were already blushing, and the heat on his face was gradually equal to the temperature of Alpha's palm, and even surpassed it. He only felt that he had been waiting for a long time, and the sound of his accelerated heartbeat was beating against his eardrums, but Jiang Yunshu didn't intend to let go of his hands. He blinked slowly, wondering if Alpha fell asleep standing up.

"Doctor Jiang?" Bai Tang stretched out his hand and pushed Alpha's arm, "You can let go, you are allergic."

The sound stopped abruptly.

Bai Tang felt something rub against the back of his neck suddenly. Because he was deprived of vision, his other senses were magnified dozens of times, and the alarm sounded in his brain. He trembled and his skin got goose bumps. The whole person stuck to Alpha's chest, and panicked: "Doctor Jiang?"

Immediately afterwards, he heard Jiang Yunshu's unique tone ringing in his ears: "Well, it's me, did you change the shower gel at home?"

"Huh, huh?" Bai Tang almost huddled in Alpha's arms, his eyes still covered, he whispered, "It's changed."

Alpha seemed to come over to sniff again, and said in a low voice, "This one smells good, but the previous one smells too bad."

Ruoyou Ruowu's touch made Baitang's whole body numb, and the right side of his body went limp. He wanted to refute in a dizzy way, the previous one smelled bad, it was obviously the scent of lilies, but soon he thought of something again, No wonder he saw Jiang Yunshu bought a soap one time, and it turned out that he didn't like the smell of shower gel.

"I know, I know," Bai Tang struggled slightly, pushing Alpha, "Let me go first"

Jiang Yunshu let out a dull "oh", he let go of his hand and apologized, "I'm sorry, I forgot."

Bai Tang finally saw the light and regained his freedom. He left Alpha's embrace, but his heart stopped strangely. He glanced at the face with alpha allergies, and suddenly became anxious again. He ran to take out the medicine box under the TV cabinet, "Ah, don't worry about it! Doctor Jiang, did you eat mangoes?"

"Well," Jiang Yunshu replied truthfully, "I ate it, 6 yuan."

Bai Tang rummaged through the medicine box, his fingertips trembling with anxiety. Now he blamed himself and felt guilty. He was afraid that Jiang Yunshu would know that he deliberately let him eat mango last time to make him allergic, so he didn't dare to tell the other party the fact that he was allergic to mango , afraid that Jiang Yunshu would hate him because of this.

Jiang Yunshu looked at omega's tightly pursed lips, as if he knew what he was thinking, and said, "I know this body is allergic to mangoes. It's none of your business. I want to eat it myself."

The movements of Bai Tang's hands suddenly stopped, and he stared at Alpha's upright face silently. After a while, he shouted angrily: "Then you still eat!"

Jiang Yunshu nodded, "Well, I'm drunk."

Seeming to be very angry at the omega, he added: "It's okay, I'm a doctor, and I have controlled the dosage well, nothing will happen, just skin allergies."

Bai Tang was choking hard, he wanted to poke Alpha's forehead hard, but he put his index finger down after touching it. Forget it, the most urgent thing is to take the medicine, he took a breath, and stood up to help Alpha untie his tie.

Jiang Yunshu seemed to have the ability to read minds, raised his hand to stop his movement, and said, "No, you have to take a bath before you can take the medicine."

"I didn't say anything!" Bai Tang retorted subconsciously, and asked again, "Can you take a bath by yourself?"

Unexpectedly, Jiang Yunshu didn't care about what he was talking about at all, instead he grabbed his wrist and held it in front of his eyes, and said in a low voice, "Why are you still so thin?"

Bai Tang's anxiety was extinguished by this sentence. He calmed down strangely, and asked again: "Doctor Jiang, can you take a bath by yourself? I'll help you."

Jiang Yunshu said as he walked towards the stairs: "I can wash it myself, don't worry."

Seeing that he could still walk in a straight line, Bai Tang felt relieved, and followed behind to watch Alpha take off his suit jacket and hang it outside the door in an orderly manner, accurately opened the second closet and took out clean clothes, walked in with a steady expression and steady steps bathroom.

He took advantage of this time to quickly go down to the kitchen to skillfully cook a sobering soup, and after turning on the fire, he ran upstairs and waited outside the bathroom door, for fear that Alpha would fall or pass out.

Fortunately, nothing happened. About ten minutes later, Jiang Yunshu came out in neat pajamas, and the top button was buttoned up very carefully.

It's just that Bai Tang was shocked by the mess in the bathroom. Normally, alpha would clean up after taking a shower. The mirror, floor and shelves were all clean, but now, the floor is full of water, and a few lumps of bubbles are still stuck to the wall.

White sugar didn't care that much anymore, he went downstairs to bring up the hangover soup that was cooling down, and as soon as he entered the door, he saw Jiang Yunshu scratching his face, his neck and collarbone were redder than before, and the upper part was scratched a little bit, There are also some small blood spots.

"Don't scratch!" Bai Tang grabbed Alpha, put the bowl in his hand, picked up the towel beside him and wiped his dripping hair, he was so busy that he was dizzy, "Be patient, drink the soup Otherwise, I will wake up tomorrow morning with a headache and stomachache."

Fortunately, the drunk Jiang Yunshu wouldn't go crazy, otherwise Bai Tang, a powerless omega, wouldn't know how to forcibly force a strong alpha to drink hangover soup.

But it didn't take long for Alpha to start scratching again, and when Bai Tang grabbed his hand again, he said a word with no expression on his face: "itch."

"Understood, come and apply the medicine, okay?" Bai Tang clamped Alpha's bangs with a clip, squatting halfway in front of Jiang Yunshu, and felt a little hesitation when he touched Alpha's collar with his fingertips, although objectively speaking, He had seen this body countless times, but subjectively, he now felt that it was Jiang Yunshu's body.

Bai Tang didn't dare to look into Alpha's eyes, his eyelashes fluttered, his lips were unconsciously pursed red, and he pretended to concentrate on unbuttoning, revealing his strong body bit by bit.

Jiang Yunshu just lowered his eyes and watched him quietly.

After undressing, Bai Tang realized later, why he helped Jiang Yunshu undress, and unbuttoned it one by one, making it so ambiguous! Obviously alpha can take it off at once by raising his hand!

Allergic erythema covered almost half of the upper body, collarbone, chest, waist and back of the neck. Seeing Baitang was shocking, and his heart was sour, but he looked at Alpha's waistband and found it difficult. Touching his cheek, he swallowed inexplicably, and after being fully prepared, he tentatively said, "Doctor Jiang, why don't you take it off?"

Jiang Yunshu interrupted leisurely: "There is no allergy in the lower body."

Ten seconds of silence.

Bai Tang's eyes widened, and he always felt that Alpha was doing it on purpose, so he just watched himself embarrassed and shy for dozens of seconds! He raised his head angrily and met Jiang Yunshu's face.

Jiang Yunshu looked down at him.

In just 3 seconds, Bai Tang was defeated. He lowered his head suddenly, and shook the calamine lotion up and down vigorously as if to cover up, but he didn't know that his toes were curled up in embarrassment.

His brain was hot, and he felt that he must be as red as a boiled shrimp at this moment, especially the end of his eyes and the tip of his nose. When he was shy, these two parts seemed to be congested with blood.

Jiang Yunshu didn't think it was a big deal, he looked at the tip of Bai Tang's ear for a while, and suddenly touched the earlobe with his knuckles, "Why are you so red?"

Bai Tang let out a snort, and his body was completely soft on Alpha's body. He really couldn't stand Jiang Yunshu like this, so he closed his eyes and shouted loudly: "Doctor Jiang! You, you don't drink anymore!"